Jerome H. Remick & Co.
List of Works: A - B
Last updated: 31.08.24
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif That Kickapoo Indian Man (1904) Robert J. Adams James O'Dea (words)
sm15.gif I'll Tell the World (1929) Frederick Emil Ahlert Roy Turk (words)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Bad News Blues (1923) Harry Akst Benny Davis (words)
sm15.gif First, Last and Always (1923) Harry Akst Benny Davis (words)
sm15.gif In My Bouquet of Memories (1928) Harry Akst Lewis (words)
Young (words)
sm15.gif Revenge (1928) Harry Akst Sam M. Lewis (words)
Joe Young (words)
Dolores Del Río (perf.)
sm15.gif American Dancers (1908), The Bob Alden
sm15.gif La Veeda (1920) John Alden Nat Vincent (words)
Ray Miller (perf.)
Jack Wise (perf.)
sm15.gif Winter Moon (1911) Frank Allen W. Amos Thompson (words)
sm15.gif Send Back That Man Who Can Love (1912) Ruby Galbraith Allen(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Call Me Mr. Hayseed (1910) Thomas S. Allen(w&m)
sm15.gif Afterwhile (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Thos. M Bowers (words)
sm15.gif Ain't You Glad You Found Me (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Alabama (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Alabama Moon (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne J. Will Callahan (words)
sm15.gif Baby (1919) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Nancy Fair (perf.)
Emily Miles (perf.)
sm15.gif Back, Back, Back to Indiana (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif  Beautiful Lady (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Because You're Irish (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Beware of the Siren (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Herbert Thompson (words)
sm15.gif Blarney (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Bonnie Annie Laurie (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Bright Eyes, Good-Bye (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Empire City Quartette (perf.)
Lilian Held (perf.)
Kelly & Violette (perf.)
Baby Zena Keife (perf.)
sm15.gif Call (1918), The Egbert A. van Alstyne
sm15.gif Campmeetin' Time (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Casey (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Cavalier' Rustican' Rag (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Cheyenne (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
sm15.gif China Dreams (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Raymond B. Egan (words)
Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Dat Friend of Mine (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Robert S. Roberts (perf.)
Edgar Atchinson Ely (perf.)
sm15.gif Do It Now (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Do You Think You'll Call Again? (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Jack Mahoney (words)
sm15.gif Don't Forget to Drop a Line to Mother (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Down in the Everglade (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Down in the Old Meadow Lane (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Hattie Williams (words)
Frank X. Doyle (perf.)
sm15.gif  Dreaming of the Same Old Girl (1920) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Dreams (1924) Egbert A. van Alstyne James La Mont (words)
Guido Ciccolini (perf.)
sm15.gif Every Heart Must Have Its Sorrow (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Father's Allowed to See Us Twice a Year (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif For the Boys Over There (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif For Your Boy and My Boy (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Forget Me Not (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Girl of the Olden West (1923), The Egbert A. van Alstyne Charles L. Cooke (co-author)
Haven Gillespie (words)
Sylvia Breamer (perf.)
sm15.gif Go Back (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Going Up (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Golden Arrow (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Golden Arrow - Song (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
sm15.gif Have a Drink to Yankee Land (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m)
sm15.gif He Got Right Up on the Wagon (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Heinze (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Hold Up Rag (1912), The Egbert A. van Alstyne Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif Honey Rag (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Honolulu Rag (1910), The Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Harry Williams (co-author)
Gene Buck (co-author)
sm15.gif  Hula Serenade - Sweet Dreams (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif I Can't Get Along Without You (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif I Don't Think I Love You, I Know I Do (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Julian Eltinge (perf.)
sm15.gif I Like It Better Every Day (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Williams (words)
Brockman (words)
sm15.gif I Love My Mother-In-Law (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I Used to Be Afraid to Come Home in the Dark (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Bluff as Mark Crosby (perf.)
Harry Fay (perf.)
sm15.gif I Used to Be Afraid to Go Home in the Dark (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want Somebody to Play With (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want Someone to Call Me Dearie (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif I Was a Hero Too (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Sam Bernard (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif I Wonder What's the Matter With My Eyes (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Anna Held (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Tell Your Fortune, Dearie (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif I'll Wait For You (1919) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Clara Morton (perf.)
Eveleen Dunmore (perf.)
Bessy Sheer (perf.)
Nella Webb (perf.)
May Irwin (perf.)
Ella Retford (perf.)
Hetty King (perf.)
Clarice Vance (perf.)
Della Fox (perf.)
May Vokes (perf.)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Going Right Back to Chicago (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
William H. Tascott (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Going to Make You Love Me (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I'm in Love With the Mother of My Best Girl (1913) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Sydney Jarvis (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Just a Little Blue For You (1922) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Haven Gillespie (words)
Ernie & Billie Loos (perf.)
Margaret Young (perf.)
sm15.gif  I'm Just Pinin' For You (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif I'm Looking For a Girl Like Mother (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif I've Got a Vacant Room in My Heart For You (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Zoa Matthews (perf.)
Robert S. Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Lost My Gal (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Stella Mayhew (perf.)
Billy Taylor (perf.)
sm15.gif In Dear Old Georgia (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Lillian Rosewood (perf.)
