Edward J. Abram 
Last updated: 02.09.24
Virtually nothing is known about Edward J. Abram other than those bare facts which can be gleaned from the cover of the original sheet music. That is to say that his Madison Square March was published by M. Witmark and Sons and that Abram dedicated this piece to a certain Miss Mabel Morrison. This in turn implies that Edward J. Abram is a real name and not a pseudonym, an oft used device in the ragtime era. He is also given as the composer of a piece called If this be Love.

Since writing the above in April, 2004, a little more information has turned up. During a recent (August, 2010) Internet search a number of his compositions listed at the Amazons and an intriguing article published by The New York Times on August 19, 1897 have been found. From the article we learn that Edward J. Abram was an associate of a certain Lewis Morrison, theatrical manager of the Star Theater, New York. Here they were involved in litigation going all the way to the Supreme Court whereby they allegedly did not meet contractual obligations concerning the staging of an expensive production, The Privateer written by Harrison Grey Fiske.

Edward J. Abram  has at least 6 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
Caroline Character Song & Chorus
Words and Music by: Edward J. Abram.
Publisher: Howley, Haviland & Dresser
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1894. Sheet Music. Limited Availability.
Gnomes' Dance, The Gavotte
Music by: Edward J. Abram.
Publisher: G.T. Worth & Co.
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1893. Sheet Music. Limited Availability.
b0000cs1mf_m.jpgIf This Be Love Ballad Op. 90
Words and Music by: Edward J. Abram.
Performed by: Rosabel Morrison
Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons
Suppliers: B0000CS1MF: not available.
Printed: 1895. Sheet Music 6 pages. Limited Availability.
Indian Sun Dance, The
Music by: Edward J. Abram.
Publisher: Howley, Haviland & Dresser
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
  Printed: 1894. Sheet Music. Limited Availability.
b0000cs1mh_m.jpgMadison Square March, The Two Step Op. 91
Music by: Edward J. Abram.
Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1895. Sheet Music 6 pages. Limited Availability.
My Sailor Lass Nautical Song and Chorus Op. 93
Words and Music by: Edward J. Abram.
Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons
Suppliers: flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1896. Sheet Music. Limited Availability.
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Madison Square March (1895), The James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Performers Instruments
Item Title Available €     £     $     Other
DBE228 The Madison Square March (1895) - Two Step Op. 91
A/T/T/T/B/GB(B), approx. 3¼ mins.
1-2 days
     Title Instruments Remarks
sm15.gif Madison Square March (1895), The A/T/T/T/B/GB(B) dbe15.gifwvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 6 works by Edward J. Abram. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Gnomes' Dance, The 1893  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Caroline (w&m) 1894  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Indian Sun Dance, The 1894  amazon15.gif Pub.
If This Be Love (w&m) 1895 Rosabel Morrison (perf.)  amazon15.gif wvicon.gif
Madison Square March, The 1895 Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)  amazon15.gif Pub. audiomidi15.gif audiodbemp315.gif
My Sailor Lass (w&m) 1896  amazon15.gif Pub.