Audio Files: V
Last updated: 19.03.25
Audio Files: V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  Title (Release Year) Composer Attributes
audioextmp315.gif When We Were Boys (1903) L.G. Vance Byron George Harlan (perf.)
F.C. Stanley (perf.)
Andrew B. Sterling (words)
audioextmp315.gif Cradle Song (1913) K. Vannah Elsie West Baker (perf.)
Eben E Rexford (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye, Sweet Day (1913) K. Vannah Christine Miller (perf.)
Celia Thaxter (words)
audioextmp315.gif Good Bye, Sweet Day (1911) K. Vannah Bessie Volckmann (perf.)
Celia Thaxter (words)
audioextmp315.gif I Know the Place Where We Will Rest (1911) K. Vannah Frank Coombs (perf.)
Clara Brachvogel (words)
audiomidi15.gif That Red Head Gal(1923) Van & Schenck(w&m) James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
Henry Lodge (coauth.)
audioextmp315.gif Je suis Câline (1898) F. Vargues Mary Boyer (perf.)
Jost (words)
audioextmp315.gif Les Mousquetaires au couvent (190-) L. Varney Alexis Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Les Mousquetaires au couvent (1902) L. Varney Maurice Vallade (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif P'tit fifi, p'tit mignon (1901-1902) L. Varney Mary Boyer (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Allerdeen (1912) E. Veau J.J. Kimmel (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  The Elite March (1912) E. Veau J.J. Kimmel (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Bunny Dear(1919) A. Vecsey James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
P.G. Wodehouse (words)
audioextmp315.gif Aida - Fatal pietra (1917) G. Verdi Marie Rappold (perf.)
Giovanni Zenatello (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Aida - O patria mia (1910) G. Verdi Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Anvil Chorus From Il Trovatore (1898) G. Verdi(w&m) John Yorke AtLee (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Attila - Te sol quest'anima (1916) G. Verdi Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Attila - Te sol quest'anima (1913) G. Verdi Agnes Kimball (perf.)
Reed Miller (perf.)
Frank Croxton (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Back to Our Mountains (1911) G. Verdi(w&m) Mary Jordan (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Dieu nous sépare (1906) G. Verdi Ida Vaudère (perf.)
Edmond Gluck (perf.)
Ragneau (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Il Trovatore - D'amor sull' ali rosee (1910) G. Verdi Marie Rappold (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Il Trovatore - Mira d'acerbe lagrime (1919) G. Verdi Marie Rappold (perf.)
Taurino Parvis (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Il Trovatore - Miserere (1908) G. Verdi Florence Hinkle (perf.)
John Young as Harry Anthony (perf.)
Salvatore Cammarano (words)
audioextmp315.gif  Il Trovatore - Miserere (1914) G. Verdi A. Case (perf.)
Paul Althouse (perf.)
Salvatore Cammarano (words)
audioextmp315.gif Il Trovatore - Sì la stanchezza (1914) G. Verdi Margaret Keyes (perf.)
Dan Beddoe (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Il Trovatore - Sì la stanchezza (1909) G. Verdi Margaret Keyes (perf.)
John Young (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Rigoletto - Caro nome (1914) G. Verdi A. Case (perf.)
audiomidi15.gif Whoa! You Heiffer A.A. Verges Sakae Watanabe (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif It Didn't Take Long to Come Off (1905) V. Victoria V. Victoria (perf.)
G. Everard (words)
audioextmp315.gif Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! (1917) N.H. Vincent Gladys Rice (perf.)
J. Goodwin (words)
W. Tracey (words)
audioextmp315.gif Pretty Little Cinderella (1920) N.H. Vincent Elizabeth Lennox (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
B. Franklyn (words)
audiomidi15.gif The Phantom Rag(1911) S. Violinsky Unknown (seq.)
Al. W. Brown (words)
audiomidi15.gif Vamping Rose(1921) S. Violinsky James Pitt-Payne (seq.)
I. Schuster (coauth.)
Bert Hanlon (words)
Ben Ryan (words)
audiomidi15.gif Santa Claus F. Vokoun Perf. Bill Edwards (seq.)
audioextmp315.gif Alabama Lullaby (1919?) C. de Voll Charles Hart (perf.)
Elliott Shaw (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif  Alabama Lullaby (1919) C. de Voll Gladys Rice (perf.)
Marion Evelyn Cox (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif The Emperor Passes Patrol (1912) R. Vollstedt H. M. Irish Guards Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Excelsior March (1911) R. Vollstedt National Military Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jolly Fellows (1902) R. Vollstedt Peerless Orchestra (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jolly Fellows (1911) R. Vollstedt Sousa's Band (perf.)
audioextmp315.gif Jolly Fellows (1898-1900) R. Vollstedt Columbia Orchestra (perf.)