Eugene Jerge (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Claude Thardo (perf.)
Avery Strakosch (perf.)
sm15.gif In June (1913) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif In Old Missouri (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif In the Land of the Buffalo (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Marie Laurent (perf.)
Louise Horner (perf.)
May Yohé (perf.)
Claude Thardo (perf.)
Ila Grannon (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Kelly & Violette (perf.)
Columbia Quartette (perf.)
Burt Shepard (perf.)
Geo. H. Diamond (perf.)
sm15.gif Injun Love (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne John L. Golden (words)
Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Is There Anything Else That I Can Do For You? (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Earle C Jones (words)
sm15.gif It Looks Like a Big Night Tonight (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Harry Williams (words)
Harry Bluff as Mark Crosby (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Lew Dockstader (perf.)
sm15.gif It Might As Well Be You (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Leola Lucey (perf.)
sm15.gif It Must Be Love (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Leila McIntyre (perf.)
John Hyams (perf.)
sm15.gif Ivanhoe (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Butler (co-author)
sm15.gif Jamaica Jinjer (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Just a Word of Sympathy (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gustave Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Kaiser Bill (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Raymond Egan (words)
sm15.gif  Kentucky's Way of Sayin' Good Mornin' (1925) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Gus Kahn (co-author)
Earl & Bell (perf.)
Cardo & Noll (perf.)
Jeanne La Crosse (perf.)
sm15.gif Larry (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Let Me Build a Home for You (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Little China Doll (1908), A Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Little Old Church in the Valley (1931), The Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Gene Arnold (co-author)
Gus Kahn (co-author)
sm15.gif Little Old Red School House on the Hill (1908), The Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Liza (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Peerless Quartette (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Light (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Love, Honor and Obey (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne J.P. McEvoy (words)
sm15.gif Memories (1915) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Burton Lenihan (perf.)
sm15.gif Mon Bijou (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Herbert Thompson (words)
sm15.gif My Choc'late Soldier Sammy Boy (1919) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m)
sm15.gif My Dreamy China Lady (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Grace Kerns as Grace Nash (perf.)
sm15.gif My Hindoo Man (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Marie Cahill (perf.)
Marie Laurent (perf.)
Josephine Gassman (perf.)
Kelly & Violette (perf.)
Clarice Vance (perf.)
sm15.gif My Irish Girl (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif My Rosy Rambler (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif My Tom Tom Man (1915) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Naughty, Naughty, Naughty (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif  Nearer and Dearer (1923) Egbert A. van Alstyne Haven Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Neath the Old Cherry Tree Sweet Marie (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Hattie Williams (words)
Harry Ernest (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Harry A. Ellis (perf.)
Josephine Gassman (perf.)
sm15.gif Now She's Anybody's Girlie (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Oh That Navajo Rag (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Hattie Williams (words)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! You Lovable Chile (1913) Egbert A. van Alstyne Earle C Jones (words)
sm15.gif Old Pal (1924) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Bernice De Pasquale (perf.)
sm15.gif On an Old Fashioned Buggy Ride (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif On the Road to Home Sweet Home (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
George W. Reardon (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Road to Mexico Through Dixieland (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne J. Will Callahan (words)
sm15.gif On the Trail to Santa Fe (1915) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Piccolo (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne
sm15.gif Play That Hula Waltz for Me (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Raggity Man (1911), The Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Edward Meeker (perf.)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Rock-A-Bye Land (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gustave Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Sahara, My Sweet Sahara Jane (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Trixie Friganza (perf.)
Louise Brehany (perf.)
sm15.gif Sailin' Away on the Henry Clay (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Marx Brothers (perf.)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Sally (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Louise Henry (perf.)
sm15.gif San Antonio (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif  Santa Fe (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Shy-Try (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Since Hiram Went to Yale (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Della Fox (perf.)
sm15.gif Sing Me ''Oh, Solo Mio'' (1924) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gustave Kahn (words)
sm15.gif So Long, Mother (1917) Egbert A. van Alstyne Raymond B. Egan (words)
Gus Kahn (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Some Quiet Afternoon (1919) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Mollie King (perf.)
Leila McIntyre (perf.)
John Hyams (perf.)
sm15.gif Sunshine and Roses (1913) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweethearts (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Swingin' Along With Lindy (1928) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Marie Cahill (perf.)
sm15.gif Tale the Church Bells Tolled (1907), The Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
sm15.gif Terrible Turk (1909), A Egbert A. van Alstyne
sm15.gif That Old Girl of Mine (1912) Egbert A. van Alstyne Earle C. Jones (words)
Nellie Heim (perf.)
Maude Rockwell (perf.)
Gladys Stahl (perf.)
Frank Morrell (perf.)
Beulah Dallas (perf.)
Peggy Dougherty (perf.)
Irene Williams (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
Clarence Oliver (perf.)
Mary Shakespear (perf.)
Phelps (perf.)
Wright & Dietrich (perf.)
Tilford (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Sign of a Honeymoon (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne(w&m) Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Then We'll All Go Home (1909) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif There Never Was a Girl Like You (1907) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Josephine Ainsley (perf.)
