Paul Alfred Rubens  (1875-1917)
Last updated: 14.03.25
According to the Internet source given below, Paul Alfred Rubens was an English book author, lyricist and composer of many shows. He was the eldest son of musically gifted German Jewish immigrant parents his father, Victor being a wealthy stockbroker. He studied law at University College, Oxford and then trained for the Bar. Amongst his many works include: A Country Girl (1901), Three Little Maids (1903), The Blue Moon(1906), My Lady's Maid (1906), Miss Hook of Holland (1907), The Hoyden (1907), The Dairymaids (1907), The Balkan Princess (1911), The Sunshine Girl (1913), The Girl from Utah (1914), Nobody Home (1915), Betty (1916), Florodora (posth. 1920).

url15.gif Paul Rubens (composer) Biography by  
Paul Alfred Rubens  (1875-1917) has at least 7 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
b00170wvls_m.jpgFife and Drum, The
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Words by: Rida Johnson Young
Publisher: The American Advance Music Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1903. Sheet Music.
b00y8m5d4e_m.jpgGondola and the Girl, The
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Words by: Percy Graham, E. Ray Goetz
Publisher: Chappell-Harms Inc
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1923. Sheet Music 5 pages.
b001ggryi8_m.jpgHere's to Love
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Words by: Arthur Wimperis
Publisher: Chappell & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1912. Sheet Music 7 pages.
I Love the Moon Song
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Publisher: Chappell & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
  Printed: 1912. Sheet Music.
b00170pqho_m.jpgLove Waltz, The
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Words by: Rida Johnson Young
Publisher: The American Advance Music Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1904. Sheet Music.
b079dj18bg_m.jpgOne and Only, The
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Words by: Rida Johnson Young
Publisher: The American Advance Music Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1904. Sheet Music.
b00xy7ni32_m.jpgTonights the Night I'm a Millionaire
Music by: Paul Alfred Rubens.
Publisher: Chappell & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif
Printed: 1915. Sheet Music.
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Dance With Me (1916) I. Kaufman
Gladys Rice
Edison Blue Amberol: 3078
cylinder15.gif Here's to Love (1913) Elizabeth Spencer Edison Blue Amberol: 1734
cylinder15.gif Betty (1908) Indestructible Symphony Orchestra Indestructible Record: 696
cylinder15.gif I Like You in Velvet (1906) Robert Dennant Sterling Record: 254
cylinder15.gif The Music of Love (1914) Marie De Kyser
Reed Miller
Edison Blue Amberol: 2477
cylinder15.gif Three Little Maids - Selection (1903) Edison Symphony Orchestra Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8527
cylinder15.gif Balkan Princess - Selections (1910) Indestructible Record Band Indestructible Record: 3145
cylinder15.gif Three Little Maids - Selection (1903) Gilmore's Band Columbia Record: 32296
cylinder15.gif Tonights the Night I'm a Millionaire (1915) Joseph Anthony Phillips Edison Blue Amberol: 2588
cylinder15.gif The Sweeps Intermezzo (1908) British Concert Orchestra Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13815
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
audioextmp315.gif The Admiral's Yarn (1928) P. Dawson HMV B2661
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif I'm a Millionaire (1915) P.A. Rubens Royal James Fish
William F. Hooley
Joseph Anthony Phillips
Elizabeth Spencer
John Young
Edison: 3565
recordmp3.gif Music of Love, The (1914) P.A. Rubens Marie De Kyser
Reed Miller
Edison: 3301
recordmp3.gif Only to You (1914) P.A. Rubens Helen Clark Edison: 3253
recordmp3.gif Only Way, The (1915) P.A. Rubens Mary Carson
Helen Clark
Albert Farrington
Marie De Kyser
Elizabeth Spencer
Edison: 3662
recordmp3.gif Please Don't Flirt With Me (1915) P.A. Rubens Helen Clark
Joseph Anthony Phillips
Edison: 3671
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Folk Music CDs:
cd15.gif Various Performers Singing Actresses flag15uk.gif flag15fr.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Trixie of Upper Tooting Paul Alfred Rubens (words & music)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif After the Girl (1914) P.A. Rubens (w&m)
P. Greenbank (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Argentine (1912), The P.A. Rubens (w&m)
A. Wimperis (words)
Julia Sanderson (perf.)
