Audio Files: P
Last updated: 19.03.25
Audio Files: P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Title (Release Year) Composer Attributes
audiomidi15.gif It's You Nobody But You(1913) C.H. Pace(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Canon J. Pachelbel Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif When It's Night-Time Down in Burgundy (1914) H. Paley Helen Clark (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Carolina Lullaby (1922) L. Panella R.E. Ball (perf.)
Walter Hirsch (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Monarch March and Two-Step(1897) H.P. Parker James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif We'll Meet Again(1939) R. Parker(w&m) Frank Petersohn (seq.)
Hughie Charles (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Automobiling(1905) W.C. Parker(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Jesus, Lover of My Soul (1913) J.M. Parry Hardy Williamson (perf.)
Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
Charles Wesley (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tiddley-Om-Pom! (1907) W. Passmore Marie Schultz (perf.)
R. H Douglas (words)
audiomidi15.gif The American Wedding March(1919) E.T. Paull Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Ben Hur Chariot Race(1894) E.T. Paull Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  The Burning of Rome(1903) E.T. Paull Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Circus Parade(1904) E.T. Paull Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Ice Palace March(1898) E.T. Paull Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif We'll Stand by the Flag(1898) E.T. Paull Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
H.A. Freeman (words)
audioextmp315.gif Darktown Belles (1898) A. Paulsen Edison Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sing Us a Song of Bonnie Scotland (1916) T.H. Payne Glen Ellison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif County Kerry Mary (1921) H. Pease(w&m) William Bonner (perf.)
E.G. Nelson (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif In the Old Town Hall (1921) H. Pease Billy Jones (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Pal That I Loved Stole the Gal That I Loved (1924) H. Pease Jim Doherty (perf.)
Ed G. Nelson (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Peggy O'Neil (1921) H. Pease Billy Jones (perf.)
Ed G. Nelson (coauth.)
Gilbert Dodge (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Pretty Kitty Kelly (1920) H. Pease William Bonner (perf.)
Ed. G. Nelson (words)
audioextmp315.gif They All Walk the Wibbly Wobbly Walk (1912) P. Pelham Jack Charman (perf.)
John P Long (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Tis a Story That Shall Live Forever (1913) P. Pelham Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
L. Wright (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Ebony Flyer(1903) E.H. Pendleton James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Sunrise and You (1921) A.A. Penn(w&m) Herbert C. Tilley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Girls I've Left Behind Me (1911) R. Penso(w&m) Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Chic-ka-saw(1913) G. Pentland James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Vick Langhorne (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bye-Lo (1919) R. Perkins(w&m) Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Bye-Lo (1919?) R. Perkins(w&m) A. Bernard (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Held Fast in a Baby's Hands (1921) R. Perkins(w&m) George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Scandinavia, Sing Dose Song and Make Dose Music (1921) R. Perkins(w&m) Aileen Stanley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mandy Will You Be My Lady Love? (1896-1900) S.L. Perrin(w&m) L. Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif There Are Tears in Your Dear, Dear Eyes (1918) W. Perrins Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ciribiribin (1913) A. Pestalozza Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
H.S. Sawyer (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Kind, Kind and Gentle Is She (1914) W.C. Peters Hughes Macklin (perf.)
David Brazell (perf.)
Gabriel H. Barbour (words)
audioextmp315.gif Don't Get Married Anymore, Ma! (1907) H.E. Pether Ada Jones (perf.)
Fred W. Leigh (words)
audioextmp315.gif Don't Get Married Anymore, Ma! (1908) H.E. Pether Ada Jones (perf.)
Fred W. Leigh (words)
audioextmp315.gif Molly Dear It's You I'm After (1916) H.E. Pether W.V. Brunt (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
F. Wood (words)
audioextmp315.gif Poor John! (1907) H.E. Pether Ada Jones (perf.)
Fred W. Leigh (words)
audioextmp315.gif Waiting at the Church (1906) H.E. Pether Ada Jones (perf.)
Fred W Leigh (words)
audioextmp315.gif Waiting at the Church (1905) H.E. Pether V. Victoria (perf.)
Fred W Leigh (words)
audioextmp315.gif Asleep in the Deep (1897) H.W. Petrie William F. Hooley (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Asleep in the Deep (1908) H.W. Petrie Gus Reed (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Asleep in the Deep (1907) H.W. Petrie F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Asleep in the Deep (1910) H.W. Petrie Joe Parsons (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Asleep in the Deep (1915) H.W. Petrie William Meyer (perf.)
Arthur J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif  At the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea (1902) H.W. Petrie F.C. Stanley (perf.)
A. J. Lamb (words)
audioextmp315.gif Davy Jones' Locker (1910) H.W. Petrie Gus Reed (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Davy Jones' Locker (1920) H.W. Petrie Fred East (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Everyone's in Love With Someone (1908) H.W. Petrie Dorothy Kingsley (perf.)
A. Gillespie (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Lost My Heart Way Down in Alabama (1906) H.W. Petrie Harry MacDonough (perf.)
R Bronner (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1909) H.W. Petrie Gus Reed (perf.)
J.T. Branen (words)
audioextmp315.gif When the Twilight Comes to Kiss the Rose ''Good Night!'' (1913) H.W. Petrie George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Robert F Roden. (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where the Sunset Turns the Ocean's Blue to Gold (1904) H.W. Petrie Harry MacDonough (perf.)
Eva Fern Buckner (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where the Sunset Turns the Ocean's Blue to Gold (1910) H.W. Petrie Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Eva Fern Buckner (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where the Sunset Turns the Ocean's Blue to Gold (1918) H.W. Petrie George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Eva Fern Buckner (words)
audiomidi15.gif Ragtown Guards(1899) W.E. Petry James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Choristers Waltz (1910) B. Phelps Alhambra Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Choristers Waltz (1910) B. Phelps Alhambra Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O Morning Land (1910) E.H. Phelps Elizabeth Wheeler (perf.)
Idelle Patterson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O Morning Land (1909) E.H. Phelps F.C. Stanley (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif O Morning Land (1905) E.H. Phelps John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Cloud Chief (1910) E.J. Philie V.L. Ossman (perf.)
Charles D'Almaine (perf.)
Charles D' Almain (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Heute Nacht beim Mondenschein - Im wilden Westen (1907) A. Philipp(w&m) Grete Wiedecke (perf.)
Ludwig Arno (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The String of Pearls(1917) H.L. Phillips James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Lockton (words)
audiomidi15.gif Heart of Spring(1919) M.F. Phillips James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Lockton (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Birds (1905) W.P. Phillips(w&m) Minnie Emmett (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif At the Yiddish Wedding Jubilee (1915) A. Piantadosi Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
J. Glogau (coauth.)
Joseph McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif Baby Shoes (1916) A. Piantadosi Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Ed Rose (words)
J. Goodwin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Chasin' the Blues (1920) A. Piantadosi A. Bernard (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Come Back, I'm Pining For You (1913) A. Piantadosi Anna Chandler (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Cow Bells (1922) A. Piantadosi Harry Raderman's Orchestra (perf.)
Lew Klein (words)
Sidney D Mitchell (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Curse of an Aching Heart (1913) A. Piantadosi Will Oakland (perf.)
Henry Fink (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Luck Mary (1909) A. Piantadosi Billy Murray (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
E. Leslie (words)
audiomidi15.gif Good-Bye Mister Caruso(1909) A. Piantadosi James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Billy Dunham (words)
audiomidi15.gif Honey Man(1911) A. Piantadosi James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
J. McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif Honey Man (1912) A. Piantadosi Anna Chandler (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif How Could Washington Be a Married Man (1917) A. Piantadosi Michael J. O'Connell (perf.)
J. Goodwin (words)
B. MacDonald (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier (1915) A. Piantadosi Helen Clark (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier (1915) A. Piantadosi H. Burr (perf.)
