Audio Files: S
Last updated: 19.03.25
Audio Files: S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Title (Release Year) Composer Attributes
audiomidi15.gif Campus Capers(1908) A. Sabath James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Danse des prêtresses de Dagon (1911) C. Saint-Saëns Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Excerpts From Samson and Delilah (1914) C. Saint-Saëns Moss-Squire Celeste Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice (1914) C. Saint-Saëns Mary Jordan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif May I Be Allowed to Suggest? (1910) J.L. Saint-John Arthur Gilbert (perf.)
Fred Warwick (words)
audiomidi15.gif Lemons and Limes C. Salisbury James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Poodles' Parade, The C. Salisbury James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif By the Waters of Killarney (1921) A.M. Sanders Broadway Dance Orchestra (perf.)
M. Carlo (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hong Kong (1917) A.M. Sanders A. Fields (perf.)
Richard W. Pascoe (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Jass One-Step (1917) A.M. Sanders Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
M. Carlo (words)
audioextmp315.gif Silver Sands of Love (1922) A.M. Sanders Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
M. Carlo (words)
L. Breau (words)
audioextmp315.gif  That Tumble-Down Shack in Athlone (1919) A.M. Sanders Will Oakland (perf.)
M. Carlo (coauth.)
Richard W. Pascoe (words)
audiomidi15.gif Betty's Garden(1920) W. Sanderson James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
F.E. Weatherly (words)
audioextmp315.gif Drake Goes West (1911) W. Sanderson David Brazell (perf.)
Patrick Joseph O'Reilly (words)
audioextmp315.gif Drake Goes West (1929) W. Sanderson P. Dawson (perf.)
Patrick Joseph O'Reilly (words)
audioextmp315.gif God Be With Our Boys To-Night (1919) W. Sanderson Metropolitan Quartet (perf.)
Fred. G. Bowles (words)
audioextmp315.gif Spring's Awakening (1915) W. Sanderson Mary Carson (perf.)
Maud Cunningham (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Stars Have Eyes(1920) W. Sanderson James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Fred G Bowles (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Ninety and Nine (1898) I.D. Sankey I.D. Sankey (perf.)
Elizabeth Clephane (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Ninety and Nine (1902-1904) I.D. Sankey F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Elizabeth Clephane (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Ninety and Nine (1916) I.D. Sankey Christine Miller (perf.)
Elizabeth Clephane (words)
audioextmp315.gif At the Moving Picture Ball (1920) J.H. Santly Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
H.E. Johnson (words)
audioextmp315.gif Friends (1919?) J.H. Santly(w&m) Charles Hart (perf.)
Elliott Shaw (perf.)
H.E. Johnson (coauth.)
G.W. Meyer (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif  Mother, Dixie and You (1917) J.H. Santly(w&m) A. Fields (perf.)
Howard Johnson (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Marche des Socialos (1911/12) P. Saphir Henriette Leblond (perf.)
LUC (words)
audioextmp315.gif Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind (1916) J. Sarjeant T. Foster Why (perf.)
W. Shakespeare (words)
audioextmp315.gif Valse Pathetique (1916) D. Savino A. Vecsey (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mavourneen! (1921) W.J. Scanlan Walter Van Brunt as Walter Scanlan (perf.)
Bartley Campbell (words)
audioextmp315.gif Peek A Boo (1911) W.J. Scanlan Will Oakland (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Scanlan's Swing Song (1890-1902) W.J. Scanlan George J. Gaskin (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Jack Frost A.W. Scheu Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Sleepy Sidney A.W. Scheu Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Harmony Joe(1913) J.A.G. Schiller James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Frank M Taylor (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Old Swing on the Lawn (1908) S. Schiller(w&m) Dorothy Kingsley (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Fawn(1912) W. Schiller James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Alone in the Deep (1915) J.C Schmid Knickerbocker Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif At the Gate of the Palace of Dreams (1913) J.C Schmid Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Chas. E Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bridal Blushes (1916) J.C Schmid Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ev'ry Ship Will Find a Harbor (1908) J.C Schmid Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Chas. E Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Flower From Home Sweet Home (1907) J.C Schmid Edison Male Quartette (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Garden of Roses (1910) J.C Schmid Arthur C. Clough as Rome Fenton (perf.)
J.E. Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Garden of Roses (1910) J.C Schmid J.B. Maxwell (perf.)
J.E. Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Garden of Roses (1910) J.C Schmid H. Burr (perf.)
J.E. Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Garden of Roses (1921) J.C Schmid Lewis James (perf.)
J.E. Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif Gee! But the Moon Makes Me Lonesome (1911) J.C Schmid Manuel Romain (perf.)
James E Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif If I Could Only Make You Care (1914?) J.C Schmid Charles Compton (perf.)
J. E Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif If You Must Love Someone, Won't You Please Love Me? (1909) J.C Schmid Byron George Harlan (perf.)
James E. Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Moonlight in Jungleland (1910) J.C Schmid Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
James E Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Moonlight, the Rose and You (1911) J.C Schmid Frank Coombs (perf.)
William H. Thompson (perf.)
Chas. E. Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Moonlight, the Rose and You (1910) J.C Schmid F.C. Stanley (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
Chas. E. Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Passing Caravan Patrol (1913) J.C Schmid New York Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Roses Remind Me of Someone (1914) J.C Schmid Arthur C. Clough (perf.)
James E Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif Somebody Just Like You (1909) J.C Schmid Manuel Romain (perf.)
Charles E. Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sweet Old Rose (1911) J.C Schmid Manuel Romain (perf.)
James E Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif There's a Warm Spot in My Heart For Tennessee (1909) J.C Schmid F. Rose (perf.)
Chas. E. Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif There's No Girl Like Your Old Girl (1910) J.C Schmid Manuel Romain (perf.)
James E Dempsey (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Vale of Dreams (1911) J.C Schmid Albert Campbell (perf.)
William H. Thompson (perf.)
Chas. E Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif You're a Grand Old Bell (1909) J.C Schmid Byron George Harlan (perf.)
J. E Dempsey (words)
audiomidi15.gif Carolina Sunshine(1919) E.R. Schmidt James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  A Christmas Song (1912-1921) F.L. Schneider Hughes Macklin (perf.)
A. Chevalier (words)
Brian Daly (words)
audioextmp315.gif Am Telephon (1907) G. Schönwald Frl. Vincent (perf.)
G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Auf dem Jahrmarkt (1904) G. Schönwald G. Schönwald (perf.)
Ida Meyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Das unruhige Haus (1909) G. Schönwald G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Der Hauptmann von Coepenick vor Gericht (1906) G. Schönwald(w&m) G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Eine fidele Gerichtsverhandlung (1907) G. Schönwald G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Im Berliner Zoo (1910) G. Schönwald G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Nachtliches Abenteuer eines Studenten (1907) G. Schönwald G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif It's Written in the Book of Destiny (1915) W.A. Schroeder Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif That Creepy, Weepy Feeling (1917) W.A. Schroeder Gladys Rice (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Schubert's Serenade (1908) F. Schubert Charles D'Almaine (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Schubert's Serenade (1897-1898) F. Schubert W.P. Chambers (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Lilli Marlene(1937) N. Schultze Frank Petersohn (seq.)
T. Connor (words)
Mack David (words)
audiomidi15.gif Lilli Marlene(1937) N. Schultze Frank Petersohn (seq.)
T. Connor (words)
Mack David (words)
audioextmp315.gif How Could I Forget Thee? (1913) I. Schuster Neapolitan Instrumental Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Keep Your Eye on the Girlie You Love (1917) I. Schuster Premier Quartet (perf.)
Howard Johnson (words)
A. Gerber (words)
audioextmp315.gif Oh, What Wonderful Things One Little Girlie Can Do (1917) I. Schuster A. Fields (perf.)
J. Glogau (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes (1922) I. Schuster Billy Jones (perf.)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
Ed G. Nelson (coauth.)
H. Pease (words)
Johnny White (words)
audioextmp315.gif All Bound 'round With the Mason-Dixon Line (1917?) J. Schwartz Unknown (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Any Old Place I Can Hang My Hat Is Home Sweet Home to Me (1902) J. Schwartz William F. Denny (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif April Fool Rag J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Baby Blue J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Back to the Carolina You Love (1915) J. Schwartz Owen J. McCormack (perf.)
G. Clarke (words)
audiomidi15.gif Bamboo Lane(1909) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Bedelia (1904) J. Schwartz H. Bluff (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bedelia (1904) J. Schwartz Gilmore's Band (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bedelia (1904) J. Schwartz Edward M. Favor (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif Black Beauty Rag J. Schwartz J. Cowles (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Brookside Inn (1912) J. Schwartz Edward M. Favor (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif Dusky Dudes J. Schwartz Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Emmaline (1910) J. Schwartz Ada Jones (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Emmaline (1909) J. Schwartz Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ever Since You Told Me That You Loved Me (1913) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Farewell, Mister Abner Hemingway (1905) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
R.S. Roberts (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye Sweet Old Manhattan Isle (1905) J. Schwartz Harry Tally (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye Virginia (1916) J. Schwartz George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
G. Clarke (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Good-Bye Mr Ragtime(1908) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Hat My Father Wore Upon St. Patrick's Day (1910) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He Was a Sailor (1902) J. Schwartz Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hello Central! Give Me No Man's Land (1918) J. Schwartz Gladys Rice (perf.)
Sam M. Lewis (words)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hello Hawaii How Are You? (1915?) J. Schwartz Arthur Collins (perf.)
B. Kalmar (words)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif Henny Klein (1906) J. Schwartz Ada Jones (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif I Love the Ladies(1914) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Love the Ladies (1914) J. Schwartz I. Kaufman (perf.)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Love You Just Like Lincoln Loved the Old Red-White & Blue (1914) J. Schwartz Peerless Quartet (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'll Make a Ring Around Rosie (1910) J. Schwartz J.B. Maxwell (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm a Woman of Importance (1910) J. Schwartz Stella Mayhew (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I'm All Bound 'round With the Mason Dixon Line (1918) J. Schwartz Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
Sam M. Lewis (words)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif  I'm Crazy When the Band Begins to Play (1909) J. Schwartz Pete Murray (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm on My Way to Reno (1910) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm on My Way to Reno (1910) J. Schwartz F. Duprez (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif I've Made Up My Mind to Mind a Maid Made Up Like You (1920) J. Schwartz Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Le Rouli-Rouli (1915) J. Schwartz National Promenade Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Let's Make Love Among the Roses (1911) J. Schwartz Arthur C. Clough (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Lovable Eyes (1922) J. Schwartz Broadway Dance Orchestra (perf.)
Harold Richard Atteridge (words)
audioextmp315.gif Meet Me in Rose Time, Rosie (1909) J. Schwartz Byron George Harlan (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Wm Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mister Dooley (1902) J. Schwartz Edward M. Favor (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Molly on a Trolley by Golly With You (1922) J. Schwartz Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mother Hasn't Spoken to Father Since (1908) J. Schwartz Arthur Collins (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif My Chinatown(1910) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif  My Irish Molly O (1905) J. Schwartz Prince's Military Band (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Irish Molly O (1905) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Irish Rosie (1907) J. Schwartz Ada Jones (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Nursery Rhymes (1902) J. Schwartz Arthur Collins (perf.)
Joseph Natus (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif Oh You Spearmint Kiddo With the Wrigley Eyes(1910) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif On the Level You're a Little Devil J. Schwartz J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
J. Young (words)
audiomidi15.gif Pony Ballet Dance, The J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pop Corn Man, The J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Radium Dance J. Schwartz J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Ramblin' Sam (1905) J. Schwartz Arthur Collins (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Ring Ting-A-Ling(1912) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif Rip Van Winkle Was a Lucky Man (1902) J. Schwartz Edison Grand Concert Band (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With a Dixie Melody (1918) J. Schwartz Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
Sam M. Lewis (words)
J. Young (words)
audiomidi15.gif Rosie(1908) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Wm Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif Rum Tum Tiddle Dance J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Rum-Tum-Tiddle Dance - Song (1912) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
E. Madden (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sahara We'll Soon Be Dry Like You (1920) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sit Down! You're Rocking the Boat (1914) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tell That to the Marines (1919) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Jolson (coauth.)
Harold R. Atteridge (words)
audioextmp315.gif That Coontown Quartet (1912) J. Schwartz Premier Quartet (perf.)
G. Clarke (words)
audiomidi15.gif That Spoony Dance J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif There's One in a Million Like You (1913) J. Schwartz W.V. Brunt (perf.)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif They're All Good American Names (1911) J. Schwartz R.S. Roberts (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif We'll Soon Be Dry Like You(1919) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif  What Has the Night Time to Do With the Girl (1906) J. Schwartz Harry Tally (perf.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where the Red, Red Roses Grow (1913) J. Schwartz Helen Clark (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Whistle It (1912) J. Schwartz Ada Jones (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Whitewash Man - Song (1909) J. Schwartz Arthur Collins (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Whitewash Man, The J. Schwartz John Roache (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Winky, Chinky Chinatown(1915) J. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Yankee Boodle (1906) J. Schwartz R.S. Roberts (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Yankee Boodle (1906) J. Schwartz Billy Murray (perf.)
