Prosperity Rag (1916)
Last updated: 24.01.24
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Composer: J.S. Scott Suppliers: dbe15.gif
Editor: Geoff Grainger Sextet D/A/T/T/B+T/GB(B)
Publisher: Ditty Box Enterprises Publication: DBE0122
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Length: approx. 4 mins.
In keeping with the rag's title, a smartly dressed fashionable obviously prosperous young laden with expensive looking hat-boxes is shown on the cover of the original sheet music. The rag itself is a storming, light-hearted "classic" in AABBACCBB form with a number of pleasing touches whereby all voices have chances to display their virtuosity. The recorder players' favourite four and five flatted keys are used adding to the difficulty in performing this piece as the composer intended. A great ensemble composition that is very rewarding to master!
Prosperity Rag was published by Stark Music Co, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.

  Composer Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif J.S. Scott Warren S. Trachtman
  Composer Performer Instruments
audiodbemp315.gif J.S. Scott Midi Ragtime Recorder Ens. D/A/T/T/B+T/GB(B)
     Performer CD Title Supplier
cd15.gif "Perfessor" Bill Edwards Don't Jazz Me - I'm Ragtime!
cd15.gif Frank French James Scott's Ragtime CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15de.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Franklin Kennedy Ragtime The Music Of James Scott CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif
cd15.gif Various Artists Ragtime - The Best Of James Scott flag15us.gif
cd15.gif Guido Nielsen James Scott: The Complete Works 1903-1922 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Paragon Ragtime Orchestra The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra (finally) Plays "The Entertainer" CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Royce Reynolds Ragtime The James Scott Songbook CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif
cd15.gif Bennet Sayles Ragtime Heroes: The James Scott Songbook flag15us.gif
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Prosperity Rag (1916) J.S. Scott (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif