Audio Files: B
Last updated: 19.03.25
Audio Files: B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Title (Release Year) Composer Attributes
audiomidi15.gif Yale Society Two-Step C.L. van Baar J. Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Worlds Fair Rag H.M. Babcock Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Bach's Air.Bwv 1068 (1909) J.S. Bach Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Hello, Aloha! - How Are You? (1926) A. Baer Four Aristocrats (perf.)
L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
audiomidi15.gif I Miss My Swiss(1925) A. Baer James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Miss My Swiss Miss (1925) A. Baer Tennessee Happy Boys (perf.)
L. Wolfe Gilbert (words)
audioextmp315.gif June Night (1924) A. Baer Nathan Glantz (perf.)
C. Friend (words)
audioextmp315.gif National Emblem (1985) E.E Bagley Virginia Tech Regimental Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Three Girls in a Boat (1897-1899) J.S. Baker William F. Denny (perf.)
Fred Bowyer (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Bohemian Girl - Overture (1910) M. Balfe National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Bohemian Girl - Selection (1918) M. Balfe Creatore's Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Come Into the Garden Maude (1920) M. Balfe Hardy Williamson (perf.)
Alfred Tennyson (words)
audioextmp315.gif Come Into the Garden Maude (1912) M. Balfe Charles Compton (perf.)
Alfred Tennyson (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Day Is Done (1912) M. Balfe Christine Miller (perf.)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (words)
audioextmp315.gif Excelsior (1905) M. Balfe John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (words)
audioextmp315.gif Excelsior (1910) M. Balfe Ernest Pike (perf.)
P. Dawson (perf.)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Heart Bowed Down (1898) M. Balfe William F. Hooley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Heart Bowed Down (1904) M. Balfe W.M. Tuson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Heart Bowed Down (1913) M. Balfe Thomas Chalmers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Heart Bowed Down (1904-1909) M. Balfe John W. Myers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls (1909) M. Balfe Edith Chapman (perf.)
Alfred Bunn (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls (1901-1909) M. Balfe John W. Myers (perf.)
Alfred Bunn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Killarney (1910) M. Balfe Marie Narelle (perf.)
Edmund Falconer (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Killarney (1917) M. Balfe John Finnegan (perf.)
Edmund Falconer (words)
audioextmp315.gif Killarney (1905) M. Balfe George Alexander (perf.)
Edmund Falconer (words)
audioextmp315.gif Let All Obey (1898) M. Balfe John W. Myers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Then You'll Remember Me (1906) M. Balfe Marie Narelle (perf.)
Alfred Bunn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Then You'll Remember Me (1913) M. Balfe Charles Hackett (perf.)
Alfred Bunn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Then You'll Remember Me (1910) M. Balfe H. Burr (perf.)
Alfred Bunn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Through the World Wilt Thou Fly, Love (1899) M. Balfe Original Lyric Trio (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When Other Lips (1906) M. Balfe Ernest Pike (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif After the Roses Have Faded Away (1915) E.R. Ball Helen Clark (perf.)
Bessie Buchanan (words)
audioextmp315.gif All For Love of You (1908) E.R. Ball John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Dave Reed Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif All the World Will Be Jealous of Me (1917) E.R. Ball I. Kaufman (perf.)
Al Dubin (words)
audioextmp315.gif As Long As the World Rolls On (1907) E.R. Ball Reinald Werrenrath (perf.)
George Graff (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Boy O' Mine (1910) E.R. Ball F.C. Stanley (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Bygone Days (1908) E.R. Ball John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Dear Little Boy of Mine (1919) E.R. Ball Will Oakland (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Dear Old Ma (1910) E.R. Ball Will Oakland (perf.)
Bartley Costello (words)
audioextmp315.gif Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home (1920) E.R. Ball(w&m) Charles Hart (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif For Dixie and Uncle Sam (1916) E.R. Ball George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Night, Good Night (1910) E.R. Ball H. Burr (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Bye My Love Good-Bye (1911) E.R. Ball Reinald Werrenrath (perf.)
George Graff (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You (1916) E.R. Ball Gladys Rice (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You (1917) E.R. Ball Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good-Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You (1915-1916) E.R. Ball H. Burr (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'll Change the Shadows to Sunshine (1913) E.R. Ball H. Burr (perf.)
Geo. Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif  I'm Going Back to California (1917) E.R. Ball George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Garden of My Heart (1912) E.R. Ball F.C. Stanley (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
C. Roma (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Garden of My Heart (1909) E.R. Ball Reed Miller (perf.)
C. Roma (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Garden of the Gods (1915) E.R. Ball Thomas Chalmers (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Sunshine of Your Love (1911) E.R. Ball William H. Thompson (perf.)
Chauncey Olcott (coauth.)
Dave Reed (words)
audioextmp315.gif Irish Eyes of Love (1915) E.R. Ball Frank X. Doyle (perf.)
J. Edward Killalea (words)
audioextmp315.gif Laddie Buck of Mine (1921) E.R. Ball Allen McQuhae (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Let the Rest of the World Go By (1920) E.R. Ball Marion Evelyn Cox (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
J.K. Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Let the Rest of the World Go By (1911?) E.R. Ball George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
J.K. Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Let Us Have Peace (1912) E.R. Ball H. Burr (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Let Us Have Peace (1915) E.R. Ball Philip H. Wolfram (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Little Bit of Heaven (1915) E.R. Ball Frank X. Doyle (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Little Crumbs of Happiness (1921) E.R. Ball Lewis James (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Love Me and the World Is Mine (1910) E.R. Ball Franz Browier (perf.)
Dave Reed Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif Love Me and the World Is Mine (1906) E.R. Ball John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Dave Reed Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Message of the Eyes (1907) E.R. Ball Herbert L. Waterous (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mother of Pearl (1921) E.R. Ball George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Justin E. McCarthy (words)
George Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Heart Has Learned to Love You, Now Do Not Say Good Bye (1910) E.R. Ball J.B. Maxwell (perf.)
Dave Reed (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Heart Has Learned to Love You, Now Do Not Say Good Bye (1910) E.R. Ball H. Burr (perf.)
Dave Reed (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Heart Has Learned to Love You, Now Do Not Say Good Bye (1910) E.R. Ball W.V. Brunt (perf.)
Dave Reed (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Sunshine Jane (1918) E.R. Ball Manuel Romain (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Wild Irish Rose (1911) E.R. Ball Will Oakland (perf.)
Chauncey Olcott (words)
audioextmp315.gif My Wild Irish Rose (1910) E.R. Ball Will Oakland (perf.)
William H. Thompson (perf.)
Chauncey Olcott (words)
audioextmp315.gif Norma Darling (1906) E.R. Ball H. Burr (perf.)
Dave Reed (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Roll On, Beautiful World, Roll On (1915) E.R. Ball Arthur Crane (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif She's the Daughter of Mother Machree (1916) E.R. Ball Burton Lenihan (perf.)
Jeff T. Nenarb (words)
audiomidi15.gif Sprinkle Me With Kisses(1915) E.R. Ball James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Carroll (words)
audioextmp315.gif Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold (1913) E.R. Ball Donald Alexander Chalmers (perf.)
George Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold (1913) E.R. Ball Elsie West Baker (perf.)
George Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif To the End of the World With You (1909) E.R. Ball Manuel Romain (perf.)
Dave Reed Jr. (words)
George Graff Jr. (words)
audioextmp315.gif Today, Tomorrow and Forever (1919) E.R. Ball Arthur Middleton (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Turn Back the Universe (1916) E.R. Ball George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
J. Keirn Brennan (words)
audiomidi15.gif When Irish Eyes Are Smiling(1912) E.R. Ball James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Chauncey Olcott (words)
George Graff (words)
audioextmp315.gif When Irish Eyes Are Smiling (1916) E.R. Ball W.V. Brunt (perf.)
Chauncey Olcott (words)
George Graff (words)
audioextmp315.gif When Sweet Marie Was Sweet Sixteen (1908) E.R. Ball F. Rose (perf.)
R. Moore (words)
audioextmp315.gif While the Rivers of Love Flow On (1914) E.R. Ball Charles W. Harrison (perf.)
George Graff (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Will You Love Me in December As You Do in May? (1906) E.R. Ball Harry MacDonough (perf.)
James J. Walker (words)
audioextmp315.gif Would You Take Back the Love You Gave Me (1917) E.R. Ball Emory B. Randolph (perf.)
Al Dubin (words)
audioextmp315.gif You're Making a Miser of Me (1919) E.R. Ball Gladys Rice (perf.)
Al Dubin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Creole Serenade (1923) R.E. Ball R.E. Ball (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif El hombre es debil (1904) F.A. Barbieri Matilde Herrera (perf.)
Braulio Rosete (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Le Mimosa (1917) A. Barbirolli Hector Pellerin (perf.)
Georges Boutelleau (words)
audioextmp315.gif Oh, Girls! Never Trust a P'liceman (1907) L. Barclay Yolande Noble (perf.)
M. Lorne (words)
audioextmp315.gif Go to Sleep My Little Pickaninny (1916) J.A. le Barge Gladys Rice (perf.)
F.D. Heltman (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Rufenreddy R.F. Bargy Perf. Bill Edwards (seq.)
C.T. Straight (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Sitting by the Stile, Mary (1910) G. Barker Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Lady Dufferin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Bid Me to Love (1914-1918) D. Barnard Emory B. Randolph (perf.)
Clifton Bingham (words)
audiomidi15.gif Alabama Dream G.D. Barnard Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Cyclone in Darktown, A G.D. Barnard Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Hobnail Boots That My Father Wore (1907) F.J. Barnes B. Williams (perf.)
R. P Weston (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Hobnail Boots That My Father Wore (1905) F.J. Barnes Unknown (perf.)
R. P Weston (words)
audioextmp315.gif If the World Belonged to Me (1911) F.J. Barnes B. Williams (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When Poor Old Father Tried to Kill the Cock-A-Doodle-Oo (1911) F.J. Barnes B. Williams (perf.)
Weston (words)
audiomidi15.gif At Your Command(1931) H. Barris Unknown (seq.)
H. Tobias (words)
audioextmp315.gif Down Where the Big Bananas Grow (1910) T.S. Barron Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
L. Weslyn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Down Where the Big Bananas Grow (1910) T.S. Barron Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
L. Weslyn (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Ain't Got No Time (1903) T.S. Barron Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Felix F. Feist (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'd Love To, But I Won't (1910) T.S. Barron Bessie Wynn (perf.)
Bessie Wynn (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Little Pep (1915) T.S. Barron Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Original Blues(1914) T.S. Barron James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Rainbow Smiles (1913) T.S. Barron Albert Campbell (perf.)
H. Burr (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Toboggan Rag(1912) J.F. Barth Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Tempus Ragorum(1906) M.M. Bartholomew James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif O Lord, Be Merciful (1915) H.N. Bartlett(w&m) Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Dream - Song (1920) J.C. Bartlett Enrico Caruso (perf.)
Charles C. Cory (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Dream - Song (1917) J.C. Bartlett Hardy Williamson (perf.)
Charles C. Cory (words)
audiomidi15.gif That Charlie Chaplin Walk(1915) R. Barton James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
William A. Downs (words)
audioextmp315.gif Each Stitch Is a Thought of You, Dear (1918) B. Baskette Helen Clark (perf.)
Criterion Quartet (perf.)
Al Sweet (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye Broadway, Hello France (1917) B. Baskette Peerless Quartette (perf.)
C. Francis Reisner (words)
B. Davis (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye Broadway, Hello France (1918) B. Baskette Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
C. Francis Reisner (words)
B. Davis (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye Broadway, Hello France (1917) B. Baskette A. Fields (perf.)
C. Francis Reisner (words)
B. Davis (words)
audioextmp315.gif Hawaiian Butterfly (1917) B. Baskette Helen Louise (perf.)
Frank Ferera (perf.)
Joseph Santly (coauth.)
Geo. A. Little (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Hawaiian Butterfly (1917) B. Baskette Stewart G. Jackson (perf.)
Joseph Santly (coauth.)
Geo. A. Little (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Goin' to Fight My Way Right Back to Carolina (1918) B. Baskette Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
Jessie Spiess (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Talking to the Moon (1926) B. Baskette Palais D'or Orchestra (perf.)
George A. Little (words)
audiomidi15.gif Concertino Nr. 6 in D J. Baston Judith Chalmers (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pinkerton Detective Moon(1912) N. Bayes(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
J. Norworth (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif The Postman's Holiday(1901) E. Baynes James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
E. Bateman (words)
M. Scott (words)
audioextmp315.gif Ecstacy (1908-1912) A. Beach(w&m) Mary Hissem de Moss (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif A Song of Love (1912) A. Beach Charles R. Hargreaves (perf.)
Victor Hugo (words)
audioextmp315.gif Uncle Remus (1909) M. Bean American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Brush Creek Rag E. Beauchamp James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif The Heart of Ninon (1909) E. Becucci Florence Hinkle (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Sweetheart (1911) E. Becucci G. Deiro (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  My Sweetheart (1907) E. Becucci Edison Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Want Everyone to Love Me (1911) A. Behim Anna Chandler (perf.)
Jos. H. McKeon (words)
audiomidi15.gif Apple Sass Rag H. Belding James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Good Gravy Rag H. Belding James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Hear Me, Norma (1911) V. Bellini Inez Barbour (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Charles Jefferys (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Puritani, Sound Now the Trumpet Fearlessly (1923) V. Bellini Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Harvey Hindermeyer (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Keek-Es-Man-Dah! C. Bellstedt James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif La Chanson des Baisers (1919) H. Bemberg Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Butterfly (1913) T. Bendix Alexander Prince (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Cruiskeen Lawn (1920) J. Benedict Leola Lucey (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Moon Has Raised Her Lamp Above (1913) J. Benedict Ernest Pike (perf.)
P. Dawson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mary, You're a Big Girl Now (1910) G. Benkhart J.B. Maxwell (perf.)
B. Heath (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Mary, You're a Big Girl Now (1910) G. Benkhart F.C. Stanley (perf.)
B. Heath (words)
audiomidi15.gif Oh That Funny Rag(1910) G. Benkhart James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. Heath (words)
audioextmp315.gif Old Rugged Cross (1922) G. Bennard(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Banjo Rag, The E.K. Bennett James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ellington Two-Step, The E.K. Bennett James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Baby Swing High, Swing Low (1916) L. Bennett(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Thy Voice Is Near March (1910) T. Bennett National Military Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Carnival Times T.C. Bennett James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Chills and Fever T.C. Bennett James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Pickaninny Capers T.C. Bennett James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Satisfied T.C. Bennett Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif St. Louis Tickle T.C. Bennett Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  St. Louis Tickle (1904) T.C. Bennett V.L. Ossman (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Sweet Pickles T.C. Bennett Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Amoureuse (1907) R. Berger Mary Boyer (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Africana(1903) L.E. Berliner James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif After the Honeymoon (1911) I. Berlin Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
T. Snyder (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band(1911) I. Berlin Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band - Song (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band - Song (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band - Song (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band - Song (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band - Song (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Alexander's Ragtime Band Medley (1912) I. Berlin Fred Van Eps (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Alexander's Ragtime Band Medley (1913) I. Berlin Fred Van Eps (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif All by Myself (1921) I. Berlin(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Apple Tree and the Bumble Bee(1913) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Becky Joined a Musical Show (1912) I. Berlin Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Business Is Business Rosey Cohen(1911) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon (1910) I. Berlin(w&m) Ada Jones (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Cohen Owes Me Ninety Seven Dollars (1916) I. Berlin(w&m) Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Dat Draggy Rag(1910) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Drowsy Head (1921) I. Berlin V. de Leath (perf.)
