Jerome H. Remick & Co.
List of Works: C - G
Last updated: 10.01.25
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Lola (1904) Anna Caldwell Louise Brehany (words)
sm15.gif Stars of National Game (1908) Anna Caldwell James O'Dea (words)
Mabel Hite (perf.)
Mike Donlin (perf.)
sm15.gif Calling For You (1923) Ed Cameron Buddy Fields (words)
Dennis Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Rag With No Name (1911), The Warren Camp
sm15.gif Longing For You (1927) W. Sheppard Camp Frank Dupree (words)
Harry B Smith (words)
Lawrence Marston (words)
Wally Glück (words)
sm15.gif I Wish That I Had a Mother (1922) Lew Cantor(w&m) Herman Ruby (co-author)
Jack Green (co-author)
sm15.gif Tin Whistle Blues (1918) Frank Capie(w&m)
sm15.gif Cuddle Me Up (1924) Monte Carlo Alma M. Sanders (co-author)
Eleanor Painter (perf.)
sm15.gif Be a Good Scout (1917) Harry Carroll Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Girls (1919) Harry Carroll Alfred Bryan (words)
Marguerite Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Come Sailing Home to You (1917) Harry Carroll Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Just a Little Bit O' Love (1917) Harry Carroll Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Just Kids (1924) Harry Carroll Paul G. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Little Drop of Irish and a Wee Bit of Scotch (1919), A Harry Carroll Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif San Sebastian's Shores (1918) Harry Carroll(w&m)
sm15.gif Sinbad Was in Bad All the Time (1917) Harry Carroll Stanley Murphy (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
Henry Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif Somewhere on Broadway (1917) Harry Carroll Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif  Supper Club (1917) Harry Carroll
sm15.gif Sweetest Little Girl in Tennessee (1917), The Harry Carroll Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Pretty Polly (1918) Dan H. Caslar Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif His Lordship (1908) Harry Castling Fred Godfrey (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Mary Took the Calves to the Dairy Show (1908) Harry Castling(w&m) Harry Bluff (perf.)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Gaucho Serenade (1939) James Anthony Cavanaugh(w&m) John Redmond (co-author)
Nat Simon (co-author)
Ray Eberle (perf.)
Sammy Kaye (perf.)
Dick Todd (perf.)
sm15.gif Gay and Frivolous (1915) Antonio Celfo
sm15.gif La Belle Sevilliene (1914) Antonio Celfo
sm15.gif Our National President (1915) Antonio Celfo
sm15.gif Canadian Capers (1915) Gus Chandler Bert White (co-author)
Henry Cohen (co-author)
sm15.gif Canadian Capers - Song (1921) Gus Chandler(w&m) Henry Cohen (co-author)
Bert White (co-author)
sm15.gif Old Sweetheart of Mine (1906), An Frederic Chapin McCue & Cahill (perf.)
sm15.gif Cobble-Stones (1927) Sidney Clare Lew Pollack (words)
sm15.gif New Kind of Man With a New Kind of Love For Me (1924), A Sidney Clare(w&m) Leon Flatow (co-author)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Zelda Santley (perf.)
sm15.gif Now I Ask You, Is That Nice (1920) Sidney Clare(w&m) Sidney D. Mitchell (co-author)
sm15.gif Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone (1930) Sidney Clare(w&m) Sam H. Stept (co-author)
Bee Palmer (co-author)
Bee Palmer (perf.)
sm15.gif Jazzapation (1920) Edward B. Claypoole(w&m)
sm15.gif Alabama Jubilee (1915), The George Linus Cobb Jack Yellen (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif  Asa's Toddy (1920) George Linus Cobb Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif I Can't Forget (1916) George Linus Cobb(w&m) Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Gus Kahn (co-author)
sm15.gif Listen to That Dixie Band (1914) George Linus Cobb Jack Yellen (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Road to Dublin Town (1915) George Linus Cobb Jack Yellen (words)
Evelyn Nesbit (perf.)
sm15.gif Have a Heart (1914) George. M. Cohan(w&m)
sm15.gif Why, Dear? (1921) Henry R. Cohen(w&m) Zelda Santley (perf.)
Estaire Keys (perf.)
James R. Marshall (perf.)
sm15.gif You Told Me to Go (1925) Henry R. Cohen Abe Lyman (co-author)
Edward Sedgwick (co-author)
Abe Lyman (perf.)
sm15.gif Father Knickerbocker (1911) William A. Collard
sm15.gif Now I Have to Call Him Father (1908) Charles Collins(w&m) Fred Godfrey (co-author)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Now, I Have to Call Him Father (1908) Charles Collins Fred Godfrey (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Daisies Won't Tell (1908) Anita Comfort(w&m)
sm15.gif I Wish Someone Would Fall in Love with Me (1909) Anita Comfort(w&m)
sm15.gif Just a Chain of Daisies (1911) Anita Comfort(w&m)
sm15.gif Only One Daisy Left (1908) Anita Comfort Harry Freedman (words)
sm15.gif Sweet Bunch of Daisies (1908) Anita Comfort(w&m)
sm15.gif Sweet Red Roses (1910) Anita Comfort(w&m)
sm15.gif When I Dream of You (1910) Anita Comfort(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Leave Me Mammy (1922) Con Conrad(w&m) Henry Santly (co-author)
Benny Davis (words)
B. G De Sylva (words)
Joe Darcey (perf.)
Karyl Norman (perf.)
sm15.gif  Down in Dear Old New Orleans (1912) Con Conrad Jay Whidden (co-author)
Joe Young (words)
Belle Ashlyn (perf.)
Rae Samuels (perf.)
Clarice Vance (perf.)
sm15.gif I Came to You (1929) Con Conrad(w&m) Sidney D. Mitchell (co-author)
Archie Gottler (co-author)
Betty Compson (perf.)
sm15.gif I Will Marry You in November or December (1913) Con Conrad Albert Gumble (co-author)
Joe Young (words)
Adele Ritchie (perf.)
