Audio Files: G
Last updated: 19.03.25
Audio Files: G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Title (Release Year) Composer Attributes
audioextmp315.gif Brighten the Corner Where You Are (1917) C.H. Gabriel Apollo Quartet (perf.)
Ina D. Ogden (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Glory Song (1910) C.H. Gabriel F.C. Stanley (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Glory Song (1911) C.H. Gabriel John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He Lifted Me (1918) C.H. Gabriel Metropolitan Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He Lifted Me (1908) C.H. Gabriel John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Need Jesus (1926) C.H. Gabriel H.A. Rodeheaver (perf.)
George Orlia Webster (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Father Watches Over Me (1914) C.H. Gabriel H.A. Rodeheaver (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Some Day (1910) C.H. Gabriel Cornelia Marvin (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Some Day (1910) C.H. Gabriel Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Pickaninny's Lullaby (1912) G.W. Gage Elsie West Baker (perf.)
Wm Frederick Peters (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Dolly Bar Rag(1919) W.E. Galbreth(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Father of Victory March (1914) L. Ganne National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Marche Lorraine (1903) L. Ganne Royal Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Buffer Girls Song (2012) R. Garside(w&m) Oughtibridge Primary School (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Night, Dinny, and God Bless You (1917) G.H. Gartlan(w&m) George McFadden (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif As You Were When I First Met You (1920) C. Gaskill(w&m) Lewis James (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Wild About Horns on Automobiles (1928) C. Gaskill(w&m) Jack Kaufman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I've Got the Blues For My Kentucky Home (1921) C. Gaskill(w&m) Premier Quartet (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Mister Whitney's Little Jitney Bus(1915) C. Gaskill James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Seymour Brown (words)
audioextmp315.gif Way Down in Cotton Town (1910) C. Gaskill W.V. Brunt (perf.)
Fred Hillebrand (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif List! The Cherubic Host (1912) A.R. Gaul Frank Croxton (perf.)
Agnes Kimball (perf.)
Marie Narelle (perf.)
Cornelia Marvin (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Reuben and Cynthia (1901) P. Gaunt Corinne Morgan (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Charles Hale Hoyt (words)
audiomidi15.gif Gasoline Gus and His Jitney Bus(1915) B. Gay(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Charley Brown (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif  Gasoline Gus and His Jitney Bus (1915) B. Gay(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
Charley Brown (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif The Lambeth Walk(1937) N. Gay(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Douglas Furber (coauth.)
Arthur Rose (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Take It on the Chin(1937) N. Gay James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Douglas Furber (words)
Arthur Rose (words)
audiomidi15.gif Big Foot Lou J. Gearen Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Don't Go Down in the Mine, Dad (1913) W. Geddes Frank Miller (perf.)
L. Wright (words)
audioextmp315.gif Don't Go Down in the Mine, Dad (1910) W. Geddes Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
L. Wright (words)
audioextmp315.gif Heroes of the Mine (1911) W. Geddes Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Cross Your Heart (1906) L.E. Gensler Markels' Orchestra (perf.)
B. G. De Sylva (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mensch, hast Du 'ne Weste an (1904c.) S. Gentes G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Glockenschlag (1909) P. Gerhardt(w&m) G. Schönwald (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Boy Wanted(1921) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Could You Use Me?(1930) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Ira Gershwin (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Dancing Shoes(1921) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif How Long Has This Been Going On?(1928) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Ira Gershwin (words)
P.G. Wodehouse (words)
audiomidi15.gif I Found a Four Leaf Clover(1922) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. G. DeSylva (words)
audiomidi15.gif I Got Rhythm(1930) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Ira Gershwin (words)
audiomidi15.gif I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise(1922) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. G. De Sylva (words)
Arthur Francis (words)
audiomidi15.gif Just to Know You Are Mine(1921) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Lets Be Lonesome Together(1923) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. G. DeSylva (words)
E.R. Goetz (words)
audiomidi15.gif Limehouse Nights(1920) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. G. DeSylva (words)
John H. Mears (words)
audiomidi15.gif Mischa Jascha Toscha Sascha(1923) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Sam and Delilah(1930) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Ira Gershwin (words)
audiomidi15.gif Shall We Dance? - Selection(1937) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Ira Gershwin (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Simple Life(1921) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Some Rain Must Fall(1921) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Someone(1922) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Sunshine Trail(1923) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Swanee (1920) G. Gershwin A. Bernard (perf.)
Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)
I. Caesar (words)
audiomidi15.gif Swanee Rose(1921) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B.G. DeSylva (words)
I. Caesar (words)
audiomidi15.gif Tra-La-La(1922) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Arthur Jackson (words)
audiomidi15.gif Where Is the Man of My Dreams(1922) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Yan-Kee(1920) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
I. Caesar (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Yankee Doodle Blues(1922) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B.G. DeSylva (words)
I. Caesar (words)
audiomidi15.gif You've Got What Gets Me(1932) G. Gershwin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Aviator Rag, The I.M. Giblin J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Black Feather I.M. Giblin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Chicken Chowder I.M. Giblin Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Columbia I.M. Giblin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Dixie Rag, The I.M. Giblin J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ketchup I.M. Giblin Perf. B. Edwards (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pickaninny I.M. Giblin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Sleepy Lou I.M. Giblin Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Soap Suds I.M. Giblin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Cactus Rag, The L.P. Gibson J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Jinx Rag L.P. Gibson James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Bambooland(1909) M.J. Gideon James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Mammy's Shufflin' Dance(1911) M.J. Gideon James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
audiomidi15.gif Meanderin'(1922) M.J. Gideon(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
L. Cliff (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Oh! That Yankiana Rag(1908) M.J. Gideon James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Ray Goetz (words)
audioextmp315.gif Yankiana-Rag (1909) M.J. Gideon American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Grannie's Little Old Skin Rug (1931) H. Gifford(w&m) Gracie Fields (perf.)
Cliffe (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif When I'm Cleaning Windows() H. Gifford Unknown (seq.)
Fred E. Cliffe (coauth.)
G. Formby (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif A Dusky Lullaby (1919) H. Gilberté Homestead Trio (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Two Roses (1918) H. Gilberté Carolina Lazzari (perf.)
Annie Gilberte (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (1924) F. Gilbert C. Coborn (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Saving Them All For Mary (1891-1893) F. Gilbert Al Reeves (perf.)
E Jonghmans (words)
audiomidi15.gif All For the Girlies(1913) J. Gilbert James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Charles N Grant (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Bye Everybody (1915) J. Gilbert Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Wm. M. Hough (words)
audiomidi15.gif Puppchen(1912) J. Gilbert James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Bonnie Sweet Bessie the Maid O' Dundee (1910) J.L. Gilbert Marie Narelle (perf.)
Arabella Root (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Bonnie Sweet Bessie the Maid O' Dundee (1910) J.L. Gilbert Elizabeth Wheeler (perf.)
Arabella Root (words)
audiomidi15.gif Are You From Heaven?(1917) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Friedland (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Are You From Heaven? (1918) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
A. Friedland (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Camouflage(1917) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Friedland (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Dance-O-Mania (1920) L.W. Gilbert Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra (perf.)
Joseph Cooper (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Down Yonder (1921) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jeannine I Dream of Lilac Time (1928) L.W. Gilbert The McAlpineers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Lily of the Valley (1917) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Friedland (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Lucky Lindy (1927) L.W. Gilbert Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
A. Baer (words)
audioextmp315.gif On a Moonlight Night (1922) L.W. Gilbert Dave Kaplan's Melodists (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ramona (1928) L.W. Gilbert Florida Four (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Singapore (1919) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) A. Fields (perf.)
A. Friedland (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif  Sunny Southern Smiles (1920) L.W. Gilbert Premier Quartet (perf.)
Darl MacBoyle (words)
Joseph Cooper (words)
audiomidi15.gif Then You Can Come Back to Me(1918) L.W. Gilbert(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Friedland (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Not Today, Nor Tomorrow, Nor the Next Day (1910) G. Gilbey Arthur Gilbert (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Red Peppers I. Giles Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif You're Not in Oskaloosa Now(1901) A. Gillespie James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Billee Taylor (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tin Pan Parade (1928) H. Gillespie(w&m) V. de Leath (perf.)
