According to the Internet source given below, Roy J. Carew was an American amateur pianist, observer and commentator on the New Orleans, Storyville scene and later in life a close friend of
Jelly Roll Morton becoming a publisher and promoter of his works. He was born Mecosta, Mecosta County, Michigan of Canadian immigrants. An early ragtime entusiast, he moved to New Orleans in 1903 becoming an affionicado of the unique New Orleans music. In December 1904 Carew heard Tony Jackson who became his lifelong idol and the reason for meeting Jelly Roll Morton in 1938 in Washington, DC. He wrote eight rags only one of which
The Full Moon (1909) was published
The Puderer Publishing Company, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA in the heyday of ragtime. He died in Washington.
Websites: |
Roy J. Carew |
Articles on New Orleans, Tony Jackson, Ragtime and Mister Jelly Roll himself by |