sm15.gif My Little Sunshine (1919) Con Conrad Bobby Jones (words)
sm15.gif My Man (1912) Con Conrad James Whidden (co-author)
Joe Young (words)
sm15.gif Blame It on the Blues (1914) Charles L. Cooke
sm15.gif Bo-Peep (1916) Charles L. Cooke(w&m) Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Ray Egan (co-author)
sm15.gif Girl of the Olden West (1923), The Charles L. Cooke Egbert Van Alstyne (co-author)
Haven Gillespie (words)
Sylvia Breamer (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got the Blue Ridge Blues (1918) Charles L. Cooke Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
Chas A. Mason (words)
sm15.gif Snappin' Turtle (1913) Charles L. Cooke
sm15.gif Such Is Life (1915) Charles L. Cooke
sm15.gif Weddin' Blues (1923) Charles L. Cooke Egbert Van Alstyne (co-author)
Haven Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Shovel Fish (1907), The Harry L. Cook Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Allas De Same in Dixie (1904) Will Marion Cook Richard Grant (words)
H.B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Mandy Lou (1905) Will Marion Cook R.C. McPherson (words)
sm15.gif Marry the Girl You Love (1914) Joe Cooper Gus Kahn (co-author)
sm15.gif Play Days (1920) John Cooper Mort Nathan (words)
sm15.gif Doin' the Raccoon (1928) J. Fred Coots Raymond Klages (words)
sm15.gif  Here Come the Clowns (1940) J. Fred Coots Raymond B. Egan (words)
sm15.gif Let's Stop the Clock (1938) J. Fred Coots Haven Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Time Will Tell (1922) J. Fred Coots Raymond Klages (words)
sm15.gif You Go to My Head (1938) J. Fred Coots Haven Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Dockstader Rag (1912), The Les C. Copeland Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif French Pastry Rag (1914) Les C. Copeland
sm15.gif Invitation Rag (1911) Les C. Copeland
sm15.gif Melody Man (1912) Les C. Copeland Jean Havez (words)
sm15.gif What the Engine Done (1911) Les C. Copeland(w&m) Al. Bernard (perf.)
Neil O'Brien (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif How Long Have You Been Married? (1913) J. Rennie Cormack A. Seymour Brown (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif That's When I'll Marry You (1915) J. Rennie Cormack Al Dubin (words)
Clarence Gaskill (words)
sm15.gif We Parted by the River, Grace and I (1905) Stanley Crawford(w&m) Marie Laurent (perf.)
sm15.gif Bombo-Shay (1917), The Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
Henry Lewis (co-author)
Anna Held (perf.)
sm15.gif Childhood Days (1922) Henry Creamer(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
Joe Darcy (perf.)
Karyl Norman (perf.)
sm15.gif I Need Lovin' (1926) Henry Creamer Turner Laytom (co-author)
Jimmy Johnson (co-author)
George Price (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Could Be With You One Hour To-Night (1926) Henry Creamer James Price Johnson (co-author)
Florence Richardson (perf.)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
Joan Crawford (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh Say! Can I See You To-Night (1925) Henry Creamer Turner Laytom (co-author)
Joe Schuster (co-author)
Leon Flatow (co-author)
sm15.gif Sweet Moments at Home (1908) Eddie V. Cupero Jean C. Havez (words)
Lew Dockstader (perf.)
sm15.gif  Anoma (1910) Ford T. Dabney Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Haytian Rag (1910) Ford T. Dabney Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif You Can't Shake That Shimmie Here (1919) Ford T. Dabney Bert A. Williams (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Into the Garden, Dearie (1911) J. Anton Dailey Reginald Pulford (words)
sm15.gif Dear Heart (1908) J. Anton Dailey(w&m) Sallie Fisher (perf.)
sm15.gif Dreaming (1906) J. Anton Dailey L.W. Heiser (words)
sm15.gif In the Realms of Eternity (1908) J. Anton Dailey Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Sweetheart Days (1907) J. Anton Dailey L. W. Heiser (words)
sm15.gif Nothing Really Matters After All (1924) Joseph M. Daly Neville Fleeson (words)
sm15.gif What D'ye Mean You Lost Yer Dog (1913) Joseph M. Daly Thomas S. Allen (words)
Cooper & Eskill (perf.)
Si Jenks (perf.)
Baby Zena Keife (perf.)
Carson & Brown (perf.)
Edward Meeker (perf.)
sm15.gif After Vespers (1912) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Aloha (Farewell to Thee) (1914) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Autumn (1906) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Autumn Wooing (1905) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Avalon (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C Jones (words)
sm15.gif Ban-shee (1909) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Beautiful Dawn of Love (1913), The Charles Neil Daniels Earle C Jones (words)
sm15.gif Bobolink - Song (1923) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif  Borneo (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C Jones (words)
sm15.gif Borneo Rag (1911) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Brides and Butterflies (1911) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Bye and Bye (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
Augusta Glosé (perf.)
sm15.gif Cherry (1905) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Cherry - Song (1906) Charles Neil Daniels Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Chung Lo (1909) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Cleopatra Finnegan (1905) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Cotton Time (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Cotton Time - Song (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Crimson Banner (1905), The Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Dancing With the Girl You Love (1919) Charles Neil Daniels(w&m)
sm15.gif Dark Eyes (1907) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Fare Thee, Lizzie Lee (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Fifty Years Ago (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Hand in Hand (1909) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Hearts of Gold (1909) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Heartsease (1906) Charles Neil Daniels Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif  Honka-Tonk Rag (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif I Never Thought I'd Miss a Girl Like You (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif I'll Come Back to You, My Honolulu Lou (1912) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif I'm Going Back to Dreamland (1913) Charles Neil Daniels John Page (co-author)
sm15.gif In Apple Blossom Time (1913) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
Eleanor Fish (perf.)
Rose de Young (perf.)
Belle Baker (perf.)
sm15.gif In Maple Sugar Time (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Indian Summer (1909) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Indian Summer - Song (1909) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Innocence (1907) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Island of Roses and Love (1911), The Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
Lillian Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif It's a Rocky Road to Dublin (1913) Charles Neil Daniels George J. Moriarty (words)
sm15.gif Kill That Bear! (1912) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif La Fiesta (1914) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Lady Bug's Review (1909), The Charles Neil Daniels U.S. Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
American Standard Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif Louisiana (1907) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Love's Serenade (1909) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Mary (1909) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Me Heart Breaker ''Rags'' (1903) Charles Neil Daniels Eddie Dustin (words)
sm15.gif  Musette - Song (1907) Charles Neil Daniels James O'Dea (words)
sm15.gif Neath the Weeping Willow Tree (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Niccolini (1905) Charles Neil Daniels James O'Dea (words)
sm15.gif On Long Island Sound (1912) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif On Mobile Bay (1910) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
Will Oakland (perf.)
sm15.gif Only Pal I Ever Had Came From 'Frisco Town (1911), The Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Pearls (1909) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Pirate Chief (1911), The Charles Neil Daniels Earl C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Real Live Regular Town (1912), A Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Senorita (1907) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif Silver Heels (1905) Charles Neil Daniels Indestructible Military Band (perf.)
Columbia Band (perf.)