Richard A. Whiting (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif A Broken Heart (1914) E. Gillett National String Quartet (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Coon Hollow Capers F.R. Gillis James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
W. Murdoch Lind (words)
audioextmp315.gif El torre del oro (1904) G. Giménez Matilde Herrera (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif La ensenanza libre (1904) G. Giménez Concepcion Bereaud (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Policy Sam J. Gioscia James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The A.O.H's of the U.S.A. (1915) J. Glogau Edward Meeker (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Aeroplane, The J. Glogau Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Carus Breeze, The J. Glogau James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Celebratin' Day in Tennessee(1914) J. Glogau James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
L. Brown (words)
audioextmp315.gif Celebratin' Day in Tennessee (1914) J. Glogau Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
L. Brown (words)
audioextmp315.gif Firefly My Pretty Firefly (1915) J. Glogau I. Kaufman (perf.)
A. Piantadosi (coauth.)
S. Murphy (words)
audiomidi15.gif Ghost Breaker, The J. Glogau James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
S. Falke (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif In the Heart of Dear Old Italy (1921) J. Glogau Metropolitan Quartet (perf.)
E. West (words)
audioextmp315.gif On the Shores of Italy (1914) J. Glogau Albert Campbell (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
A. Piantadosi (words)
audioextmp315.gif Opechee (1909) J. Glogau New York Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Pussy Willow Waltzes (1921) J. Glogau Imperial Marimba Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Race Course, The J. Glogau James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif There's a Garden in Old Italy (1916) J. Glogau I. Kaufman (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Wake Up, America! (1916) J. Glogau Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
George Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif Wake Up, America! (1916) J. Glogau Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
George Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif All Roads Lead to Bonnie Scotland (1914?) A. Glover Daisy Taylor (perf.)
F.E. Cliffe (words)
audioextmp315.gif Do They Think of Me at Home? (1913) C.W. Glover Manhattan Mixed Trio (perf.)
Joseph Edwards Carpenter (words)
audioextmp315.gif Do They Think of Me at Home? (1911) C.W. Glover Frank Coombs (perf.)
Joseph Edwards Carpenter (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sunshine and Cloud (1920) C.W. Glover Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif By the Sea (1911) J.A. Glover-Kind Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside (1909) J.A. Glover-Kind(w&m) Florrie Forde (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Let's Make a Night of It To-Night! (1912) J.A. Glover-Kind Jack Charman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sandy Take Hold of My Hand (1913) J.A. Glover-Kind(w&m) Daisy Taylor (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jocelyn Berceuse (1914) B. Godard(w&m) Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jocelyn Berceuse (1902) B. Godard(w&m) Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Second Mazurka For Piano (1918) B. Godard A. Benoist (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif All the Ladies Fell in Love With Sandy (1913) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
B. Williams (words)
audioextmp315.gif Blame It on to Poor Old Father (1914?) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Colliers (1910) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
H. Castling (words)
audioextmp315.gif Come Into the Garden, John! (1910) F. Godfrey Charles Denton (perf.)
Fred D'Albert (words)
audioextmp315.gif Giving a Donkey a Strawberry (1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Bye Ragtime (1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Hey! Ho! Can't You Hear the Steamer? (1914) F. Godfrey Daisy Taylor (perf.)
H. Gifford (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Come Frae Scotland (1914?) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Wish I Were Back in Lancashire (1913) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Wish It Were Sunday Night To-Night (1912) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
H. Trevor (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Out For the Day Today (1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  It's Mine When You've Done With It (1913) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jean Loves All the Jockeys (1913) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
B. Williams (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Kangaroo Hop (1913) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
B. Williams (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Land Where the Women Wear the Trousers (1910) F. Godfrey(w&m) Charles Denton (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Let's All Go Mad! (1911) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mr. John Mackenzie O! (1913) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Father Was Born in Killarney (1912) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Lass Frae Glasgie Toon (1911) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Young Man Is Not the Chocolate Soldier (1913) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Oh! Molly Macintyre (1913) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Wedding (1913) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Reminiscences of Scotland (1908-1912) F. Godfrey Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  She Does Like a Little Drop of Scotch (1913-1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
Billy William (words)
audioextmp315.gif She's a Girl Up North (1910) F. Godfrey Ella Retford (perf.)