Wm. Jerome (words)
audiomidi15.gif Dat Possum Rag(1910) P. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Harold R. Atteridge (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Dublin Rag (1910) P. Schwartz Edward M. Favor (perf.)
Harold R. Atteridge (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Dublin Rag(1910) P. Schwartz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Harold R. Atteridge (words)
audiomidi15.gif Knick Knocks Rag(1915) P. Schwartz Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Florabella (1917) M.E. Schwarzwald Gladys Rice (perf.)
E. Carroll (words)
audioextmp315.gif Give Me All of You (1917) M.E. Schwarzwald Gladys Rice (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
E. Carroll (words)
audiomidi15.gif Annie Laurie() A.A.J. Scott Frank Petersohn (seq.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Annie Laurie (1899) A.A.J. Scott The Greater New York Quartette (perf.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Annie Laurie (1913) A.A.J. Scott Christine Miller (perf.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Annie Laurie (1911) A.A.J. Scott Marie Narelle (perf.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Annie Laurie (1896-1901) A.A.J. Scott F.W. Hager (perf.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Annie Laurie (1917) A.A.J. Scott A. Case (perf.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Annie Laurie (1910) A.A.J. Scott Archie Anderson (perf.)
William Douglas (words)
audioextmp315.gif Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue (1914) B. Scott Frederick J. Wheeler (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Do You Remember the Last Waltz? (1912) B. Scott(w&m) H. Burr (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Fall in and Follow Me (1911) B. Scott Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Farewell My Little Yo San! (190-) B. Scott T. Costello (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hello There, Macintyre! (1909) B. Scott Jack Lorimer (perf.)
A.J. Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Homeland- Good-Bye! (1908) B. Scott Herbert Payne (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Got Married This Morning (1902) B. Scott Edward M. Favor (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif I've Been Out With Charlie Brown (1909-1910) B. Scott Florrie Forde (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Make Your Mind Up, Maggie Mackenzie (1915) B. Scott(w&m) Glen Ellison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Heart Is With You To-Night (1913) B. Scott(w&m) Hardy Williamson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Nobody's Satisfied (1908) B. Scott Arthur Gilbert (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
R P Weston (words)
audioextmp315.gif Popsy-Wopsy (1914?) B. Scott Daisy Taylor (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sailing in My Balloon (1908) B. Scott Ada Jones (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sing Us a Song of Bonnie Scotland (1913) B. Scott Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
A.J. Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif When Love Creeps in Your Heart (1914) B. Scott Hughes Macklin (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif  You Are Still My Highland Laddie (1908?) B. Scott Hector Grant (perf.)
A J Mills (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mother's Dear Old Chair (1914) G. Scott Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Dese Bones Shall Rise Again (1901) G.W. Scott L. Spencer (perf.)
S. Porter (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Broadway Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Climax Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Dixie Dimples J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Don't Jazz Me - Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Efficiency Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Evergreen Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Fascinator, The J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Frog Legs Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Grace and Beauty J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Grace and Beauty (1909) J.S. Scott Adam Cuerden (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Great Scott Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Hilarity Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Honey Moon Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Kansas City Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Modesty Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif New Era Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif On the Pike J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ophelia Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Paramount Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Peace and Plenty Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pegasus J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Princess Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Prosperity Rag J.S. Scott Warren S. Trachtman (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Quality J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Rag Sentimental J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ragtime ''Betty'', The J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ragtime Oriole J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Suffragette Waltz J.S. Scott Warren S. Trachtman (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Summer Breeze, A J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Sunburst Rag J.S. Scott Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Troubadour Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Valse Venice J.S. Scott J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Victory Rag J.S. Scott Colin MacDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Ayesha, My Sweet Egyptian (1909) M. Scott(w&m) Herbert Payne (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Girls, Study Your Cookery Books (1907c.) M. Scott Florrie Forde (perf.)
Joe Burley (words)
audioextmp315.gif Keep on Swinging Me, Charlie (1913) M. Scott Florrie Forde (perf.)
J.P. Long (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Old Armchair (1910) M. Scott B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Questions (1910) M. Scott Edward M. Favor (perf.)
Edward M Favor (words)
audioextmp315.gif C'est une ouverture (1911-1912) V. Scotto Henriette Leblond (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif If You Alone Were Mine(1908) V. Scotto James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Felix F. Feist (words)
William Burtey (words)
audioextmp315.gif La ronde du soir (1912) V. Scotto Henriette Leblond (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Bonnie Dundee (1914) W. Scott Marie Narelle (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif She's a Mean Job(1921) J. Selby James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Geo Landis (words)
audiomidi15.gif X. L. Rag L.E. Settle Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Jungle Time(1905) E.P. Severin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Sky Rockets Rag(1911) E.P. Severin Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Thompson Stree Cadets(1897) C. Shackford(w&m) Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Coster Rag(1910) J.R. Shannon James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Jack O'Malley (words)
audiomidi15.gif Where That Ragtime River Flows(1912) J.R. Shannon(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Open the Door to Spring(1922) E. Sharpe James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Lockton (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining (1917) E. Sharpe Alan Turner (perf.)
E. Lockton (words)
audioextmp315.gif If You Only Knew What I Know Says the Moon (1914) R.D. Sharp Ada Jones (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Hundred Fathoms Deep (1902-1904) C.F. Shattuck F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Richard A. Cranshaw (words)
audioextmp315.gif Love's Sorrow (1904) H.R. Shelley George Alexander (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Love's Sorrow (1914) H.R. Shelley Emory B. Randolph (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Live Wires Rag A. Shepherd J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pickles and Peppers A. Shepherd J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Victory A. Shepherd James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Wireless Rag A. Shepherd Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Wotcher My Old Brown Son, How Are Yer? (1913) E.A. Sheppard H. Champion (perf.)
C. Collins (words)
audioextmp315.gif Many, Many Years Ago (1925) M. Sheppard(w&m) Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Pickaninny Rose (1921) M. Sheppard Margaret A. Freer (perf.)
Annelu Burns (words)
audioextmp315.gif By the Old Wishing Well (1914) T. Sherman Albert Campbell (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
J. Brandon Walsh (words)
audioextmp315.gif Harmony Bay (1914) T. Sherman Albert Campbell (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
Brandon J. Walsh (words)
audioextmp315.gif In Ragtime Land (1912) T. Sherman Arthur Collins (perf.)
Albert Campbell (perf.)
Joseph H McKeon (words)
audioextmp315.gif It's Hard to Find a Real Nice Man (1909) T. Sherman Bessie Wynn (perf.)
