Thurlow Lieurance  (1878-1963)
Last updated: 04.12.24
url15.gif Thurlow Lieurance Biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: Thurlow Lieurance List of 85 historic recordings from 1915 to 1941.
Thurlow Lieurance  (1878-1963) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
b083b85cyk_m.jpgBy the Waters of Minnetonka
Music by: Thurlow Lieurance.
Words by: J. M Cavanass
Publisher: Theodore Presser Company
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1921. Sheet Music.
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1914) Unknown
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
record15.gif Angelus (1924) T. Lieurance Barbara Maurel Columbia: 81821
record15.gif Aooah (1930) T. Lieurance Princess Watahwaso Victor: BVE-21015
record15.gif Bird and the Babe, The (1924) T. Lieurance Edna Wooley-Lieurance Victor: [Trial 1924-03-26-03]
record15.gif Bird and the Babe, The (1924) T. Lieurance Barbara Maurel Columbia: 81822
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1918) T. Lieurance Barbara Maurel Columbia: 77984
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1917) T. Lieurance Julia Culp Victor: B-19685
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1917) T. Lieurance Princess Watahwaso Victor: B-21014
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1920) T. Lieurance Frances Davis Alda Victor: B-24119
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1924) T. Lieurance Renée Chemet Victor: B-29428
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1924) T. Lieurance P. Whiteman Victor: B-30177
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1915) T. Lieurance Alice Nielsen Columbia: 39874
recordmp3.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1926) T. Lieurance Corinne Rider-Kelsey Columbia: W141904
record15.gif By the Weeping Waters (1930) T. Lieurance Princess Watahwaso Victor: BVE-21016
recordmp3.gif In Mirrored Waters (1921) T. Lieurance Marie Morrisey Edison: 7966
record15.gif Indian Spring Bird (1922) T. Lieurance Princess Watahwaso Victor: B-25934
recordmp3.gif Lullaby (1915) T. Lieurance Julia Culp Victor: B-15813
record15.gif  Owl's Bleak Cry, The (1917) T. Lieurance Hubert Small Victor: [Trial 1917-10-23-01]
recordmp3.gif Sioux Serenade, A (1917) T. Lieurance Princess Watahwaso Victor: B-21017
recordmp3.gif Two Indian Songs (1917) T. Lieurance Princess Watahwaso Victor: B-21019
record15.gif Where Dawn and Sunset Meet (1924) T. Lieurance Edna Wooley-Lieurance Victor: [Trial 1924-03-26-01]
record15.gif Where Drowsy Waters Steal (1924) T. Lieurance Edna Wooley-Lieurance Victor: [Trial 1924-03-26-02]
record15.gif Winnebago Love Song (1929) T. Lieurance Clement Barone Victor: BVE-51814
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif By the Waters of Minnetonka (1914) T. Lieurance (music)
J. M Cavanass (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
By the Waters of the Minnetonka (1914) T. Lieurance (music)
J. M Cavanass (words)
Piano, Voice Greer
pdf15.gif Her Blanket (1913) T. Lieurance (w&m) Piano, Voice Greer Pub.
pdf15.gif Romance in A (1915) T. Lieurance (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 18 works by Thurlow Lieurance (1878-1963). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Her Blanket (w&m) 1913  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
By the Waters of Minnetonka 1914 J. M Cavanass (words)
Frances Davis Alda (perf.)
Renée Chemet (perf.)
Julia Culp (perf.)
Louise Homer (perf.)
Barbara Maurel (perf.)
Alice Nielsen (perf.)
Corinne Rider-Kelsey (perf.)
Princess Watahwaso (perf.)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif  recordmp3.gif
 recordmp3.gif recordmp3.gif recordmp3.gif recordmp3.gif recordmp3.gif
 recordmp3.gif recordmp3.gif
Lullaby 1915 Julia Culp (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Romance in A 1915  Pub. pdf15.gif
Blush Rose, A 1916
Owl's Bleak Cry, The 1917 Hubert Small (perf.)   record15.gif
Sioux Serenade, A 1917 Princess Watahwaso (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Two Indian Songs 1917 Princess Watahwaso (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
In Mirrored Waters 1921 J. M. Cavanass (words)
Marie Morrisey (perf.)
Indian Spring Bird 1922 Alfred Fletcher (words)
Princess Watahwaso (perf.)
Ghost Pipes 1923 Charles O. Roos (words)  Pub.
Angelus 1924 James Francis Cooke (words)
Barbara Maurel (perf.)
Bird and the Babe, The 1924 Barbara Maurel (perf.)
Edna Wooley-Lieurance (perf.)
  record15.gif record15.gif
Where Dawn and Sunset Meet 1924 Charles O. Roos (words)
Edna Wooley-Lieurance (perf.)
Where Drowsy Waters Steal 1924 Charles O. Roos (words)
Edna Wooley-Lieurance (perf.)
Winnebago Love Song (w&m) 1929 Clement Barone (perf.)   record15.gif
Aooah 1930 Princess Watahwaso (perf.)   record15.gif
By the Weeping Waters 1930 Princess Watahwaso (perf.)   record15.gif