Will E. Skidmore 
Last updated: 13.09.24
All that can presently (November 2015) be gleaned about by internet searching is that Will E. Skidmore is the one-off composer of Craps (1910) published by Cosmopolitan Music, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
Surfers are welcome to contribute information about this composer.
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif It's Nobody's Business But My Own (1919) Marshall Walker Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Pray For the Lights to Go Out (1916) James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Never Let No One Man Worry Your Mind (1920) W.E. Skidmore Marion Harris Columbia: 79452
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif I'm a Tryin' to Teach My Sweet Papa Right From Wrong (1918) W.E. Skidmore (w&m)
Marshall Walker (coauth.)
S. Tucker (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Please Don't Take My Harem Away (1919) W.E. Skidmore (w&m) Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

Pray For the Lights to Go Out (1916) W.E. Skidmore (music)
Renton Tunnah (words)
Dot Barnett (perf.)
Al. G. Fields (perf.)
Dot Barnett (perf.)
Piano, Voice

pdf15.gif Somebody's Done Me Wrong (1918) W.E. Skidmore (music)
Billy Beard (perf.)
Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Wait Until Your Papa Comes Home (1918) W.E. Skidmore (music)
S. Williams (words)
S. Tucker (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
pdf15.gif When My Great-Grand-Daddy and My Great-Grand-Mammy (1917) W.E. Skidmore (music)
Marshall Walker (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 22 works by Will E. Skidmore. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I'm Goin' to Ease Back 1903  wvicon.gif
Craps 1910  wvicon.gif youtube15.jpg
Bug House Rag 1916
Pray For the Lights to Go Out 1916 Renton Tunnah (words)
Dot Barnett (perf.)
Al. G. Fields (perf.)
I Never Asked to Come to This World 1917
I'm Old Enough For a Little Lovin' 1917 Marshall Walker (words)
Isabella Patricola (perf.)
It Takes a Long Tall Brown-Skin Gal to Make a Preacher Lay His Bible Down 1917 Marshall Walker (words)
Rae Samuels (perf.)
Them Doggon'd Triflin' Blues 1917 Ruby Darby (perf.)
When My Great-Grand-Daddy and My Great-Grand-Mammy/ Used to Cuddle and Coo in a Cocoanut Tree 1917 Marshall Walker (words)  Pub.
I'm a Trying to Teach My Sweet Papa Right From Wrong (w&m) 1918 Marshall Walker (co-author)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
It's a Mean Old Dog That Won't Scratch His Mama's Fleas 1918
Message in the Bottle From the Sea, The 1918 Clyde Hooper (words)  Pub.
Somebody's Done Me Wrong 1918 Billy Beard (perf.)  Pub.
Wait Until Your Papa Comes Home 1918 Spencer Williams (words)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
When I Gets Out in No-Man's Land 1918 Marshall Walker (words)
Billy Beard (perf.)
I'm Gonna Jazz My Way Right Straight Through Paradise 1919 Marshall Walker (words)
It's Nobody's Business But My Own 1919 Marshall Walker (co-author)
Lee Edmonds (perf.)
Never Let No One Man Worry Your Mind (w&m) 1919 Jack Baxley (co-author)
Marion Harris (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
Please Don't Take My Harem Away (w&m) 1919  wvicon.gif
You Can't Get Lovin' Where There Ain't Any Love 1919 Jack Baxley (words)
Marion Harris (perf.)
Every Once in a While 1920 Marshall Walker (words)
Marion Harris (perf.)
Save a Little Dram For Me 1920
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg W.E. Skidmore Craps (0:00) Ragtime Dorian Henry