Victoria Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif They'll All Be Waiting For You at the Train (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Under the Pretzel Bough (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Water Never Did That (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Frank Daniels (perf.)
sm15.gif  Way Down on Tampa Bay (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne A. Seymour Brown (words)
Owen J. McCormack (perf.)
sm15.gif What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys? (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif What Makes the World Go Round (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Hattie Williams (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Elise Stevenson (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Neva Eymar (perf.)
sm15.gif What's the Use of Anything? (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Clarice Vance (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Was a Dreamer and You Were My Dream (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne Roger Lewis (words)
Geo. A. Little (words)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Was Twenty-One and You Were Sweet Sixteen (1911) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Joseph A. Phillips (perf.)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
sm15.gif When We Went to Sunday School (1918) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
F. W. Gorman (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Kiss the Girl You Love (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Who Are You With Tonight? (1910) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Whose Pretty Baby Are You Now? (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Hodges & Tynes (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Don't You Try (1905) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Marie Hoy (perf.)
Harry Tally (perf.)
sm15.gif Won't You Come Over to My House? (1906) Egbert A. van Alstyne Hattie Williams (words)
Ford Rush (perf.)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
J.A. Driscoll (perf.)
Louise Henry (perf.)
sm15.gif Wrap Me in a Bundle and Take Me Home With You (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne Gus Kahn (words)
Leila McIntyre (perf.)
sm15.gif You Can't Make a Fool Out of Me (1923) Egbert A. van Alstyne Paul Cunningham (words)
Cherie Dennis (perf.)
sm15.gif You Made the World For Me (1916) Egbert A. van Alstyne Bessie Buchanan (words)
sm15.gif You Want Someone to Love You (1908) Egbert A. van Alstyne Harry Williams (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif You're the Sweetest Rose That Grows in Old Killarney (1914) Egbert A. van Alstyne Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Ypsilanti (1915) Egbert A. van Alstyne Alfred Bryan (words)
Hayden Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif  I've Got Sand in My Shoes (1934) Louis Alter Arthur Swanstrom (words)
Weldon Heyburn (perf.)
Isham Jones (perf.)
Sally O'Neil (perf.)
Herbert Rawlinson (perf.)
sm15.gif One in a Million (1935) Louis Alter John Scholl (words)
Edward Everett Horton (perf.)
Guy Kibbee (perf.)
Zasu Pitts (perf.)
sm15.gif Blues in the Night (1941) Harry Arlen Johnny Mercer (words)
Betty Field (perf.)
Priscilla Lane (perf.)
Richard Whorf (perf.)
sm15.gif Captain of the Clouds (1942) Harry Arlen Johnny Mercer (words)
James Cagney (perf.)
sm15.gif Get Happy (1930) Harry Arlen Ruth Etting (perf.)
sm15.gif Hittin' the Bottle (1930) Harry Arlen Ted Koehler (words)
sm15.gif March of Time (1930), The Harry Arlen Ted Koehler (words)
sm15.gif One Love (1930) Harry Arlen Ted Koehler (words)
sm15.gif Out of a Clear Blue Sky (1930) Harry Arlen Ted Koehler (words)
sm15.gif This Time the Dream's on Me (1941) Harry Arlen Johnny Mercer (words)
sm15.gif Whispering Hearts (1916) Samuel S. Aronson
sm15.gif Whispering Hearts - Song (1916) Samuel S. Aronson Philip Stiehl Jr. (words)
sm15.gif Let's Wander Away (1925) Paul Ash Earl Burtnett (co-author)
Harry Owens (co-author)
sm15.gif What Could I Do? (1927) Paul Ash Egbert A. van Alstyne (co-author)
Gus Kahn (words)
Edith Reed (perf.)
sm15.gif Any Old Tune at All (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Band Came Back (1911), The Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Band! Band! Band! (1910) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Come on Over Let's All Get Acquainted (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif  Confidences (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif Daddy (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
Louise Dresser (perf.)
sm15.gif Finnegan (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Gee! How I Hate You (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif Gee! I Should Have Been Born a Boy (1912) Nathan D. Ayer(w&m) Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif Gee, But I Like Music With My Meals (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
Robert S. Roberts (perf.)
William Burress (perf.)
sm15.gif Gum Shoe Man (1911), The Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif Heigh-o (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Honeymoon Love (1911) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I Cannot Drink the Old Drinks (1913) Nathan D. Ayer Harry Williams (words)
Frank Daniels (perf.)
sm15.gif I Hope It Doesn't Rain on Sunday (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I Want to See My Fatherland (1912) Nathan D. Ayer Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif I Was All Right in My Younger Days But I'm All in Now (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I'd Rather Go to Jail (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif I'll Try Anything Once (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I'm Coming Back (1911) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif I've Found That Gal (1913) Nathan D. Ayer Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif I've Got a Live on Now (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif  If You Talk in Your Sleep Don't Mention My Name (1911) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
Alma Youlin (perf.)
sm15.gif In a Bungalow For Two (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif Indian Rag (1912), The Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif King Chanticleer (1910) Nathan D. Ayer National Promenade Band (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me to That Beautiful Tune (1912) Nathan D. Ayer Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Loves Dreamy Strain (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Make a Noise Like a Fan (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Man in the Silvery Moon (1905), The Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
Helen Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif Moving Day in Jungle Town (1909) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif My Dream of Paradise (1911) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Mysterious Moon (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Never Such a Loving Two (1911) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif O-O-Ohio (1910) Nathan D. Ayer Eddie Leonard (words)
A. Seymour Brown (words)
Eddie Leonard (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh You Cutie (1912) Nathan D. Ayer Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Oh! You Beautiful Doll! (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
Harry Cove (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Ida Barr (perf.)
