Sheet Music Galore
Last updated: 20.03.25
In response to many surfer requests, especially from USA, this webpage has been set up to provide direct access to over a total of PRSMPCatTotal items of sheet music which can be obtained at, 4677 pieces at the Amazons as well as 1247 pieces at our own Ditty Box Enterprises as of 20.03.25.
In January 2012, these webpages were extended to include brass and bagpipe sheet music of which there are 661 and 29 respectively. The immodest intention of this webpage is, in the course of time, to cover all recorder sheet music commercially available by e-commerce on the Internet. Such pages come with a serious health warning :-). The data, amounting to some 18.000 items, was obtained by searching and the Amazons for recorder music and was then cross-checked against the various publishers' catalogues in my possession. Obvious mistakes were corrected and many German titles restored where the given English title was misleading. The spelling of composers' names is, where applicable, in accordance with The New Penguin Dictionary of Music. Only those items providing complete information (i.e. Order No., Title, Publisher, Publisher Code, Composer and Instruments) have been included. I regularly research and trawl for new data which is released in batches of between 200-500 items at a time. Check out Notes & Hints which provides abbreviations and more on collected the data
Whilst taking every care possible is taken in the compilation of this data, the user should always be aware that the source information at and the Amazons is often erroneous and misleading. On-line purchasers are strongly advised to carefully check that goods received match the product description. I can only vouch for items which I possess in my own library. No guarantees of any kind whatsoever are made. Cave caveat!
A final word. This huge collection of items can be made more interesting, informative and helpful if surfers' comments or anecdotes on the various pieces are available. Please send comments/reviews, they will be very welcome.

Geoff Grainger, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, January 2012

As of 20.03.25, a total of 4677 items of sheet music are posted at the Amazons for following composers and singers:
We are pleased to announce that as of 20.03.25, a total of 1247 items of recorder sheet music in the Recorder Ragtime Sheet Music Series are in stock.   The following composers are represented:
This webpage expresses thanks for the kindness and generosity of those organisations in providing free downloads of their ragtime, recorder and popular music scores. These are: Thanks a million ladies and gentlemen!
Surfers are welcome to submit other sources of free download music.

Geoff Grainger, Hillsborough, October 2019

Important! There are no guarantees that the linked files are public domain in your country. No legal responsibility or liability of any kind is assumed. Please obey the copyright laws of your country.
We are affiliated with SheetMusicPlus and as of 20.03.25 we have identified some 4368, 661 and 29 items of recorder, bras and pipe sheet music respectively. These can be ordered there and are listed in the following catalogues arranged by ensemble size and composer.


Recorders alone Recorders with
other instruments
Recorders with
Recorder Tutors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Recorder Xmas


Brass alone Brass with other
Brass tutors Brass for Xmas
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 xmas15.gif

Pipe Music

Direct links, special offers and more are given on the affiliate webpage.

Notes & Hints

Abbreviations, Abréviations, Abkürzungen
Abbrev.English UK/USAFrenchGerman
GK Garklein Garklein
S Sopranino Sopranino
D Descant/SopranoSopranoSopran
Tr Treble/AltoAltoAlt
Te TenorTénorTenor
B BassBasseBaß
GB Great BassGroßbaß
CB Sub Contra BassSubbaß
Guit. GuitarGuitareGitarre
Harp. HarpsichordClavecinCembalo
Perc PercussionBatterieSchlagzeug
Piano PianoPianoKlavier