Alfred E. Aarons  (1865-1936)
Last updated: 25.05.24
Alfred E. Aarons was an American theatrical producer and manager; also the father of the producer, Alexander A. Aarons (1891-1943). Of ragtime interest is his Ragtime Liz (1898).
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Alfred E. Aarons  (1865-1936) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
Get Happy!
Music by: Alfred E. Aarons.
Publisher: Leo Feist
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1902. Sheet Music. Limited availability..
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Brother Bill (1903) A.E. Aarons (music)
George Totten Smith (words)
Josephine Hall (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 25 works by Alfred E. Aarons (1865-1936). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Ragtime Liz 1898 Richard Carle (words)
Josephine Hall (perf.)
Honi Soit Que Mal Y Pense 1899 Richard Carle (words)  Pub.
Drink and Let's Be Gay 1900 Richard Carle (words)  Pub.
Miss Clementina 1901 Richard Carle (words)  Pub.
Get Happy! 1902  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Just a Little Smile 1902 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
Brother Bill 1903 George Totten Smith (words)
Josephine Hall (perf.)
Devotion 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
Espanola Viva 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
Hear the Band 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
I Love You 1903 Geo. Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
Knickerbocker Girl, The 1903 Arr. Julius Andino  Pub.
Ma Linda Love 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
Pretty Polly Primrose 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
She's All Right 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
She's My Girl 1903 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
My Little China Doll 1904 Robert Smith (words)  Pub.
My Lucky Star (w&m) 1904 Robert Smith (co-author)
Harry B. Smith (co-author)
Call Around on Sunday 1905 Charles J. Campbell (words)
Ralph M. Skinner (words)
from The Pink Hussars
His Honor the Mayor (w&m) 1905 Julian Edwards (co-author)  Pub.
Little Girl Like Me, A 1905 Chas. J Campbell (words)
Ralph M Skinner (words)
I Love You Every Hour of the Day 1908 Robert B. Smith (words)  wvicon.gif
Nellie the Lady's Maid 1908 Robert B. Smith (words)  Pub.
Dreams 1910 George Totten Smith (words)  Pub.
On a Hottentot Honeymoon 1910 Geo. Totten Smith (words)  Pub.