sm15.gif Ohio (1910) Nathan D. Ayer Eddie Leonard (words)
A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Please Come Back to Me (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A.S. Brown (words)
sm15.gif Plunk! Plunk! Plunk! on Your Little Guitar (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif  Rig-A-Jig (1912) Nathan D. Ayer
sm15.gif Spoony Words (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif Subway Squeeze (1911), The Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif Telegraph Girl (1911), The Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif That Loving Melody Rubenstein Wrote (1910) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif That Swaying Tango (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif There's No Place Like Home When There's No Place Else to Go (1912) Nathan D. Ayer Harry Williams (words)
sm15.gif Very Amibtious Girl (1911), A Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Waltz Me Up to the Altar Walter (1911) Nathan D. Ayer Paul West (words)
sm15.gif What Made the Boys Like Rosie (1912) Nathan D. Ayer Bert Grant (co-author)
A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif When Yankee Doodle Teddy Boy Comes Marching Home Again (1910) Nathan D. Ayer Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif You're a Regular Girl (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif You're My Baby (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
Tascott (perf.)
Roy Sumner (perf.)
Moran, Fein & Weston (perf.)
Libbie Blondell (perf.)
George J. Offermann (perf.)
Ethel McDonough (perf.)
Blanche Babette (perf.)
Belle Baker (perf.)
Babe Latour (perf.)
Hortense Wayne (perf.)
Elsie West Baker as Edna Brown (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as Fred James (perf.)
Ashton & Fink (perf.)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
Dorothy Brenner (perf.)
sm15.gif Your'e Some Girl (1912) Nathan D. Ayer A. Seymour Brown (words)
sm15.gif Gee! But You're Swell (1936) Abel Baer Charlie Tobias (words)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
sm15.gif Piggy Wiggy Woo (1939) Abel Baer(w&m) Paul Cunningham (co-author)
Ira Schuster (co-author)
sm15.gif Combination Salad (1916) Julius L. Bafunno
sm15.gif Look at Those Eyes (1925) Phil Baker(w&m) Sid Silvers (co-author)
Harry Reser (perf.)
Louis Katzman (perf.)
Austin Wylie (perf.)
sm15.gif  O-K-M-N-X We're Twenty Million Strong he Brotherhood Of (1928) Phil Baker J. Russel Robinson (co-author)
Billy De Beck (words)
Sid Silvers (words)
sm15.gif Rainy Day Pal (1928) Phil Baker(w&m) Sid Silvers (co-author)
sm15.gif Sunshine and Rain (1922) Phil Baker(w&m) Benny Davis (co-author)
Phil Baker (perf.)
sm15.gif Love and Valor (1906) Gaylord Barrett
sm15.gif Ev'rybody Loved Mary (1920) Billy Baskette Billy Frisch (words)
sm15.gif Blarney (1909) Nora Bayes Jack Norworth (words)
sm15.gif Ev'ry One in Favor Say Aye (1911) Nora Bayes(w&m) Jack Norworth (co-author)
sm15.gif Falling Star (1909) Nora Bayes Jack Norworth (co-author)
Nora Bayes (words)
Jack Norworth (words)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
Jack Norworth (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Glad I'm a Boy and I'm Glad I'm a Girl (1909) Nora Bayes(w&m) Jack Norworth (co-author)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif If It Were Not For Dear Old Father (1909) Nora Bayes(w&m) Jack Norworth (co-author)
sm15.gif Just Like a Gypsy (1919) Nora Bayes Seymour Simons (words)
sm15.gif Let's Get the Umpire's Goat (1909) Nora Bayes(w&m) Jack Norworth (co-author)
sm15.gif Prohibition Blues (1919) Nora Bayes Ring Lardner (words)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Shine on Harvest Moon (1908) Nora Bayes Jack Norworth (co-author)
Jack Norworth (words)
Ann Sheridan (perf.)
Dennis Morgan (perf.)
Irene Manning (perf.)
Jack Carson (perf.)
S.Z. Sakall (perf.)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
Jack Norworth (perf.)
Kate Smith as Ruth Brown (perf.)
Joe Haymes Orchestra (perf.)
Boswell Sisters (perf.)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
sm15.gif Pullman Porter Man (1911) Arthur Behim Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Mary, You're a Big Girl Now (1909) Gus Benkhart Bobby Heath (words)
Frederic V. Bowers (perf.)
Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
Joseph B. Maxwell (perf.)
sm15.gif Pudnin' Tame (1909) Theron Catlan Bennett
sm15.gif Sycamore Saplin' (1910) Theron Catlan Bennett
sm15.gif  Love Never Dies (1912) Henri Bereny Edward A. Paulton (words)
Inez Barbour (perf.)
