Francis, Day & Hunter
List of Works: O - R
Last updated: 18.03.25
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Ain't it Marvellous? (?) Thomas M. F. O'Dell Albert E. Ellis (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif There's Mischief Brewing (?) Thomas M. F. O'Dell Albert E. Ellis (words)
Cliff Ryland (perf.)
sm15.gif Accidents (1892) Charles Osborne Henry E. Pether (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Adam Had an Adder (1903) Charles Osborne(w&m) T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Adam Missed It (1898) Charles Osborne E J Symons (words)
Richard George Knowles (perf.)
sm15.gif After the Squal - Parody on After the Ball (1894) Charles Osborne John Stanford Baker (words)
sm15.gif Alice (1908) Charles Osborne Brothers Brooks (perf.)
sm15.gif All Change (1898) Charles Osborne E J Symons (words)
Will E. Edwards (perf.)
sm15.gif Anatomy (1909) Charles Osborne Bernard Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif Ancient Lights (1903) Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif And the Verdict Was - (1893) Charles Osborne Henry E Pether (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Best of Everything (1911), The Charles Osborne Charlie Rich (perf.)
Harry Rich (perf.)
sm15.gif Binks' Wife (1899) Charles Osborne Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif Boggles For Boggleton! (1923) Charles Osborne Stanley Holloway (perf.)
sm15.gif Boys of England (1896) Charles Osborne Hetty Haywood (perf.)
sm15.gif Brave Deeds (1904) Charles Osborne G G Davis (words)
Walter Curtis (perf.)
sm15.gif Bunk-A-Doodle I-Do (1893) Charles Osborne(w&m)
sm15.gif  Cockney Coon (1899), The Charles Osborne G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Con-Stan-Ti-No-P-L-E (1894) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Conundrums (1895) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Cook Who Cooks (1902), The Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Cursory Rhymes (1898) Charles Osborne Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Directions (1911) Charles Osborne Sydney Locklynne (perf.)
sm15.gif Doh (1920) Charles Osborne George Jackley (perf.)
sm15.gif Enjoyment (1901) Charles Osborne Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif Faces (1895) Charles Osborne Ernest Allan (words)
George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Folies Bergéres (1894), The Charles Osborne Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif For Old Times' Sake (1898) Charles Osborne Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif Getting to the Bottom of It (1897) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Old London Town Girl (1898), A Charles Osborne Edmund Forman (words)
G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Grandfather Green (1910) Charles Osborne(w&m)
sm15.gif He Felt a Draught (1895) Charles Osborne Henry E. Pether (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif He Was One of the Light Brigade (1897) Charles Osborne Alf Chester (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Much Better Off Where He Is (1894) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif How's That For a Snap-Shot? (1898) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif  Hurrah! For a Country Life (1901) Charles Osborne G G Davis (words)
Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Hypochondriac (1894), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif I Felt As We'd Been Pals For Years and Years (1900) Charles Osborne James Jefferson (words)
Harry Bawn (perf.)
sm15.gif I Picked It Up (1890) Charles Osborne John S. Baker (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Be a Sailor (1905) Charles Osborne(w&m)
sm15.gif In -Arranged by F. Eplett (1891) Charles Osborne Fred Harvey (words)
sm15.gif It Grows on Yer (1899) Charles Osborne Will E. Edwards (perf.)
sm15.gif It's a Fat Lot! (1914) Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Jenny, My Own True Love (1905) Charles Osborne Dave O'Toole (words)
Charlie Rich (perf.)
Harry Rich (perf.)
sm15.gif Jocular Joker (1908), The Charles Osborne(w&m) G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Join the Navy (1907) Charles Osborne(w&m)
sm15.gif Just Before the Battle, Mother (1893) Charles Osborne George F Root (words)
George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Kate O'Grady (1891) Charles Osborne Tom Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Ladder of Fame (1910), The Charles Osborne Fred Wilson (perf.)
sm15.gif Later On (1893) Charles Osborne Warwick Williams (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Leave Her Alone With Them (1906) Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Logic (1905) Charles Osborne(w&m) Ben Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif Man of Eccentric Notions (1896), The Charles Osborne Cliff Ryland (perf.)
