George. M. Cohan  (1878-1942)
Last updated: 10.01.25
According to the Internet source given below, George M. Cohan was an American composer and songwriter of popular music, playwright, actor and vaudeville song-and-dance man. He wrote some 40 plays, collaborated with others on another 40 plays, and shared production of still another 150 plays. He made over a 1000 appearances as an actor. Some of the more than 500 songs that he wrote were major national hits. He is perhaps best remembered for his 1917 hit "Over There". Charles King introduced the song in the New Amsterdam Theatre in the same year, the Nora Bayes recording made it a national hit. 25 years later, Congress authorised President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to present the Congressional Medal of Honor for this war song. The 1942 Hollywood production "Yankee Doodle Dandy" celebrated his career and James Cagney was awarded an Oscar for his Cohan impersonation.

url15.gif Four Cohans Biography by  
George. M. Cohan  (1878-1942) has at least 6 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
A.B.C.'s of the U.S.A
Words and Music by: George. M. Cohan.
Publisher: Cohan & Harris Publishing Co.
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif
Printed: 1908. Sheet Music.
Always Leave Them Laughing When You Say Goodbye
Words and Music by: George. M. Cohan.
Publisher: F. A. Mills
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif
Printed: 1903. Sheet Music.
American Idea, The
Music by: George. M. Cohan.
Publisher: Cohan & Harris Publishing Co.
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1908. Sheet Music 11 pages. Limited availability.
American Ragtime, The
Words and Music by: George. M. Cohan.
Publisher: Whaley - Royce & Co.
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif
  Printed: 1908. Sheet Music.
Belle of the Boulevard, The
Words and Music by: George. M. Cohan.
Publisher: Spaulding and Gray
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1895. Sheet Music 5 pages. Limited availability.
Don't Let Him Linger When His Leave Is Over A. W. O. L. Song
Words and Music by: George. M. Cohan.
Publisher: Leo Feist
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1918. Sheet Music 3 pages. Limited availability.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Over There (1917) G.M. Cohan Peerless Quartette Indestructible Record: 1556
cylinder15.gif Over There (1917?) G.M. Cohan Indestructible Male Quartet Indestructible Record: 3412
cylinder15.gif Oh, You Coon! (1908) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Indestructible Record: 947
cylinder15.gif Oh, You Coon! (1908) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Edison Standard Record: 10025
cylinder15.gif Night Time (1907) G.M. Cohan John W. Myers Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9470
cylinder15.gif Mary's a Grand Old Name (1906) G.M. Cohan Minnie Emmett Columbia Record: 32861
cylinder15.gif M-A Double R-I-E-D (1908) G.M. Cohan R.S. Roberts Indestructible Record: 721
cylinder15.gif Jack and Jill (1907) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9627
cylinder15.gif In a Kingdom of Our Own (1919) G.M. Cohan George Wilton Ballard
Gladys Rice
Edison Blue Amberol: 3770
cylinder15.gif If Washington Should Come to Life (1906) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9300
cylinder15.gif If I Am Going to Die, I'm Going to Have Some Fun (1907) G.M. Cohan Arthur Collins Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9684
cylinder15.gif  I'm True to Them All (1919) G.M. Cohan A. Fields Edison Blue Amberol: 3855
cylinder15.gif I'm Awfully Strong For You (1909) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Amberol: 130
cylinder15.gif I Want You (1908) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Indestructible Record: 806
cylinder15.gif He Was a Wonderful Man (1909) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Edison Amberol: 321
cylinder15.gif Harrigan (1907) G.M. Cohan Edward Meeker Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9616
cylinder15.gif Give My Regards to Broadway (1905) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9095
cylinder15.gif Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway (1906) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9231
cylinder15.gif Come With Me to the Bungalow (1911) G.M. Cohan W.V. Brunt Edison Amberol: 874
cylinder15.gif Cohan's Rag Babe (1908) G.M. Cohan Arthur Collins Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9934
cylinder15.gif Cohan's Pet Names (1908) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Edison Amberol: 78
cylinder15.gif The Belle of the Barber's Ball (1910) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Edison Standard Record: 10344
cylinder15.gif A.B.C.'s of the U.S.A (1908) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9903
cylinder15.gif  You're a Grand Old Flag (1906) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9256
cylinder15.gif Yankee Doodle's Come to Town (1908) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Indestructible Record: 819
cylinder15.gif Yankee Doodle's Come to Town (1908) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9895
cylinder15.gif Yankee Doodle's Come to Town (1908) G.M. Cohan Columbia Quartette
Billy Murray
Columbia Phonograph Co.: 33281
cylinder15.gif The Yankee Doodle Boy (1905) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32625
cylinder15.gif The Yankee Doodle Boy (1905) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8910
cylinder15.gif When You Come Back (1918) G.M. Cohan American Quartet Edison Blue Amberol: 3597
cylinder15.gif When We Are M-A-Double R-I-E-D (1908) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones
Billy Murray
Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9875
cylinder15.gif When My 'lize Rolls the Whites of Her Eyes (1896-1897) G.M. Cohan John W. Myers Brown wax cylinder
cylinder15.gif Virginia Song (1906) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9294
cylinder15.gif Under Any Old Flag at All (1908) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9796
cylinder15.gif Under Any Old Flag at All (1908) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Indestructible Record: 732