Green Brothers Novelty Band (perf.)
V. de Leath (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Ephraham Played Upon the Piano(1911) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
V. Bryan (words)
audiomidi15.gif Everything in America Is Ragtime(1916) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Goody, Goody, Goody, Good(1912) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  He's a Devil in His Own Home Town(1914) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
G. Clarke (words)
audioextmp315.gif He's a Rag Picker (1914) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif He's Getting Too Darn Big For a Small Town(1916) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif How Do You Do It Mabel on Twenty Dollars a Week(1911) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif I Like It(1921) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I Like It (1921) I. Berlin Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif I Want to Go Back to Michigan(1914) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I Want to Go Back to Michigan (1914) I. Berlin(w&m) Elida Morris (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif I'll See You in C-U-B-A(1920) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I'll See You in C-U-B-A (1920) I. Berlin Fred Hillebrand (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now(1919) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now (1919) I. Berlin Fred Hillebrand (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  If That's Your Idea of a Wonderful Time(1914) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif In a Cozy Kitchenette Apartment(1921) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif In My Harem (1913) I. Berlin Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The International Rag (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The International Rag (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Lead Me to That Beautiful Band (1914) I. Berlin Stella Mayhew (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Let's Have Another Cup O'Coffee(1932) I. Berlin(w&m) Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Lindy(1920) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Mont Martre(1922) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif My Bird of Paradise (191-) I. Berlin(w&m) Helen Louise (perf.)
Frank Ferera (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Nobody Knows (1920) I. Berlin(w&m) Elizabeth Lennox (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Passion Flower(1921) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Piano Man(1910) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
T. Snyder (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Porcelain Maid(1922) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Ragtime Soldier Man (1912) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Ragtime Soldier Man (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Violin! (1913-1914) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Violin! (1912) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Violin! (1912) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Violin! (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) American Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Ragtime Violin! (1912) I. Berlin(w&m) Premier Quartet (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Ragtime Violin!(1911) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Run Home and Tell Your Mother (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Anna Chandler (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif The Schoolhouse Blues(1921) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Simple Melody (1915) I. Berlin(w&m) Mary Carson (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Snookey Ookums (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Society Bear(1912) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Stop! Look! Listen! That Hula Hula (1916) I. Berlin Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Stop! Stop! Stop! (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Elida Morris (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Stop! Stop! Stop! (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Mabel L. Howard (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Take a Little Tip From Father(1912) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
T. Snyder (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Tell Me Little Gypsy(1920) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif That Mesmerizing Mendelssohn Tune (1910) I. Berlin(w&m) Frank Coombs (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif That Monkey Tune(1911) I. Berlin(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif That Mysterious Rag I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif That Opera Rag (1912) I. Berlin R.S. Roberts (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  That Opera Rag (1912) I. Berlin R.S. Roberts (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif There's a Corner Up in Heaven(1921) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Charles N Grant (words)
audioextmp315.gif Tra-La, La, La! (1914) I. Berlin(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Welcome Home (1913) I. Berlin(w&m) Anna Chandler (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When I Leave the World Behind (1915) I. Berlin Glen Ellison (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When I'm Alone I'm Lonesome (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) Anna Chandler (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When You're in Town, in My Home Town (1911) I. Berlin(w&m) H. Burr (perf.)
Elise Stevenson (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Will She Come From the East?(1922) I. Berlin James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Yiddisha Nightingale (1912) I. Berlin Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Yiddisha Professor (1913) I. Berlin Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Change Your Name Malinda Lee (1921) A. Bernard A. Bernard (perf.)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Dew Drop (1921) A. Bernard A. Bernard (perf.)
Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  I Come From Get-It-Land (1920) A. Bernard A. Bernard (perf.)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif My Lovin' Sing Song Man (1920) A. Bernard A. Bernard (perf.)
Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Tyrol (1922) A. Bernard A. Bernard (perf.)
Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)
Harry Archer (words)
audioextmp315.gif Dardanella (1920) F. Bernard Gladys Rice (perf.)
Vernon Dalhart (perf.)
J.S. Black (coauth.)
F. Fisher (words)
audiomidi15.gif Lemon Drops M. Bernard James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Stinging Bee, The M. Bernard Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif That Indian Rag(1910) D. Bestor James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
M. Lee (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Walked Back From the Buggy Ride (1927) I.M. Bibo Jack Kaufman (perf.)