Fred E d' Albert (words)
audioextmp315.gif Some Little Girl Named Mary (1915) F. Godfrey I. Kaufman (perf.)
W. David (words)
audioextmp315.gif Something Nice About the Isle of Man (1913-1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Take Me Back to Your Heart (1915) F. Godfrey George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
W. David (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tis a Faded Picture (1910) F. Godfrey Florrie Forde (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Wait Till I'm As Old As Father! (1913) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Wake Up, John Bull! (1911) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif What Time Tomorrow Night? (1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Who Were You With Last Night? (1913) F. Godfrey(w&m) Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Why Can't We Have the Sea in London? (1911) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
B. Williams (words)
audioextmp315.gif Why Don't Santa Clause Bring Something to Me? (1914) F. Godfrey B. Williams (perf.)
B. Williams (words)
audioextmp315.gif  The Worst of It Is I Like It (1914) F. Godfrey(w&m) B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif You Can Never Tell (1911) F. Godfrey Florrie Forde (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Tennessee(1915) J. Godfrey James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Harold A. Robe (words)
audioextmp315.gif Valse Decembre (1911) F. Godin Alhambra Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Glorious Beer (1899) W. Godwin Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
S. Leggett (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Miner's Dream of Home (1906) W. Godwin Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
L. Dryden (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Miner's Dream of Home (1913) W. Godwin P. Dawson (perf.)
L. Dryden (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Miner's Dream of Home (1906) W. Godwin Andrew Clayton (perf.)
L. Dryden (words)
audioextmp315.gif There It Goes Again (1918) C. Goetz Billy Murray (perf.)
L. Flatow (words)
H. Jentes (words)
audioextmp315.gif O schöne Zeit, o sel'ge Zeit (1912) K. Götze Margaret Keyes (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O schöne Zeit, o sel'ge Zeit (1903) K. Götze Emil Muench (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O schöne Zeit, o sel'ge Zeit (1916) K. Götze Jacques Urlus (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Alexander's Bag-Pipe Band(1912) E.R. Goetz(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Baldwin Sloane (coauth.)
I. Berlin (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif By the Sad Luana Shore (1916) E.R. Goetz(w&m) Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He Goes to Church on Sunday (1907) E.R. Goetz Billy Murray (perf.)
V. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hitchy-koo (1917) E.R. Goetz Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Croony Melody (1914) E.R. Goetz(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
J. Goodwin (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Sombrero Land(1911) E.R. Goetz(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
T. Snyder (coauth.)
I. Berlin (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif There's a Girl in Havana(1911) E.R. Goetz(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A.B. Sloane (coauth.)
T. Snyder (coauth.)
I. Berlin (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif There's a Girl in Havana (1911) E.R. Goetz(w&m) Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
A.B. Sloane (coauth.)
T. Snyder (coauth.)
I. Berlin (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif When Gradma Was a Girl (1908) E.R. Goetz Ada Jones (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Who Ate Napoleons With Josephine As You Were (1920)(1920) E.R. Goetz Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Wildflower(1908) E.R. Goetz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Lou A Hirsch (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula(1916) E.R. Goetz(w&m) Unknown (seq.)
J. Young (coauth.)
P. Wendling (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif  Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula (1916) E.R. Goetz(w&m) W.V. Brunt (perf.)
J. Young (coauth.)
P. Wendling (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Yankee Love(1911) E.R. Goetz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
I. Berlin (words)
audioextmp315.gif You've Got to Take Me Home To-Night (1911) E.R. Goetz Ada Jones (perf.)
V. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Alexandria (1920) A. Goetzl Max Fells' Della Robbia Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Selection From the Royal Vagabond (1919) A. Goetzl Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When the Cherry Blossoms Fall (1919) A. Goetzl Leola Lucey (perf.)