sm15.gif  Man of the ''Wide, Wide World'' (1898), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Man Who Carries the Boards (1896), The Charles Osborne John S. Baker (words)
W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
sm15.gif Maria Martin's Bogie (1891) Charles Osborne E W Eyre (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Mixtures (1895) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother (1904) Charles Osborne Daisy Jerome (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother's Advice (1895) Charles Osborne Henry E. Pether (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Mottoes on the Wall (1901) Charles Osborne(w&m) Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Mr N. Peck (1908) Charles Osborne Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif Naval Exhibtion (1891), The Charles Osborne George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif Naval Scare-Crow (1894), The Charles Osborne Henry E. Pether (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Night of the Party (1906), The Charles Osborne(w&m) G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Non Stops (1910) Charles Osborne Fred Rome (words)
sm15.gif Oh! Who Says So? (1906) Charles Osborne Charles Penrose (perf.)
sm15.gif One Thing Brought Up Another (1896) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif One's Enough (1899) Charles Osborne Harry Rose (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Rulers (1894) Charles Osborne John S. Baker (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Tyke (1897) Charles Osborne Gus Elen (perf.)
sm15.gif Patching Up the Seats of the Mighty (1897) Charles Osborne Henry E. Pether (words)
Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif  Pen'orths (1898) Charles Osborne Cliff Ryland (perf.)
sm15.gif Phonetic Family (1894), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Plain Speaker (1898), The Charles Osborne
sm15.gif Pop! Goes - (1902) Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Postman (1897), The Charles Osborne Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif Potted Poetry (1907) Charles Osborne Burt Shepard (words)
Daniel Decatur Emmett (words)
Bernard Russell (perf.)
Owen Way (perf.)
sm15.gif Press Cuttings (1909) Charles Osborne(w&m) Bernard Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif Punctured (1897) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Puzzles (1914) Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Puzzling Proverbs (1892) Charles Osborne Frank Coyne (perf.)
sm15.gif Railway Guides (1901) Charles Osborne James Jefferson (words)
sm15.gif Sailing Home (1890) Charles Osborne John S. Baker (words)
Wilton Smart (perf.)
sm15.gif Saying Good-Night at the Door (1896) Charles Osborne Tom Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Scientific Man (1895), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Shake Hands! (1908) Charles Osborne Beatrice Varley (perf.)
sm15.gif She's a Woman Still (1902) Charles Osborne Rose Elliott (perf.)
sm15.gif Something Tickled Her Fancy (1901) Charles Osborne Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Song of the Kettle (1899), The Charles Osborne Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif  Speak of a Man As You Find Him (1908) Charles Osborne Beatrice Varley (perf.)
sm15.gif Stormy Winds Did Blow (1898), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweethearts (1899) Charles Osborne Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif Tableaux Vivants (1894) Charles Osborne Richard George Knowles (perf.)
sm15.gif That Old Rocking Chair (1902) Charles Osborne(w&m) Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif That Reminds Me! Ever Heard This? (1900) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif That Was My Happiest Time (1900) Charles Osborne Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif That's a Woman All Over (1896) Charles Osborne Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif There Yet (1895) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Too High (1896) Charles Osborne Charles Wood (perf.)
sm15.gif Umpi-Doodle-Um (1898) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif War Correspondent (1900), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Washerwoman (1896), The Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif We Shall Miss Them Bye-And-Bye (1892) Charles Osborne
sm15.gif Welcome the Exile Home! (1891) Charles Osborne Tom Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif What Are You Thinking Of? (1904) Charles Osborne
sm15.gif What Can I Do For You? (1898) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif What Is It - Likes So Much? (1911) Charles Osborne(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif  What Price That For a Quick Change? (1897) Charles Osborne T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif When Mother Cooked the Pancake (1907) Charles Osborne Owen Way (perf.)
sm15.gif When Your Ride on Your Motor Car (1897) Charles Osborne W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
sm15.gif Where's My Two-Bob Gone? (1907) Charles Osborne A. G. Spry (perf.)
sm15.gif Whistle and Shut Your Eyes (1908) Charles Osborne(w&m) Ben Albert (perf.)
Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif Whoa! the Humming Birds (1896) Charles Osborne W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Go Abroad? (1908) Charles Osborne(w&m)
sm15.gif Will My Dream Come True? (1898) Charles Osborne
sm15.gif You 'ave to 'ave 'em (1897) Charles Osborne Henry E. Pether (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif You Thought I Was Going to Say - (1903) Charles Osborne Maynard Dakin (words)
Albert Ben (perf.)
sm15.gif If Your Eyes Were Brown Instead of Blue (1917) Arthur W. Parry Maudsleigh Dudley (words)
sm15.gif Mary Kino (1896) Arthur W. Parry Harry Watkins (words)
Rose Harvey (perf.)
sm15.gif My Japanesy Girl (1904) Arthur W. Parry Bert Delmar (words)
sm15.gif Soldiers of the King. (1914) Arthur W. Parry Leslie Stuart (co-author)
sm15.gif Soldiers of the Queen (1896) Arthur W. Parry Leslie Stuart (co-author)
sm15.gif Coster, the Curate and the Jew (1897), The Dan Paulton(w&m) Rose Sylvester (perf.)
sm15.gif Pet O' the Pantomime (1899), The Dan Paulton(w&m) Rose Sylvester (perf.)
sm15.gif Piece of Orange Peel (1895), A Edward A. Paulton Richard Morton (words)
Julie Mackey (perf.)
sm15.gif  Come Back to the Old Folks at Home (1893) Arthur Pearl(w&m) Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Mary Jane (1892) Arthur Pearl(w&m) Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Never to Meet Again (1890) George W. Pee Tom Brown (words)
Ella Dean (perf.)
Carrie Joy (perf.)
sm15.gif When That Day Comes (1889) George W. Pee J. Byfield (words)
sm15.gif Always Look When You're Stepping Off the Kerb (1915) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
sm15.gif Any Excuse For a Drink (1912) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif As the Tide Comes Rolling In (1913) Paul Pelham Fred E. Terry (words)
Frank Harwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Be an Outlaw's Bride (1909) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
Leah Adelle (perf.)
sm15.gif Christmas Bells Were Ringing (1912), The Paul Pelham Fred E. Terry (words)
sm15.gif Come Right Back to Your Home Again (1909) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
Evelyn Taylor (perf.)
sm15.gif Daddy, Come Home (1896) Paul Pelham(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Forget Your Mother (1902) Paul Pelham William Powell Frith (words)
George Gray (perf.)
sm15.gif Duel in the Snow (1900), The Paul Pelham(w&m) Minnie Mario (perf.)
sm15.gif France, Italy, Russia, England (1915) Paul Pelham Bert Edmunds (words)
Reginald Adair (words)
J.P. Long (words)
Fred Karno (perf.)
sm15.gif Gathering of the Clans (1899), The Paul Pelham(w&m) Owen Way (perf.)
sm15.gif Go Steady! (1912) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
Josephine Mooney (perf.)
sm15.gif Go Through 'Welcome Avenue' (1910) Paul Pelham John P Long (words)
Gladys Mavius (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Morning, Mr. Postman (1908) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif  Good-Bye, Polly! (1908) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif He Opens His Mouth Too Wide (1914) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
sm15.gif Here's to the Day (1914) Paul Pelham W H Wallis (words)
sm15.gif I Don't Care if I Never Get Home (1910) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
Ida Barr (perf.)
sm15.gif I Put It On (1892) Paul Pelham(w&m) Herbert Campbell (perf.)
sm15.gif It's the Ring Your Father Bought Me (1912) Paul Pelham Charles Collins (words)
Fred E. Terry (words)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif Keepsakes (1902) Paul Pelham(w&m) Maud Mortimer (perf.)
sm15.gif Lilac, Laburnum and May (1910) Paul Pelham Arthur P Long (words)
sm15.gif London on the Thames (1913) Paul Pelham Fred E. Terry (words)
Flora Cromer (perf.)
Billy Brown (perf.)
sm15.gif Many Happy Returns! (1910) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
Herbert Lamartine (perf.)
sm15.gif My Pipe (1906) Paul Pelham S W Richards (words)
Frank Harwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Love Is the Gold Love (1908), The Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif Old-Fashioned Place Called Home (1915), An Paul Pelham Terry Sullivan (words)
Jay Whidden (perf.)
sm15.gif On Early Closing Day (1910) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
Arthur Gilbert as Arthur Osmond (perf.)
