Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 3 mins.
Dusky Dudes which was Schwartz's first composition, a cakewalk of praiseworthy maturity, was published .both in instrumental and vocal versions. The front cover of the original sheet music has a prominent respectful dedication to Kerry Mills "The Most Popular March Writer of the Day"- no doubt a commercial device to bask in the reflected glory of that composer's very popular cakewalk "At a Georgia Campmeeting" (1897). For all that,
Dusky Dudes can stand by its own merits. Its form is AABBACCBB with a 4-bar introduction whereby the AABBA and CCBB are in the major keys of F and Bb respectively. As for a transcription for recorder this piece is an ensemble delight with alternation for three of the voices and the sharing of the catchy melodies between the upper and lower melody voices.
Dusky Dudes was published by
Shapiro, Bernstein & von Tilzer, New York, USA.
A tempo of 94 crotchets/min. is suggested.