cylinder15.gif  Then I'd Be Satisfied With Life (1903) G.M. Cohan Edward M. Favor Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8365
cylinder15.gif So Long, Mary (1906) G.M. Cohan Ada Jones Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9288
cylinder15.gif She's the Warmest Baby in the Bunch (1896-1900) G.M. Cohan L. Spencer Columbia Phonograph Co.: 7375
cylinder15.gif Popularity (1907) G.M. Cohan V.L. Ossman Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9521
cylinder15.gif Over There (1917) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Blue Amberol: 3275
cylinder15.gif The American Idea (1909) G.M. Cohan Billy Murray Edison Standard Record: 10060
cylinder15.gif Cohan's Rag Babe (1908) G.M. Cohan Arthur Collins
Byron George Harlan
Columbia Phonograph Co.: 33282
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Ain't It Awful (1907) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif All in the Wearing (1922) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif All My Boys (1922) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Always Leave Them Laughing When You Say Goodbye (1903) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Barnum Had the Right Idea (1911) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Billie (1928) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Born and Bred in Brooklyn (1923) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Broadway Tipperary (1915) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Dancing My Worries Away (1922) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Dear Little Girly Girly (1899) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Down by the Erie Canal (1915) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Father of the Land We Love (1931) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway (1905) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Gibson Coon (1908), The James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Give My Regards to Broadway (1904) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif  Harrigan (1907) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Have a Heart (1914) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Hinkey Dee (1922), The James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif In a Kingdom of Our Own (1919) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif We Do the Dirty Work (1911) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Won't You Come Back to Me? (1922) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Yankee Doodle Boy (1904), The Unknown
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif I Want You (1908) G.M. Cohan H. Burr Victor: B-6031
recordmp3.gif In a Kingdom of Our Own (1919) G.M. Cohan George Wilton Ballard
Marion Evelyn Cox
Charles Hart
Gladys Rice
Betsy Lane Shepherd
Edison: 6652
     Title Author Supplier
book15.gif  George M! George. M. Cohan flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
book15.gif  George M. Cohan: Prince of the American Theater. Ward Morehouse flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
book15.gif  George M. Cohan: Songs of Yesteryear George M. Cohan flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
book15.gif  George M. Cohan: The Man Who Owned Broadway. John McCabe flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Ragtime Music CDs:
cd15.gif Various Artists Classic Ragtime: Roots and Offshoots flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Various Artists Kings of the Ragtime Banjo flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif
cd15.gif Various Artists Original Recordings Vol. 1 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Various Artists Player Piano Memories CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif
cd15.gif Various Artists Real Ragtime flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Marcus Roberts As Serenity Approaches flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif James Reese Europe James Reese Europe's 369th US Infantry Hell FightersBand CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Chrysanthemum Ragtime Band Preserves flag15us.gif
cd15.gif Richard Zimmerman The Roots of Ragtime CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif Knuckles O'Toole Knuckles O'Toole: Plays Honky Tonk Piano flag15us.gif
cd15.gif  Bill Edwards Music for Muskoka
cd15.gif Bill Edwards Patriot's Dreams
cd15.gif Bill Edwards Perfessor Bill Sings Volume 1
cd15.gif Bill Edwards Perfessor Bill Sings Volume 2
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Mary's a Grand Old Name George. M. Cohan (words & music)
George. M. Cohan (perf.)
Lil Hawthorne (perf.)
Fay Templeton (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Ain't It Awful (1907) G.M. Cohan (music) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif All in the Wearing (1922) G.M. Cohan (music) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif All My Boys (1922) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
Always Leave Them Laughing When You Say Goodbye (1903) G.M. Cohan (w&m)

Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif Billie (1928) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Polly Walker (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Born and Bred in Brooklyn (1923) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Broadway Tipperary (1915) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif  Cohan's Pet Names (1908) G.M. Cohan (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Cohan's Rag Babe (1908) G.M. Cohan (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Dancing My Worries Away (1922) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Down by the Erie Canal (1915) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
G.M. Cohan (perf.)
William Collier (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Ethel Levey's Virginia Song (1906) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
Father of the Land We Love (1931) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway (1905) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Francis Gordon (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.

Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway (1906) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Francis Gordon (perf.)
F. Templeton (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif  Gibson Coon (1908), The G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
Give My Regards to Broadway (1904) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer
Harrigan (1907) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer
Have a Heart (1914) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer

I Guess I'll Have to Telegraph My Baby (1898) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
The Rays (perf.)
Ethel Levey (perf.)
The Rays (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif I Told Them That I Saw You (1896) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif I Want the World to Know I Love You (1907) G.M. Cohan (music)
Victor Moore (perf.)
Piano IMSLP Pub.

I Want to Go to Paree, Papa (1903) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Josephine Cohan (perf.)
Josephine Cohan (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif  I Want You (1907) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Victor Moore (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif I'm Awfully Strong For You (1908) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
I'm in Love With One of the Stars (1909) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice Greer
pdf15.gif Ireland, My Land of Dreams (1918) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Orchestra IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Let's Help the Dear Little Kiddies (1916) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
W. Jerome (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

Maudie (1901) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Josephine Cohan (perf.)
Josephine Cohan (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif Nellie Kelly, I Love You (1922) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.

Oh! You Beautiful Coon (1911) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
N. Bayes (perf.)
J. Norworth (perf.)
N. Bayes (perf.)
J. Norworth (perf.)
Piano, Voice

 Over There (1917) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
N. Bayes (perf.)
N. Bayes (perf.)

N. Bayes (perf.)
N. Bayes (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif Popularity (1906) G.M. Cohan (music) Piano IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif So Long, Mary (1905) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
F. Templeton (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
Their Hearts Are Over Here (1918) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
pdf15.gif Then I'd Be Satisfied With Life (1902) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
G.M. Cohan (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Waltz With Me (1908) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif When I Look Into Your Eyes Mavourneen (1918) G.M. Cohan (music) Piano, Orchestra IMSLP Pub.

When We Are M-A-Double R-I-E-D (1907) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Victor Moore (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif  When You Come Back (1918) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
American Quartet (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
Yankee Doodle Boy (1904), The G.M. Cohan (w&m)

