J. Keirn Brennan 
Last updated: 11.06.24
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 8 works by J. Keirn Brennan. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Dream I Had Last Night, The 1915 Jack Caddigan (co-author)
If Ever I Get Back to Birmingham to the Girl Who Waits For Me 1916 Chick Story (co-author)
America Never Took Water 1919 Paul Cunningham (co-author)
Jack Edwards (co-author)
Dear Little Boy of Mine 1919
Gates of Gladness, The (w&m) 1919 Paul Cunningham (co-author)
Bert Rule (co-author)
Gates of the Garden, The 1919 Paul Cunningham (co-author)
Bert Rule (co-author)
Jean Paige (perf.)
Denton Vane (perf.)
There's a New Star in Heaven To-Night 1926 Irving Mills (words)
Jimmy McHugh (words)
Rudolph Valentino (perf.)
Luana 1930 Howard Emmet Roger (words)