Harry Anthony (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Goin' to Tell on You (1910) Mike Bernard Earl Taylor (words)
sm15.gif Weary Willie (1906) Mike Bernard
sm15.gif Sweet Georgia Brown (1925) Ben Bernie Maceo Pinkard (co-author)
Kenneth Casey (words)
Pickens Sisters (perf.)
Ella Fitzgerald (perf.)
Louis Armstrong (perf.)
Charlie Gaylord (perf.)
Margie Carson (perf.)
Fisher & Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif True (1923) Ben Bernie Violinsky (co-author)
Ben Ryan (co-author)
sm15.gif Mirza (1910) M.E. Berry
sm15.gif That Moaning Trombone (1918) Carl D. Bethel
sm15.gif Harriman Fox Tango (1915), The Paul Biese Frank Henri Klickmann (co-author)
Josephine Harriman (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Hysterics Rag (1914) Paul Biese Frank Henri Klickmann (co-author)
sm15.gif Murray Walk (1914), The Paul Biese Mae Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Bogie Man (1907), The Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Bridal Veil Waltzes (1910) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Could You Read My Heart (1906) Charlotte Blake Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Curly (1907) Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Dainty Dames (1905) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Gravel Rag (1908), The Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Harbor of Love (1911), The Charlotte Blake Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Hip! Hip! Hurrah! (1907) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif  Honey Bug (1910) Charlotte Blake Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Honey, When It's Sunny (1909) Charlotte Blake Arthur Gillespie (words)
Collin Davis (words)
sm15.gif I Wonder if It's You (1907) Charlotte Blake Vincent Bryan (words)
sm15.gif In Mem'ry of You, Sweetheart (1908) Charlotte Blake Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif It Makes a Lot of Diff'rence When You're With the Girl You Love (1909) Charlotte Blake Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif Land of Beautiful Dreams (1913) Charlotte Blake Maurice E. Marke (words)
sm15.gif Last Kiss (1907), The Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Lily Eyes (1909) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Love Is King (1906) Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Tree Waltzes (1908) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Mascot (1905), The Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Meet Me Half-Way (1910) Charlotte Blake(w&m)
sm15.gif Missouri Mule (1904), The Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif My Lady Laughter (1905) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Orchids (1907) Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Rose of the World (1915) Charlotte Blake Richard W. Pascoe (words)
sm15.gif Roses Remind Me of You (1910) Charlotte Blake Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif So Near and Yet So Far (1907) Charlotte Blake Arthur Gillespie (words)
sm15.gif  Spoonlight (1910) Charlotte Blake Earle Clinton (words)
sm15.gif Tenderfoot (1910) Charlotte Blake Earle Clinton (words)
sm15.gif That Poker Rag (1909) Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif That Tired Rag (1911) Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Wish Bone (1909), The Charlotte Blake
sm15.gif Yankee Kid (1909) Charlotte Blake Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif You're a Classy Lassie (1910) Charlotte Blake Earle C. Jones (words)
sm15.gif Ain't You Coming Out Tonight (1909) Henrietta B. Blanke Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif Beautiful Girl (1911) Henrietta B. Blanke Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Dance Me 'till I'm Dizzi, Izzy (1908) Henrietta B. Blanke Al. Bryan (words)
Victoria Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Enchantress (1907), The Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Fare Thee Well, Annabelle (1905) Henrietta B. Blanke Edward Madden (words)
sm15.gif Hearts' Haven Waltzes (1905) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Honey-Land (1909) Henrietta B. Blanke Stanley Murphy (words)
Ren Shields (words)
sm15.gif I Will Try (1908) Henrietta B. Blanke B.B. Ellison (words)
sm15.gif I'll Do Anything But (1909) Henrietta B. Blanke Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif In the Good Old Irish Way (1907) Henrietta B. Blanke Will A. Heelan (words)
Maggie Cline (perf.)
Cecelia Weston (perf.)
sm15.gif Just As Long As the Swanee Flows (1911) Henrietta B. Blanke Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif  Little House That Love Built (1905), The Henrietta B. Blanke Arthur Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Lonesome Land (1909) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Love Dreams (1910) Henrietta B. Blanke F.J. Crawford (words)
sm15.gif Marsovia Waltzes (1908) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Maxine (1910) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif My Irish Girl (1911) Henrietta B. Blanke Alfred Bryan (words)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif New Barn Dance (1908), The Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Polaire Waltzes (1910) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Prairieland (1909) Henrietta B. Blanke Vincent Bryan (words)
Gene Buck (perf.)
sm15.gif So Long, Joe (1907) Henrietta B. Blanke Will A. Heelan (words)
Dave Carter (perf.)
sm15.gif Stingy Moon (1906) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif Stingy Moon - Song (1906) Henrietta B. Blanke Will Heelan (words)
sm15.gif There Is Nothing in the World Like Love (1908) Henrietta B. Blanke Edward Madden (words)
Dorothy Morton (perf.)
Frank McIntyre (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Ring Around the Moon (1911) Henrietta B. Blanke Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif Under the Rose (1903) Henrietta B. Blanke
sm15.gif When the Mocking Birds Are Singing in the Wildwood (1906) Henrietta B. Blanke Arthur J. Lamb (words)
sm15.gif Withered Rose (1910), A Henrietta B. Blanke Leroy Scarlett (words)
sm15.gif Daisy Days (1921) Walter E. Blaufuss(w&m) Chas. L. Cooke (co-author)
Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif  Dearest One (1920) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
sm15.gif In Gay Havana (1920) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif My Heart Will Tell Me So (1926) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif My Isle of Golden Dreams (1919) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
Dolly Sisters (perf.)
Dick & George Rath (perf.)
Vivian Holt (perf.)
Lillian Rosedale (perf.)
sm15.gif Out of the Shadows (1921) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Sometime When the Lights Are Low (1920) Walter E. Blaufuss Paul Biese (co-author)
Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Sun-Kissed Isle (1927) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
Fisher & Keefe (perf.)
sm15.gif Your Eyes Have Told Me So (1919) Walter E. Blaufuss Gus Kahn (words)
Egbert A. van Alstyne (words)
sm15.gif Keep Your Eyes Down Mary You're a Big Girl Now (1920) Raymond C. Blick Raymond B. Egan (co-author)
Richard A. Whiting (co-author)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Know the Combination of Your Heart (1910) Linda Bloodgood Bobby Jones (words)
Ward & Vokes (perf.)
sm15.gif Any Old Tune (1910) Evelyn Bloom(w&m)
sm15.gif I'd Like to See What Calls You Dearie (1910) Evelyn Bloom
sm15.gif Kiddies (1910), The Evelyn Bloom
sm15.gif To-Night, Sweetheart, To-Night (1910) Evelyn Bloom
sm15.gif Saxonola (1918) P. T. Bodge
sm15.gif Big Jubilee (1908), The George Botsford
sm15.gif Black and White Rag (1908) George Botsford Winifred Atwell (perf.)
Albert Benzler (perf.)
American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Boomerang Rag (1916), The George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif  Chatterbox Rag (1910) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Over to Dover (1914) George Botsford Stanley Murphy (words)
sm15.gif Dance of the Gowns (1909) George Botsford
sm15.gif Dance of the Water Nymphs (1906) George Botsford Irving Berlin (words)
sm15.gif Denver Town (1908) George Botsford Harry J. Breen (words)
Will Oakland (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
William F. Hooley (perf.)
sm15.gif Eskimo Rag - Song (1913), The George Botsford Jean Havez (words)
sm15.gif Eskimo Rag (1912), The George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Fat Men on Parade (1909) George Botsford
sm15.gif Here's to the Friend in Stormy Weather (1912) George Botsford Havez (words)
sm15.gif Honey Girl (1911) George Botsford Jean Havez (words)
sm15.gif Honeymoon Bells (1915) George Botsford Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif Honeysuckle (1911) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Hyacinth Rag (1911) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Go Back to Dixie Land (1913) George Botsford Jean Havez (words)
sm15.gif I Want to Love You While the Music's Playing (1912) George Botsford Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif I've Come to Take You Back Home (1914) George Botsford Andrew Allison (words)
sm15.gif In Love's Garden (1918) George Botsford(w&m)
sm15.gif Incandescent Rag (1913), The George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif  It's the Way That You Have When You Smile (1920) George Botsford Tom Post (words)
sm15.gif Join Our Jubilee (1913) George Botsford Jean Harvez (words)
sm15.gif Love Watches (1908) George Botsford
sm15.gif Marry a Yiddisher Boy (1911) George Botsford Seymour Brown (words)
Premier Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif Maybe You're Not the Only One Who Loves Me (1910) George Botsford Alfred Bryan (words)
sm15.gif My Tahiti Queen (1911) George Botsford Jean Havez (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Sil'vry Bells (1912) George Botsford Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif Old Crow Rag (1909) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif On the Old Dominion Line (1916) George Botsford Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif Pride of the Prairie (1907) George Botsford Harry Breen (words)
Marie Bergere (perf.)
De Haven & Sidney (perf.)
Harry A. Ellis (perf.)
Ella Fox (perf.)
Greg Patti (perf.)
Grace Tyson (perf.)
sm15.gif Rag, Baby Mine (1913) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Rolling Stone (1911) George Botsford Jean Havez (words)
sm15.gif Royal Flush (1911) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Sailing Down the Chesapeake Bay (1913) George Botsford Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif Somebody (1911) George Botsford Jean C. Havez (words)
sm15.gif Texas Steer (1909) George Botsford Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Traveling (1906) George Botsford James Devins (words)
Greg Patti (perf.)
Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif When Big Profundo Sand Low C (1921) George Botsford Marion T. Bohannon (words)
sm15.gif  Wiggle Rag (1909) George Botsford
sm15.gif Oh Baby Mine (1911) Cecille Boucher Walter Gustavus (words)
sm15.gif Swanee Shore (1927) Charles Bourne Cliff Hess (words)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
Angelus Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif Bull Frog's Glide (1909), The Frederic V. Bowers Chas. Horwitz (words)
sm15.gif Out of the Sunshine (1922) Frederic V. Bowers Harry Weber (words)
Frederic V. Bowers (perf.)
sm15.gif Bohemia (1911) Robert Hood Bowers Harry B. Smith (words)
Robert B. Smith (words)
sm15.gif Chained-Ankle Glide (1914), The Robert Hood Bowers William Le Baron (words)
Gladys Clark (perf.)
Henry Bergman (perf.)
sm15.gif Dolly Madison (1911) Robert Hood Bowers
sm15.gif Ev'ry Fellow Wants to Love Me (1907) Robert Hood Bowers Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Lock You in My Heart (1907) Robert Hood Bowers Raymond W. Peck (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif If You Were Lost to Me (1906) Robert Hood Bowers Raymond W. Peck (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Really Too Absurd (1914) Robert Hood Bowers William Le Baron (words)
Gladys Clark (perf.)
Henry Bergman (perf.)
sm15.gif Light in Girlish Eyes (1906), The Robert Hood Bowers Raymond W Peck (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Chauffeur (1906), The Robert Hood Bowers Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif My House Boat Beau (1906) Robert Hood Bowers(w&m) Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif Society Bud's Day (1914), A Robert Hood Bowers William Le Baron (words)
Gladys Clark (perf.)
Henry Bergman (perf.)
sm15.gif Somewhere in the World There's a Little Girl For Me (1906) Robert Hood Bowers Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif We Are the Society Buds (1914) Robert Hood Bowers William Le Baron (words)
Gladys Clark (perf.)
Henry Bergman (perf.)
sm15.gif  Wine, Woman and Song (1906) Robert Hood Bowers Raymond W. Peck (words)
Elsie Janis (perf.)
sm15.gif Breath O' Spring (1917) Grace le Boy
sm15.gif Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes (1915) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Dublin Bay (1912) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Early in the Morning (1915) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Everybody Rag With Me (1914) Grace le Boy
sm15.gif Everybody Rag With Me - Song (1914) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
Al Jolson (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Ship Mary Ann (1914), The Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
Nora Bayes (perf.)
Daisy Leon (perf.)
Three Grouch Killers (perf.)
Chee Toy (perf.)
Blossom Seeley (perf.)
E.F. Cochran (perf.)
Rae Samuels (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm on the Jury (1913) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
Elizabeth M. Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Kentucky Sal (1915) Grace le Boy Will Mar (words)
sm15.gif Lay Down Your Arms (1915) Grace le Boy
sm15.gif Love and Springtime (1914) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Moonlight on the Mississippi (1913) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Oh, How That Woman Could Cook (1914) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
Sam Chip (perf.)
Mary Marble (perf.)
Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
sm15.gif Pass the Pickles (1913) Grace le Boy
sm15.gif That's a Lovely Evening (1914) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Those Olden Golden Days of Long Ago (1917) Grace le Boy Daisy Sullivan (words)
sm15.gif Will You Be Sorry? (1928) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif  You All Got to Be Born and Bred in Kentucky (1917) Grace le Boy
sm15.gif Rio Grande (1910) Vivian V. Bray
sm15.gif Emma-Lee (1919) Joe Bren(w&m)
sm15.gif Rose of the Mountain Trail (1914), The James Alexander Brennan Jack Caddigan (words)
Belle Story (perf.)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Clementine de Vere (perf.)
D'Armand & Carter (perf.)
sm15.gif Sailing Down the River in the Moonlight Mandy and I (1914) James Alexander Brennan Jack Caddigan (words)
sm15.gif Old Fashioned Rose (1925), An Ethel Bridges Gus Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Alma - Song (1909) Jean Briquet George V. Hobart (words)
Lottie Kendall (perf.)
Inez Barbour (perf.)
Harry Anthony (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Frank Ormsby (perf.)
Kitty Gordon (perf.)
sm15.gif Auction Pinochle Lied (1912) Jean Briquet Adolph Philipp (co-author)
sm15.gif Boogie Boo (1910), The Jean Briquet George V. Hobart (words)
Kitty Gordon (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me (1910) Jean Briquet George V. Hobart (words)
Kitty Gordon (perf.)
sm15.gif Garibaldi (1907) James Brockman(w&m) James Brockman (perf.)
sm15.gif In Old Madeira (1915) James Brockman Nat Osborne (co-author)
George Graff (co-author)
sm15.gif Please Don't Jazz My Mammy's Lullaby (1920) John E. Broderick John E. Broderick (words)
sm15.gif Chin-Chin (1915) A. Seymour Brown(w&m) Burton Lenihan (perf.)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
sm15.gif In the City of Brotherly Love (1915) A. Seymour Brown(w&m) Clarence Gaskill (co-author)
J. Rennie Cormack (co-author)
sm15.gif Izzie Get Busy (1916) A. Seymour Brown(w&m)
sm15.gif Oh! What a Beautiful Baby (1915) A. Seymour Brown(w&m)
sm15.gif Somebody Loves You (1913) A. Seymour Brown(w&m) Daisy Leon (perf.)
Billy Coviere (perf.)
Courtney Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif  You're a Great Big Blue Eyed Baby (1913) A. Seymour Brown Babe Latour (perf.)
Belle Baker (perf.)
Florence Smithson (perf.)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
Irene Williams (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Mary Shakespear (perf.)
Florence Timponi (perf.)
sm15.gif You're in Style When You're Wearing a Smile (1918) Albert William Brown(w&m) Gus Kahn (co-author)
Egbert A. van Alstyne (co-author)
Mina Schall (perf.)
Beatrice Lambert (perf.)