Edison Military Band (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Silver Heels - Song (1905) Charles Neil Daniels James O'Dea (words)
sm15.gif Sombrero (1905) Charles Neil Daniels James O'Dea (words)
Louise Dresser (perf.)
sm15.gif Sugar Plum (1908) Charles Neil Daniels Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Texas (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif That Banjo Rag (1912) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif That's What You Get For Getting Married (1909) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C Jones (words)
sm15.gif Tri-Color March (1907) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif  Under the Tents (1908) Charles Neil Daniels American Standard Orchestra (perf.)
Indestructible Military Band (perf.)
sm15.gif When My Dark Diana Dreams of Me (1911) Charles Neil Daniels Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif When the Moon Swings Low (1910) Charles Neil Daniels John Page (words)
sm15.gif Woodland Dove (1910) Charles Neil Daniels
sm15.gif If You Could Care (1920) Hermann E. Darewski Arthur Wimperis (words)
sm15.gif If You'll Only Say It With Flowers (1920) Hermann E. Darewski Arthur Wimperis (words)
Sam Bernard (perf.)
Irène Bordoni (perf.)
sm15.gif Everybody's Pickin' on Me (1907) Isabell D'Armond Irving Lewis (words)
Fred Feild (perf.)
James Pitt-Payne (perf.)
sm15.gif Honey Bunny Boo (?) Lee David Kim Gannon (words)
Dick Stabile (perf.)
sm15.gif Nobody Else But You (1915) Worton David R Penso (words)
sm15.gif Baby Face (1926) Benny Davis Harry Akst (co-author)
Mack Davis (perf.)
Joseph Knecht (perf.)
Lee Morse (perf.)
Fisher & Keefe (perf.)
Charles Derickson (perf.)
Henri Keates (perf.)
Earl & Bell (perf.)
Sammy Kaye (perf.)
John D'Alessandro (perf.)
sm15.gif Gorgeous (1927) Benny Davis(w&m) Harry Akst (co-author)
Mr Edwards (perf.)
Lilyan Waterson (perf.)
Doree Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Gonna Meet My Sweetie Now (1927) Benny Davis(w&m) Jesse Greer (co-author)
Kate Smith (perf.)
Ormonde Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Only Had You Back Again (1926) Benny Davis Phil Spitalny (words)
sm15.gif If I'd Only Believed in You (1926) Benny Davis Harry Akst (words)
sm15.gif Mammy's Little Sugar Plum (1920) Benny Davis(w&m) Ernie Erdman (co-author)
sm15.gif No Wonder I'm Happy (1927) Benny Davis(w&m) Harry Akst (co-author)
sm15.gif I'll Fly to Hawaii (1926) Lou Davis Joe Schuster (co-author)
Ira Schuster (co-author)
Anne Greenway (perf.)
Arthur White (perf.)
sm15.gif Just a Little Bit of Love (1924) Lou Davis(w&m) Henry Santly (co-author)
sm15.gif  Precious Little Thing Called Love (1928), A Lou Davis J. Fred Coots (co-author)
Gary Cooper (perf.)
Nancy Carroll (perf.)
sm15.gif Revolutionary Rhythm (1929) Lou Davis J. Fred Coots (co-author)
Larry Spier (co-author)
sm15.gif Davis Fox Trot (1914), The Uriel Davis
sm15.gif Dream Tango (1912), The Uriel Davis
sm15.gif Hilda (1916) Uriel Davis
sm15.gif Horse Trot (1912), The Uriel Davis
sm15.gif London Taps (1916) Uriel Davis
sm15.gif One Wonderful Night (1914) Uriel Davis Francis X. Bushman (perf.)
Beverly Bayne (perf.)
sm15.gif Vulgar Boatman (1926) Harry DeCosta Sidney Claire (co-author)
James V Monaco (co-author)
Paul Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif Deiro Rag (1913) Guido Deiro
sm15.gif Oceana Roll (1911), The Lucien Denni Roger Lewis (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Say She Does (1918) Buddy Gard DeSylva(w&m) Gus Kahn (co-author)
Al Jolson (co-author)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, You Delicious Little Devil (1919) Buddy Gard DeSylva Alfred Bryan (words)
Mae Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Day Belongs to You, Dear (1911), The Renee Dietrich Charley Grapewin (words)
sm15.gif I Want One Like Pa Had Yesterday (1912) William Austin Dillon(w&m)
sm15.gif By Myself (1929) George Dilworth Nat Shilkret (co-author)
Keith McLeod (co-author)
sm15.gif Bamboo Bay (1922) Walter Donaldson(w&m) Raymond B. Egan (co-author)
Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
sm15.gif Beside a Babbling Brook (1923) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
Karyl Norman (perf.)
sm15.gif  Carolina in the Morning (1922) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
Ben Bernie (perf.)
Bob Canser (perf.)
Maureen Englin (perf.)
Ernie & Billie Loos (perf.)
Ernie & Billy Loos (perf.)
Jack Gould (perf.)
Sam Gould (perf.)
Gene Howard (perf.)
Willie Howard (perf.)
Artie Mehlinger (perf.)
Maurice Sherman (perf.)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
Buddy Walker (perf.)
sm15.gif Dixie Highway (1922) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Don't Be Angry With Me (1926) Walter Donaldson(w&m)
sm15.gif For My Sweetheart (1926) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
Ponce Sisters (perf.)
Doree Leslie (perf.)
Ryan Sisters (perf.)
Bobby Jackson (perf.)
Joseph Knecht (perf.)
Jones & Elliott (perf.)
Clariece Catlett (perf.)
Wilton Sisters (perf.)
Maurine Marseilles (perf.)
Hazel Hurd (perf.)
Paul Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif In My Own Back Yard (1924) Walter Donaldson Billy Rose (words)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Isn't She the Sweetest Thing (1925) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (co-author)
sm15.gif Lou'siana (1923) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif My Best Girl (1924) Walter Donaldson(w&m)
sm15.gif My Buddy (1922) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
Mary Katherine Campbell (perf.)
Marion Weeks (perf.)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh Maw! Oh Paw! Isn't She the Sweetest Thing? (1924) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif On the Isle of Wicki Wacki Woo (1923) Walter Donaldson Gus Kahn (words)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Somebody Like You (1924) Walter Donaldson Cliff Friend (words)
Jane Green (perf.)
sm15.gif Swanee Butterfly (1925) Walter Donaldson(w&m) Billy Rose (co-author)
sm15.gif Sweet Indiana Home (1922) Walter Donaldson(w&m) Lily Leonhard (perf.)
Jean Granese (perf.)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
Roy Dieterich (perf.)
Charles Crafts (perf.)
