Charles Tobias  (1898-1970)
Last updated: 18.03.25
url15.gif Charles Tobias Biography by  
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
  Midi File(s) from various sources      
audiomidi15.gif He's Tall and Dark and Handsome (1928) A. Sherman James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif My Wife Is on a Diet (1929) George J. Bennett James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Wait For Me Mary (1942) N. Simon
H. Tobias
James Pitt-Payne
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif He's Tall and Dark and Handsome (1928) C. Tobias (w&m)
A. Sherman (coauth.)
Art Kahn (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif My Wife Is on a Diet (1929) C. Tobias (music)
George J. Bennett (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Wait For Me Mary (1942) C. Tobias (music)
N. Simon (coauth.)
H. Tobias (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
The peformer is featured on 1 sheet music/recording cover. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg When It's Cotton Pickin' Time in Alabam' (1915) Harry Tobias(w&m) Charles Tobias (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 43 works by Charles Tobias (1898-1970). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Mother's Little Slumbering Doll 1919 Harry Tobias (words)  wvicon.gif
Butterfingers 1923 Geo. J. Bennett (co-author)  wvicon.gif
There's a Bend at the End of the Swanee 1923 Louis Breau (words)
Cross Words 1925 Ed. Gladstone (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Trudy (w&m) 1926 Al Sherman (co-author)  wvicon.gif
After My Laughter Came Tears 1927 Roy Turk (words)
Just Another Day Wasted Away 1927 Roy Turk (co-author)
Bob Bigelow & Larry Lee (perf.)
Allan Cross (perf.)
Peggy English (perf.)
Elmer Grosso (perf.)
Ed Healy (perf.)
Brooke Johns (perf.)
Jack Joyce (perf.)
Johnny Marvin (perf.)
O'Connor Sisters (perf.)
Phelps Twins (perf.)
Adele Rowland (perf.)
Ester Sterling (perf.)
Pretty Little Bom Bom From Bombay 1927 Howard E. Johnson (co-author)
Al Sherman (co-author)
Charles Tobias (co-author)
There's a Rickety Rackety Shack 1927 Roy Turk (co-author)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
Morton Downey (perf.)
There's a Trick in Pickin' a Chick-Chick-Chicken (w&m) 1927 Coleman Goetz (co-author)
J. Russel Robinson (co-author)
He's Tall and Dark and Handsome (w&m) 1928 Al Sherman (co-author)
Art Kahn (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
I Can Get It For You Wholesale (w&m) 1929 Jack Ellis (co-author)  wvicon.gif
My Wife Is on a Diet 1929 George J. Bennett (co-author)  Pub. pdf15.gif 
You Should See My Neighbor's Daughter 1929 Albert Gumble (words)
Al Levey (words)
Fall in Love With Me 1930 Vincent Rose (co-author)
Benee Russell (co-author)
Headin' For Better Times 1930 Murray Mencher (co-author)
Charles Tobias (co-author)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
When You Fall in Love, Fall in Love With Me 1930 Vincent Rose (co-author)
Benee Russell (co-author)
Worryin' Over You (w&m) 1930 Peter De Rose (co-author)  Pub.
One More Kiss Then Good-Night (w&m) 1931 Peter DeRose (co-author)
Vincent de Lopez (perf.)
Good Night, Little Girl of My Dreams 1933 Joe Burke (co-author)
Ben Alley (perf.)
Bing Crosby (perf.)
Mark Fisher (perf.)
Jack Fulton (perf.)
Enric Modriguera (perf.)
Phil Regan (perf.)
B.A. Rolfe (perf.)
In the Valley of the Moon 1933 Joe Burke (co-author)
Jack Arthur (perf.)
Don Bestor (perf.)
Eddie Bonnelly (perf.)
Reggie Childs (perf.)
Mark Fisher (perf.)
Frank LaMarr (perf.)
Vincent de Lopez (perf.)
Donald Novis (perf.)
Olga (perf.)
Pickens Sisters (perf.)
Roxanne (perf.)
Frank Stuart (perf.)
Arthur Tracy (perf.)
Throw Another Log on the Fire 1933 Jack School (words)
Murray Mencher (words)
Arlene Jackson (perf.)
Wayne King (perf.)
Enric Madriguera (perf.)
Lanny Ross (perf.)
Rubinoff (perf.)
I've Got Another Day From the N.R.A. O Love That 1934 Pierre Norman (co-author)
Henry H. Tobias (co-author)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
Nothing But the Best 1934 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)
Gerald Marks (co-author)
Old Water Mill, An 1934 Jack Scholl (words)
Murray Mencher (words)
Pretty Polly Perkins 1934 Jack Scholl (co-author)
Murray Meneker (co-author)
Bill Fleck (perf.)
Farmer Takes a Wife (w&m) 1935 Ralph Freed (co-author)
Murray Mencher (co-author)
King Kavelin (perf.)
Flowers For Madame (w&m) 1935 Charles Newman (co-author)
Murray Mencher (co-author)
Let's Swing It (w&m) 1935 Charles Newman (co-author)
Murray Mencher (co-author)
Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party (w&m) 1936 Bob Rothberg (co-author)
Joseph Meyer (co-author)
I Want You For Christmas 1937 Ned Washington (words)
Sweet Varsity Sue 1937 Al Lewis (co-author)
Murray Mencher (co-author)
Joan Davis (perf.)
Tony Martin (perf.)
Ritz Brothers (perf.)
Gloria Stuart (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Starting the Day Right 1939 Al Lewis (words)
Maurice Spitalny (words)
Rose O' Day (w&m) 1941 Al Lewis (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Moon on My Pillow 1942 Elliott Tobias (co-author)
Henry Tobias (co-author)
Wait For Me Mary 1942 Nat Simon (co-author)
Harry Tobias (co-author)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
You're Irish and You're Beautiful 1943 Al Lewis (co-author)  Pub.
Maybe It's All For the Best 1945 Lee David (words)  wvicon.gif
As Years Go By (w&m) 1947 Peter De Rose (co-author)
Paul Henreid (perf.)
Katharine Hepburn (perf.)
Robert Walker (perf.)
I Came Here to Talk For Joe 1947 Lew Brown (co-author)
Sam H. Stept (co-author)
Gene Krupa (perf.)
Vaughn Monroe (perf.)
I Remember Mama (w&m) 1948 Henry Tobias (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Johnny Reb and Billy Yank 1957 Charles Tobias (words)
Gene Autry (perf.)
Lila ? Maceo Pinkard (words)
Archie Gottler (words)