A. Bryan (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm a Yiddish Cowboy (1908) A. Piantadosi Edward Meeker (perf.)
Halsey K. Mohr (coauth.)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Glad My Boy Grew Up to Be a Soldier (1915) A. Piantadosi Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  If You Had All the World and Its Gold (1917) A. Piantadosi Manuel Romain (perf.)
Bartley Costell (words)
Harry Edelheit (words)
audioextmp315.gif Melinda's Wedding Day (1913) A. Piantadosi Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
J. Goodwin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Mississippi Days (1917) A. Piantadosi Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
B. MacDonald (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Mariuccia Take a Steamboat, She's Gone Away (1906) A. Piantadosi Billy Murray (perf.)
George Ronklyn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Playing Hookey (1908) A. Piantadosi Ada Jones (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audiomidi15.gif Rusty-Can-O-Rag(1910) A. Piantadosi James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
T. Gray (words)
audioextmp315.gif Someone (1915) A. Piantadosi Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Someone Is Waiting For You (1918) A. Piantadosi(w&m) Shannon Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Summer Days (1911) A. Piantadosi Billy Murray (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif Summer Days (1911) A. Piantadosi George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif Sweetheart's a Pretty Name When It Is Y-O-U (1909) A. Piantadosi Manuel Romain (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audiomidi15.gif That Italian Rag(1910) A. Piantadosi James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  That's How I Need You (1912) A. Piantadosi Miss Burney (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
J. Goodwin (words)
audioextmp315.gif That's How I Need You (1912) A. Piantadosi H. Burr (perf.)
J. McCarthy (words)
J. Goodwin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Think It Over, Mary (1911) A. Piantadosi Will Oakland (perf.)
T. Gray (words)
audioextmp315.gif Way Down in Borneo-O-O-O (1916) A. Piantadosi Leonard T. Chick (perf.)
John H Flynn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Way Down in Cotton Town (1908-1912) A. Piantadosi Billy Murray (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif What a Wonderful Mother You'd Be (1916) A. Piantadosi W.V. Brunt (perf.)
J. Goodwin (words)
audioextmp315.gif What a Wonderful Mother You'd Be (1916) A. Piantadosi H. Burr (perf.)
J. Goodwin (words)
audiomidi15.gif When Broadway Was a Pasture(1911) A. Piantadosi James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
J. McCarthy (words)
audioextmp315.gif When You Play in the Game of Love (1914) A. Piantadosi Manuel Romain (perf.)
J. Goodwin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Won't You Even Say, Hello (1909) A. Piantadosi Byron George Harlan (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif Won't You Even Say, Hello (1909) A. Piantadosi Manuel Romain (perf.)
E. Leslie (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ora Pro Nobis (1910) M. Piccolomini P. Dawson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Bedouin Love Song (1898) C. Pinsuti William F. Hooley (perf.)
Unknown (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bedouin Love Song (1915) C. Pinsuti Arthur Middleton (perf.)
Unknown (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bedouin Love Song (1912) C. Pinsuti David Brazell (perf.)
Unknown (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Night, Good Night, Beloved! (1912) C. Pinsuti Emos Quartet (perf.)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Outpost(1901) C. Pinsuti James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Edward Oxenford (words)
audioextmp315.gif Queen of the Earth (1909) C. Pinsuti P. Dawson (perf.)
H L D'Arcy Jaxone (words)
audioextmp315.gif Queen of the Earth (1908) C. Pinsuti Alan Turner (perf.)
H L D'Arcy Jaxone (words)
audioextmp315.gif Queen of the Earth (1896-1900) C. Pinsuti Alfred Hicks (perf.)
H L D'Arcy Jaxone (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tis I (1911) C. Pinsuti Thomas Frame Kinniburgh (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Goose Step, The E. Platzmann James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Pretty Little Rainbow (1920) V.C. Plunkett Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra (perf.)
Robert Levenson (words)
audioextmp315.gif Underneath the Moon (1920) V.C. Plunkett Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
J.T. Branen (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Cairo L. Pollack James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Harry Fox Trot(1918) L. Pollack Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Loud Speakin' Papa (1925) L. Pollack Elsie Clark (perf.)
J. Yellen (words)
audiomidi15.gif That's-A-Plenty L. Pollack James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Bachelor's Button(1909) W.C. Polla Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Bachelor's Button (1910) W.C. Polla Sousa's Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Clover Leaf Rag W.C. Polla James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Dope Rag(1909) W.C. Polla Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Funny Folks(1904) W.C. Polla Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Gondolier - Song (1904) W.C. Polla Harry Tally (perf.)
H. Williams (words)
audiomidi15.gif Holy Moses Rag W.C. Polla Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Irresistible Rag(1910) W.C. Polla Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Jolly Jingles(1907) W.C. Polla Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Mary O'Brien (1922) W.C. Polla Jim Doherty (perf.)
H. Tobias (words)
C. Tobias (words)
audiomidi15.gif Missouri Rag(1907) W.C. Polla Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Panama Rag W.C. Polla Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Troubadour (1905) W.C. Polla Edison Concert Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Rooster Rag M. Pollock Paul F. Wilson (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Old Fashioned Garden (1920) C. Porter(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Carrie Nation in Kansas (1901) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Flanagan's Mother-In-Law (1908) S. Porter(w&m) S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Flanagan's New Year's Call (1908) S. Porter(w&m) S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Flanagan's Night Off (1906) S. Porter L. Spencer (perf.)
S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Flanagan's Night Off (1901-1909) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Flanagan's Troubles in a Restaurant (1908) S. Porter(w&m) S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Flanigan and ''The Reillys'' at a Baseball Game (1907) S. Porter(w&m) S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He and She in Vaudeville (1908) S. Porter(w&m) S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif He and She in Vaudeville (1908) S. Porter(w&m) S. Porter (perf.)
S. Tobin (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I'll Love You Forever and Ever (1898) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif An Irish-Dutch Argument (1909) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
Franklin Kennedy (perf.)
F. Kennedy (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif A Morning in Mrs. Reilly's Kitchen (1908) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Pat O'Brien's Automobile (1908) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Thim Were the Happy Days (1907) S. Porter S. Porter (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Private Tommy Atkins (1903) S. Potter British Military Band (perf.)
Henry Hamilton (words)
audiomidi15.gif Buster Rag(1915) B.M. Powell James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag (1917) F. Powell Royal Dadmun (perf.)
George Asaf (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag (1917) F. Powell Helen Clark (perf.)
George Asaf (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Girl Who Was Never Used to It (1910) O. Powell Florrie Forde (perf.)
John P Harrington (words)
audiomidi15.gif Colonial Glide P.C. Pratt Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Hot-House Rag P.C. Pratt Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Vanity Rag P.C. Pratt James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Coon Band Contest, A A.W. Pryor James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Frozen Bill(1909) A.W. Pryor Colin McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Frozen Bill (1909) A.W. Pryor New York Military Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Mr Black Man A.W. Pryor James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Razzazza Mazzazza A.W. Pryor Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Whistler and His Dog, The A.W. Pryor Perf. Bill Edwards (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ye Boston Tea Party A.W. Pryor J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Le Ciel Luisait D'etoiles (1903) G. Puccini Lucien Muratore (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif One Fine Day (1912) G. Puccini Agnes Kimball (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Quando me'n vo (1904) G. Puccini Mary Boyer (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Johnny Get a Girl(1916) H. Puck James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
S. Murphy (words)
audioextmp315.gif Where Did You Get That Girl? (1913) H. Puck Billy Murray (perf.)
B. Kalmar (words)
audioextmp315.gif Lead, Kindly Light (1915?) D. Pughe-Evans Hughes Macklin (perf.)
John Henry Newman (words)