A. Gillespie (words)
audioextmp315.gif Steamboat Bill (1911) R. Shields(w&m) Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Steamboat Bill (1911) R. Shields(w&m) Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif They Were All Doing the Same (1902.) R. Shields(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Waltz Me Around Again, Willie (1906) R. Shields Billy Murray (perf.)
Will D. Cobb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Make Believe (1921) J. Shilkret R. Perkins (perf.)
B. Davis (words)
audioextmp315.gif Flee As a Bird (1906) M.D. Shindler George Alexander (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Flee As a Bird (1914) M.D. Shindler Helen Clark (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Hardwood Rag J. Sight J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Silver Buckle Rag(1910) J. Sikorra James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Lumb'rin' Luke J.A. Silberberg Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Der Lindenbaum(?) F. Silcher Frank Petersohn (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Loreley(1838) F. Silcher Frank Petersohn (seq.)
Heinrich Heine (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Little Love, a Little Kiss (1916) L. Silesu H. Burr (perf.)
A. Ross (words)
audioextmp315.gif Love, Here Is My Heart (1920) L. Silesu Reed Miller (perf.)
A. Ross (words)
audiomidi15.gif Give Me the Sultans Harem(1919) A. Silver James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Gerber (words)
audioextmp315.gif  My Home Town Is a One-Horse Town (1921) A. Silver Jim Doherty (perf.)
A. Gerber (words)
audiomidi15.gif That "Hand Played" Rag(1914) D. Silverman Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
Arthur R. Ward (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif I Said ''Hello'', She Said the Same, Then We Both Said "Good-Bye" (1908) M. Silver R.S. Roberts (perf.)
Ed Rose (words)
audioextmp315.gif I've Got a Little Money and I Saved It All For You (1905) M. Silver Billy Murray (perf.)
R.S. Roberts (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif You Must Think I'm Santa Claus (1905) M. Silver William H. Tascott (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif By the Susquehanna Shore(1914) L. Silvers James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Remember the Rose (1921) S.B. Simons Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
S. Mitchell (words)
audioextmp315.gif Clancy's Wooden Wedding (1906) T. Simons Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Clancy's Wooden Wedding (1909) T. Simons Edward Meeker (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Sponge W.C. Simon Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Opusculum Neuwer Pauanen T. Simpson Ulrich Alpers (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Opusculum Neuwer Pauanen T. Simpson Ulrich Alpers (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Won't You Come and Waltz With Me (1914) A. Sirmay Mary Carson (perf.)
A. Ross (words)
audiomidi15.gif Climbers, The A.L. Sizemore Colin McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif As I Sat Upon My Dear Old Mother's Knee (1913) J.P. Skelly Will Oakland (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Call Me Your Darling Again (1916) J.P. Skelly Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Little Darling, Dream of Me (1901) J.P. Skelly(w&m) Edison Male Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Old Rustic Bridge by the Mill (1908) J.P. Skelly(w&m) Ernest Pike (perf.)
P. Dawson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Stick to Your Mother, Tom (1911) J.P. Skelly William H. Thompson (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif It's Nobody's Business But My Own(1919) W.E. Skidmore Unknown (seq.)
Marshall Walker (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Pray For the Lights to Go Out(1916) W.E. Skidmore James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Renton Tunnah (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Old Brigade (1899) E. Slater Samuel H. Dudley (perf.)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
F.E. Weatherly (words)
audiomidi15.gif Broncho Billy(1914) N.W. Slaughter Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Foolish Questions (1908) A.B. Sloane R.S. Roberts (perf.)
William Lee (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Foolish Questions (1909) A.B. Sloane Billy Murray (perf.)
William Lee (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Want a Daddy Who Will Rock Me to Sleep (1920) A.B. Sloane Tuxedo Dance Orchestra (perf.)
Philip Bartholomae (words)
John Murray Anderson (words)
audioextmp315.gif In Silence (1903) A.B. Sloane George Alexander (perf.)
Sydney Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif June (1911) A.B. Sloane Peerless Quartette (perf.)
E.R. Goetz (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lyre-Bird and the Jay (1909) A.B. Sloane Agnes Kimball (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
E.R. Goetz (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ma Tiger Lily (1896-1901) A.B. Sloane George J. Gaskin (perf.)
Clay M Greene (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ma Tiger Lily (1900) A.B. Sloane Arthur Collins (perf.)
Clay M Greene (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ma Tiger Lily (1896-1900) A.B. Sloane Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
Clay M Greene (words)
audiomidi15.gif Meet Me at the Stage Door(1912) A.B. Sloane James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E.R. Goetz (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where the Edelweiss Is Blooming (1912) A.B. Sloane Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
E.R. Goetz (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where the Edelweiss Is Blooming (1909) A.B. Sloane Agnes Kimball (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
E.R. Goetz (words)
audioextmp315.gif Angels From the Realms of Glory (1909) H.T. Smart Edison Concert Band (perf.)
James Montgomery (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Angels From the Realms of Glory (1915) H.T. Smart Carol Singers (perf.)
James Montgomery (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hark! Hark! My Soul (1913) H.T. Smart Hardy Williamson (perf.)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
Frederick William Faber (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lord Is My Shepherd (1914) H.T. Smart Charlotte Kirwan (perf.)
Kathryn Hall Staats (perf.)
W. S. Passmore (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lord Is My Shepherd (1911) H.T. Smart Reed Miller (perf.)
Frank Croxton (perf.)
W. S. Passmore (words)
audioextmp315.gif O That We Two Were Maying (1915) A.M. Smith Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Thomas Chalmers (perf.)
Chas. Kingsley (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Barn-Yard Rag(1911) C. Smith James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. Johnson (words)
audiomidi15.gif He's a Cousin of Mine(1906) C. Smith James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
S. Hein (coauth.)
C. Mack (words)
audioextmp315.gif If He Comes In, I'm Going Out (1911) C. Smith Edward Meeker (perf.)
C. Mack (words)
audiomidi15.gif My Little Loving Aero Man(1912) C. Smith James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Chas. R. McCarron (words)
Ferd E. Mierisch (words)
audioextmp315.gif Shame on You (1905) C. Smith William H. Tascott (perf.)
John Larkins (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif That Precious Little Thing Called Love (1912) C. Smith(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
C. Mack (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Wooden Hut - Parody (1906) C. Smith B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  You're in the Right Church But the Wrong Pew (1908) C. Smith E. Morton (perf.)
C. Mack (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Ragtime Engineer(1912) C. Smith Unknown (seq.)
Sam M. Lewis (words)
audiomidi15.gif Fontella Rag(1908) E.B. Smith James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif O'er the Billowy Sea (1918) E.K. Smith Donald Alexander Chalmers (perf.)
