Gilbert Wells 
Last updated: 05.10.24
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b0041sxx9m_m.jpgVarmer Giles
Music by: Gilbert Wells.
Words by: T. F. Robson
Performed by: George Bastow
Publisher: Francis, Day & Hunter
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif
Printed: 1902. Sheet Music.
     Title Author Supplier
book15.gif  Make- Up! How To Do It!! Gilbert Wells flag15uk.gif
book15.gif  Mouthfuls of Mirth Gilbert Wells flag15uk.gif
book15.gif  Rib-Ticklers Gilbert Wells flag15uk.gif
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Red Hot Mamma (1924) G. Wells (music)
B. Cooper (coauth.)
F. Rose (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Greer wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 32 works by Gilbert Wells. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Bertie, the Pet of the Girls (w&m) 1900 Charles Coborn (perf.)  wvicon.gif
My Little Ray of Sunshine (w&m) 1900 Arthur Albert (perf.)  Pub.
Oh! Bess, My Darling Bess 1900 Leslie Arnot (words)
Phil Herman (words)
His Majesty the King 1901 George Horncastle (words)
Gus Hindell (perf.)
arr.: J Carter
My 'arry and Me 1901 S Fortescue-Harrison (words)
Kittee Rayburn (perf.)
There's Nothing Like That About Me 1901 Willie Benn (words)
Vincent Adams (words)
Varmer Giles 1902 T.F. Robson (words)
George Bastow (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
Bells Are Ringing in the Steeple, The (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Lusitania Lucy 1908 Harry Leighton (words)
John A. Glover-Kind (words)
Sun Is Always Shining, The 1908 Harry Leighton (words)
Jack Monks (words)
Hamilton Hill (perf.)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
Farthest North 1909 Virgil Gill (words)
Little Tich (perf.)
How I Climbed the Pole (w&m) 1909  Pub.
Down at Blankton-On-Sea (w&m) 1910 Will Terry (perf.)  Pub.
Everybody Owes a Bit to Everybody Else (w&m) 1910 Will Terry (perf.)  wvicon.gif
F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L 1910 Sammy Shields (words)  Pub.
German Band, The 1910 William F Rochester (words)
Albert Whelan (perf.)
I Do Love a Dear Old Pal 1910 Robert Gorman (words)  Pub.
Judge Not! (w&m) 1910 Will Terry (perf.)  Pub.
Mary Jane's Back Hair (w&m) 1911 Will Terry (perf.)  Pub.
See the Idea? 1911 Robert Gorman (words)  wvicon.gif
Blame It on to the Band (w&m) 1912 Will Terry (perf.)  Pub.
Father Mac 1912 E C Matthews (words)  Pub.
Your Girl and My Girl. Humorous (w&m) 1919  Pub.
Insufficient Billy 1923 Chas. L. Johnson (words)
Isham Jones (words)
Papa Better Watch Your Step 1923 Bud Cooper (words)  wvicon.gif
I Want to Walk in Again Blues 1924 Cliff Edwards (words)  wvicon.gif
Insufficient Sweetie 1924 Isham Jones (words)
Harkins Sisters (perf.)
Red Hot Mamma 1924 Bud Cooper (co-author)
Fred Rose (co-author)
Sam J. Herman (perf.)
Locust Sisters (perf.)
Jean Vernon (perf.)
Your Mamma's Gonna Slow You Down 1924 Bud Cooper (words)
Phil Napoleon (words)
Frank Signorelli (words)
Jack Roth (words)
Hot Tamale Molly 1925 May Singhi Breen (words)
Bud Cooper (words)
Herman Ruby (words)
Mamma Had a Papa (w&m) 1925 Sophie Tucker (perf.)  Pub.
Sadie Green (The Vamp of New Orleans) (w&m) 1926 Johnny Dunn (words)
Florence Brady (perf.)