This web page was originally set up to cover folk music and recorder artists who had deposited their *.mp3 files at the now defunct and was taken down with the demise of in January 2003. It has now been revived in order to cover the vast amount of mp3 albums and tracks available at the Amazons. As of 12.01.25, the number of MP3 items presently included are as follows:
To see an index for songs in my personal life-time repertoire, please check
Song Index.
Because of legal niceties regarding licensing in the various countries, the Amazons have been obliged to provide unique stock numbers (ASIN's) for each MP3 album and track in each country (locale). This has resulted in not only a 4-fold increase of data to be generated and checked but also opens the door for a 4-fold increase of errors. Same stock numbers are sometimes used for different articles, this is especially true for This not being enough, not only do the tracks given in some MP3 albums vary from country to country but there are also sometimes differencies between the albums and the original CDs. Confusion can arise so please take care if ordering these items. Although the data has been carefully checked during compilation it is completely at the mercy of the Amazons whenever they make changes. Remember,
caveat emptor!
A final word. This huge collection of items can be made more interesting, informative and helpful if surfers' comments or anecdotes on the various pieces are available. Please send
comments/review, they will be very welcome.
Geoff Grainger, Bremen-Vegesack, March 2010