Vernon Castle (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Bride Bells (1901) P.A. Rubens (music)
Paul A. Rubens (coauth.)
Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Burmah Girl (1905) P.A. Rubens (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Cinderella (1915) P.A. Rubens (music)
A. Ross (words)
P. Greenbank (words)
Winefred Barnes (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Common Sense Bracket (1905) P.A. Rubens (music)
Richard Golden (perf.)
pdf15.gif Fighting the Flames (1904) P.A. Rubens (music) Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif  Girl You Love (1901), The P.A. Rubens (w&m)
Edna Wallace Hopper (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif I Can't Take My Eyes Off You (1904) P.A. Rubens (music)
Rida Johnson Young (words)
Constance Windom (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif I Don't Seem to Want You When You're with Me (1905) P.A. Rubens (w&m)
M. Cooper (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.

I Love the Moon (1912) P.A. Rubens (w&m)
Maggie Teyte (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif I Want to Be Your Wife (1907) P.A. Rubens (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif I'd Like to Pose For You (1910) P.A. Rubens (music)
V. Bryan (words)
Henry Mygatt Woodruff (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif It's Great to Be in Love (1911) P.A. Rubens (music)
Crane Wilbur (words)
Florence Mills (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Lady Madcap (1905) P.A. Rubens (music)
P. Greenbank (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif  Mr. Popple of Ippleton (1905) P.A. Rubens (w&m) Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif My Sugar Plum (1904) P.A. Rubens (music)
Rida J. Young (words)
King Sisters (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Pink Petty From Peter (1907) P.A. Rubens (music) Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif Sal (1902) P.A. Rubens (music) Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Sunshine Girl (1912), The P.A. Rubens (music)
Cecil Raleigh (words)
A. Wimperis (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Three Little Maids (1903) P.A. Rubens (music)
P. Greenbank (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Tonights the Night I'm a Millionaire (1915) P.A. Rubens (music)
P. Greenbank (words)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
Vienna Rag (1905), The P.A. Rubens (music)
pdf15.gif  Wonderful World (1910) P.A. Rubens (w&m)
A. Wimperis (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 87 works by Paul Alfred Rubens (1875-1917). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Jasper Johnson's Jubilee 1899  wvicon.gif
Rag-Time Pasmala 1899  wvicon.gif
Aunt Caroline 1900  Pub.
Dixie Guards, The 1900  youtube15.jpg
I've an Inkling 1900 Ada Reeve (perf.)
In Colored Society 1900  Pub.
Love Me Just a Little Sue (w&m) 1900 Ada Reeve (perf.)
Queen of the Philippine Islands, The 1900 Ada Reeve (perf.)
Betty 1901 Indestructible Symphony Orchestra (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Bride Bells 1901 Paul A. Rubens (co-author)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Girl You Love, The (w&m) 1901 Beatrice Golden (perf.)
Edna Wallace Hopper (perf.)
Delia Mason (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Trixie of Upper Tooting (w&m) 1901 Ada Reeve (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Algy's Simply Awf'lly Good at Algebra 1902
Dream of Madrid, A 1902
I Can Laugh, I Can Love 1902
Love, You're a Wonderful Game 1902
Me and Mrs. Brown 1902
Miller's Daughter, The 1902
Not the Little Boy She Knew 1902
Sal 1902  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Selection From the Musical Play Three Little Maids 1902
Way Down South 1902  wvicon.gif
What Is a Maid to Do? 1902
Fife and Drum, The 1903 Rida Johnson Young (words)  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
German Cakewalk, The 1903  wvicon.gif youtube15.jpg
Three Little Maids 1903 Percy Greenbank (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Three Little Maids - Selection 1903 Edison Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
Gilmore's Band (perf.)
  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Fighting the Flames 1904  Pub. pdf15.gif
I Can't Take My Eyes Off You 1904 Rida Johnson Young (words)
Constance Windom (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Love Waltz, The 1904 Rida Johnson Young (words)
Teddy Rogers (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
My Sugar Plum 1904 Rida J. Young (words)
King Sisters (perf.)
Teddy Rogers (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
One and Only, The 1904 Rida Johnson Young (words)
Doris Mitchell (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.
You and I, and I and You (w&m) 1904 Isabel Jay (perf.)  Pub.