Frank Harwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickling Peppercorns (unter) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
sm15.gif Plenty Street (1909) Paul Pelham(w&m) George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif Same Old Church (1907), The Paul Pelham Frank Lurin (words)
Charles Deane (words)
Frank Harwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Send a Note to Let Me Know (1911) Paul Pelham John P Long (words)
sm15.gif  Time Will Come (1918), The Paul Pelham Thomas McGhee (words)
Nan Saunders (perf.)
sm15.gif We Can't All Live in Easy Street (1910) Paul Pelham Herbert Rule (words)
Evelyn Taylor (perf.)
sm15.gif We're All Happy When the Sun Shines (1914) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
sm15.gif Where Are the Boys? (1915) Paul Pelham John A. Glover-Kind (words)
Louis J. Seymour (perf.)
sm15.gif Woman (1906) Paul Pelham S W Richards (words)
Daisy Silcott (perf.)
sm15.gif You Toast the Muffins and Crumpets (1909) Paul Pelham(w&m) Herbert Rule (perf.)
sm15.gif You Used to Be a Friend to Me (1910) Paul Pelham J.P. Long (words)
Ida Barr (perf.)
sm15.gif By the Same Dear Old Sea (?) Ralph Penso(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Go Any Further (1909) Ralph Penso Worton David (words)
Little Tich (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl For the Boy (1919), The Ralph Penso(w&m)
sm15.gif I Shall Strike (1919) Ralph Penso George Arthurs (words)
sm15.gif I'd Like to See the Colour of Your Money, Mister Green (1907) Ralph Penso Percy Edgar (words)
Esta Stella (perf.)
Nellie Chandos (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Just Nobody! (1912) Ralph Penso Worton David (words)
Sam Stern (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got Somebody Else's Girl (1920) Ralph Penso George Arthurs (words)
sm15.gif Introduce Me to the Lady (1911) Ralph Penso Worton David (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Scent of the Violets (1907), The Ralph Penso Percy Edgar (words)
Walter Hast (words)
sm15.gif Stumps and Stalks (1921) Ralph Penso(w&m)
sm15.gif Take Me Down Bond Street (1911) Ralph Penso(w&m)
sm15.gif  Tile-Trot (1928), The Ralph Penso(w&m)
sm15.gif Won't You Ride Across the Moonlit Prairie? (1909) Ralph Penso(w&m) Gay Persse (perf.)
sm15.gif You Made the Whole World Mine (1922) Ralph Penso John Harcourt (words)
Clifford F. Harris (perf.)
sm15.gif Allays in Jail (1902) Albert Perry Walter Hastings (words)
Gus Elen (perf.)
sm15.gif Because We Love Our Queen (1898) Albert Perry D J McCarthy (words)
sm15.gif Boys Shall Love the Girls (1897), The Albert Perry Albert Hall (words)
Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif Clap Hands! Papa's Coming Home (1901) Albert Perry George A. Stevens (words)
Frank Seeley (perf.)
sm15.gif Coat 'urts Me Underneath the Arm (1901), The Albert Perry Walter Hastings (words)
Edgar Bateman (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Old Dad (1896) Albert Perry Paul Pelham (words)
sm15.gif For a Nosegay (1897) Albert Perry Albert Hall (words)
Maggie Duggan (perf.)
sm15.gif For Old Love's Sake (1901) Albert Perry Harry Leighton (words)
Albert Voyce (words)
Barney Stuart (words)
Verno and Voyce (perf.)
sm15.gif Give Me Your Answer Now (1898) Albert Perry Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Have Another Go (1900) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Have You Forgotten? (1896) Albert Perry Steve Leggett (words)
sm15.gif I Haven't Had a Bite Since Christmas (1897) Albert Perry Stanhope Baxter (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif I Love Another Love! (1899) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Hal Kendall (words)
sm15.gif I Want My Money Back (1898) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Fannie Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Better Call Again Next Week (1900) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif  I'll Be Your Silver King (1901) Albert Perry J. P. Harrington (words)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Going Home to the Wife and Nipper (1897) Albert Perry Albert Hall (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Sun (1897) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Money Makes the Mare to Go (1904) Albert Perry Edgar Bateman (words)
Fannie Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif John the Bloomin' Toff (1897) Albert Perry Albert Hall (words)
Charles Seel (perf.)
sm15.gif Johnny Without His Trousis (1899) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Marie Kendall (perf.)
sm15.gif Language of Popular Song (1901), The Albert Perry Bella Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Is Better Than Gold (1901) Albert Perry George A. Stevens (words)
sm15.gif Me Too! Me Too! Me Too! (1900) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
T C Callaghan (words)
Horace Wheatley (perf.)
sm15.gif Message From Mars (1901), A Albert Perry Jack Holland (perf.)
