Jerre Cammack  (1890-1963)
Last updated: 04.08.24
Jerre Cammack was a St. Louis ragtime pianist and organist who when living in Marion, Indiana is said to have heard Scott Joplin playing there on a sidewalk piano in 1903. Later, he went on however to become a circus organist. Of ragtime interest are his Tom and Jerry (1906, published in 1917) and Rag La Joie (1918) both published by Stark Music Co.

  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
  Midi File(s) from various sources      
audiomidi15.gif Tom and Jerry Rag (1917) Colin D. McDonald
Item Title Available €     £     $     Other
DBE1587 Tom and Jerry (1917) - Rag
A/T/T/B/GB(B), approx. 3¾ mins.
print-on-demand €9.00 £7.50 $11.75  
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 2 works by Jerre Cammack (1890-1963). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Tom and Jerry Rag 1917  wvicon.gif audiomidi15.gif
Rag La Joie 1918  Pub.