Dave Nowlin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Those Songs My Mother Used to Sing (1911) H.W. Smith(w&m) Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Star-Spangled Banner (1917) J.S. Smith Elaine Gordon (perf.)
Francis Scott Key (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Star-Spangled Banner (1915) J.S. Smith Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Thomas Chalmers (perf.)
Francis Scott Key (words)
audiomidi15.gif Campin' on De Ole Suwanee(1899) L.O. Smith Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Jessie, the Flower O' Dunblane (1914) R.A. Smith Marie Narelle (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif That Demon Rag(1912) R. Smith Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif For You (1920) S. Smith Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Delaware (1922) M. Smolev Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
Joseph B. McDaniel (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Beautiful Eyes (1909) T. Snyder Ada Jones (perf.)
Geo. Whiting (words)
Carter De Haven (words)
audiomidi15.gif By the Sapphire Sea(1922) T. Snyder Unknown (seq.)
Harry Bache Smith (words)
Francis Wheeler (words)
audiomidi15.gif Colored Romeo(1910) T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
I. Berlin (words)
audiomidi15.gif Come Back to Me My Melody(1912) T. Snyder(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
I. Berlin (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Dancing Fool T. Snyder J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Dear Mayme, I Love You (1910) T. Snyder J.B. Maxwell (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
audiomidi15.gif Don't Notice Me(1906 ca.) T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Don't Worry, It May Not All Be True (1908) T. Snyder Reed Miller (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Heinie (1904) T. Snyder Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
E. Rose (words)
audioextmp315.gif Heinie (1896-1901) T. Snyder Ada Jones (perf.)
L. Spencer (perf.)
E. Rose (words)
audiomidi15.gif Here's My Friend(1904) T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Ed Rose (words)
audioextmp315.gif How Can You Love Such a Man (1910) T. Snyder Josie Sadler (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Hugo (1908) T. Snyder Ada Jones (perf.)
Edgar T Farran (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Was Never Nearer Heaven in My Life (1916) T. Snyder Harry Mayo (perf.)
Harry Tally (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
G. Clarke (words)
audiomidi15.gif In the Land of Harmony(1911) T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. Kalmar (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Land of Harmony (1911) T. Snyder American Quartet (perf.)
B. Kalmar (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Land of Harmony (1911) T. Snyder Anna Chandler (perf.)
B. Kalmar (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Land of Harmony (1912) T. Snyder Arthur Collins (perf.)
B. Kalmar (words)
audiomidi15.gif It's the Pretty Things You Say(1908) T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Bryan (words)
audiomidi15.gif Oh That Beautiful Rag T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
I. Berlin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Oh! Doctor (1909) T. Snyder Grace Cameron (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
audiomidi15.gif Ramshackle Rag T. Snyder J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Sheik of Araby, The T. Snyder J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Harry Bache Smith (words)
Francis Wheeler (words)
audiomidi15.gif Thank You Kind Sir!(1910) T. Snyder James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  That Beautiful Rag (1910) T. Snyder Stella Mayhew (perf.)
Billie Taylor (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
audiomidi15.gif Wild Cherries T. Snyder Colin McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Wild Cherries (1909) T. Snyder New York Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Bostonvalsen lever jag än (1913) K. Söderström Ingeborg Laudon (perf.)
Carl Barcklind (words)
audioextmp315.gif All on Account of You (1914) A. Solman H. Burr (perf.)
D. Berg (words)
audioextmp315.gif All She Gets From the Iceman Is Ice (1908) A. Solman Edward M. Favor (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif All She Gets From the Iceman Is Ice (1908) A. Solman Ada Jones (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Bird on Nellie's Hat (1913) A. Solman Ada Jones (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Bird on Nellie's Hat (1909) A. Solman Ada Jones (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Bird on Nellie's Hat (1907) A. Solman H. Trix (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Flowers Outside the Café (1907) A. Solman F.C. Stanley (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif He Falls For the Ladies Every Time (1910) A. Solman A. Francis (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif  He Falls For the Ladies Every Time (1909) A. Solman Josie Sadler (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Heart You Lost in Maryland You'll Find in Tennessee (1908) A. Solman F. Rose (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Hymns of the Old Church Choir (1913) A. Solman Edison Mixed Quartet (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Hymns of the Old Church Choir (1907) A. Solman F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'll Be Home at Harvest Time (1909) A. Solman F. Rose (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Up in the Air About Mary (1906) A. Solman Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live (1908) A. Solman Allen Waterous (perf.)
Sylvester Maguire (words)
audioextmp315.gif If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live (1910) A. Solman F.C. Stanley (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
Sylvester Maguire (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Valley Where the Bluebirds Sing (1914) A. Solman Emory B. Randolph (perf.)
Monroe H. Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Valley Where the Bluebirds Sing (1904-1908) A. Solman Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Monroe H. Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif It Always Comes With the Summer (1908) A. Solman Dorothy Kingsley (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Linger Longer Girl (1907) A. Solman Elise Stevenson (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Lonesome Little Maid (1906) A. Solman H. Burr (perf.)
Benjamin Hapgood Burt (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mary Was My Mother's Name (1912) A. Solman Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mine (1912) A. Solman H. Burr (perf.)
James W. McGee (words)
Paul Benedek (words)
audiomidi15.gif Oh! Say! Doctor!(1909) A. Solman James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Only an Old Fashioned Cottage (1908) A. Solman Manuel Romain (perf.)
J HaydenClarendon (words)
audioextmp315.gif She Sleeps 'neath the Old Ohio River (1913) A. Solman John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ship of My Dreams (1913) A. Solman Helen Clark (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif There's a Quaker Down in Quaker Town (1916) A. Solman Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
D. Berg (words)
audioextmp315.gif We Parted As the Sun Went Down (1906) A. Solman William H. Thompson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When the Autumn Moon Is Creeping Thru' the Woodlands (1911) A. Solman Will Oakland (perf.)
M.H. Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Bell in the Lighthouse Rings Ding, Dong (1909) A. Solman F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Bell in the Lighthouse Rings Ding, Dong (1913) A. Solman Gus Reed (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif  When the Evening Breeze Is Sighing - Home Sweet Home (1903) A. Solman Edison Male Quartette (perf.)
J. HaydenClarendon (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Evening Breeze Is Sighing - Home Sweet Home (1906) A. Solman F.C. Stanley (perf.)
J. HaydenClarendon (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Old Folks Were Young Folks (1913) A. Solman Manuel Romain (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley (1907) A. Solman Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Monroe H. Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley (1907) A. Solman Harry MacDonough (perf.)