Jack Haley (perf.)
Jesse Crawford (perf.)
Margie Coates (perf.)
Jessie Reed (perf.)
Karyl Norman (perf.)
Broadway Dance Orchestra (perf.)
sm15.gif How Do They Get That Way (1920) Grace Doro Jane Green (perf.)
sm15.gif When You're Good You're Lonesome (1920) Grace Doro(w&m)
sm15.gif Niggah Loves His Possum (1905) Paul Dresser(w&m) Carroll Johnson (perf.)
sm15.gif Town Where I Was Born (1905), The Paul Dresser(w&m) Wilbur C. Held (perf.)
sm15.gif  I'll Take You Back to Panama (1914) Will E. Dulmage Ernest J Meyers (words)
sm15.gif Then I'm Not Missing You (1919) Will E. Dulmage Hal Artis (words)
Daisy Sullivan (words)
sm15.gif Baby Sister Blues (1922) Duncan Sisters Henry I. Marshall (words)
Marion Sunshine (words)
Duncan Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Southern Moon (1918) Albert Harvey Eastman(w&m) Fred Heltman (co-author)
sm15.gif Mop Rag (1908) Helen S. Eaton Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Bohemian Rag (1914) Gus Edwards Louis Silvers (co-author)
sm15.gif For You a Rose (1917) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif Gee! It Must Be Tough to Be a Rich Man's Kid (1912) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif Honolulu Hula Boola Boo (1913), The Gus Edwards Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif I'll Get You (1913) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif If I Was a Millionaire (1912) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif If I Were in Love With You (1913) Gus Edwards Ed Madden (words)
sm15.gif Kuddles and Kisses (1912) Gus Edwards Edward Madden (words)
Bert Green (perf.)
sm15.gif On a Beautiful Night With a Beautiful Girl (1912) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif Panamala (1914), The Gus Edwards Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif Since My Margarette Become-A Da Suffragette (1913) Gus Edwards Will D. Cobb (words)
sm15.gif That Bohemian Rag (1914) Gus Edwards Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif When the Whole World Has Gone Back on You (1913) Gus Edwards Edward Madden (words)
Adele Ritchie (perf.)
sm15.gif  Winsome Widow (1912), The Gus Edwards Edward Madden (words)
Dorothy Jardon (perf.)
sm15.gif You Got to Stop Pickin' on My Li'l Pickaninny (1912) Gus Edwards Frank L. Staunton (words)
sm15.gif I Shouldn't Care But I Do (1925) Leo Edwards James Brockman (words)
sm15.gif If You'll Come Back (1924) Sam Ehrlich(w&m) Turner Layton (co-author)
Dan Gregory (perf.)
sm15.gif More! More! More! (1951) Jack Elliott(w&m)
sm15.gif New Barn Dance (1909), The Ralph Elveron
sm15.gif I Haven't Got a Hat (1934) Bob Emmerich Buddy Bernier (words)
sm15.gif Cupid's Barn Dance (1909) Granville English
sm15.gif Picanninny Days (1909) James Reese Europe Bob Cole (words)
sm15.gif Dreamy Eyes (1905) George Evans Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif O'Brien Has No Place to Go (1908) George Evans Stanley Murphy (words)
Edward Meeker (perf.)
Edward M. Favor (perf.)
sm15.gif Black Hills of Dakota (1953) Sammy Fain Paul Francis Webster (words)
sm15.gif Deadwood Stage (1953), The Sammy Fain Paul Francis Webster (words)
Doris Day (perf.)
Howard Keel (perf.)
sm15.gif Ev'ry Day (1934) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Green Acres of Home (1935) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif How Do I Know It's Sunday? (1934) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif If You Don't Want to Be Sweethearts (1933) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif Lonely Lane (1933) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif  Secret Love (1953) Sammy Fain Paul Francis Webster (words)
sm15.gif Simple and Sweet (1934) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
Guy Kibbee (perf.)
Hal LeRoy (perf.)
Patricia Ellis (perf.)
Rochelle Hudson (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Diff'rent You in Your Heart (1934) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
sm15.gif Two Little Flies on a Lump of Sugar (1934) Sammy Fain Irving Kahal (words)
Guy Kibbee (perf.)
Hal LeRoy (perf.)
Patricia Ellis (perf.)
Rochelle Hudson (perf.)
sm15.gif My Sweet Hawaiian Rose (1917) Bernard E. Fay(w&m) Charles Ruddy (co-author)
sm15.gif Nervous Rag (1910) Bernard E. Fay
sm15.gif Glamour Girl (1939) Belle Fenstock
sm15.gif Harlem Blue Room (1939) Belle Fenstock
sm15.gif Kit Kat Cuban (1939) Belle Fenstock
sm15.gif Man About Town (1939) Belle Fenstock
sm15.gif Puppies on Parade (1939) Belle Fenstock
sm15.gif Thru a Christmas Window (1939) Belle Fenstock
sm15.gif I'll Be Much Obliged to You (1932) Buddy Fields(w&m) Gerald Marks (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Big Chief Penobscot (1910) Geo. H. Finzel(w&m)
sm15.gif Enchanted Rose (1911), The Geo. H. Finzel Paul Carus (words)
sm15.gif Put-In-Bay (1911) Geo. H. Finzel Phyllis Yorke (co-author)
sm15.gif Dreamer of Dreams (1924) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Eileen Van Biene (perf.)
Margie Carson (perf.)
Charles H. Forsythe (perf.)
Heller & Riley (perf.)
Nick Lucas (perf.)
Nelson Maple (perf.)
Rogers & Allen (perf.)
Wilton Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Drifting Along (1925) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Ted Fiorito (perf.)
Dan Russo (perf.)
sm15.gif  Drifting Apart (1925) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Dan Russo (perf.)
Katherine Adolph (perf.)
sm15.gif Eternal City of Dreams (1923) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Lionel Barrymore (perf.)
Barbara Le Marr (perf.)
sm15.gif Hula Hula Dream Girl (1924) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Olin Landick (perf.)
sm15.gif I Used to Love Her in the Moonlight (1929) Ted Fiorito Sam M. Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
sm15.gif I Want Somebody to Cheer Me Up (1925) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Joe Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif King For a Day (1928) Ted Fiorito Sam M Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
Mark Fisher (perf.)
Harry Richman (perf.)
sm15.gif Laugh! Clown! Laugh! (1928) Ted Fiorito Sam M Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
Lon Chaney (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
sm15.gif Now I Lay Me Down to Dream (1940) Ted Fiorito(w&m) Eddy Howard (co-author)
Una Mae Carlisle (perf.)
