Purchasing information Notice for leaders/bass players
Length: approx. 3¼ mins
That's-A-Plenty was an early Pollack work and his first rag. A dramatic affair with the somewhat complex form of AABBCDC with a 4-bar introduction and a 12-bar interlude between the D and the final C-strain. The melodies contrast distinctly - the A-stain all dramatic chords scarcely syncopated, followed by a whistling descant solo set against a walking bass "classic" theme in the B-section. The C-strain continues in a like manner whereby the descant has to play absolutely precisely to achieve the desired effect. The D-strain a little sombre, is handed over to the 1st tenor and the basses come to the fore during the 12-bar interlude. All voices then join in the rousing, grandioso final C-strain. Not an easy piece but a delight for those ensembles that enjoy all voices having some of the limelight. Great stuff!
That's-A-Plenty was published by
Joe Morris Music Company, New York, USA.
A tempo of 80 crotchets/min. is suggested.