Monroe H. Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley (1907) A. Solman F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Monroe H. Rosenfeld (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Song Birds Sing No More (1914) A. Solman Emory B. Randolph (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Why Did You Make Me Care? (1912) A. Solman DeLos Becker (perf.)
Solman McGuire (perf.)
Sylvester Maguire (words)
audioextmp315.gif Why Did You Make Me Care? (1913) A. Solman Charles W. Harrison (perf.)
Sylvester Maguire (words)
audioextmp315.gif With You in Eternity (1907) A. Solman H. Burr (perf.)
Arthur Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Would You Take Me Back Again? (1913) A. Solman Manuel Romain (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif You Splash Me and I'll Splash You (1907) A. Solman Ada Jones (perf.)
Arthur J Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif  You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine (1910) A. Solman Manuel Romain (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif You're More Than the World to Me (1914) A. Solman Manuel Romain (perf.)
Jeff Branen (words)
audioextmp315.gif Across the Danube (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Beau Ideal (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Belle of Chicago March (2012) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Beneath the Southern Cross (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Black Man (2010) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Bonnie Annie Laurie (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Bride Elect (2012) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Bullets and Bayonets (2009) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif By the Light of the Polar Star (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Charlatan (2010) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Circus Gallop (1903-1904) J.P. Sousa Sousa's Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Columbia's Pride (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Comrades of the Legion (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Congress Hall (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Corcoran Cadets (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Crusader March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Diplomat (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Directorate (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif El Capitan J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif El Capitan (1900) J.P. Sousa Issler's Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Esprit Du Corps (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Fairest of the Fair (2008) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  The Fairest of the Fair(1908) J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Federal March (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Free Lance March (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Gallant Seventh (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Gallant Seventh, The J.P. Sousa James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Gladiator March (2006) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Glass Blowers (2004) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
Leonard Liebling (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Gliding Girl (2008) J.P. Sousa Unknown (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Globe and Eagle (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Glory of the Yankee Navy (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Guide Right March (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Hail to the Spirit of Liberty (1901) J.P. Sousa Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Hands Across the Sea(1899) J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Hands Across the Sea (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The High School Cadets March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Homeward Bound (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Honored Dead (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Imperial Edward (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif In Memoriam (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Invincible Eagle (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jack Tar (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif King Cotton(1895) J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif King Cotton (1896) J.P. Sousa Baldwin's Cadet Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif King Cotton (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Liberty Bell (1897) J.P. Sousa Edison Concert Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Liberty Bell (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Liberty Bell, The J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Loyal Legion March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Man Behind the Gun (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Manhattan Beach (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Manhattan Beach(1893) J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif March of the Royal Trumpets (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The March Past of the Rifle Regiment (1995) J.P. Sousa United States Air Force Heritage of America Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mars and Venus (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Mikado March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mother Goose (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Mother Hubbard March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Myrrha Gavotte Op.30 (2011) J.P. Sousa Adam Cuerden (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif National Fencibles (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Occidental March (2009) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif On Parade March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif On the Tramp March (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Our Flirtation (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Pet of the Petticoats (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Picador March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Powhatan's Daughter (2007) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif President Garfield's Inauguration March Op.131 (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Presidential Polonaise (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Pride of Pittsburgh (2018) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Quilting Party (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Recognition March (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Red Man (2010) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Resumption March (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Review March (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Revival (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Rifle Regiment (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Right Forward (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Right Left March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sabre and Spurs (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Semper Fidelis J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Semper Fidelis (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sound Off (1992) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Stars and Stripes Forever (1902) J.P. Sousa R. Brooks (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Stars and Stripes Forever (1901) J.P. Sousa Sousa's Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Stars and Stripes Forever, The J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Sword Dance - Whip and Spur (1910) J.P. Sousa J.J. Kimmel (perf.)
V.L. Ossman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Tarantella (1898) J.P. Sousa Edison Grand Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Thunderer March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Thunderer March(1889) J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Transit of Venus March (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Triton (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Triumph of Time (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Washington Post (2009) J.P. Sousa Edison Military Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Washington Post, The J.P. Sousa Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The White Man (2010) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The White Plume (2016) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Who's Who in Navy Blue (2000) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Wolverine (2015) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Yorktown Centennial (2010) J.P. Sousa United States Marine Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Das Bett (1906) A. Spahn G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Down the Line With Molly (1902) G.L. Spaulding Arthur Collins (perf.)
Joseph Natus (perf.)
George Totten Smith (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Volunteer Organist (1913) G.L. Spaulding P. Dawson (perf.)
Wm. B. Gray (words)
audioextmp315.gif On the Road to Mandalay (1910) O. Speaks Robert Howe (perf.)
Rudyard Kipling (words)
audiomidi15.gif Otto You Ought to Take Me in Your Auto(1905) S.H. Speck James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Verne C. Armstrong (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Barbed Wire Rag(1910) H. Spencer Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Hickory Bill (1907) L. Spencer Fred Van Eps (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Musical Moke (1901) L. Spencer L. Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Professor and the Musical Tramp (1905) L. Spencer L. Spencer (perf.)
Parke Hunter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Used to Believe in Fairies (1911) G.A. Spink(w&m) Frank Coombs (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Song of Steel (1914) C.G. Spross Donald Alexander Chalmers (perf.)
Howard S. Neiman (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Chip of the Block (1906) W.H. Squire H. Trix (perf.)
H. Simpson (words)
audioextmp315.gif In an Old-Fashioned Town (1922) W.H. Squire W.V. Brunt (perf.)
Ada Leonora Harris (words)
audioextmp315.gif Pals (1915?) W.H. Squire Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Sergeant of the Line (1910) W.H. Squire Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Fred. E. Weatherly (words)
audioextmp315.gif Three For Jack (1914) W.H. Squire Edwin Swain (perf.)
Frederic Edward Weatherly (words)
audioextmp315.gif Three For Jack (1910) W.H. Squire Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Frederic Edward Weatherly (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Love Divine, All Love Excelling (1910) J. Stainer Edith Chapman (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Chu Chin Chow (1917) D. Stamper Marion Evelyn Cox (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Daddy Has a Sweetheart and Mother Is Her Name (1913) D. Stamper Manuel Romain (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Garden of My Dreams (1919) D. Stamper Gladys Rice (perf.)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hello, My Dearie (1917) D. Stamper Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Luana Lou (1916) D. Stamper W.V. Brunt (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audiomidi15.gif My Dearie(1917) D. Stamper James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sally Won't You Come Back? (1921) D. Stamper Jim Doherty (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Shimmee Town (1919) D. Stamper All Star Trio (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif When I Hear That Jazz Band Play (1918) D. Stamper Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
G. Buck (words)
audiomidi15.gif Ziegfeld Follies Rag(1917) D. Stamper James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
G. Buck (words)
audioextmp315.gif Father O'Flynn (1910) C.V. Stanford Robert Howe (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  From Time to Time (1909) T. Stanford(w&m) Thomas Chalmers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Left Because I Love You (1896-1901) T. Stanford(w&m) Roger Harding (perf.)