Emma Stephens (perf.)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
sm15.gif Come and Dream With Me in a Persian Garden (1914) Fleta Jan Brown(w&m)
sm15.gif Dandelion (1915) Fleta Jan Brown(w&m)
sm15.gif Fancies (1906) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
Baby Zena Keiff (perf.)
sm15.gif Flower of My Heart (1919) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif Gipsy Land (1920) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif Honey Bunch (1911) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif In Old Brazil (1916) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif Last Night You Told Me That You Loved Me (1917) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif Somewhere My Love Lies Dreaming (1916) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif There's Egypt in Your Dreamy Eyes (1917) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif Underneath the Stars (1915) Fleta Jan Brown Herbert L. Spencer (words)
sm15.gif When the Lamps Are Low (1914) Fleta Jan Brown(w&m)
sm15.gif Won't You Please Go Home (1905) Fleta Jan Brown(w&m)
sm15.gif Would You Believe (1907) Fleta Jan Brown
sm15.gif Texas Tommy Swing (1911) Sid Brown Val Harris (words)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Vera Maxwell (perf.)
sm15.gif June (1920) Tom Brown Ray Miller (co-author)
Alexander Sullivan (words)
sm15.gif  Song of India (1922), A Alfred Bryan(w&m)
sm15.gif You'll Do the Same Thing Over Again (1911) Alfred Bryan Albert Gumble (words)
Beth Tate (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Only Had the Nerve (1906) Vincent Bryan(w&m)
sm15.gif Maid of Argentine (1914) James Timothy Brymn Lydia Lopokova (perf.)
sm15.gif There's a Big Cry-Baby in the Moon (1909) James Timothy Brymn James Burris (words)
Anna Driver (perf.)
sm15.gif Zig-Zag (1906) Andy L. Burke
sm15.gif Somebody's Boy (1918) Joseph A. Burke J.E. Dempsey (words)
sm15.gif Back to You (1916) Hattie Burks(w&m) Hattie Burks (perf.)
sm15.gif Summer (1915) Hattie Burks(w&m) Hattie Burks (perf.)
sm15.gif After the Matinee (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt
sm15.gif Alexander Jones (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt
sm15.gif Always Keep the Money in the Family (1908) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Best I Get Is Much Obliged to You (1907), The Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Louise Dresser (perf.)
sm15.gif Big College (1910), The Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif Boom, Boom (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Brain Storms (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Captain Willie Brown (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt
sm15.gif Captain Willie Brown - Song (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt Gene Buck (words)
sm15.gif  Colored Race (1910), The Benjamin Hapgood Burt Geo. Ade (words)
sm15.gif Come, Put Your Arms Around Me (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Cook Book of Love (1909), The Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Dear Old Dear (1908) Benjamin Hapgood Burt John Hazzard (words)
sm15.gif Hang Out the Front Door Key (1908) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) May Vokes (perf.)
George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif He Died on His Wedding Day (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif He's Got Nothing on Me (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif I'd Rather Twostep Than Waltz, Bill! (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Clarice Vance (perf.)
Ethel Levey (perf.)
Adele Ritchie (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif If the Men Never Looked at Me (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif It's the Same Old Girl (1905) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Frank C. Stanley (perf.)
sm15.gif Just We Two (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif Let's Go Home (1908) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Ila Grannon (perf.)
Bijou Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif Life Is a Merry Go Round (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt John L. Golden (words)
sm15.gif Little Side Street (1910), A Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif Mister Pat O'Hare (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Adele Ritchie (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif Much Obliged to You (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
sm15.gif My Gal Irene (1908) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
sm15.gif Pa's Typewriter (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt Malcolm Williams (co-author)
sm15.gif  Patsy Dear (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Pay More Attention to Me (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Rain in the Face (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Regular Finishing School (1910), A Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif Salome Jackson (1908) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Saturday 1 P.M (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt George Ade (words)
sm15.gif Shame Upon You Nancy (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m) Edgar Keller (words)
sm15.gif Sing, Kate, Sing (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt
sm15.gif There Comes a Night (1907) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif Votes For Women (1909) Benjamin Hapgood Burt
sm15.gif When You've Got a Line of Talk (1910) Benjamin Hapgood Burt(w&m)
sm15.gif You've Got the Mischief in Your Eyes (1919) Benjamin Hapgood Burt Jean Schwartz (words)
sm15.gif Be a Little Sweeter to Me (1921) Earl Burtnett John Cooper (co-author)
Harry D. Kerr (words)
sm15.gif Down Honolulu Way (1916) Earl Burtnett Jos A. Burke (co-author)
J. E. Dempsey (words)
sm15.gif Just Keep a Thought For Me (1921) Earl Burtnett Harry D. Kerr (co-author)
Max Fischer (words)
sm15.gif Let's Wander Away (1925) Earl Burtnett(w&m) Harry Owens (co-author)
Paul Ash (words)
sm15.gif Mandalay (1924) Earl Burtnett Abe Lyman (co-author)
Gus Arnheim (co-author)
Strauss Peyton (perf.)
Charlie Chaplin (perf.)
Abe Lyman (perf.)
sm15.gif My Rose of Waikiki (1917) Earl Burtnett Joe Burke (co-author)
James E. Dempsey (words)
sm15.gif  You're the Only One (1924) Earl Burtnett(w&m) Dick Newlin (co-author)
Dick Newlin (words)