sm15.gif My Midnight Watch (1899) Albert Perry Albert E. Ellis (words)
Harry Bedford (perf.)
sm15.gif Naughty Little Spider Spied Her (1901), The Albert Perry Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Night Duty (1899) Albert Perry T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh Dear No! (1897) Albert Perry Fred J Barnes (words)
Richard George Knowles (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Plaid Shawl (1902), An Albert Perry Stanhope Baxter (words)
Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif On My Bicy-Icy-Bicycle (1897) Albert Perry Stanhope Baxter (words)
Billie Barlow (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Motor-Moke (1897) Albert Perry Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif Pretty Little Sweet, Sweet Dickey Bird (1901) Albert Perry Harry Castling (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif  Red, White and Blue (1897) Albert Perry Albert Hall (words)
Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif Save a Nice One For Me (1897) Albert Perry Malcolm Arnold (words)
Billie Barlow (perf.)
sm15.gif She Looked a Perfect Lady (1900) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif She's a Plain, Homely Girl (1901) Albert Perry George A. Stevens (words)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Skeleton in the Cupboard (1900), The Albert Perry Edgar Bateman (words)
Millie Lindon (perf.)
sm15.gif Sweet Nell of Old Drury (1901) Albert Perry W E Imeson (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
Bessie Bonehill (perf.)
sm15.gif That Shape Won't Suit Me (1898) Albert Perry George A. Stevens (words)
Fannie Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif That's How He Pays His Way (1898) Albert Perry George Neno (words)
sm15.gif That's My Opinion of Eliza (1896) Albert Perry Steve Leggett (words)
Florrie West (perf.)
sm15.gif That's My Rival (1898) Albert Perry A J Mills (words)
Leonard Barry (perf.)
sm15.gif Waiter's Tale of Woe (1897), The Albert Perry Steve Leggett (words)
sm15.gif Where Was Mabel When the Band Struck Up? (1900) Albert Perry Walter Hastings (words)
Lottie Lennox (perf.)
sm15.gif William 'enry Sarnders (1901) Albert Perry Walter Hastings (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif You've Taken Her Away (1901) Albert Perry Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Afterglow (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif Ain't Yer Got a Corner in Yer Heart For Me (1902) Henry E. Pether Scott Mackenzie (words)
sm15.gif Angel of My Dreams (1904), The Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Animated Doll (1897), The Henry E. Pether Harry Boden (words)
Arthur Nelstone (perf.)
sm15.gif  Arguments (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m) Venie Clements (perf.)
sm15.gif Autumn Leaves (1907) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Back to My Home Once More (1917) Henry E. Pether Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif Baden Powell Scout (1900), The Henry E. Pether Paul Pelham (words)
Tom E. Leamore (perf.)
sm15.gif Beloved, All Is Dark (1919) Henry E. Pether(w&m) Isabel Hope Aitken (words)
sm15.gif Birdie and Percy (1913) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Bobs of Kandahar (1914) Henry E. Pether Huntley Trevor (words)
sm15.gif Bravo! C.I.V's. (1900) Henry E. Pether Paul Pelham (words)
sm15.gif British Born (1896) Henry E. Pether Harry Bowden (words)
Reuben Hill (perf.)
sm15.gif Can't You Find a Little Time to Say Good Evening? (1907) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Can't You See I'm Thinking? (1906) Henry E. Pether Will Bentley (words)
Fred W Leigh (words)
Will Bentley (perf.)
sm15.gif Come and Make Love to Me! (1906) Henry E. Pether Charles Wilmott (words)
Kittee Rayburn (perf.)
sm15.gif Coster's Pony (1907), The Henry E. Pether Gus Elen (words)
Edgar Bateman (words)
Gus Elen (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Mater of Mine (1920) Henry E. Pether D. Cameron Forrester (words)
sm15.gif Do You Forget? (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Don't Call Me An Angel (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif Don't Get Married Anymore, Ma! (1907) Henry E. Pether Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Each Nation Has It's Own Song (1901) Henry E. Pether Bennett Scott (words)
sm15.gif  Eilly! Oh, Eilly Reilly! (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif England Calls For Men (1914) Henry E. Pether Huntley Trevor (words)
sm15.gif Ev'ryones Key Fits My Street Door (1910) Henry E. Pether Huntley Trevor (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
Mina Greene (perf.)
