Elaine Gordon
Last updated: 02.08.24
All that can presently (April 2022) be gleaned about Elaine Gordon from sheet music covers and by Internet searching is that she has recorded 5 works by various composers in 1918.
Of interest is her rendering of Derby Day in Dixie (1918) music by Richard A. Whiting, words by Raymond Egan and published by Jerome H. Remick & Co., New York & Detroit, USA. The other recordings are on World War I themes.
Surfers are welcome to contribute any further information about this performer.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Wax Cylinders      
cylinder15.gif If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany! (1918) G.W. Meyer Elaine Gordon Edison Blue Amberol: 3593
cylinder15.gif The Star-Spangled Banner (1917) J.S. Smith Elaine Gordon Indestructible Record: 3424
cylinder15.gif Derby Day in Dixie (1918) R.A. Whiting Elaine Gordon Edison Blue Amberol: 3542
The peformer is featured on 5 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located.
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg I Hate to Lose You (1918) Archie Gottler Grant Clarke (words)
perf15.jpg Come on Papa (1918) Edgar Leslie Harry Ruby (co-author)
perf15.jpg If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany! (1918) George W. Meyer Howard Emmett Rogers (words)
Grant Clarke (words)
Elaine Gordon (perf.)
perf15.jpg Star-Spangled Banner (1814), The John Stafford Smith Francis Scott Key (words)
Elaine Gordon (perf.)
perf15.jpg Derby Day in Dixie (1918) Richard A. Whiting Raymond Egan (words)
Elaine Gordon (perf.)