Charles Hart (perf.)
William Carey Duncan (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Saskatoon P. Goldberg Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Venetian Moon (1921) P. Goldberg R.E. Ball (perf.)
F. Magine (coauth.)
G. Kahn (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Canary Has Circles Under His Eyes (1931) J. Golden Marion Harris (perf.)
Ted Kohler (words)
Edward Pola (words)
audiomidi15.gif Gretchen Mädchen Mine(1907) J.L. Golden(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif There's Something About You, Dear, That Appeals to Me (1911) J.L. Golden Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Frank Craven (words)
audioextmp315.gif You Can't Play Every Instrument in the Band (1913) J.L. Golden Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
Joseph Cawthorn (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Checker Rag D. Goldsmith Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Everybody's Rag D. Goldsmith Unknown (seq.)
R.D. Sharp (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Silver Leaf Rag D. Goldsmith Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif A Little Farther(1914) N. Goldstein(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
M.J. Gunsky (words)
audioextmp315.gif Linger Longer Letty (1920) A. Goodman Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Oliver Morosco (words)
audioextmp315.gif Kiss Me Good-Night! (1914) J. Goodwin(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
L. Brown (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Dream (1914) J. Goodwin Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
L. Brown (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif The Roses, the Robins and You (1912) H.T. Googins Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
Donald Alexander Chalmers (perf.)
Ernest B. Orne (words)
audioextmp315.gif Anna in Indiana (1921) B. Gorman Aileen Stanley (perf.)
Eddie Gorman (coauth.)
H. Rose (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif His Funny Little Bobtail'd Coat (1907) R. Gorman H. Champion (perf.)
T. Lowen (words)
audioextmp315.gif That Funny Little Bob-Tailed Coat (1904) R. Gorman H. Champion (perf.)
H. Champion (words)
T. Lowen (words)
audioextmp315.gif America, I Love You (1916) A. Gottler New York Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  America, I Love You - Song (1915) A. Gottler Royal Dadmun (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif He's Living the Life of Reilly (1917) A. Gottler Edward Meeker (perf.)
A. Gerber (words)
audiomidi15.gif In 1960 You'll Find Dixie Looking Just the Same(1918) A. Gottler James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
S. Mitchell (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Kiss That Made Me Cry (1919) A. Gottler George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Joe Burns (words)
A. Fields (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Letter That Never Reached Home (1916) A. Gottler George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
B. Grossman (words)
audiomidi15.gif Mammy's Chocolate Soldier(1918) A. Gottler James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Sidney Mitchell (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mammy's Chocolate Soldier (1918) A. Gottler Harmony Four (perf.)
Sidney Mitchell (words)
audiomidi15.gif or a Private With a Chicken(1918) A. Gottler James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
S. Mitchell (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ragging the Chopsticks (1919) A. Gottler A. Fields (perf.)
A. Frankl (words)
audioextmp315.gif Rolling Stones (1917) A. Gottler A. Fields (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif Rolling Stones Waltz (1917) A. Gottler Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Jolly Fellows(1906) L.M. Gottschalk James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
W.H. Gardner (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Dernières étreintes (1903) H. Goublier Mary Boyer (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Whoa! Nellie!(1915) G. Gould Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Ah! si je redevenais belle (1901-1902) C. Gounod Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Air des bijoux (1898c.) C. Gounod Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alerte! Alerte! (1912) C. Gounod Agnes Kimball (perf.)
Reed Miller (perf.)
Frank Croxton (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alerte! Alerte! (1906) C. Gounod Ida Vaudère (perf.)
Edmond Gluck (perf.)
Ragneau (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ave Marie (1899) C. Gounod F.W. Hager (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ave Marie (1912) C. Gounod Marie Rappold (perf.)
Albert Spalding (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ave Marie (190-) C. Gounod Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Je ris de me voir si belle (1909) C. Gounod Blanche Arral (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mireille (1901-1902) C. Gounod Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mon coeur ne peut changer, Mireille (1910) C. Gounod A. Case (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Nazareth (1913) C. Gounod Alexander Prince (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Nazareth (1909) C. Gounod P. Dawson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O Magali! (1903) C. Gounod Mary Boyer (perf.)
