Cliff Friend  (1893-1974)
Last updated: 12.03.25
url15.gif Cliff Friend Biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: Cliff Friend List of 612 historic recordings from 1919 to 1950.
Cliff Friend  (1893-1974) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
b00hvlk05g_m.jpgWhere the Lazy Daisies Grow
Music by: Cliff Friend.
Performed by: Charlotte Meyers
Publisher: Jerome H. Remick & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1924. Sheet Music.
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Mr. Radio Man (1924) Margaret A. Freer Edison Blue Amberol: 4870
cylinder15.gif When the Pussywillow Whispers to the Catnip (1927) V. de Leath Edison Blue Amberol: 5368
cylinder15.gif Hum Your Troubles Away (1927) H. Woods National Male Quartet Edison Blue Amberol: 5248
cylinder15.gif Tell Me With Smiles (1923) L.A Hirsch Atlantic Dance Orchestra Edison Blue Amberol: 4755
cylinder15.gif You Tell Her I S-T-U-T-T-E-R (1923) Ernest Hare
Billy Jones
Edison Blue Amberol: 4678
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Bow Wow Blues (1922) N. Osborne Unknown
audiomidi15.gif By the Riverside (1922) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif California (1922) C. Conrad Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Don't Sweetheart Me (1943) Charlie Tobias James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Honey Bunch (1926) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif My Gal Don't Love Me Anymore (1924) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif My Old Girl's My New Girl Now (1928) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Wah-Hoo (1936) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif We Did It Before (1941) C. Tobias James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Where the Lazy Daisies Grow (1924) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif You're a Real Sweetheart (1928) Denese Coulbeck
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
record15.gif Better Get Off Your High Horse (1936) C. Friend Dolly Dawn Victor: BS-03501
recordmp3.gif Broken Record, The (1935) C. Friend Dolly Dawn Victor: BS-98442
recordmp3.gif I Wanna Go Where You Go - Do What You Do (1940) C. Friend R. Blane Victor: BS-048914
recordmp3.gif Mr. Radio Man (1924) C. Friend Margaret A. Freer Edison: 9371
recordmp3.gif My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now (1928) C. Friend Annette Hanshaw Columbia: [W]147154
recordmp3.gif What Could Be Sweeter Than You? (1925) C. Friend Ponce Sisters Columbia: W141232
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
Along the Trail Where the Blue Grass Grows (1919) C. Friend (w&m)
Piano, Voice Greer
Bow Wow Blues (1922) C. Friend (music)
N. Osborne (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Indiana
Sheet Music Singer
By the Riverside (1922) C. Friend (music)
S. Clare (words)
A. Bryan (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
Sheet Music Singer

California (1922) C. Friend (w&m)
C. Conrad (coauth.)
Francis X. Donegan (perf.)
Francis X. Donegan (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif Confucius Say (1939) C. Friend (w&m)
Carmen Lombardo (coauth.)
Blue Barron (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Don't Sweetheart Me (1943) C. Friend (music)
Charlie Tobias (coauth.)
J. Brooks (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Freddy the Freshman (1931) C. Friend (w&m)
Dave Oppenheim (coauth.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Piano, Voice Scholars Junction wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif  Honey Bunch (1926) C. Friend (w&m) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Lovesick Blues (1922) C. Friend (music)
Irving Mills (words)
Anna Chandler (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

Mr. Radio Man (1924) C. Friend (music)
I. Schuster (words)
Johnny White (words)
Margie Coates (perf.)
Harry Richman (perf.)
Piano, Voice


My Gal Don't Love Me Anymore (1924) C. Friend (music)
Ben Russell (words)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Jack Naldi (perf.)
Piano, Voice

Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif My Old Girl's My New Girl Now (1928) C. Friend (music)
I. Caesar (words)
F. Fay (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif O-Oo Ernest (1922) C. Friend (music)
S. Clare (words)
H. Tobias (words)
E. Cantor (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.

Swanee Bluebird (1922) C. Friend (music)
C. Conrad (coauth.)
J. Gibson (perf.)

pdf15.gif Then I'll Be Happy (1925) C. Friend (music)
S. Clare (words)
L. Brown (words)
Mitchell Bros (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Wah-Hoo (1936) C. Friend (w&m)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Wanna (1921) C. Friend (music)
Green & Blyler (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif We Did It Before (1941) C. Friend (music)
C. Tobias (coauth.)
E. Cantor (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif When I Wanna - You No Wanna - Wanna (1921) C. Friend (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.

Where the Lazy Daisies Grow (1924) C. Friend (w&m)
Nancy Fair (perf.)
B. Seeley (perf.)
Sheet Music Singer
You Tell Her I S-T-U-T-T-E-R (1922) C. Friend (music)
B. Rose (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP
pdf15.gif You're a Real Sweetheart (1928) C. Friend (music)
I. Caesar (words)
P. Whiteman (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 110 works by Cliff Friend (1893-1974). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Along the Trail Where the Blue Grass Grows (w&m) 1919  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Let the Little Joy Bell Ring 1919
Lonesome Hours 1921 H. Rose (words)  wvicon.gif
Wanna 1921 Green & Blyler (perf.)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
When I Wanna - You No Wanna - Wanna (w&m) 1921  Pub. pdf15.gif
Bow Wow Blues 1922 Nat Osborne (co-author)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
By the Riverside 1922 Sidney Clare (words)
Alfred Bryan (words)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
California (w&m) 1922 Con Conrad (co-author)
Francis X. Donegan (perf.)
Nancy Fair (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
I Love My Chili Bom Bom 1922 Walter Donald (words)  Pub.
Lovesick Blues 1922 Irving Mills (words)
Anna Chandler (perf.)
Elsie Clark (perf.)
Emmett Miller (perf.)
Jack Shea (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
O-Oo Ernest 1922 Sidney Clare (words)
Harry Tobias (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Arr. by J. Dell Lampe;
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Sing Song Man 1922 Con Conrad (words)  Pub.
Swanee Bluebird 1922 Con Conrad (co-author)
Joe Gibson (perf.)
Brooke Johns (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
You Tell Her I S-T-U-T-T-E-R 1922 Billy Rose (words)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
Billy Jones (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Oh! Mabel, Behave 1922. Mabel Normand (perf.)
Blue Hoosier Blues 1923 Jack Meskill (co-author)
Abel Baer (co-author)
Alyce & Lucille Sheldon (perf.)
Healy & Cross (perf.)
Van & Schenck (perf.)
Dorothy Wahl (perf.)
Don't We Carry On (w&m) 1923 Sidney Clare (co-author)  Pub.
Jennie (w&m) 1923 Con Conrad (co-author)  Pub.
Mamma Loves Papa 1923 Abel Baer (words)
Rome & Dunn (perf.)
Tell Me With Smiles 1923 Louis Achille Hirsch (co-author)
Atlantic Dance Orchestra (perf.)
You've Said Something When You Said Dixie 1923 Sam Landres (words)
Sidney Clare (words)
Mr. Radio Man 1924 Ira Schuster (words)
Johnny White (words)
Margie Coates (perf.)
Joe Darcey (perf.)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
Margaret A. Freer (perf.)
Emy Holmgren (perf.)
Harry Richman (perf.)
Jack Shildkret (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
My Gal Don't Love Me Anymore 1924 Ben Russell (words)
Jack Naldi (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif 
Virginia's Calling Me (w&m) 1924 Mitchell Bros (perf.)  Pub.
Where the Dreamy Wabash Flows (w&m) 1924  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Where the Lazy Daisies Grow (w&m) 1924 Maureen Englin (perf.)
Nancy Fair (perf.)
Howard &. Lewis (perf.)
Charlotte Meyers (perf.)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
I Wanna Go Where You Go - Do What You Do 1925 Sidney Clare (words)
Lew Brown (words)
Grace Aldrich (perf.)
Rose Blane (perf.)
Blue Bird Orchestra (perf.)
Maxine Brown (perf.)
Gerald Griffith (perf.)
Louise Lake (perf.)
Adele Rowland (perf.)
Betty Taylor (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
Then I'll Be Happy 1925 Sidney Clare (words)
Lew Brown (words)
Frank Bessinger (perf.)
Mitchell Bros (perf.)
Daisy Hilton (perf.)
Violet Hilton (perf.)
Louise Lane (perf.)
Siamese Twins (perf.)
Betty Taylor (perf.)
Frank Wright (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
What Could Be Sweeter Than You? 1925 Lew Brown (words)
Ponce Sisters (perf.)
Elsie Shultz-En-Heim (w&m) 1926 Abner Silver (co-author)  Pub.
Hello Bluebird (w&m) 1926  Pub.
Here Comes Fatima With Her Ta-Ra-Boom-Dee-Ay 1926
Honey Bunch (w&m) 1926  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Hum Your Troubles Away 1926 Harry Woods (co-author)
National Male Quartet (perf.)
I'm Tellin' the Birds- I'm Tellin' the Bees (w&m) 1926 Lew Brown (co-author)
Dolly Kramer (perf.)
Let's Call It a Day 1926 Gus Kahn (words)  wvicon.gif
Oh What Big Eyes You Have - Oh What Sweet Lips You Have - 1926 Gus Kahn (words)  Pub.
Oh, if I Only Had You 1926 Gus Kahn (words)
Tamiami Trail (w&m) 1926 Jos H. Santly (co-author)
Charles Straight (perf.)
Ipana Troubadours (perf.)
Anywhere (w&m) 1927 Louis E. Zoeller (co-author)
Lillian Ray (perf.)
Didn't It? 1927 Lew Brown (words)
Give Me a Night in June (w&m) 1927  Pub.
Hello Cutie (w&m) 1927 Myrtle Norton (perf.)
Ormonde Sisters (perf.)
I Told Them All About You (w&m) 1927 Jack Stanley (perf.)  Pub.
Joy Bells (w&m) 1927 Jos. H. Santly (co-author)  Pub.
Night in June 1927  Pub.
When the Pussywillow Whispers to the Catnip 1927 Vaughn de Leath (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Whisper Song, The 1927 Florence Forman (perf.)
Benny Meroff (perf.)
It Goes Like This That Funny Melody 1928 Irving Caesar (words)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
Billy Jones (perf.)
Robbins & Jewett (perf.)
Murray Wachsman (perf.)
My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now 1928 Irving Caesar (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Annette Hanshaw (perf.)
Stanley-Owen Howe (perf.)
 Pub.  recordmp3.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
My Old Girl's My New Girl Now 1928 Irving Caesar (words)
Frank Fay (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Oh! Is She Mad at Me? (w&m) 1928 Irving Caesar (co-author)  Pub.
So Far So Good, So Good So Far, But Whatcha Gonna Do 1928 Charles Tobias (co-author)
Cliff Friend (words)
Charles Tobias (words)
Ruth Petty (perf.)
There Ought to Be a Law Against That 1928 Irving Caesar (words)
Dave Schooler (perf.)
You're a Real Sweetheart 1928 Irving Caesar (words)
Cookie (perf.)
Wally Erickson (perf.)
Bill Foley (perf.)
Johnny Johnson (perf.)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif 
Bigger and Better Than Ever 1929 George White (words)
Frances Williams (perf.)
Bottoms Up 1929 George White (words)
Frances Williams (perf.)
I'd Do Anything For You (w&m) 1929 Lew Pollack (co-author)  wvicon.gif
I'll Close My Eyes to the Rest of the World (w&m) 1929  Pub.
I'm Walking in the Sunshine (w&m) 1929  wvicon.gif
My Castle in Spain Is a Shack in the Lane 1929 Irving Caesar (words)  Pub.
Same Old Moon (w&m) 1929  Pub.
Satisfied 1929 Irving Caesar (words)
Chester Gaylord (perf.)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
At Last I'm Happy (w&m) 1930 Con Conrad (co-author)
Sidney Clare (co-author)
Al Carney (perf.)
Jack Lamey (perf.)
Trade Winds (w&m) 1930 Charlie Tobias (co-author)
Kenny Baker (perf.)
Jean Brown (perf.)
Cecil Jolly (perf.)
Sammy Kaye (perf.)
Eddie Le Baron (perf.)
Paul Martin (perf.)
McFarland Twins (perf.)
Ken Wattkins (perf.)
Freddy the Freshman (w&m) 1931 Dave Oppenheim (co-author)
George Olsen (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
I Wanna Sing About You (w&m) 1931 Dave Dreyer (co-author)
Ben Bernie (perf.)
Chic Farmer (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Clyde McCoy (perf.)
Husk O'Hare (perf.)
Will Osborne (perf.)
It Looks Like Susie (w&m) 1931  Pub.
It's Great to Be in Love (w&m) 1931 Arr. by May Singhi Breen;
After To-Night 1932 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Just Because You're You 1932 Gene &. Glenn (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Neath the Silv'ry Moon (w&m) 1932 Arthur Jarrett (perf.)
Arr. by May Singhi Breen
Sweethearts Forever 1932 Irvin Caesar (co-author)
Ann Dvorak (perf.)
Dream Stars (w&m) 1934 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)  Pub.
Freckle Face, You're Beautiful (w&m) 1934 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I'd Give Anything Under the Sun to Get You Under the Moon (w&m) 1934 Sidney D. Mitchell (words)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Lights Are Low - Music Is Sweet (w&m) 1934 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Grace Hayes (perf.)
Ma-La-Ka-Mo-Ka-Lu, (There's Noting Else to Do Ii) 1934 Sidney D Mitchell (words)
What's Good For the Goose Is Good For the Gander (w&m) 1934  wvicon.gif
Broken Record, The 1935 Charlie Tobias (words)
Boyd Bunch (words)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
Hunkadola (w&m) 1935 Joseph Meyer (co-author)
I'm King Again (w&m) 1935 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)  wvicon.gif
My Sweet (w&m) 1935 Charlie Tobias (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Oh, I Didn't Know (w&m) 1935 Joseph Meyer (co-author)
Better Get Off Your High Horse 1936 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
Goose Hangs High, The (w&m) 1936 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Jingle Bells 1936 Dave Franklin (words)
Bob Crosby (perf.)
Out Where the Blue Begins 1936
Wah! Hoo! (w&m) 1936 Tom Coakley (perf.)
Enoch Lilht (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Wah-Hoo (w&m) 1936 Kay Kyser (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Wake Up and Sing (w&m) 1936 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Charlie Tobias (co-author)
Kate Smith (perf.)
When My Dream Boat Comes Home (w&m) 1936 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Les Brown (perf.)
Stumptown Jazz (perf.)
Jerry Johnson (perf.)
Ann Leaf (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Little Sam Robbins (perf.)
Dick Stabile (perf.)
Danny Sullivan (perf.)
 Pub. youtube15.jpg
Merry-Go-Round Broke Down, The 1937 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Russ Morgan (perf.)
You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming (w&m) 1937 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
I Must See Annie Tonight (w&m) 1938 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Moonlight in Waikiki (w&m) 1938 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Doris Rhodes (perf.)
All in Favor Say Aye (w&m) 1939  Pub.
Confucius Say (w&m) 1939 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Blue Barron (perf.)
Barry Wood (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Girl Behind the Venetian Blind, The (w&m) 1939 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Buddy Clark (perf.)
Horace Heidt (perf.)
I'm Building a Sailboat of Dreams (w&m) 1939 Dave Franklin (co-author)
Doris Rhodes (perf.)
Eddy Rogers (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Below the Equator 1941 Charles Tobias (co-author)
We Did It Before 1941 Charles Tobias (co-author)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Solider Dreams, A 1942 Al Dubin (words)
Kate Smith (perf.)
Don't Sweetheart Me 1943 Charlie Tobias (co-author)
Phil Brito (perf.)
Joan Brooks (perf.)
Imogen Carpenter (perf.)
Del Courtney (perf.)
Dick Foy (perf.)
Jan Garber (perf.)
Tiny Hill (perf.)
Sammy Kaye (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Gonna Build a Big Fence Around Texas (w&m) 1944 George Olsen (co-author)
Kate Phillips (co-author)
George Olsen (perf.)
Time Waits For No One (w&m) 1944 Charlie Tobias (co-author)
Jack Carson (perf.)
Irene Manning (perf.)
Dennis Morgan (perf.)
Ann Sheridan (perf.)
Lone Star Moon 1947 Dave Franklin (words)  Pub.
Two Little New Little Blue Little Eyes 1948 Teddy Powell (words)  wvicon.gif
Happy Valley (w&m) 1949  wvicon.gif
Little Toy Town (w&m) 1950  Pub.
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg C. Friend Bigger and Better Than Ever (2:50) Frances Williams
youtube15.jpg C. Friend Bottoms Up (2:52) Frances Williams
youtube15.jpg C. Friend When my Dreamboat Comes Home (3:23) Stumptown Jazz
youtube15.jpg C. Friend Where the Lazy Daisies Grow (2:50) Maureen Englin