Jack Kaufman (words)
audioextmp315.gif In Coonland (1900-1909) T. Bidgood London Regimental Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sons of the Brave March (1912-1929) T. Bidgood National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Broken Melody (1910) A.V. Biene Jean Schwiller (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Broken Melody (1910) A.V. Biene Jean Schwiller (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Dynamite P. Biese Unknown (seq.)
F.H. Klickmann (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Squirrel Rag, The P. Biese James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
F.H. Klickmann (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif The Bingville Band (1905) C. Billings Arthur Collins (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Goodbye Till We Meet Again (1913) C. Billings(w&m) H. Lauder (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Goodbye Till We Meet Again (1912) C. Billings(w&m) H. Lauder (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif That Railroad Rag(1911) E. Bimberg Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
N.H. Vincent (words)
audioextmp315.gif That Railroad Rag (1911) E. Bimberg Edward Meeker (perf.)
N.H. Vincent (words)
audioextmp315.gif That Railroad Rag (1912) E. Bimberg Edward Meeker (perf.)
N.H. Vincent (words)
audioextmp315.gif Home Sweet Home (1916) H.R. Bishop Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
John Howard Payne (words)
audioextmp315.gif Home Sweet Home (1911) H.R. Bishop Florence Ethel Smith (perf.)
John Howard Payne (words)
audioextmp315.gif Home Sweet Home (1917) H.R. Bishop A. Case (perf.)
John Howard Payne (words)
audioextmp315.gif Home Sweet Home (1906) H.R. Bishop George Alexander (perf.)
John Howard Payne (words)
audioextmp315.gif  O Happy Fair! (2021) H.R. Bishop W. Shakespeare (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Pilgrim of Love From the Noble Outlaw (1909) H.R. Bishop Ernest Pike (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall (1905) T.B. Bishop Edison Male Quartet (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall (1920) T.B. Bishop Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Lewis James (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Pretty As a Picture (1904) T.B. Bishop Albert Benzler (perf.)
George Cooper (words)
audioextmp315.gif Pretty As a Picture (1904-1909) T.B. Bishop Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
George Cooper (words)
audiomidi15.gif Belle of the Plains(1904) L.B. Bitz James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Down in Georgia on Campmeeting Day (1908) N. Bivins Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Down in Georgia on Campmeeting Day (1909) N. Bivins Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I Want Someone to Care For Me (1912) N. Bivins Lottie Gilson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Agnus Dei (1913) G. Bizet Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Arlésienne no. 2 - Farandole (?) G. Bizet Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Carmen - Chanson du torréador (1879) G. Bizet Antonio Vargas (perf.)
F. W. Rosler (words)
audioextmp315.gif Carmen - Chanson du torréador (1914) G. Bizet Alan Turner (perf.)
F. W. Rosler (words)
audioextmp315.gif Carmen - Habanera (?) G. Bizet Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Carmen - Je dis que rien ne mépouvante (1906) G. Bizet Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Carmen - Parle-moi de ma mère (?) G. Bizet Ida Vaudère (perf.)
Edmond Gluck (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Carmen - Parle-moi de ma mère (?) G. Bizet Mary Boyer (perf.)
Jules Gautier (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif L'amour est enfant de bohême (1905-1910) G. Bizet Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Don't Sing Aloha When I Go (1927) B. Black Four Aristocrats (perf.)
W. Smith (coauth.)
C.N. Daniels (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Moonlight and Roses (1925) B. Black(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
Joseph Anthony Phillips (perf.)
Edwin H. Lemare (coauth.)
C.N. Daniels (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Curly C. Blake J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Gravel Rag, The C. Blake J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Mascot, The C. Blake J. Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Missouri Mule, The C. Blake Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif That Poker Rag(1909) C. Blake John Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif That Tired Rag C. Blake Perf. Bill Edwards (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Wish Bone(1909) C. Blake John Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Yankee Kid C. Blake J. Cowles (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Down on the Old Plantation (1904) C.D. Blake Edison Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Charleston Rag(1899) E. Blake Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Chevy Chase, The E. Blake Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Dictys on Seventh Avenue(1949) E. Blake Unknown (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Fizz Water E. Blake Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Troublesome Ivories(1911) E. Blake Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Dearest One (1921) W.E. Blaufuss Betsy Lane Shepherd (perf.)
Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
G. Kahn (words)
audiomidi15.gif  Swanee Ripples(1912) W.E. Blaufuss Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Almost Persuaded (1901-1904) P.P. Bliss(w&m) John W. Myers (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Almost Persuaded (1897-1899) P.P. Bliss(w&m) Roger Harding (perf.)
L. Spencer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Let the Lower Lights Be Burning (1915) P.P. Bliss Hardy Williamson (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Louisiana Rag(1911) L.M. Block Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Bachelors (1906) H. Bluff(w&m) H. Bluff (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Come Come Caroline (1900) H. Bluff H. Bluff (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sunday in the Park (1896) H. Bluff(w&m) H. Bluff (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Farewell Marguerite (1920) G. Boardman Albert Lindquest (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Swiss Cheese Rag A.E. Bohrer Unknown (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif D'ici voyez ce beau domaine (190-) A. Boieldieu Mary Boyer (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Black Diamond, The G.M. Bolen Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  The Fair(1898) G.M. Bolen John Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Smoky Topaz, The G.M. Bolen Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Turkey in the Straw O. Bonnell Perf. Bill Edwards (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif A Woman Gets Tired of One Man All the Time(1920) C.H. Booker Jr James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
P. Carter (words)
audiomidi15.gif Boone's Rag Medley No. 1(1908) J.W. Boone Sakae Wanatabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Boone's Rag Medley No. 2(1909) J.W. Boone Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Bonjour Chichinettes! March (1914) Ch. Borel-Clerc National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif La Mattchiche (1905-1906) Ch. Borel-Clerc Pathé Frères Orchestre (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Here, There and Everywhere March (1913) A. Bosc National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mondaine (1910) A. Bosc Sousa's Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Baby Mine G. Botsford Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Black and White Rag G. Botsford Colin McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Black and White Rag (1911) G. Botsford Albert Benzler (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Black and White Rag (1909) G. Botsford American Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Boomerang Rag, The G. Botsford James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Chatterbox Rag G. Botsford Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Dance of the Grizzly Bear (1911) G. Botsford Arthur Collins (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Dance of the Grizzly Bear (1910) G. Botsford Stella Mayhew (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
audioextmp315.gif Denver Town (1909) G. Botsford Will Oakland (perf.)
John H. Bieling (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
William F. Hooley (perf.)
Harry J. Breen (words)
audiomidi15.gif Eskimo Rag, The G. Botsford James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Grizzly Bear, The G. Botsford Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Honeysuckle G. Botsford Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Hyacinth Rag G. Botsford Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Incandescent Rag, The G. Botsford James Pitt (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif  Klondike Rag G. Botsford James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Marry a Yiddisher Boy (1912) G. Botsford Premier Quartet (perf.)
Seymour Brown (words)
audiomidi15.gif Old Crow Rag G. Botsford Colin McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif On the Old Dominion Line(1916) G. Botsford Unknown (seq.)
Jean C. Havez (words)
audiomidi15.gif Royal Flush G. Botsford Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Sailing Down the Chesapeake Bay(1913) G. Botsford Unknown (seq.)
Jean C. Havez (words)
audiomidi15.gif Texas Steer G. Botsford James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Traveling (1906) G. Botsford Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
James Devins (words)
audioextmp315.gif Rip Meets Meenie After Twenty Years Absence (1904) D. Boucicault Joseph Jefferson (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Wearing of the Green (1913) D. Boucicault Marie Narelle (perf.)
E.H. House (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif The Menin Gate (1930) L. Bowen P. Dawson (perf.)
Eric Haydon (words)
audiomidi15.gif At the 1915 Fair(1915) F.V. Bowers James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Jos W Standish (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Because I Love You (1898-1899) F.V. Bowers Samuel H. Dudley (perf.)
Charles Horwitz (words)
audiomidi15.gif In a Lady Like Way(1908) F.V. Bowers James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Charles Horwitz (words)
audiomidi15.gif Jack Rabbit Rag(1910) F.V. Bowers James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Moriarity (1903) F.V. Bowers Arthur Collins (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
Charles Horwitz (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Moon Shines on the Moonshine (1920) R.H. Bowers A. Bernard (perf.)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
Francis De Witt (words)
audiomidi15.gif 11th Street Rag E.L. Bowman Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif 12th Street Rag E.L. Bowman Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif 12th Street Rag (1921) E.L. Bowman Imperial Marimba Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Petticoat Lane(1915) E.L. Bowman Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Shamrock Rag(1916) E.L. Bowman Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Hearts of Oak (1914-1915) W. Boyce P. Dawson (perf.)
David Garrick (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Wish I Had a Girl (1909) G. le Boy Manuel Romain (perf.)
G. Kahn (words)
audiomidi15.gif  It's Tough When Izzy Rosenstein Loves Genevieve Malone(1910) G. le Boy James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
G. Kahn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Music Vot's Music Must Come From Berlin (1912) G. le Boy Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
G. Kahn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Music Vot's Music Must Come From Berlin (1912) G. le Boy Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
G. Kahn (words)
audioextmp315.gif Oh, How That Woman Could Cook (1915) G. le Boy Maurice Burkhart (perf.)
G. Kahn (words)
audioextmp315.gif To the Strains of That Wedding March (1911) G. le Boy(w&m) W.V. Brunt (perf.)
A. Gumble (coauth.)
G. Kahn (words)
J. Yellen (words)
audioextmp315.gif To the Strains of That Wedding March (1921) G. le Boy(w&m) Marguerite E. Farrell (perf.)
A. Gumble (coauth.)
G. Kahn (words)
J. Yellen (words)
audioextmp315.gif What's the Use of Moonlight (1909) G. le Boy(w&m) W.V. Brunt (perf.)