Jules Gautier (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O Sing to God (1916) C. Gounod Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O, Divine Redeemer! (1920) C. Gounod Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Repentir (190-?) C. Gounod Marguerite Revel (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sanctus (1921) C. Gounod Albert Lindquest (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sing, Smile, Slumber (1913) C. Gounod Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sous les pieds d'une femme (1916) C. Gounod T. Foster Why (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif There Is a Green Hill Far Away (1912) C. Gounod Margaret Keyes (perf.)
Cecil Francis Alexander (words)
audioextmp315.gif Vulcan's Song (1914) C. Gounod T. Foster Why (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Était un roi de Thulé (190-) C. Gounod Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  I Feel Thy Angel Spirit (1909) G. Graben-Hoffmann Edith Chapman (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Happy Rag R.G. Grady James Pitt (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Nonsense Rag R.G. Grady James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Old Swanee Rag R.G. Grady James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Squirrel Food Rag R.G. Grady James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif That Devilish Glide R.G. Grady James Pitt (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Along the Rocky Road to Dublin (1916) B.F. Grant Premier Quartet (perf.)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif Arrah Go On, I'm Gonna Go Back to Oregon (1916) B.F. Grant Billy Murray (perf.)
J. Young (words)
S. Lewis (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm the Guy (1912) B.F. Grant Billy Murray (perf.)
Rube Goldberg (words)
audioextmp315.gif If I Knock the L Out of Kelly It Would Still Be Kelly to Me (1916) B.F. Grant Ada Jones (perf.)
Sam M. Lewis (words)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif Let By-Gones Be By-Gones (1915) B.F. Grant Helen Clark (perf.)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
H. Williams (words)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif That Reuben Tango Huskin' Bee (1914) B.F. Grant Byron George Harlan (perf.)
J. Young (words)
H. Williams (words)
audioextmp315.gif  The Trolley Car Swing (1910) B.F. Grant W.V. Brunt (perf.)
J. Young (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Trolley Car Swing(1912) B.F. Grant James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Angelus Is Ringing (1914) B.F. Grant H. Burr (perf.)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif When You're Away (1912) B.F. Grant Helen Clark (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
J. Young (words)
Seymour Brown (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Worst Is Yet to Come (1919) B.F. Grant Billy Murray (perf.)
Sam M Lewis (words)
J. Young (words)
audioextmp315.gif You're the Same Old Girl (1913) B.F. Grant W.V. Brunt (perf.)
J. Young (words)
H. Williams (words)
audioextmp315.gif Whenever I Think of You (1918) C.N. Grant Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Schuyler Greene (words)
audioextmp315.gif He Was Nailed to the Cross For Me (1928) F.A. Graves E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Church Across the Way (1890-1902) W.B. Gray L. Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Old Jim's Christmas Hymn (1899) W.B. Gray(w&m) Addison Dashiell Madeira (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Old Jim's Christmas Hymn (1917) W.B. Gray(w&m) Arthur Middleton (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sweet Antoinette (1899) W.B. Gray(w&m) Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Addison Dashiell Madeira (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  He Was Always Fooling Around(1914) A. Greenberg James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
W. Jerome (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sing Me to Sleep (1917) E. Greene Christine Miller (perf.)
Clifton Bingham (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sing Me to Sleep (1908) E. Greene Edith Chapman (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Clifton Bingham (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sing Me to Sleep (1904) E. Greene H. Burr (perf.)
Clifton Bingham (words)
audiomidi15.gif Stop That Bearcat Sadie(1912) G. Greene(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Alabama Moon (1920) G.H. Green(w&m) Gladys Rice (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Fluffy Ruffles G.H. Green J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Watermelon Whispers G.H. Green James Pitt (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Say It Again (1919) J. Greer Gladys Rice (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (words)
audiomidi15.gif Maybe It's Because I'm a Londoner(1947) H. Gregg(w&m) Frank Petersohn (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif If You Were the Only Girl in the World (1916) C.F. Grey G. Robey (perf.)