Gray Gordon (perf.)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Now That You're Gone (1931) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Tom Brown (perf.)
Will Osborne (perf.)
sm15.gif On Candle-Light Lane: Indiana Wants Me Home Again (1928) Ted Fiorito Lewis and Young (words)
sm15.gif Poor Marionette (1931) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Someone to Love (1925) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Katherine Adolph (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Shelton Bentley (perf.)
Estelle Penning (perf.)
Fred Waring (perf.)
Tom Waring (perf.)
sm15.gif Sometime (1925) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Shelton Bentley (perf.)
Eddie Harkness (perf.)
Haynes, Kaiser & Lehmann (perf.)
Banjo Land (perf.)
Vaughn Monroe (perf.)
Vaughn Monroe (perf.)
Al Moore (perf.)
Oriole Terrace Orchestra (perf.)
Randall's Royal Fontenelle Orchestra (perf.)
Three Little Playmates (perf.)
Ipana Troubadours (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Southern Breeze (1926) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Lee Morse (perf.)
sm15.gif Then You've Never Been Blue (1935) Ted Fiorito Sam M Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
France Langfords (words)
Alice Faye (perf.)
Frances Langford (perf.)
George Raft (perf.)
Patsy Kelly (perf.)
sm15.gif Where the Lilies of the Valley Grow (1931) Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn (words)
Alice Joy (perf.)
sm15.gif In My Indiana Inn (1926) Fred Fisher Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif My Faultless Pajama Girl (1917) Louis H. Fisher Marie Flynn (perf.)
sm15.gif  I Never Broke Nobodys Heart When I Said Good-Bye (1923) Leon Flatow Albert Gumble (co-author)
Alfred Bryan (words)
Mae West (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Don't 'n' Say We Did (1929) Leon Flatow Phil Ponce (words)
sm15.gif New Kind of Man (1924), A Leon Flatow Sidney Clare (words)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
O'Connor Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh Say! Can I See You To-Night (1925) Leon Flatow Henry Creamer (co-author)
Joe Schuster (co-author)
Nora Kelly (perf.)
Brooks & Ross (perf.)
Edna Sellers (perf.)
Robey & Gould (perf.)
Rogers & Allen (perf.)
O'Connor Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got a New Mama (1924) Roy Fox(w&m) Earl Burtnett (co-author)
Jack Lax (co-author)
Welder Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Honey Heart (1910) William T. Francis John E. Hazzard (words)
sm15.gif I'll Be Waiting For You (1908) William T. Francis David J. Clark (words)
Victoria Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Elephant Rag (1913) Malvin Franklin
sm15.gif Oui, Oui, Marie, Oui, Oui (1913) Malvin Franklin Lew Brown (words)
sm15.gif Ragtime Mose's Oldtime Bomboshay (1918) Malvin Franklin Van and Schenck (words)
sm15.gif Madagascar Mangle (1912), The Vinton Freedley Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Jamais Trop (1913) Otto Frey
sm15.gif And It Rained, Rained, Rained (1912) Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
sm15.gif By the Rio Grande (1913) Anatol Friedland Johann C. Schmid (co-author)
A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Girl That I've Had in Mind (1912), The Anatol Friedland A. C. Delamater (words)
sm15.gif I Never Knew What Love Could Do (1912) Anatol Friedland Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif My Little Persian Rose (1912) Anatol Friedland Edgar Allan Woolf (words)
Charles W. Harrison (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif My Yiddisha Blonde (1912) Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
sm15.gif  Nona (1920) Anatol Friedland Gus Kahn (words)
Celia Blum (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Cute Little Chicken (1914) Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
A. Seymour Brown (words)
Mona Desmond (perf.)
sm15.gif Perfume of the Flowers (1913), The Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
sm15.gif Picture of Real Life (1913) Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
sm15.gif Sometime (1914) Anatol Friedland A. Seymour Brown (words)
Olga Unnerver (perf.)
sm15.gif Song of the Heart (1913) Anatol Friedland Edgar Allen Woolf (words)
sm15.gif Springtime (1912) Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
A.G. Delemater [sic] (words)
sm15.gif Springtime - Song (1920) Anatol Friedland Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Way to Kiss (1912), The Anatol Friedland Melville Alexander (words)
Lulu Glaser (perf.)
sm15.gif Who Sent Those Persian Plums (1912) Anatol Friedland Edgar Allen Woolf (words)
sm15.gif In Peacock Alley (1920) William B. Friedlander(w&m)
sm15.gif Call Me Back (1905) Leo Friedman Aaron Hoffman (words)
Lillian Held (perf.)
sm15.gif Hindu Moon (1922) Martin Fried Sam Ehrlich (words)
sm15.gif Anywhere (1927) Cliff Friend(w&m) Louis E. Zoeller (co-author)
Lillian Ray (perf.)
sm15.gif By the Riverside (1922) Cliff Friend Sidney Clare (words)
Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif California (1922) Cliff Friend(w&m) Con Conrad (co-author)
Francis X. Donegan (perf.)
Nancy Fair (perf.)
sm15.gif Give Me a Night in June (1927) Cliff Friend(w&m)
sm15.gif Hello Bluebird (1926) Cliff Friend(w&m)
sm15.gif  Hello Cutie (1927) Cliff Friend(w&m) Myrtle Norton (perf.)
Ormonde Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif I Told Them All About You (1927) Cliff Friend(w&m) Jack Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Do Anything For You (1929) Cliff Friend(w&m) Lew Pollack (co-author)
sm15.gif I'll Close My Eyes to the Rest of the World (1929) Cliff Friend(w&m)
sm15.gif Joy Bells (1927) Cliff Friend(w&m) Jos. H. Santly (co-author)
sm15.gif Night in June (1927) Cliff Friend
sm15.gif O-Oo Ernest (1922) Cliff Friend Sidney Clare (words)
Harry Tobias (words)
Eddie Cantor (perf.)
sm15.gif Sing Song Man (1922) Cliff Friend Con Conrad (words)
sm15.gif Tamiami Trail (1926) Cliff Friend(w&m) Jos H. Santly (co-author)
Charles Straight (perf.)
Ipana Troubadours (perf.)
sm15.gif Time Waits For No One (1944) Cliff Friend(w&m) Charlie Tobias (co-author)
Ann Sheridan (perf.)
Dennis Morgan (perf.)
Irene Manning (perf.)
Jack Carson (perf.)
sm15.gif Virginia's Calling Me (1924) Cliff Friend(w&m) Mitchell Bros (perf.)
sm15.gif Where the Lazy Daisies Grow (1924) Cliff Friend(w&m) Maureen Englin (perf.)