Burmah Girl (w&m) 1905  Pub. pdf15.gif
Common Sense Bracket 1905 Richard Golden (perf.)  pdf15.gif
Crocodile, The 1905
I Don't Seem to Want You When You're with Me (w&m) 1905 Margaret Cooper (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif
I Like You in Velvet (w&m) 1905 Robert Dennant (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Lady Madcap 1905 Percy Greenbank (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Mr. Popple of Ippleton (w&m) 1905  Pub. pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
She Didn't Know 1905
Sometimes 1905
Vienna Rag, The 1905  wvicon.gif pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
I Love You, Ma Cherie 1906 Henry Leoni (perf.)
Flying Dutchman, The (w&m) 1907  wvicon.gif
I Want to Be Your Wife (w&m) 1907 from "Miss Hook of Holland"  Pub. pdf15.gif
If You'll Walk With Me 1907 Topsy Siegrist (perf.)
Little Miss Wooden Shoes (w&m) 1907  Pub.
Miss Hook of Holland 1907 Arr. by Albert W Ketelbey (Albert William),, 1875-1959,;
Pink Petty From Peter 1907  Pub. pdf15.gif
Sleepy Canal 1907
Soldiers of the Netherlands 1907
Violoncello 1907
Sweeps Intermezzo, The 1908 British Concert Orchestra (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Balkan Princess - Selections 1910 Indestructible Record Band (perf.)   cylinder15.gif
Dear Heart of Mine 1910
Dear, Delightful Women 1910 Arthur Wimperis (words)
Dreaming 1910
How Do You Do? 1910
I'd Like to Pose For You 1910 Vincent Bryan (words)
Henry Mygatt Woodruff (perf.)
from "The Genius"
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
It Must Be Great to Be a General But I'd Rather Lead the Band 1910
Man's a Man 1910
Out in an Ocean of Love 1910 Henry Mygatt Woodruff (perf.)
Wonderful World (w&m) 1910 Arthur Wimperis (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
It's Great to Be in Love 1911 Crane Wilbur (words)
Florence Mills (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Mr. Edison 1911 George Grossmith (perf.)
Argentine, The (w&m) 1912 Arthur Wimperis (words)
Vernon Castle (perf.)
Julia Sanderson (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg
Here's to Love 1912 Arthur Wimperis (words)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub.  cylinder15.gif
I Love the Moon (w&m) 1912 Phyllis Dare (perf.)
Maggie Teyte (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif
Sunshine Girl - Selection, The 1912
Sunshine Girl, The 1912 Cecil Raleigh (words)
Arthur Wimperis (words)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Two Nuts 1912
Music of Love, The 1913 Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Reed Miller (perf.)
  recordmp3.gif cylinder15.gif
After the Girl (w&m) 1914 Percy Greenbank (words)  Pub. pdf15.gif
Ladies and Gentlemen (w&m) 1914 Maggie Teyte (perf.)  Pub.
Only to You (w&m) 1914 Helen Clark (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Only Way!, The (w&m) 1914 Mary Carson (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Albert Farrington (perf.)
Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Pink and White 1914
Cinderella 1915 Adrian Ross (words)
Percy Greenbank (words)
Winefred Barnes (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Dance With Me 1915 Percy Greenbank (words)
Irving Kaufman (perf.)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I'm a Millionaire 1915 Percy Greenbank (words)
Paul A. Rubens (words)
Royal James Fish (perf.)
William F. Hooley (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
Please Don't Flirt With Me 1915 Percy Greenbank (words)
Paul A. Rubens (words)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Tina 1915 Haydn Wood (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Tonights the Night I'm a Millionaire 1915 Percy Greenbank (words)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
 amazon15.gif Pub. pdf15.gif  cylinder15.gif
Gondola and the Girl, The 1923 Percy Graham (words)
E. Ray Goetz (words)
Irène Bordoni (perf.)
 amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
So This Is Love 1923 Percy Graham Paul (words)
E. Ray Goetz (words)
Admiral's Yarn, The (w&m) 1928 Peter Dawson (perf.)   audioextmp315.gif
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg P.A. Rubens The Argentine (0:00) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg P.A. Rubens The Dixie Guards (0:00) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg P.A. Rubens The German Cakewalk (0:00) Ragtime Dorian Henry