sm15.gif For Auld Lang Syne - My Home Is Far Away (1907) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif For the Children's Sake (1900) Henry E. Pether T F Robson (words)
sm15.gif Fritz! (1917) Henry E. Pether Walter Gilbert (words)
sm15.gif God Keep You, Dearest Heart (1919) Henry E. Pether D. Cameron Forrester (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye For Ever! : Whatever For? (1914) Henry E. Pether R.P. Weston (words)
sm15.gif Good-Bye, Kathleen Mavoureen! (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Good-Night, Little Baby Moon! (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Grace! Grace! (1906) Henry E. Pether T. F. Robson (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif He Was the Light of Her Life (1898) Henry E. Pether A E Lawrence (words)
sm15.gif Home That's Home For Me (1907), The Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif How to Sing 'Extempore' (1891) Henry E. Pether George Neno (words)
Harry Boden (words)
George Neno (perf.)
sm15.gif I Do Like You (1913) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif I Don't Want a Coon From the Congo (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif I Want to Stop Along O' Nursie (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Be a Hero Too! (1914) Henry E. Pether R. P. Weston (words)
sm15.gif  I'm Obliging Brother Bertie (1908) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif I'se A-Waitin' For Yer, Josie (1903) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
G. H. Elliott (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got A Fancy For Nancy (1912) Henry E. Pether Charles Wilmott (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif I've Got Three Letters of the Alphabet : L.S.D. (1907) Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Lost My Heart in Cupid Street (1910) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif If I Could Only Grow It in the Garden (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif If I Were a Millionaire (1901) Henry E. Pether Paul Pelham (words)
sm15.gif If You See Me Closing My Eyes (1914) Henry E. Pether Dan Lipton (words)
sm15.gif In Poppyland (1913) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif In the Light of the Afterglow (1916) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif It's Still The Same Old Flag (1901) Henry E. Pether Paul Pelham (words)
Harry Boden (words)
sm15.gif It's True As True Is True! (1912) Henry E. Pether Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Jolly Boys' Brigade (1895), The Henry E. Pether Bert Delmar (words)
sm15.gif Land of I-Dunno-Where? (1912), The Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
Jen Latona (perf.)
sm15.gif Last 'Bus Home at Night (1899), The Henry E. Pether Reuben Hill (words)
Harry Boden (words)
Reuben Hill (perf.)
sm15.gif Leader of Society (1896), A Henry E. Pether Richard Morton (words)
Lottie Collins (perf.)
sm15.gif Left Us (1897) Henry E. Pether Harry Boden (words)
Tom Garrick (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Fishes Are Sweet (1905) Henry E. Pether C Astley (words)
sm15.gif  Little Miss ''I-Don't-Care'' : ''Don't Care'' Was Made to Care (1915) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Little Singing Girl of Eldorado (1914) Henry E. Pether Francis Barron (words)
sm15.gif Little Willie's Fountain Pen (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif Look in the Looking-Glass, Dearie! (1916) Henry E. Pether J. P. Harrington (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Milly, My Milliner (1913) Henry E. Pether F. Leonard (words)
sm15.gif Miss Lollipop (1910) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Molly Dear It's You I'm After (1915) Henry E. Pether Frank Wood (words)
Walter Van Brunt (perf.)
Hattie Burks (perf.)
Edith Chapman (perf.)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Henry Trio (perf.)
Blanche Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif Moonflower (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif My Hurdy-Gurdy Girl (1912) Henry E. Pether Huntley Trevor (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif My Pretty Cherry (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif My Sweet Bird of Paradise (1905) Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif My Wedding Morn (1918) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Normandy Girl (1915) Henry E. Pether Huntley Trevor (words)
sm15.gif Oh! Susannah! (1911) Henry E. Pether Fred W. Leigh (words)
Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Oh! That Virginian Tune (1917) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Oh, Woman! Remember Your Promise (1901) Henry E. Pether Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif One Little Girl I Love (1916), The Henry E. Pether Lester Barrett (words)
sm15.gif Paper-Bag Cookery (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif  People You Meet in the Strand (1896) Henry E. Pether Harry Boden (words)
Reuben Hill (perf.)
sm15.gif Pierrette (1911) Henry E. Pether Fred W. Leigh (words)
Venie Clements (perf.)
sm15.gif Play Up, Mister Piccolo! (1912) Henry E. Pether F. Leonard (words)
sm15.gif Play Your Game of Soldiers (1916) Henry E. Pether Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Playground in the Sky (1904), The Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Poor John! (1906) Henry E. Pether Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
Ada Jones (perf.)
sm15.gif Puss! Puss! (1921) Henry E. Pether
sm15.gif Ragtime Postman (1913), The Henry E. Pether J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif Rainbow (1905) Henry E. Pether Fred W. Leigh (words)
Phyllis Dare (perf.)
sm15.gif Rose of My Heart (1906), The Henry E. Pether Charles Wilmott (words)
sm15.gif Seaside Posters Round the Home (1919), The Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Ernest W. Hastings (perf.)
sm15.gif Servant Problem (1912), The Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Shakespeare, the Waggish Will of Avon (1908) Henry E. Pether Sax Rohmer (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif She Makes Me Do The Tango Too (1913) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif She's My Little Girl (1904) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Shine, Star, Shine (1910) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif Something Doing! (1915) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif Sometimes the Sweetest Honey (1907) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif  Somewhere in Sunset Land (1915) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Stick to Your Uncle Jeremiah (1911) Henry E. Pether Frank Wood (words)
Leonard Cooke (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Supposing! (1912) Henry E. Pether Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif That Is the Way of the World (1900) Henry E. Pether Paul Pelham (words)
sm15.gif That Was the Last Act of All (1915) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif That's What I Call Plucky! (1893) Henry E. Pether F. Holliday (words)
Carl Howard (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif There's Nae Friend Like an Auld Friend (1912) Henry E. Pether James A Forrester (words)
sm15.gif They Do Things So Different Abroad (1909) Henry E. Pether E A Searson (words)
sm15.gif Thirteen Club (1894), The Henry E. Pether Fredrick Bowyer (words)
Charles Collette (perf.)
sm15.gif Tilly The Typist (1916) Henry E. Pether Huntley Trevor (words)
Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Tis Better to Forget and Smile (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif To See if It Was Fit For Father (1909) Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Touchin' Fings (1917) Henry E. Pether L. Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Twilight Dreams (1913) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Vain Regrets (1908) Henry E. Pether Sax Rohmer (words)
Sax Rohmer (perf.)
sm15.gif Vindow Man (1893), The Henry E. Pether Charles Wilmott (words)
J C Rich (words)
sm15.gif Waiting at the Church (1906) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
Ada Jones (perf.)
Gracie Grahame (perf.)
sm15.gif Warning to Single Men (1904), A Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif  We're Not Out Much, But When We Are Out (1911) Henry E. Pether(w&m)
sm15.gif When Belinda Brown Begins to Play (1914) Henry E. Pether Frank Wood (words)
sm15.gif When I Appear in Revue (1914) Henry E. Pether Harry Harmer (words)
sm15.gif When They Made It Summer Time in Ballymoony (1918) Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Tom Clare (perf.)
sm15.gif White Cliffs of England (1916), The Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Whoa! Back-Pedal! (1900) Henry E. Pether Worton David (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Did You Go to War? (1900) Henry E. Pether Paul Pelham (words)
Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Do We Sigh For the Sea-Side? (1911) Henry E. Pether Frank Wood (words)
Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Why Shouldn't We Fight For Our Own? (1904) Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Will Ye Dance at Me Weddin', Sweet Molly Malone? (1913) Henry E. Pether Ada Leonora Harris (words)
sm15.gif Willie's Got Another Girl Now (1907) Henry E. Pether Fred W Leigh (words)
Hattie Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Won't You Let Me Be Your Primrose? (1907) Henry E. Pether J. F. Lambe (words)
sm15.gif You Can't Do As You Like With a Girl (1907) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
sm15.gif You Do Want a Lot For Your Bob! (1912) Henry E. Pether Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Girls! (1885) W.H. Phillips(w&m) Lizzie Valrose (perf.)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Julia Bullen (perf.)
Kate Logan (perf.)
sm15.gif Très Bien (1886) W.H. Phillips(w&m) Lizzie Valrose (perf.)
sm15.gif Workhouse Gate (1904), The Stephen Rowland Philpot Herbert Shelley (words)
Herbert Shelley (perf.)
sm15.gif My Brother Jack (1894) Wal Pink Arthur West (words)
Rose Sullivan (perf.)
sm15.gif  Stick to Me and the Kids! (1897) Wal Pink George Le Brunn (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Sticking Out (1897) Wal Pink Herbert Darnley (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif That's Where the Trouble Begins (1891) Wal Pink W. F. Moss (perf.)
sm15.gif Does This Shop Stock Shot Socks With Spots (1912) Herbert De Pinna Archie Pitt (perf.)
