Margaret Keyes
Last updated: 12.09.24
p_keyesm.jpgIt is surprising that so little is known about this performer considering the large number of compositions and recordings located. All that can presently (September 2023) be gleaned about Margaret Keyes from sheet music covers and by Internet searching is that she was an American contralto who has been featured on 8 works published between 1851 and 1924. She also made at least 50 recordings between 1907 and 1917.
Her portrait on the left is taken from a 1908 4-page management brochure containing press reports of her various successes in New York State and Missouri,
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this performer.
url15.gif  DAHR: Margaret Keyes List of 44 historic recordings from 1910 to 1917.

  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Angel's Serenade - Song (1912) G. Braga Margaret Keyes Edison Blue Amberol: 28109
cylinder15.gif Looking This Way (1907) J.W. van DeVenter Florence Hinkle
Margaret Keyes
Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9467
cylinder15.gif Old Folks at Home (1913) S. Foster Margaret Keyes Edison Blue Amberol: 28143
cylinder15.gif O schöne Zeit, o sel'ge Zeit (1912) K. Götze Margaret Keyes Edison Amberol: 28032
cylinder15.gif There Is a Green Hill Far Away (1912) C. Gounod Margaret Keyes U.S. Everlasting Record: 1472
cylinder15.gif Il Trovatore - Sì la stanchezza (1914) G. Verdi Dan Beddoe
Margaret Keyes
Edison Blue Amberol: 28203
cylinder15.gif Il Trovatore - Sì la stanchezza (1909) G. Verdi Margaret Keyes
John Young
U.S. Everlasting Record: 1431
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Il segreto per essere felici (1914) G. Donizetti Margaret Keyes Edison: 3177
recordmp3.gif Will You Love Me When I'm Old? (1915) J. Ford Margaret Keyes Columbia: 37481
recordmp3.gif Ever of Thee I'm Fondly Dreaming (1910) F. Hall Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30567
recordmp3.gif Messiah - He Shall Feed His Flock (1911) G.F. Handel Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30672
recordmp3.gif Hills O' Skye, The (1911) V. Harris Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30744
recordmp3.gif My Ain Folk (1911) L. Lemon Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30639
recordmp3.gif Love's Old Sweet Song (1911) J.L. Molloy Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30734
recordmp3.gif Stabat mater - Fact ut portem (1911) G. Rossini Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30740
recordmp3.gif Stabat mater - Quis est homo (1911) G. Rossini Grace Kerns
Margaret Keyes
Columbia: 30739
recordmp3.gif I Have a Song to Sing (1916) A. Sullivan Frank Croxton
Margaret Keyes
Columbia: 48847
recordmp3.gif It Came With the Merry May, Love (1911) F.P. Tosti Margaret Keyes Columbia: 30742
recordmp3.gif Il Trovatore - Ai nostri monti (1914) G. Verdi Daniel Beddoe
Margaret Keyes
Edison: 3178
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg G. Bizet Habanera from Carmen (3:22) Margaret Keyes
youtube15.jpg K. Götze O schöne Zeit, o sel'ge Zeit (3:28) Margaret Keyes
youtube15.jpg G. Verdi Il Trovatore - Ai nostri monti (4:22) Margaret Keyes
Dan Beddoe
The peformer is featured on 19 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Carmen - Habanera (?) Georges Bizet Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Angel's Serenade - Song (1924) Gaetano Braga Marco Marcello (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Looking This Way (1907) Judson W. van DeVenter Florence Hinkle (perf.)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Il segreto per essere felici (1916) Gaetano Donizetti Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Will You Love Me When I'm Old? (1872) John Ford(w&m) Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Old Folks at Home (1851) Stephen Collins Foster(w&m) Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg O schöne Zeit, o sel'ge Zeit (1903) Karl Götze Margaret Keyes (perf.)
 cylinder15.gif youtube15.jpg
perf15.jpg There Is a Green Hill Far Away (1871) Charles Gounod Cecil Francis Alexander (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Ever of Thee I'm Fondly Dreaming (1859) Foley Hall George Linley (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Messiah - He Shall Feed His Flock (1741) George F. Handel(w&m) Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Hills O' Skye (1911), The Victor Harris William McLennan (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Ain Folk (1904) Laura G. Lemon Wilfrid Mills (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Love's Old Sweet Song (1896) James L. Molloy Clifton Bingham (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Stabat mater - Quis est homo (1911) Gioacchino Rossini Grace Kerns (perf.)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Stabat mater - Fact ut portem (1911) Gioacchino Rossini Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Have a Song to Sing (1916) Arthur Sullivan W. S. Gilbert (words)
Frank Croxton (perf.)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg It Came With the Merry May, Love (1885) F. Paolo Tosti Whyte Melville (words)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
perf15.jpg Il Trovatore - Ai nostri monti (?) Giuseppe Verdi Daniel Beddoe (perf.)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
 recordmp3.gif youtube15.jpg
perf15.jpg Il Trovatore - Sì la stanchezza (?) Giuseppe Verdi Dan Beddoe (perf.)
Margaret Keyes (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
 cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif