Albert William Brown  (1884-1924)
Last updated: 12.03.25
According to the Internet source given below, Albert William "Al" Brown was an American songwriter born in Cleveland, Ohio.
His earliest work as an eleven-year old was Song of the Type Writer Girl (1895) published by Wm. A. Pond & Co., New York, USA providing the music for the same named poem by William Edward Penney. Later a cakewalk, Cotton Field Dance (1904) published by McKinley Music Co., was probably his first syncopated composition. A prolific songwriter he worked with around some 40 collaborators during his career. His opus includes musicals/shows such as Broadway Brevities of 1922 and Broadway Brevities of 1923.
Of ragtime interest is Rag-A-Tag Rag (1910) published by Leo Feist, New York, USA.
He died following surgery for a goiter around his neck in Manhattan.

url15.gif Albert William "Al" Brown Biography by "Perf" Bill Edwards  
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
  Midi File(s) from various sources      
audiomidi15.gif I'm Getting Tired of Playing Second Fiddle (1919) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif Roll on the Rollaway (1908) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif There's a Service Flag Flying at Our House (1917) James Pitt-Payne
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif I'm Getting Tired of Playing Second Fiddle (1919) A.W. Brown (music)
H. Gillespie (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif You're in Style When You're Wearing a Smile (1918) A.W. Brown (w&m)
G. Kahn (coauth.)
E.A. van Alstyne (coauth.)
Beatrice Lambert (perf.)
Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 115 works by Albert William Brown (1884-1924). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Song of the Type Writer Girl 1895 W.E. Penney (words)  wvicon.gif
I'll Break Up This Jamboree 1898 Sydney L. Perrin (words)
Skyrockets 1903
Arrival of the Mocking Bird (w&m) 1904  wvicon.gif
Cotton Field Dance 1904  wvicon.gif
Louisiana Purchase Exposition March 1904
Loving Cup 1904
Suwanee Echoes 1904
Yo-San 1904  Pub.
U.S.A. March 1905  Pub.
Georgia Sunset 1906
Mary Ann, I'd Like to Be Your Man 1906 Mae Sheehy (words)
Sly Sal 1906  Pub.
I'd Like to Call On You 1907 Roger Lewis (words)
Pondering 1907 Harold Richard Atteridge (words)
Poor Old Girl 1907 Roger Lewis (words)
When Vacation Days are Over 1907 Roger Lewis (words)
Would You Like to Love a Boy Like Me? 1907 Harold Richard Atteridge (words)
Base-Ball 1908 Roger Lewis (words)  wvicon.gif
Daylight Hurts My Eyes 1908 kaghg1 (words)
Honeymoon Three Step 1908
Kiss Me 1908
Roll on the Rollaway 1908 Roger Lewis (words)  Pub. 
To-Night 1908 Roger Lewis (words)
Under the Electric Lights 1908 Roger Lewis (words)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Baseball Ditties 1909
Come Down Nellie to the Old Red Barn 1909 Roger Lewis (words)
Lucy Lucier (perf.)
Gaiety:, The 1909
I Want to Go to the Ball Game 1909 C.P. McDonald (words)
Josephine Barlowe (perf.)
Lucy Lucier (perf.)
I'll Be With You Bye and Bye (w&m) 1909 Eugene & Willie Howard (perf.)  Pub.
Old Red Barn, The 1909  Pub.
Same Sweet Girl, The 1909 Roger Lewis (words)  wvicon.gif
Sociability 1909
Take Me Back to Kidland 1909 Mae Sheehy (words)
You're the Only One I Love 1909
Any Old Time or Any Old Place 1910 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Howard O'Neil (perf.)
Don't Forget Me Dearie 1910 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Go On, Good-a-Bye 1910 M. Joseph Murphy (words)
In My Old Home Town 1910 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Herbert Cooper (perf.)
Lets Get Spooney Awhile 1910 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
My Zouave Soldier Boy 1910 May Rerdelle (words)
Plain Little Country Girl 1910 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Rag-A-Tag Rag 1910  wvicon.gif
Sweet Angel Eyes 1910 Tell Taylor (words)
That Yodlin Zulu Rag 1910 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Fay O'Dell (perf.)
I'm Awfully Glad the Girl I Had Has Another Beau 1911 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Let Me Spend My Vacation With You 1911 J. Brandon Walsh (words)  wvicon.gif
My Todalo Man 1911 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Phantom Rag 1911 Sol Ginsberg as Violinski (words)
Whole World Reminds Me of You, The 1911 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Back in Those Old Kentucky Days 1912
Judge He's-A-Irish Too!, The 1912 J. Brandon Walsh (words)  wvicon.gif
Madison 1912
Remember Me to My Old Gal 1912 J. Brandon Walsh (words)
George Moriarity (words)
I'd Like to Borrow a Kiss 1913 Harold Atteridge (words)
Gaby Deslys (perf.)
Harry Pilcer (perf.)
Man with Three Wives, The 1913 Harold Richard Atteridge (words)
Moving Man, The 1913 Harold Atteridge (words)  wvicon.gif
Passing Show of 1913, The 1913 Harold Richard Atteridge (words)
Strongheart 1913 John C. Thomas (perf.)  Pub.
What's the Greatest Thing in the World? 1913 Collin Davis (words)
When You're Traveling 1913
World Wide Romeo, A 1913 Harold R. Atteridge (words)
Gaby Deslys (perf.)
Harry Pilcer (perf.)
At the Fountain of Youth 1915 Alex Gerber (words)
Gertie Moulton (words)
No One Can Keep You Away From Me 1915
Your Daddy Was a Bashful Beau 1915 Alex Gerber (words)
Gertie Moulton (words)
Flower of My Life 1916 Frank Tyler Daniels (words)
Melodyland 1916 Roger Lewis (words)
Mother Goose 1916 Roger Lewis (words)
Fickle Little Melody 1917 oger Lewis1 (words)
It Took the Stork to Deliver the Goods 1917 Thomas P. Hoier (words)
Keep On Smiling, Mr. Moon Man 1917
Like the Lovers in the Story Books 1917
My Gal of the Southland, My Dixie Rose 1917
Night School 1917
Ragtime Will o' the Wisp 1917
Title Year Attribution Remarks
There's a Service Flag Flying at Our House 1917 Thomas Hoier (words)
Bernie Grossman (words)
Bravest Battle of the War Was Fought in a Mother's Heart, The 1918 Thomas P. Hoier (words)
Paul Boggs (words)
E-Yip-Yow! Yankee Boys Welcome Home Again! (w&m) 1918 Bob F. Sear (words)  wvicon.gif
Go Over the Top with Reilly 1918 Thomas P. Hoier (words)
Joseph M. Leahan (words)
Goodbye Dear Old Girl 1918 Haven Gillespie (words)
I Am Dreaming of Tomorrow and You 1918 Haven Gillespie (words)
Jackie Boy 1918 Thomas P. Hoier (words)
Eugene West (words)
Liberty Bell, Ring On! 1918 Haven Gillespie (words)
Little Blue Bonnet 1918 Haven Gillespie (words)
My Girl of the Southland 1918 Thomas P. Hoier (words)
My Irish American Rose 1918 Andrew B. Sterling (words)
Arthur Lange (words)
You're in Style When You're Wearing a Smile (w&m) 1918 Gus Kahn (co-author)
Egbert A. van Alstyne (co-author)
Elizabeth Brice (perf.)
Beatrice Lambert (perf.)
Mina Schall (perf.)
Emma Stephens (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Down in Echo Valley 1919 Haven Gillespie (words)
Goodbye Dear Old Pal 1919 Haven Gillespie (words)
Gypsiana 1919  wvicon.gif
Hare Hunter, The 1919
I'm Getting Tired of Playing Second Fiddle 1919 Haven Gillespie (words)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Off with the Sad Days, On with the Glad Days 1919 Haven Gillespie (words)
You'll Like It 1919 Haven Gillespie (words)
Joseph T. Burrowes (words)
Gypsiana 1920 Haven Gillespie (words)  Pub.
Dream Waltz Blues 1921 Andrew B. Sterling (words)
Arthur Lange (words)
Oriental Temple Blues 1921 C.P. McDonald (words)
Walter Hirsch (words)
That's Apple Sauce 1921 Herman Kahn (words)
Broadway Brevities of 1922 1922
Dearie You Should Have Been With Us 1922 Billy Dunham (words)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Magazines 1922 John Hyman (words)
My Pretty Sweet Sixteen 1922 Will J. Harris (words)
Mystery 1922 John Hyman (words)
Patches of Auld Lang Syne 1922 Will J. Harris (words)
Rose of Italy, She Waits For Me 1922 Billy Dunham (words)
Tiny Chinese Doll 1922 Will J. Harris (words)
Washington's Calling Me 1922 John Hyman (words)
Ain't it a Shame 1923 W.A. Hann (words)
Joseph Simms (words)
As Soon As I Get Yoou Off My Hands 1923 James Brockman (words)
Ireland, Dear Ireland, Land of My Dreams 1923 Ethel Steele (words)
It Happened in Normandy 1923
Magic Waltz 1923 Walter Hirsch (words)
Erwin R. Schmidt (words)
Jack Yellen (words)
Scandal of the Flowers 1923 William A. Downs (words)
Scandal on the Farm 1923 William A. Downs (words)
When the Curfew Rings at Nine 1923