Piano, Voice Greer
Sheet Music Singer
Yankee Prince - March Two-Step (1908), The G.M. Cohan (music)
Yankee Prince - Waltzes (1908), The G.M. Cohan (music)
Chas. J. Gebest (coauth.)
You Remind Me of My Mother (1922) G.M. Cohan (w&m)
Piano, Voice Greer
pdf15.gif You're a Grand Old Flag (1906) G.M. Cohan (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
  As performer        
pdf15.gif They Always Follow Me (1908) J. Schwartz (music)
W. Jerome (words)
G.M. Cohan (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
The peformer is featured on 7 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg My Garden That Blooms For You (1908) Milton W. Lusk George M. Cohan (perf.)
perf15.jpg They Always Follow Me (1908) Jean Schwartz William Jerome (words)
George M. Cohan (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 210 works by George. M. Cohan (1878-1942). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Sally 1894 C W Reinhart (words)
Florence Bindley (perf.)
Venus, My Shining Love (w&m) 1894  Pub.
Belle of the Boulevard, The (w&m) 1895  amazon15.gif Pub.
Ran a Race (w&m) 1895  Pub.
Every Night in Central Park (w&m) 1896 May Howard (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Hot Tamale Alley 1896 May Irwin (words)  Pub.
I Told Them That I Saw You (w&m) 1896  Pub. pdf15.gif
I Will Be Your Sweetheart (w&m) 1896  Pub.
I'm Saving Up to Buy a Home For Mother (w&m) 1896  Pub.
My Little Polly's a Peach (w&m) 1896  Pub.
She's the Warmest Baby in the Bunch 1896 Len Spencer (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
When My 'lize Rolls the Whites of Her Eyes 1896 John W. Myers (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Josephine (w&m) 1897 Josephine Cohan (perf.)  Pub.
Man in the Moon Is a Coon, The (w&m) 1897  wvicon.gif
Warmest Baby in the Bunch, The (w&m) 1897  Pub.
I Guess I'll Have to Telegraph My Baby (w&m) 1898 Carlotta Levey (perf.)
Ethel Levey (perf.)
The Rays (perf.)
Lydia Yeamans (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Dear Little Girly Girly 1899  wvicon.gif 
My Babe From Boston Town (w&m) 1899  Pub.
Who Says a Coon Can't Love (w&m) 1899 Ethel Levey (perf.)  Pub.
Hannah's a Hummer (w&m) 1900 Carlotta Levey (perf.)  wvicon.gif
I Won't Be an Actor No More (w&m) 1900 Frances Curran (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Telephone Me, Baby (w&m) 1900 Carlotta Levey (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Governor of the State, The (w&m) 1901  wvicon.gif
I Love Everyone in the Wide, Wide, World (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Ma Honey Babe (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Maudie (w&m) 1901 Josephine Cohan (perf.)
from "The Governor's Son"
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Never Breathe a Word of This to Mother (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Night Time (w&m) 1901 John W. Myers (perf.)  Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Nothing New Beneath the Sun (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Oh! Mr. Moon (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Too Many Miles From Broadway (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Then I'd Be Satisfied With Life (w&m) 1902 George. M. Cohan (perf.)
Edward M. Favor (perf.)
from "The Govenor's Son"
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Always Leave Them Laughing When You Say Goodbye (w&m) 1903 from "Little Johnny Jones"  amazon15.gif Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Hey There! May There! (w&m) 1903  Pub.
I Want to Go to Paree, Papa (w&m) 1903 Josephine Cohan (perf.)
from "Running for Office"
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
I Want to Hear a Yankee Doodle Tune (w&m) 1903  Pub.
I'll Be There in the Public Square (w&m) 1903  wvicon.gif
If I Were Only Mister Morgan (w&m) 1903  Pub.
Root For Riley (w&m) 1903  Pub.
Sweet Popularity (w&m) 1903  Pub.
Foong Toong Fee (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Give My Regards to Broadway (w&m) 1904 Billy Murray (perf.)
from "Little Johnny Jones"
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Good Old California (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Good-Bye Flo (w&m) 1904  Pub.
If Mr. Boston Lawson Has His Way (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Life's a Funny Proposition After All (w&m) 1904  wvicon.gif
Nesting in a New York Tree (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Under a Blanket in a Folding Bed (w&m) 1904  Pub.
When a Fellow's on the Level With a Girl That's on the Square (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Yankee Doodle Boy, The (w&m) 1904 James Cagney (perf.)
Walter Huston (perf.)
Joan Leslie (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Richard Whorf (perf.)
from "Little Johnny Jones"
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway (w&m) 1905 Francis Gordon (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Fay Templeton (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
I Love Every Girl in the Wide, Wide World 1905  wvicon.gif
Irish American, The 1905  Pub.
Mary's a Grand Old Name (w&m) 1905 George. M. Cohan (perf.)
Minnie Emmett (perf.)
Lil Hawthorne (perf.)
Fay Templeton (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif
Retiring From the Stage (w&m) 1905  Pub.
So Long, Mary (w&m) 1905 Ada Jones (perf.)
Fay Templeton (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Ethel Levey's Virginia Song (w&m) 1906 Ethel Levey (perf.)
from "George Washington Jr."
 Pub. pdf15.gif
