Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 3 ¾ mins. Sounds best with 1st tenor and bass doubled.
With such an obviously misspelled title one wonders for whom the pun was intended.
Cole Smoak impressed the publisher so much that he was induced to write the mother of all blurbs which was as follows:
"The writer believes in very truth that Cole Smoak is a positive inspiration. Human language is not equal to the task of painting the interior thoughts of the soul. It is also certain that all souls do not slack their thirst from the same fountain. Coal Smoak appeals to the writer in language unutterable. Would be pleased to hear from any who have heard the echo."
For all that, this is a great rag indeed. Its form is a classic AABBACCDD with a 4-bar introduction the strains being as "raggy" as you please. In this adaptation for recorder there is a delightful dialogue between the treble and 1st tenor voices in the B-strain. Great stuff!
Cole Smoak was published by
Stark Music Co, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
A tempo of 78 crotchets/min. is suggested.