Charlotte Meyers (perf.)
Nancy Fair (perf.)
Howard &. Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif Whisper Song (1927), The Cliff Friend Florence Forman (perf.)
Benny Meroff (perf.)
sm15.gif You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming (1937) Cliff Friend(w&m) Dave Franklin (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Bom-Bom-Bom-Bhe (1919) Billy Frisch Bobby Jones (words)
sm15.gif Peacock Strut (1917) Lou Chiha Frisco Annie Martyn (co-author)
sm15.gif Gypsy Anna (1924) Jack Frost Paul Gerard Smith (words)
sm15.gif Mississippi Choo Choo (1923) Peter L. Frost Fred Rose (co-author)
P.L. Frost (words)
Fred Rose (words)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
sm15.gif  Mister Whitney's Little Jitney Bus (1915) Clarence Gaskill A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif In a Red Rose Garden (1912) Billy Gaston
sm15.gif No! (1926) Byron Gay Richard A Whiting (co-author)
sm15.gif Bridal Wreath (Aureole Nuptiale) (1910) Joseph Gearen
sm15.gif Come Along (1913) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Look Like Lillian Russell (1913) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Lillian Russell (perf.)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Love's Hesitation (1914) Charles J. Gebest Maurice E. Marks (words)
Victor Military Band (perf.)
sm15.gif My Tango Queen (1913) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Saturday Afternoon on Broadway (1914) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Way a Woman Wants a Man to Love (1913) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Maid (1913) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Hear That Um-Pah Um-Pah in the Band (1913) Charles J. Gebest Channing Pollock (words)
Rennold Wolf (words)
Raymond Hitchcock (perf.)
sm15.gif Rialto Ripples (1917) George Gershwin Will Donaldson (co-author)
sm15.gif Aviator Rag (1910), The Irene M. Giblin Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Chicken Chowder (1905) Irene M. Giblin Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Columbia Rag (1910) Irene M. Giblin Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Ketchup (1910) Irene M. Giblin Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Sleepy Lou (1906) Irene M. Giblin Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif  Soap Suds (1906) Irene M. Giblin Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Is Anybody Looking For a Widow? (1908) Harry Gifford(w&m) Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif My Heart Is Beating Overtime For You (1909) Arthur Gillespie(w&m) Charles Kannaly (co-author)
sm15.gif Breezin' Along With the Breeze (1926) Haven Gillespie(w&m) Seymour Simons (co-author)
Richard A Whiting (co-author)
Bobby Jackson (perf.)
sm15.gif Skeezix (1923) Haven Gillespie(w&m) Louise Fields (co-author)
Egbert A. van Alstyne (co-author)
sm15.gif Pride of the Ballet (1908), The Fred Godfrey(w&m) Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Dr. Munyon (1907) E. Ray Goetz Vincent Bryan (words)
Harry Bulger (perf.)
sm15.gif I am Cleopatra (1920) E. Ray Goetz
sm15.gif If You Could Care (1920) E. Ray Goetz
sm15.gif Land of Yester-Year (1918), The E. Ray Goetz(w&m) Frances White (perf.)
sm15.gif Under Grecian Skies (1920) E. Ray Goetz
sm15.gif You've Got to Take Me Home To-Night (1911) E. Ray Goetz Vincent Bryan (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Raggy Fox-Trot (1915), The Laurence E. Goffin
sm15.gif Venetian Moon (1919) Phil Goldberg Frank Magine (co-author)
Gus Kahn (words)
Gene Howard (perf.)
Willie Howard (perf.)
Rae Eleanor Ball (perf.)
sm15.gif Advertising (1907) John L. Golden Henry Blossom (words)
sm15.gif Bugs (1907) John L. Golden George V. Hobart (words)
sm15.gif Candy Shop (1909), The John L. Golden George V. Hobart (words)
sm15.gif Chinese Love Song (1909) John L. Golden(w&m)
sm15.gif  Fie, Fie, Fifi! (1909) John L. Golden
sm15.gif Finish (1907) John L. Golden Henry Blossom (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif Help! (1909) John L. Golden
sm15.gif Honey Bunch (1909) John L. Golden Geo. V. Hobart (words)
sm15.gif I'm Growing Fond of You (1917) John L. Golden Henry Blossom (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Been Married Once (1909) John L. Golden
sm15.gif Just We Two (1909) John L. Golden George V. Hobart (words)
sm15.gif Mama (1907) John L. Golden(w&m)
sm15.gif Merry Widower (1908), The John L. Golden
sm15.gif Mister Othello (1909) John L. Golden John L. Golden (words)
Geo. V. Hobart (words)
sm15.gif Now That I Can Have It, I Don't Want It! (1909) John L. Golden
sm15.gif That's Why I Never Married (1907) John L. Golden(w&m) Joseph Cawthorne (words)
sm15.gif Wheels (1907) John L. Golden(w&m)
sm15.gif You're My Girl (1909) John L. Golden
sm15.gif Ain't I the Foolish Kid (1911) Nat Goldstein Bartley Costello (words)
sm15.gif In an Oriental Garden (1920) Nat Goldstein Gus Kahn (words)
B.G. DeSylva (words)
sm15.gif Irene, My Midnight Queen (1911) Nat Goldstein Havez (words)
Donnelly (words)
sm15.gif Just Sweet Love Thoughts and You (1911) Nat Goldstein Bartley Costello (words)
sm15.gif  Stingy Kid (1909) Nat Goldstein Alfred Bryan (words)
Nora Kelly (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Mellow Moon Is Swinging Low (1917) Nat Goldstein Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Fadettes Call (1914), The Grace Gooding
sm15.gif Radiance (1922) Alfred Goodman Jack Stanley (words)
sm15.gif Apple's the Cause of It All (), An Louis M. Gottschalk L. Frank Baum (words)
sm15.gif Army of Oogaboo (1913), The Louis M. Gottschalk L. Frank Baum (words)
sm15.gif Ask the Flowers to Tell You (1913) Louis M. Gottschalk L. Frank Baum (words)
sm15.gif Clockwork Man (1913), The Louis M. Gottschalk
sm15.gif Dear Old Hank (1913) Louis M. Gottschalk
sm15.gif Folly! (1913) Louis M. Gottschalk
sm15.gif Jolly Fellows (1906) Louis M. Gottschalk W.H. Gardner (words)
sm15.gif Uncle Hiram's Intermezzo (1907) Lee B. Grabbe
sm15.gif Election in Jungle Town (1912) Bert F. Grant Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif How Could I Know That You Loved Me (1912) Bert F. Grant A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I'm the Guy (1912) Bert F. Grant Rube Goldberg (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Serenade Me Sadie (1912) Bert F. Grant Joe Young (words)
sm15.gif That Reuben Glide (1911) Bert F. Grant Joe Young (words)
Cecil Mack (words)
sm15.gif That Reuben Glide - Song (1911) Bert F. Grant Jean Boynton (co-author)
Cecil Mack (words)
Joe Young (words)
Belle Ashlyn (perf.)