N.D. Ayer (words)
audioextmp315.gif In Other Words (1916) C.F. Grey G. Robey (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  The Cane Rush(1907) F.H. Grey James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Think Love of Me (1919) F.H. Grey(w&m) Gladys Rice (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Solvejgs sang (1920) E.H. Grieg(w&m) Marie Tiffany (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Dusky Belle (1910) E. Grimshaw O. Oakley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Lancashire Clogs (1912) E. Grimshaw O. Oakley (perf.)
O. Oakley (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bent Paperclip(2011) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Big City Rag (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Chickadee Rag (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Graveyard Rag (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Locomotive Rag (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif New Shined Shoes (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ol' Balthazar (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Professor Thibaut's Superlative Rag (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Snappy Dresser (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Teddy's Tango (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Twine Ball Rag (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Wooden Nickel (2012) G. Groberg Gerlüz (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Gobbler's Gambol - Turkey Trot(1913) C. Grooms Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (1902) F.X. Gruber Hans Hoffman (perf.)
Joseph Mohr (words)
audioextmp315.gif Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (1920) F.X. Gruber Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Joseph Mohr (words)
audioextmp315.gif Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (1916) F.X. Gruber Marie Rappold (perf.)
Joseph Mohr (words)
audioextmp315.gif Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (1912) F.X. Gruber Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
Joseph Mohr (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Lover and the Bird (1906) P.D. Guglielmo Florence Hinkle (perf.)
Joseph Belmont (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Lover and the Bird (1914) P.D. Guglielmo Mary Carson (perf.)
Joseph Belmont (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  The Illinois Siren Song(1908) T.H. Guild(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Texas Fox Trot(1915) D.W. Guion Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Ye Merry Birds, That Sweetly Sing (1912) F. Gumbert Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif At the Mississippi Cabaret(1914) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A Seymour Brown (words)
audiomidi15.gif Bolo Rag, The A. Gumble Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Chanticleer Rag A. Gumble Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Circus Day in Dixie(1915) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
J. Yellen (words)
audiomidi15.gif His Cute Moving Picture Machine(1916) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I'd Feel at Home if They'd Let Me Join the Army (1918) A. Gumble Michael J. O'Connell (perf.)
J. Mahoney (words)
audioextmp315.gif Lady Love (1910) A. Gumble Peerless Quartet (perf.)
William McKenna (words)
audiomidi15.gif On Lake Champlain(1916) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Bryan (words)
audiomidi15.gif Rebecca of Sunny-Brook Farm(1914) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A Seymour Brown (words)
audioextmp315.gif  So I Took the Fifty Thousand Dollars (1923) A. Gumble Michael J. O'Connell (perf.)
J. Meskill (words)
Robert Denning (words)
audiomidi15.gif There's a Lump of Sugar Down in Dixie(1918) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Bryan (words)
J. Yellen (words)
audiomidi15.gif Wedding of the Sunshine and the Rose, The A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
S. Murphy (words)
audioextmp315.gif What Might Have Been (1909) A. Gumble Manuel Romain (perf.)
Dave J. Clark (words)
audioextmp315.gif When I Marry You (1909) A. Gumble F. Rose (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audiomidi15.gif Winter(1910) A. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif You'll Do the Same Thing Over Again (1913) A. Gumble Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif You'll Do the Same Thing Over Again (1911) A. Gumble Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif You'll Do the Same Thing Over Again (1911) A. Gumble Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mariar (1905) M. Gumble Clarice Vance (perf.)
H. Williams (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Pipe Dream Rag(1902) M. Gumble James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Old Virginia Cake Walk, An L.V. Gustin J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Topsy Turvy L.V. Gustin J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif X-N-Tric L.V. Gustin J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Kalamity Kid(1909) F.A. Guttenberger cmd (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Belle of the Creoles(1899) H.P. Guy Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Cleanin' Up in Georgia H.P. Guy cdm (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Down in Mobile H.P. Guy James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Echoes From the Snowball Club H.P. Guy Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pearl of the Harem H.P. Guy James Pitt-Payne (seq.)