G. Kahn (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Angel's Dream Waltz (1913) G. Braga New York Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Angel's Serenade (1910) G. Braga U.S. Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Angel's Serenade - Song (1912) G. Braga Margaret Keyes (perf.)
Marco Marcello (words)
audioextmp315.gif La Serenata (1901-1909) G. Braga Francesco Daddi (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Death of Nelson (1913) J. Braham Ernest Pike (perf.)
J. Braham (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Ungarische Tänze. Nr. 6 (1910) J. Brahms Victor Herbert Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Call Again, Mr. Calligan (1917) J.T. Branen George McFadden (perf.)
H. Jentes (words)
A. Gerber (words)
audioextmp315.gif In the Valley of the Moon (1914) J.T. Branen(w&m) Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Vernon Archibald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Sadie, My Lady (1896-1900) J.W. Bratton Dan W. Quinn (perf.)
Walter H. Ford (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Teddy Bears Picnic (1908) J.W. Bratton Edison Symphony Orchestra (perf.)
Paul West (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif There Are Fifty-Seven Ways to Catch a Man (1910) J.W. Bratton Stella Mayhew (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Cotton Pickers Rag W.J. Braun James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Humming(1920) L. Breau James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
R. Henderson (words)
audioextmp315.gif Song of the Mill, the Girl on the Film (1914) W. Bredschneider Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
A. Ross (words)
audioextmp315.gif Song of the Soul (1916) J.C. Breil Marie De Kyser (perf.)
Edward Locke (words)
audiomidi15.gif Southern Roses(1904) J. Bren James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Just a Little Old School House (1927) J.A. Brennan Billy Jones (perf.)
Ernest Hare (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Rose of No Man's Land (1919) J.A. Brennan Moonlight Trio (perf.)
J. Caddigan (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Rose of No Man's Land (1918) J.A. Brennan Kaufman Brothers (perf.)
J. Caddigan (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Rose of the Mountain Trail (1914) J.A. Brennan Vernon Archibald (perf.)
Clementine de Vere (perf.)
J. Caddigan (words)
audioextmp315.gif We're All Going Calling on the Kaiser (1918) J.A. Brennan A. Fields (perf.)
J. Caddigan (words)
audiomidi15.gif What Did Dewey Do to Them(1898) R.H. Brennen James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Grant W. Barnett (words)
audioextmp315.gif Belphegor March (1910) E. Brepsant Alexander Prince (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Belphegor March (1905) E. Brepsant British Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Die Welt ist wie ein Huhnerstall (1907) C. Bretschneider G. Schönwald (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif When I'm Alone, I'm Lonesome (1920) J.S. Brett Leola Lucey (perf.)
A. Jacobs (words)
audiomidi15.gif He's the Worlds Best Music Man(1912) E. Breuer James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Ragtime Nick(1912) E. Breuer James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Betty Morgan (words)
audioextmp315.gif Oh, Joe, Please Don't Go! (1920) L. Briers A. Bernard (perf.)
Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)
Lee M Walker (words)
audioextmp315.gif  C'est Rosalie (1918) E.S. Brill Hector Pellerin (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Adele (1913) J. Briquet Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
A. Philipp (words)
audioextmp315.gif Alma - Song (1910) J. Briquet Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
Frank Ormsby (perf.)
George V. Hobart (words)
audioextmp315.gif The Girl Who Smiles (1916) J. Briquet Jaudas' Society Orchestra (perf.)
A. Philipp (words)
audioextmp315.gif Since I Am Your Auntie to Be (1914) J. Briquet Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
W.V. Brunt (perf.)
A. Philipp (words)
audioextmp315.gif Two Is Company (1916) J. Briquet Frederick J. Wheeler as James F. Harrison (perf.)
A. Philipp (words)
audiomidi15.gif Mandy's Broadway Stroll T.E. Broady Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Tennessee Jubilee, A T.E. Broady Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Whittling Remus T.E. Broady Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Chicken Rag(1911) J. Brockman James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Garibaldi (1908) J. Brockman(w&m) J. Brockman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif In Dear Old Napoli (1917) J. Brockman W.V. Brunt (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Marianina (1907) J. Brockman(w&m) J. Brockman (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Moolbarri (1908) J. Brockman J. Brockman (perf.)
J. McCree (words)
audioextmp315.gif That's Yiddisha Love (1910) J. Brockman(w&m) Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif You Can Look and You Can Listen But M-U-M Is the Word (1908) J. Brockman Ada Jones (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif You Don't Know How Much You Have to Know in Order to Know How Little You Know (1910) J. Brockman Eddie Weston (perf.)
B. Fitzgibbon (coauth.)
L. Weslyn (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif The Land of My Dreams and You (1915?) H.S. Brooke(w&m) W.V. Brunt (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Florida Cracker, A E. Brooks James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif All Night Long (1913) S. Brooks Anna Chandler (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif All Night Long (1913) S. Brooks Elsie West Baker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Darktown Strutters' Ball (1918) S. Brooks Premier Quartet (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Darktown Strutters' Ball, The S. Brooks James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Some of These Days (1911) S. Brooks S. Tucker (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif  Walkin' the Dog(1916) S. Brooks James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Walkin' the Dog (1916) S. Brooks National Promenade Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Chin-Chin (1916) A.S. Brown(w&m) Burton Lenihan (perf.)
Gladys Rice (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Roll on the Rollaway(1908) A.W. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
R. Lewis (words)
audiomidi15.gif There's a Service Flag Flying at Our House(1917) A.W. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Thomas Hoier (words)
B. Grossman (words)
audiomidi15.gif Slipping It Over(1916) B. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Lonesome Mama Blues (1923) B. Brown Fred Van Eps (perf.)
Anna Welker Brown (words)
E. Nickel (words)
audiomidi15.gif Happy Hours in Coontown C.B. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Mobile Prance, The C.B. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Policy King C.B. Brown Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif The Tuxedo(1899) C.B. Brown John Cowles (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Armadillo Rag(1911) C.F. Brown Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Come Take a Skate With Me (1906) R.A. Browne Billy Murray (perf.)
J. Edwards (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif I Wish That You Belonged to Me (1913) R.A. Browne Ada Jones (perf.)
Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Lass From County Mayo (1914) R.A. Browne Owen J. McCormack (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif That's How I Lost Him (1914) R.A. Browne Ada Jones (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif In the Candle-Light - Song (1914) F.J. Brown(w&m) Helen Clark (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Candy(1908) G.W. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Arthur Carlton (words)
audiomidi15.gif Baltimore Buck(1905) H. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Beedy-Boo(1919) H.I. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Zany (words)
audioextmp315.gif I'm Tellin' the Birds - Tellin' the Bees How I Love You (1926) L. Brown Clyde Doer Orchestra (perf.)
C. Friend (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Stay Home, Little Girl, Stay Home (1923) L. Brown(w&m) Merry Sparklers (perf.)
James F Hanley (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Dont Forget the Salvation Army(1919) R.B. Brown James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
B. Frisch (coauth.)
Jimmie Lucas (coauth.)
Elmore Leffingwell (words)
audioextmp315.gif Texas Tommy Swing (1912) S. Brown Billy Murray (perf.)
Val Harris (words)
audioextmp315.gif  When Alexander Takes His Ragtime Band to France (1918) A. Bryan A. Fields (perf.)
C. Hess (coauth.)
E. Leslie (coauth.)
audiomidi15.gif Bell Hop Rag, The F.M. Bryan James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif I Think I Oughtn't Ought to Any More (1907) V. Bryan(w&m) Edward Meeker (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Spanish Love (1911) V. Bryan Elizabeth Spencer (perf.)
I. Berlin (words)
T. Snyder (words)
audioextmp315.gif Theodore (1907) V. Bryan Edward M. Favor (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif There's a Big Cry-Baby in the Moon(1909) J.T. Brymn James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
James Burris (words)
audioextmp315.gif Schnurriges Allerlei (1907) M. Büchner Grete Wiedecke (perf.)
Ludwig Arno (perf.)
G. Schönwald (words)
audiomidi15.gif Freckles Rag(1905) L. Buck Colin D. McDonald (seq.)
audiomidi15.gif Rag-Alley Dream M.H. Burgess Sakae Wanatabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Two Little Orphans (1927) C.A. Burke E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
Sidney H. Horner (words)
audioextmp315.gif It's Never Too Late to Be Sorry (1919) J.A. Burke Manuel Romain (perf.)
James E. Dempsey (words)
audiomidi15.gif Raving Rag(1911) J.A. Burke James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif  Who Wouldn't Be Blue? (1928) J.A. Burke Palais D'Or Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Yearning Just For You (1925) J.A. Burke(w&m) Greenwich Village Inn Orch. (perf.)
B. Davis (words)
audioextmp315.gif A Wondrous Rose (1917) E.W. Burnham Helen Clark (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do (1907) B.H. Burt Edward Meeker (perf.)
W. Cahill (words)
audiomidi15.gif Hang Out the Front Door Key(1908) B.H. Burt(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Hiram Tucker (1914) B.H. Burt(w&m) Ada Jones (perf.)
Byron George Harlan (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif I'd Rather Twostep Than Waltz, Bill! (1907) B.H. Burt(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jingles, Jokes and Rhymes (1906) B.H. Burt(w&m) Edward M. Favor (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Mister Pat O'Hare (1910) B.H. Burt(w&m) Billy Murray (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Much Obliged to You(1907) B.H. Burt(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Robinson Crusoe's Isle (1906) B.H. Burt(w&m) Arthur Collins (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif My Dusky Ola(1903) P.H. Bush James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Morris S Silver (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Hot Lips (1922) H. Busse(w&m) Ernest L. Stevens (perf.)
Henry Lange (coauth.)
L. Davis (words)
audiomidi15.gif At the Cake-Walk Jubilee(1915) G.E. Butler(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif When You and I Were Young Maggie (1911) J.A. Butterfield Frank Coombs (perf.)
George W. Johnson (words)
audioextmp315.gif Baby's Opera (1910) G.W. Byng National Military Band (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Leaves Be Green, The W. Byrd Unknown (seq.)