Fred J. Barnes (1873-1917)
Last updated: 19.05.24
url15.gif Fred J. Barnes Biography by  
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif The Hobnail Boots That My Father Wore (1907) B. Williams Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13641
cylinder15.gif The Hobnail Boots That My Father Wore (1905) Unknown London Popular Record: 24
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
audioextmp315.gif If the World Belonged to Me (1911) B. Williams Cinch 1550
audioextmp315.gif When Poor Old Father Tried to Kill the Cock-A-Doodle-Oo (1911) B. Williams Cinch 1550
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
record15.gif I Do Pity Myself, I Do (1909) F.J. Barnes H. Bluff Columbia: 26567
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Anywhere Dark Will Do Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R. P. Weston (words)
  Choose Her in the Morning Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R. P. Weston (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
  Down Came the Blind Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
Robert P Weston (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
  Four Suits of Cards, The Frederick Johnson Barnes (words & music)
Fred Jester Barnes (perf.)
  He Got the Job Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R. P. Weston (words)
  I Ain't Got No Farver Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R. P. Weston (words)
Tom Woottwell (perf.)
  I Do Pity Myself, I Do Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
  I Said 'hooray' Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Jack Pleasants (perf.)
  In These Hard Times Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
  I've Got a Little Job to Go To! Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Fred Lincoln (perf.)
  Matrimonial Handicap, The Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P Weston (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
   Ninepence-Ha'penny an Hour Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
  Tickle Me, Timothy, Do Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
R.P. Weston (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
  When Poor Old Father Tried to Kill the Cock-A-Doodle-Oo Frederick Johnson Barnes (music)
Weston (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 17 works by Frederick Johnson Barnes (1873-1917). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Four Suits of Cards, The (w&m) 1898 Fred Jester Barnes (perf.)  wvicon.gif
How Can I Leave You? 1902 Charles Collins (words)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
Hobnail Boots That My Father Wore, The 1905 R. P Weston (words)
Unknown (perf.)
Billy Williams (perf.)
  cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
Ninepence-Ha'penny an Hour 1905 R.P. Weston (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
Choose Her in the Morning 1906 R. P. Weston (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
I Ain't Got No Farver 1907 R. P. Weston (words)
Tom Woottwell (perf.)
I Do Pity Myself, I Do 1908 R.P. Weston (words)
Harry Bluff (perf.)
Tickle Me, Timothy, Do 1908 R.P. Weston (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
Down Came the Blind 1909 Robert P Weston (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
I Said 'hooray' 1909 R.P. Weston (words)
Jack Pleasants (perf.)
I've Got a Little Job to Go To! 1909 R.P. Weston (words)
Fred Lincoln (perf.)
Anywhere Dark Will Do 1911 R. P. Weston (words)
If the World Belonged to Me 1911 Billy Williams (perf.)   audioextmp315.gif
When Poor Old Father Tried to Kill the Cock-A-Doodle-Oo 1911 Weston (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
Matrimonial Handicap, The 1913 R.P Weston (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
He Got the Job ? R. P. Weston (words)
In These Hard Times ? R.P. Weston (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)