Bernie Grossman 
Last updated: 01.07.24
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Say It With Kisses (1922) B. Grossman (w&m)
B. Jones (coauth.)
Bill Frischy (coauth.)
Piano Indiana wvicon.gif

Since They're Playin' Hawaiian Tunes in Dixie (1917) B. Grossman (w&m)
Billy Winkle (coauth.)
A. Lange (coauth.)
Unknown (perf.)
Baby Violet Stroud (perf.)
Webb & Romaine (perf.)
Piano, Voice

This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 17 works by Bernie Grossman. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
It's a Long Way Back to Mother's Knee (w&m) 1917 Arthur Lange (co-author)
Andrew B Sterling (co-author)
Since They're Playin' Hawaiian Tunes in Dixie (w&m) 1917 Billy Winkle (co-author)
Arthur Lange (co-author)
Baby Violet Stroud (perf.)
Webb & Romaine (perf.)
There's Something About You Makes Me Love You (w&m) 1917 Arthur Lange (co-author)
We're Going Over (w&m) 1917 Arthur Lange (co-author)
Andrew B Sterling (co-author)
Follow On 1918
We're Going Over the Top (w&m) 1918 Arthur Lange (co-author)
Andrew B Sterling (co-author)
20th Century Lullaby 1919 Anna Nichols (words)
Say It With Kisses (w&m) 1922 Bobby Jones (co-author)
Bill Frischy (co-author)
Wonder if She's Lonely Too 1923 Willy White (words)
Ray and His Little Chevrolet (w&m) 1924 Billy Baskette (co-author)
Jack Stanley (co-author)
Ray Shelton (perf.)
America First Last and Always (w&m) 1926 Arthur Sizemore (co-author)
Larry Shay (co-author)
Just a Little Dance (w&m) 1926 Paul Ash (co-author)
Abe Olman (co-author)
Gee! But I'm Lonesome Tonight (w&m) 1927 Harry Harris (co-author)
Larry Shay (co-author)
I, Myself, and Me 1928 Ed Lowry (co-author)
Arthur Sizemore (co-author)
Mabel Weil (co-author)
My Darling (w&m) 1928 Guy Lombardo (co-author)
Arthur Sizemore (co-author)
I'll Still Go on Wanting You 1929 Mickey Kippel (co-author)
Arthur Sizemore (words)
Maurice Abrahams (words)
Belle Baker (perf.)
Chicago Rhythm ? Ben Kanter (words)