sm15.gif  Trolley Car Swing (1912), The Bert F. Grant Joe Young (words)
Elida Morris (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
sm15.gif Under the Love Tree (1911) Bert F. Grant A. Seymour Brown (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif When You're Away (1911) Bert F. Grant Joe Young (words)
Seymour Brown (words)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
sm15.gif Zira (1906) Emeline M. Grant Margaret Anglin (perf.)
sm15.gif Biltmore Waltz (1916), The Arthur N. Green
sm15.gif Innovation Tango (1914) Arthur N. Green Vernon & Irene Castle (perf.)
sm15.gif Tango Argentino - Buenos Aires (1913) Arthur N. Green
sm15.gif Auf Wiedersehn (1928) Abner Greenberg
sm15.gif That Wonderful Dengoza Strain (1914) Abner Greenberg William Jerome (words)
Rae Eleanor Ball (perf.)
sm15.gif Building a Nest For Mary (1928) Jessie Greer Billy Rose (words)
sm15.gif Lonely in a Crowd (1927) Jessie Greer Billy Rose (words)
sm15.gif Oh! My Operation (1927) Jessie Greer Ballard McDonald (words)
Billy Rose (words)
sm15.gif Come to Me (1924) Clifford F. Grey Darl Macleod Boyle (words)
sm15.gif Auto Show (1908), The Frank Henry Grey
sm15.gif Du Pont Tango (1914), The Frank Henry Grey
sm15.gif Cathedral Chimes (1906) C.A. Grimm
sm15.gif Down South (1906) C.A. Grimm
sm15.gif Foolishness (1905) C.A. Grimm
sm15.gif  Gun Master (1906), The C.A. Grimm
sm15.gif Shadows on the Sand (1940) Wilhelm Grosz Stanley Adams (words)
Ray Eberle (perf.)
Dick Todd (perf.)
sm15.gif Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful Time (1913) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Alabama Dreams (1912) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Alexander's Band Is Back in Dixieland (1919) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Alice, Where Art Thou Going (1906) Albert Gumble Will A. Heelan (words)
sm15.gif All Is Over When the Bells Begin to Ring (1913) Albert Gumble Sam Ehrlich (words)
sm15.gif All That I Need to Know Is That You Come from Dixie (1919) Albert Gumble Bud De Sylva (co-author)
Arthur J. Jackson (words)
sm15.gif And He Blames My Dreamy Eyes (1905) Albert Gumble Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Are You Sincere? (1908) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
Adele Ritchie (perf.)
sm15.gif At the Mississippi Cabaret (1914) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Baby Boy (1911) Albert Gumble Jack Mahoney (words)
sm15.gif Back in Tipperary Town (1917) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif Bolo Rag - Song (1909), The Albert Gumble William J. Mc Kenna (words)
sm15.gif Bolo Rag (1908), The Albert Gumble Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Call Me in the Morning (1912) Albert Gumble A.S. Brown (words)
sm15.gif Can't You See (1909) Albert Gumble Alfred Byran (words)
sm15.gif Candy Kisses (1909) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif  Chanticleer - Song (1910) Albert Gumble Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif Chanticleer Rag (1910) Albert Gumble Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Circus Day in Dixie (1915) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
sm15.gif Curly Head (1910) Albert Gumble Wm. McKenna (words)
sm15.gif Darktown Dancin' School (1920) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
Farber Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Dearie If You'll Marry Me (1913) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Dixie Moon (1911) Albert Gumble Sam Ehrlich (words)
Charlotte Coate and Marguerite (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Let Your Love Grow Cold (1908) Albert Gumble Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Don't You Go (1913) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Double Trouble (1906) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Down in Waterloo (1914) Albert Gumble Jack Wells (co-author)
Authur Bryan (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Emmalina Lee (1909) Albert Gumble William J McKenna (words)
sm15.gif Ev'rything Is Going Up (1917) Albert Gumble Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Feather-Bed Lane (1921) Albert Gumble Herman Paley (co-author)
Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Flow Along River Tennessee (1913) Albert Gumble Jack Wells (co-author)
Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Georgia Grind (1910), The Albert Gumble E. Ray Goetz (words)
sm15.gif Georgia Rag (1910), The Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Get a Girl to Love You (1910) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif  Girl Who Threw Me Down (1907), The Albert Gumble Benjamin Hapgood Burth (words)
sm15.gif Give a Little Credit to the Navy (1918) Albert Gumble Bud de Sylvia (words)
Gus Kahn (words)
Del Chain (perf.)
Sydney Phillips (perf.)
sm15.gif Guessing (1921) Albert Gumble Sidney D Mitchell (words)
sm15.gif Handsome Brave Life Saver (1907), The Albert Gumble Ed. Rose (words)
George Whiting (words)
sm15.gif Harlequin (1910) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Has Anybody Seen My Husband? (1907) Albert Gumble Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Hawaii I'm Lonesome For You (1917) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif He Never Even Said Good-Bye (1907) Albert Gumble Dave J. Clark (words)
William H. Tascott (perf.)
sm15.gif Heartaches (1919) Albert Gumble(w&m)
sm15.gif His Cute Moving Picture Machine (1916) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Home Was Never Like This (1915) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif How's Ev'ry Little Thing in Dixie (1916) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif I Could Have Had You (1920) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
Nora Bayes (words)
sm15.gif I Learn'd to Love You in Dreamland (1916) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif I Never Broke Nobody's Heart When I Said Goodbye (1923) Albert Gumble Leon Flatow (co-author)
Albert Gumble (co-author)
Alfred Bryan (words)
Mae West (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Elope in an Aeroplane (1909) Albert Gumble William J. McKenna (words)
sm15.gif I Want to Watch over You (1915) Albert Gumble(w&m)
sm15.gif I Want You Georgia (1916) Albert Gumble Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif  I Will Marry You (1913) Albert Gumble Con Conrad (co-author)
Joe Young (words)
Adele Ritchie (perf.)