He Was a Wonderful Man (w&m) 1906 Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
I'll Be There With Bells On (w&m) 1906  Pub.
I've Never Been Over There (w&m) 1906  Pub.
If Washington Should Come to Life (w&m) 1906 Billy Murray (perf.)  Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Mary 1906
Popularity 1906 Vess L. Ossman (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Virginia Song 1906 Ada Jones (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Wedding of the Blue & Gray, The (w&m) 1906 Ethel Levey (perf.)  Pub.
You're a Grand Old Flag (w&m) 1906 Billy Murray (perf.)
from "George Washington Jr."
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
If Captain Cook Should Come to Life (w&m) 1906c  wvicon.gif
Ain't It Awful 1907  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Burning Up the Boulevard (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Busy Little Broadway 1907  Pub.
Drink With Me (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Gee, Ain't I Glad I'm Home (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Harrigan (w&m) 1907 Edward Meeker (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
I Have a Longing For Long Acre Square (w&m) 1907  Pub.
I Want the World to Know I Love You 1907 Victor Moore (perf.)
from "The Talk of New York"
 Pub. pdf15.gif
I Want You (w&m) 1907 Victor Moore (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
from "The Talk of New York"
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
I'm a Popular Man 1907 from "The Honeymooners"
If I Am Going to Die, I'm Going to Have Some Fun (w&m) 1907 Arthur Collins (perf.)  Pub.  cylinder15.gif
In a One Night Stand (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Jack and Jill (w&m) 1907 Ada Jones (perf.)  Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Mr. Bingham (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Musical Comedy Maid (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
New York, The 1907  wvicon.gif youtube15.jpg
Put a Bet Down For Me (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Small Town Gal, The (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Under Any Old Flag at All (w&m) 1907 Billy Murray (perf.)  Pub.  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
When We Are M-A-Double R-I-E-D (w&m) 1907 Ada Jones (perf.)
Victor Moore (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
from "The Talk of New York"
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
A.B.C.'s of the U.S.A (w&m) 1908 Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif
American Idea, The 1908 Billy Murray (perf.)  amazon15.gif Pub.  cylinder15.gif
American Ragtime, The (w&m) 1908  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif youtube15.jpg
Belle of the Barber's Ball, The (w&m) 1908 Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif
Cohan's Pet Names 1908 Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Cohan's Rag Babe 1908 Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
from "The Yankee Prince"
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif record15.gif
Come on Downtown (w&m) 1908  Pub.
From the Land of Dreams (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Gibson Coon, The (w&m) 1908  Pub. pdf15.gif 
I Say Flo (w&m) 1908  Pub.
I Want You 1908 George. M. Cohan (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
I'm Awfully Strong For You (w&m) 1908 Billy Murray (perf.)
from "The Yankee Prince"
 Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
I'm Going to Marry a Nobleman (w&m) 1908  Pub.
M-A Double R-I-E-D 1908 Robert S. Roberts (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
M-O-N-E-Y (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Oh, You Coon! 1908 Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Selection From ''The American Idea'' 1908
Song of the King, A 1908  Pub.
Sullivan (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Take Your Girl to the Ball Game (w&m) 1908 Wm. Jerome (co-author)
Jean Schwartz (co-author)
That's Some Love (w&m) 1908 Victor Moore (perf.)  Pub.
Think It Over Carefully (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Tommy Atkins You're All Right (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Too Long From Long Acre Square (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Villains in the Play (w&m) 1908  Pub.
Waltz With Me (w&m) 1908 from "Fifty Miles From Boston"  Pub. pdf15.gif
Yankee Doodle's Come to Town (w&m) 1908 Columbia Quartette (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Yankee Prince - March Two-Step, The 1908 from "The Yankee Prince"  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Yankee Prince - Waltzes, The 1908 Chas. J. Gebest (co-author)
from "The Yankee Prince"
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Yankee Prince, The 1908  Pub.
I'll Go the Route For You (w&m) 1909  Pub.
I'm All O.K. With K. and E (w&m) 1909  Pub.
I'm in Love With One of the Stars (w&m) 1909 from "The Man Who Owns Broadway"  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
I've Always Been a Good Old Sport (w&m) 1909  Pub.
Love Will Make or Break a Man (w&m) 1909  Pub.
Man Who Owns Broadway, The (w&m) 1909  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
There's Something About a Uniform (w&m) 1909  wvicon.gif
When a Servant Learns a Secret (w&m) 1909  Pub.
George M. Cohan's Rag 1910  wvicon.gif
Any Place the Old Flag Flies 1911
Barnum Had the Right Idea (w&m) 1911  wvicon.gif 
Come With Me to the Bungalow (w&m) 1911 Walter Van Brunt (perf.)  Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Little Millionaire, The (w&m) 1911  Pub.