S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Left Because I Love You (1896-1901) T. Stanford(w&m) Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Addison Dashiell Madeira (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif In the Valley of Kentucky (1903) T. Stanford(w&m) Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif She Rests by the Suwanee River (1902?) T. Stanford Joseph Natus (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Deed I do (1908) F.C. Stanley Grace Nelson (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Rube and the Country Doctor (1910) F.C. Stanley F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Erin, You're Wearin' a Wonderful Smile (1922) J. Stanley W.V. Brunt (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mammy's Little Silver Lining (1923) J. Stanley Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
James F. Hanley (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ca-Bages, Ca-Beans, Car-Rots (1919) W. Stanley Florrie Forde (perf.)
A. Allen (words)
audiomidi15.gif Slippery Bill J.F. Stansell James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif With Sword and Lance March (1913) H. Starke National Military Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Billiken Rag E.J. Stark Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Brain-Storm Rag E.J. Stark James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Chicken Tango E.J. Stark James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Gum Shoe E.J. Stark Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif La Mode E.J. Stark Unknown (seq.)
B.R. Whitlow (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Trombone Johnsen E.J. Stark Colin McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Trombone Johnsen (1908) E.J. Stark Fred Van Eps (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Oh That Oriental Rag(1911) A. Stauffer James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Erdman (words)
audioextmp315.gif Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping (1919) G.C. Stebbins Charles Hart (perf.)
Elliott Shaw (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Homeland (1910) G.C. Stebbins John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
R.H. Haweis (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Secret of His Presence (1919) G.C. Stebbins Charles Hart (perf.)
Elliott Shaw (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jesus, I Come to Thee (1914) G.C. Stebbins John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  No Sorrow There (1908-1912) G.C. Stebbins John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Charles W. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Saved by Grace (1905) G.C. Stebbins Harry MacDonough (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif There Is a Green Hill Far Away (1910) G.C. Stebbins H. Burr (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Klinkers A. Stedman Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif That Chinese Rag(1910) A. Stedman James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The John Brown Song(1861) W. Steffe(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Der Badeschwerenöter (1907) R. Steidl R. Steidl (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Sally's Not the Same Old Sally(1925) S.H. Stept Unknown (seq.)
Al Bernard (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm a Poor Married Man (1917) A.B. Sterling Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I've Got a White Man Working For Me (1902) A.B. Sterling Arthur Collins (perf.)
V.L. Ossman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif It's a Long Way Back to Mother's Knee (1918) A.B. Sterling George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
B. Grossman (words)
A. Lange (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Own Wild Western Rose (1902?) A.B. Sterling Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  We're Going Over the Top (1918) A.B. Sterling Premier Quartet (perf.)
B. Grossman (words)
A. Lange (words)
audiomidi15.gif Smash Up Rag G. Stevenson James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif We're Custer's Soldier Boys(1917) V.T. Stevens(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I Laughed at the Wrong Time (1911) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Laughed at the Wrong Time (1913) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Three Little Owls and the Naughty Little Mice (1911) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Three Little Owls and the Naughty Little Mice (1909) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Three Little Owls and the Naughty Little Mice (1913) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Uncle Josh and the Sailor (1920) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Uncle Josh at the Weather Bureau (1898) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Uncle Josh in a Street Car (1902?) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Uncle Josh in Society (1899) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Uncle Josh Takes the Census (1921) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Uncle Josh's Letter From Home (1909) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Village Gossips (1912) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif War Talk at Punkin Center (1915) C. Stewart C. Stewart (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Just Noise C.I. Stewart Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Cole Smoak C.H. St. John Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Collars and Cuffs C.H. St. John James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Meddlesome C.H. St. John James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Some Jazz S.J. Stocco James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Hey Rube N.W. Stokes James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Snowball Rag N.W. Stokes J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Dynamite Rag(1908) S.J. Stokes James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Third Verse of Mary and John (1890-1891) O. Stoll Will White (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Ma Rag Time Baby(1898) F.S. Stone James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Ma Rag Time Baby (1899) F.S. Stone Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Silks and Rags(1901) F.S. Stone Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Then We'll Rag the Keel Row(1922) R.A.A. Stoneham(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Vancouver Town(1913) H.L. Stone James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Bad Companions (1926) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Bright Sherman Valley (1927) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Bury Me Beneath the Weeping Willow Tree (1926) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Old Maid and the Burglar (1928) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Once I Had a Fortune (1927) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sinking of the Titanic (1926) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Watermelon Hanging on the Vine (1926) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When the Work's All Done This Fall (1926) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Wild Bill Jones (1926) E.V. Stoneman E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Blue Grass Rag(1918) C.T. Straight Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Ev'rybody Calls Me Honey (1920) C.T. Straight Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Joe Lyons (words)
audioextmp315.gif Humpty Dumpty Rag (1914) C.T. Straight New York Military Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Mocking Bird Rag(1912) C.T. Straight Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Buffo, Duet Piccolo (1908) O.N. Straus Elise Stevenson (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Kiss Duet (1908) O.N. Straus Elise Stevenson (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Hero (1911) O.N. Straus Inez Barbour (perf.)
Stanislaus Stange (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Hero (1913) O.N. Straus Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Stanislaus Stange (words)
audioextmp315.gif Walzerfolge aus der Rosenkavalier (1922) R. Strauss A. Vecsey (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  An der schönen blauen Donau Op. 314 (1898) J. Strauss Edison Grand Concert Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Frühlingsstimmen () J. Strauss A. Vecsey (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Simplicius Waltz (1913) J. Strauss A. Vecsey (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Strauss Memories Waltz (1909) J. Strauss National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Day Dream (1913) A. Strelezki Helen Clark (perf.)
Baroness Porteous (words)
audioextmp315.gif Dreams (1917) A. Strelezki(w&m) Carolina Lazzari (perf.)
Baroness Porteous (words)
audioextmp315.gif Dreams (1910) A. Strelezki(w&m) Elizabeth Wheeler (perf.)
Baroness Porteous (words)
audioextmp315.gif Happy Days (1912) A. Strelezki Venetian Instrumental Trio (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Happy Days - Song (1913) A. Strelezki Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Henly Thomson (words)
audiomidi15.gif Home From Manila(1899) M.E. Stretter James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Mah Lindy Lou (1932) L. Strickland(w&m) Paul Robeson (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif De Cake Walk Queen(1900) J. Stromberg James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Harry B. Smith (words)
audiomidi15.gif  King Kazoo of Kakaroo(1901) J. Stromberg James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Edgar Smith (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tell Us, Pretty Ladies (1902?) J. Stromberg Arthur Collins (perf.)
