Bobby Heath  (1889-1952)
Last updated: 13.09.24
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Roll 'em Girls (1926) Micky Marr
Archie Fletcher
The Florida Four
Arthur Hall
Edison Blue Amberol: 5086
cylinder15.gif In the Sweet Long Ago (1917) A. Lange George Wilton Ballard Edison Blue Amberol: 3159
cylinder15.gif Who's That Pretty Baby? (1927) Alex Marr Happiness Boys Edison Blue Amberol: 5432
cylinder15.gif You're My Girl (1913) W.V. Brunt Edison Blue Amberol: 2033
cylinder15.gif You're My Girl (1914) National Promenade Band Edison Blue Amberol: 2234
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Every Now and Then (1910) James Pitt-Payne
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Crazy Snake (1909) B. Heath (music)
Gus A. Benkhart (words)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

In the Sweet Long Ago (1916) B. Heath (w&m)
A. Lange (coauth.)
V. de Leath (perf.)

pdf15.gif It's Not a Regular Christmas, Unless You're With the Folks Back (1912) B. Heath (w&m) Piano, Voice Indiana Pub.

You're My Girl (1913) B. Heath (w&m)
Howard Dolan (perf.)
Joe Hortiz Minstrels (perf.)
Piano, Orchestra
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 16 works by Bobby Heath (1889-1952). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Won't You Listen, Dearie 1908 Gus. A. Benkhart (words)
Crazy Snake 1909 Gus A. Benkhart (words)  wvicon.gif
Every Now and Then 1910 Gus. A. Benkhart (words)
Good Luck But Not Good-Bye 1910 Gus. A. Benkhart (words)
It's Not a Regular Christmas, Unless You're With the Folks Back (w&m) 1912  wvicon.gif
Oh! You Little Bear 1912 Billy Vanderveer (words)
You're My Girl (w&m) 1913 National Promenade Band (perf.)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Howard Dolan (perf.)
William J. Dooley (perf.)
Joe Hortiz Minstrels (perf.)
Bobby Kuhn (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
In the Sweet Long Ago (w&m) 1916 Arthur Lange (co-author)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Vaughn de Leath (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Ah! Come On 1920 Billy James (co-author)
On Your Knee (w&m) 1921 Billy James (co-author)
Adele Sperling (perf.)
Roll 'em Girls (w&m) 1925 Micky Marr (co-author)
Archie Fletcher (co-author)
The Florida Four (perf.)
Arthur Hall (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
I'm Going to Park Myself in Your Arms (w&m) 1926 Archie Fletcher (co-author)
Alex Marr (co-author)
Joe Armstrong (perf.)
Orville Harris (perf.)
Claire Nolte (perf.)
If You're Old Fashioned You're Long Underwear (w&m) 1926 Archie Fletcher (co-author)
Alex Marr (co-author)
W. Irving Oppenheim (perf.)
You Can't Cry Over My Shoulder 1926 Alex Marr (co-author)
Will Mahoney (co-author)
Vaughn de Leath (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Who's That Pretty Baby? 1927 Alex Marr (co-author)
Happiness Boys (perf.)
Al Friedman (perf.)
 Pub.  cylinder15.gif
Collegiate Love (w&m) 1930 Walter Doyle (co-author)
Ted Weems (perf.)