Musical Moon (w&m) 1911  Pub.
Oh! You Beautiful Coon (w&m) 1911 Nora Bayes (perf.)
Jack Norworth (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Oh, You Wonderful Girl (w&m) 1911  Pub.
That Haunting Melody (w&m) 1911 Jen Latona (perf.)
Ethel Levey (perf.)
 Pub. youtube15.jpg
We Do the Dirty Work (w&m) 1911  Pub. 
My Town (w&m) 1912  wvicon.gif
Have a Heart (w&m) 1914  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Broadway Tipperary (w&m) 1915  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Broadway! 1915
Down by the Erie Canal (w&m) 1915 George. M. Cohan (perf.)
William Collier (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif 
Hello, Broadway! 1915
My Miracle Man (w&m) 1915  Pub.
Let's Help the Dear Little Kiddies (w&m) 1916 William Jerome (co-author)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
There's Only One Little Girl (w&m) 1916  Pub.
You Can Tell That I'm Irish (w&m) 1916  wvicon.gif
Over There (w&m) 1917 Nora Bayes (perf.)
George. M. Cohan (perf.)
Indestructible Male Quartet (perf.)
Shirley Kellogg (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Peerless Quartette (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif
pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Don't Let Him Linger When His Leave Is Over 1918 Unknown (words)  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Down Where the Jack O'Lanterns Glow (w&m) 1918 Irving Berlin (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Eyes of Youth See the Truth, The (w&m) 1918  Pub.
I'm True to Them All (w&m) 1918 Arthur Fields (perf.)  wvicon.gif  cylinder15.gif
Ireland, My Land of Dreams (w&m) 1918  Pub. pdf15.gif
Polly Pretty Polly (Polly With a Past) (w&m) 1918 Irving Berlin (co-author)  Pub.
Their Hearts Are Over Here (w&m) 1918  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
When I Look Into Your Eyes Mavourneen 1918  Pub. pdf15.gif
When You Come Back (w&m) 1918 American Quartet (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
You Can't Deny You're Irish 1918
In a Kingdom of Our Own (w&m) 1919 George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Marion Evelyn Cox (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
 Pub.  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
Royal Vagabond - Selection, The 1919 Peerless Orchestra (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Where Is the Girl I Left Behind (w&m) 1919  Pub.
All in the Wearing 1922  Pub. pdf15.gif 
All My Boys (w&m) 1922  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Dancing My Worries Away (w&m) 1922  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Hinkey Dee, The (w&m) 1922  Pub. 
Name of Kelly, The (w&m) 1922  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Nellie Kelly, I Love You (w&m) 1922 from "Little Nellie Kelly"  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Selection From ''Little Nelly Kelly'' 1922  Pub.
Till My Luck Comes Rolling Along (w&m) 1922  Pub.
Voice in My Heart, The (w&m) 1922  Pub.
Won't You Come Back to Me? (w&m) 1922  Pub. 
You Remind Me of My Mother (w&m) 1922 from "Little Nellie Kelly"  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Born and Bred in Brooklyn (w&m) 1923  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Darn Good Cry, A (w&m) 1923  Pub.
I Never Met a Girl Like You (w&m) 1923  Pub.
In the Slums (w&m) 1923  Pub.
Let's You and I Just Say Goodbye (w&m) 1923  Pub.
Love Dreams (w&m) 1923  Pub.
Marathon Step, The 1923  Pub.
Poor Old World (w&m) 1923  Pub.
Ring to the Name of Rose, A (w&m) 1923  wvicon.gif
When June Comes Along With a Song 1923  Pub.
Kid Days (w&m) 1924  wvicon.gif
Tisn't Easy to Say Good Bye, Broadway (w&m) 1924  Pub.
Blue Skies, Gray Skies (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Easter Sunday Parade, The (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Feeling in Your Heart, A (w&m) 1927  Pub.
God Is Good to the Irish (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Like the Wandering Minstrel (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Molly Malone (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Roses Understand (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Selection From ''The Merry Malones'' 1927  Pub.
Tee Teedle Tum Di Dum (w&m) 1927  Pub.
To Heaven on the Bronx Express (w&m) 1927  Pub.
When Lindy Comes Home (w&m) 1927  wvicon.gif
Yankee Father in the Yankee Home 1927  Pub.
Billie (w&m) 1928 Polly Walker (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Ev'ry Boy in Town's My Sweetheart (w&m) 1928  Pub.
Stand Up and Fight Like H--- (w&m) 1928  wvicon.gif
Two of Us, The (w&m) 1928  Pub.
Where Were You - Where Was I? 1928  Pub.
Thomas A. Edison - Miracle Man (w&m) 1929 not published - New York  wvicon.gif
Father of the Land We Love (w&m) 1931  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Yankee Doodle Dandy (w&m) 1931  wvicon.gif
I Want to Be a Popular Millionaire (w&m) 1932  wvicon.gif
We Need a Man (w&m) 1932  wvicon.gif
Indians and Trees (w&m) 1933  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I'd Rather Write a Song (w&m) 1934  wvicon.gif
What a Man! (w&m) 1934 George. M. Cohan (perf.)  Pub.
March of the Cardinals 1937  wvicon.gif
We Must Be Ready (w&m) 1939  Pub.
George Washington (w&m) 1984  wvicon.gif
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg G.M. Cohan The American Ragtime (2:45) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg G.M. Cohan The New York (3:41) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg G.M. Cohan That Haunting Melody (3:12) J. Latona