sm15.gif I Won't Be Back Till August (1910) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif I'd Feel at Home if They'd Let Me Join the Army (1917) Albert Gumble Jack Mahoney (words)
M. J. O'Connell (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Be on an Island With You (1914) Albert Gumble Jack Wells (co-author)
Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif I'll Do It All Over Again (1914) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I'm Afraid of You (1910) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif I'm Goin' to Stay Right Here in Town (1913) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif I'm Going Where the Weather Suits My Clothes (1910) Albert Gumble Dave Clark (words)
sm15.gif If War Is What Sherman Said It Was (1917) Albert Gumble Andrew Sterling (words)
sm15.gif If You Ever Come Down to Virginia There'll Be Nothing Too Good For You (1915) Albert Gumble A. Seymour Brown (words)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
sm15.gif If You'll Come Back to My Garden of Love (1917) Albert Gumble Stanley Murphy (words)
Evelyn Nesbit (perf.)
sm15.gif In Huskin' Time (1910) Albert Gumble Bartley Costello (words)
sm15.gif In the Summertime (1911) Albert Gumble Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif It Must Be You (1922) Albert Gumble(w&m)
sm15.gif Ivy and the Oak (1909), The Albert Gumble Matt Woodward (words)
sm15.gif Jessamine (1906) Albert Gumble(w&m) Florence Bindley (perf.)
Irene Meara (perf.)
sm15.gif Just a Year Ago (1911) Albert Gumble Harry Williams (words)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
sm15.gif Lady Love (1909) Albert Gumble William McKenna (words)
Peerless Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif  Lend Me Your Heart and I'll Lend You Mine (1912) Albert Gumble John F Mahoney (words)
sm15.gif Let's Help Each Other Along, (1915) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Levee Land (1922) Albert Gumble Howard Emmett Rogers (words)
J Dell Lampe (words)
sm15.gif Little Nemo and His Bear (1907) Albert Gumble Dave J. Clark (words)
sm15.gif Love Me (1911) Albert Gumble Edward Madden (words)
Frederic V. Bowers (perf.)
sm15.gif Lucille Waltz (1911) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Mandy and Me (1918) Albert Gumble William McKenna (words)
sm15.gif Minstrel Band (1909), The Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Most Wonderful Thing in the World (1915), The Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Mrs. Wilson Wants to Know (1906) Albert Gumble Vincent Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Night With a Human Owl (1909), A Albert Gumble C. W. Sutherland (words)
sm15.gif Oh You Moon (1912) Albert Gumble Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif On a Good Old Time Sleigh Ride (1913) Albert Gumble Andrew K. Allison (words)
Ella Galvin (perf.)
Weber, Beck & Frazer (perf.)
Belle Story (perf.)
sm15.gif On Lake Champlain (1916) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Over the Rhine (1918) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif Parade of the Daffodils (1912) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Peachie (1920) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
Emily Miles (perf.)
sm15.gif Playmates (1917) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif  Que Voulez Vous Encore = What More Do You Want (1914) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Rebecca of Sunny-Brook Farm (1914) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
Manson Twins (perf.)
Lysa Graham (perf.)
Emelie Scott (perf.)
Victoria Murray (perf.)
Wright & Dietrich (perf.)
Mildred Valmore (perf.)
Collins (perf.)
Lillian E. Bradley (perf.)
Martha & her Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Red Fox Trot (1917) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif Rose, Pretty Rose (1908) Albert Gumble Bartley Costello (words)
sm15.gif So Long Sammy (1917) Albert Gumble Benny Davis (words)
Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif So This Is Dixie (1917) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif Somebody Else Will if You Don't (1912) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Somebody's Waiting For You (1906) Albert Gumble Vincent Bryan (words)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
Four Fords (perf.)
Dave Carter (perf.)
sm15.gif Southern Gals (1917) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
Florence Moore (perf.)
Nellie V. Nichols (perf.)
sm15.gif Spanky Whippy What Did You Do (1919) Albert Gumble Jimmy Lucas (words)
sm15.gif Tackin' 'em Down (1918) Albert Gumble B.G. DeSylva (words)
sm15.gif Tell Me (1906) Albert Gumble Vincent Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Tempting (1922) Albert Gumble Jimmie Monaco (words)
sm15.gif That Midnight Frolic of Mine (1916) Albert Gumble A. S. Brown (words)
sm15.gif That Tinkling Tango Tune (1913) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif There's a Lump of Sugar Down in Dixie (1918) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
Jack Yellen (words)
Mayne & Dreams (perf.)
Al Jolson (perf.)
Mack & Vincent (perf.)
sm15.gif There's No Moon Like a Honeymoon (1908) Albert Gumble Edgar Malone (words)
sm15.gif Think of Me When I Am Near (1913) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif  This Is No Place For Me (1914) Albert Gumble A Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Under the Summertime Moon (1910) Albert Gumble Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif We Wont Go Home Until Morning, Bill (1908) Albert Gumble Jack Mahoney (words)
sm15.gif Wedding of the Sunshine and the Rose (1915), The Albert Gumble Stanley Murphy (words)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Welcome Honey to Your Old Plantation Home (1916) Albert Gumble Jack Yellen (words)
sm15.gif What Might Have Been (1908) Albert Gumble Dave J. Clark (words)
Manuel Romain (perf.)
Bessie Wynn (perf.)
sm15.gif What More Can I Give You (1920) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif When I Marry You (1908) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
Fred Rose (perf.)
Cheridah Simpson (perf.)
Claire Romaine (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Waltz With You (1912) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif When You're Married (1912) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Winter (1910) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif You Better Stop Messin' Around (1923) Albert Gumble Henry Creamer (words)
sm15.gif You Know You Won't (1913) Albert Gumble
sm15.gif You'll Do the Same Thing Over Again (1911) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
Vera Franklin (perf.)
Margaret Mudge (perf.)
Jean Boynton (perf.)
Isabel D'Armond (perf.)
Roy Sumner (perf.)
Violet MacMillan (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif You're Never Too Old to Love (1913) Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan (words)
William Jerome (words)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
sm15.gif Jungle (1905), The Mose Gumble
sm15.gif In Love's Garden (1905) Louise V. Gustin
sm15.gif Let's Trot (1915) Louise V. Gustin Maurice Mouvet (perf.)
Florence Walton (perf.)
sm15.gif  Canoodle-Oodle-Oo (1922) Arthur H. Gutman Paul Dupont (words)
sm15.gif As Long As There Is Love (1914) Harry P. Guy Eddie McGrath (words)
Eddie McGrath (perf.)
sm15.gif Down in Mobile (1904) Harry P. Guy Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Fellowship (1906) Harry P. Guy
sm15.gif Love's Eternity (1915) Harry P. Guy Luella Lockwood Moore (words)
sm15.gif Sixty-Six (1907) Harry P. Guy