Joseph Natus (perf.)
Edgar Smith (words)
audioextmp315.gif In Mem'ry Land (1913) A. Stroud(w&m) Charles Compton (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Bandolero (1910) L. Stuart(w&m) P. Dawson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Bandolero (1909) L. Stuart(w&m) Indestructible Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Barn Dance From Florodora (1902?) L. Stuart Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Belle of Mayfair(1906) L. Stuart James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Basil Hood (words)
audioextmp315.gif Floradora March (1902) L. Stuart U.S. Marine Fife (perf.)
Drum Corps (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Floradora March (1902?) L. Stuart Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Floradora Selection (1912) L. Stuart National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Havana (1910) L. Stuart John Lacalle's Band (perf.)
A. Ross (words)
G. Arthurs (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hello, People! (1909) L. Stuart American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
G. Arthurs (words)
audioextmp315.gif  How Did the Bird Know That? (1909) L. Stuart R.S. Roberts (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Want to Be a Military Man (1896-1901) L. Stuart Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
F. A. Clement (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Shade of the Palm (1901) L. Stuart John W. Myers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Louisiana Lou (190-?) L. Stuart(w&m) Columbia Quartette (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Louisiana Lou (1896-1900) L. Stuart(w&m) George J. Gaskin (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Louisiana Lou (1897-1901) L. Stuart(w&m) T. Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Little Canoe (1904) L. Stuart(w&m) Edison Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Little Canoe (1905) L. Stuart(w&m) Grace Nelson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Shade of the Palm (1902) L. Stuart(w&m) F.C. Stanley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Soldiers of the King (1901-1909) L. Stuart(w&m) J. Michael Watson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Soldiers of the King (1914) L. Stuart(w&m) Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Tell Me Pretty Maiden (1901) L. Stuart V.L. Ossman (perf.)
William B. Farmer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Tell Me Pretty Maiden (1901) L. Stuart Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Harry MacDonough (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Tell Me Pretty Maiden (1902) L. Stuart Edison Sextette (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Tell Us Pretty Ladies (1901c.) L. Stuart Arthur Collins (perf.)
Joseph Natus (perf.)
E. Boyd Jones (words)
audioextmp315.gif You Can't Think of Everything (1893-1894) L. Stuart William F. Denny (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Walkin' on de Rainbow Road R.M. Stults Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Won't You Love Me as of Old(1898) R.M. Stults(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Your Lips, Your Eyes, Your Golden Hair (1907) I.S. Sturges Reinald Werrenrath (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Absent-Minded Beggar (1900) A. Sullivan Harry Spencer (perf.)
Rudyard Kipling (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Captain's Song (1907) A. Sullivan Harry Dearth (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Di Ballo Overture (1908) A. Sullivan National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Farewell My Own (1899) A. Sullivan Original Lyric Trio (perf.)
W.S. Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif Farewell My Own (1907) A. Sullivan Harry Dearth (perf.)
Ada Florence (perf.)
Walter Hyde (perf.)
Ernest Pike (perf.)
Bernard Turner (perf.)
W.S. Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif  The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring (1898) A. Sullivan Original Lyric Trio (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here! (1918) A. Sullivan Shannon Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He Is an Englishman (1907) A. Sullivan Harry Dearth (perf.)
Bernard Turner (perf.)
W. S. Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif Heaven Is My Home (1906) A. Sullivan John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Lost Chord (1911) A. Sullivan Allen Hinckley (perf.)
Adelaide Anne Procter (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lost Chord (1897-1898r) A. Sullivan W.P. Chambers (perf.)
Adelaide Anne Procter (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lost Chord (1907) A. Sullivan P. Dawson (perf.)
Ernest Pike (perf.)
Adelaide Anne Procter (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lost Chord (1910) A. Sullivan Reed Miller (perf.)
Adelaide Anne Procter (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lost Chord(1922) A. Sullivan P. Dawson (perf.)
Adelaide Anne Procter (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Maiden Fair to See (1907) A. Sullivan Walter Hyde (perf.)
W. S. Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif Never Mind the Why and Wherefore (1907) A. Sullivan Ernest Pike (perf.)
Walter Hyde (perf.)
Ada Florence (perf.)
W. S. Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Nightingale's Song (1918) A. Sullivan Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
W. S. Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Onward Christian Soldiers (190-) A. Sullivan American Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sir Joseph Porter's Song (1907) A. Sullivan Archie Anderson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes (1902-1904) A. Sullivan Ellison Webb (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes (1910) A. Sullivan Ernest Pike (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif God Save Ireland (1912) T.D. Sullivan David Brazell (perf.)
David Brazell (words)
audiomidi15.gif Bonnie Jean(1906) D.J. Sullivan(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif You're As Welcome As the Flowers in May (1904) D.J. Sullivan(w&m) Byron George Harlan (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Want to Go Tomorrow (1902?) L. Sully Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Old Bill Jones (1902) L. Sully Arthur Collins (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Boccaccio March (1907) F.v. Suppé National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif El alma enamorada (1904) F.v. Suppé Beatriz Franco (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Hab' ich nur deine Liebe (1907) F.v. Suppé Josephine Kraus (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  La nina Florentina (1905) F.v. Suppé Matilde Herrera (perf.)
Concepcion Bereaud (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Light Cavalry Overture (1911) F.v. Suppé National Military Band (perf.)
Franz von SuppeÌ (words)
England National Military Band (words)
audioextmp315.gif Morning Noon and Night (1900-1909) F.v. Suppé London Regimental Band (perf.)
Franz von SuppeÌ (words)
London Regimental Band (words)
audioextmp315.gif Wanderers Goal Overture (1912) F.v. Suppé National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me (1920) A. Swanstrom(w&m) Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra (perf.)
Charles McCarron (coauth.)
C. Morgan (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Our Little Love Affair, Fifty-Fifty (1921) A. Swanstrom Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Down Home Rag W.C. Sweatman Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Down Home Rag (1914) W.C. Sweatman Van Eps Trio (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Old Folks Rag W.C. Sweatman James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Pat Malone Forgot That He Was Dead (1902?) J.J. Sweeney Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
Harry C Clyde (words)
audioextmp315.gif Pat Malone Forgot That He Was Dead (1899) J.J. Sweeney Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
Harry C Clyde (words)
audiomidi15.gif Windy City(1900) F.R. Sweetland Colin D. McDonald (seq.)