George Graves (perf.)
sm15.gif E Didn't Seem to Know Just What to Say (1899) Harry Pleon(w&m) Harry Pleon (perf.)
Christie MacDonald (perf.)
sm15.gif Sister Mary Jane's High Kick (1897) Harry Pleon Louie Freear (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl at the Penny Bazaar (1907), The Fred Poplar Albert Hall (words)
Kitty Wager (perf.)
sm15.gif Waves Began to Roar (1900), The Sam Potter Bert Delmar (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif That's the Way the World Goes Round (1898) Eldred Powel(w&m) Charles Coborn (perf.)
sm15.gif While There's a Woman (1903) Eldred Powel(w&m) Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Old Yorkshire Pudden (1917) Dudley Powell Fred Kitchen (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Babs (1903) Felix Powell F Clifford Harris (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Cheero, Boys! Cheero! (1916) Felix Powell George Asaf (words)
sm15.gif Daddy Long-Legs (1916) Felix Powell George Asaf (words)
sm15.gif Flies on Father (1912) Felix Powell George Asaf (words)
Frank Lynne (perf.)
sm15.gif Have You Seen the Ducks? (1916) Felix Powell(w&m) Lee White (perf.)
sm15.gif It Makes Me Tired (1915) Felix Powell Percy Watson (words)
sm15.gif Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag (1915) Felix Powell George Asaf (words)
Helen Clark (perf.)
Royal Dadmun (perf.)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif  Song of the Comrades (1919) Felix Powell(w&m)
sm15.gif There's a Friend in Every Milestone (1917) Felix Powell George Asaf (words)
Fred Barnes (words)
sm15.gif To the Hearts That Never Waver (1916) Felix Powell George Asaf (words)
Lewis Roberts (words)
sm15.gif We Must Keep on Keeping On (1918) Felix Powell Fred Fulton (words)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif After Twelve! (1895) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif Alec Hurley's After Twelve (1895) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif All Through ''Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay'' (1892) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Always Smile (1910) Orlando Powell J.H. Brownson (words)
Florry Cooper (perf.)
sm15.gif And the Parrot Said (1907) Orlando Powell Worton David (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Are You Looking For a Girl Like Me (1910) Orlando Powell E.W. Rogers (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Baby in Dreamland (1906) Orlando Powell Fred Murray (words)
Charles Hilbury (words)
Hamilton Hill (perf.)
sm15.gif Bells of Remembrance (1903) Orlando Powell J F Lambe (words)
Lilian Lea (perf.)
sm15.gif Blige a Lady (1890) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Boudoir Secrets (1907) Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Boys Together (1891) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Bye and Bye (1892) Orlando Powell Charles Jerome (words)
Farrell & Willmot. (perf.)
sm15.gif Child's Dream (1902), A Orlando Powell T F Robson (words)
Ella Dean (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Along, Do! Now Don't Be Bashful! (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif  Come Back to the Old Home (1891) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif Come in the Parlour, Charley! (1909) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Florrie Forde (perf.)
sm15.gif Consequence (1891), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Cuckoo Went ''Cuckoo!'' (1908), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Old Uncle Charlie (1898) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Di-Di-Diddidy-Di! (1906) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif Do Buy Me That Mamma Dear (1894) Orlando Powell Malcolm Arnold (words)
Billie Barlow (perf.)
sm15.gif Down at Berm-On-Sea (1910) Orlando Powell(w&m) Alec Hurley (perf.)
Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Dream of Love (1903), A Orlando Powell J F Lambe (words)
Lilian Lea (perf.)
sm15.gif Duchess of Deansgate (1896), The Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Felix McGlennon (words)
Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif Ellaline (1909) Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
L W Harris (words)
sm15.gif Epitaphs! (1894) Orlando Powell Richard Morton (words)
Horace Mills (perf.)
sm15.gif Ere's Yer Fine Water-Creases! (1907) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Faifless Liz (1898) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
sm15.gif Fol Lol the Diddle Ol the Day (1910) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Marie George (perf.)
sm15.gif Four Flights Up, and Four Flights Down (1898) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Charles Seel (perf.)
sm15.gif Gallant Gordons (1897), The Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl in the Chantecler Hat (1910), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Kittee Rayburn (perf.)
sm15.gif  Girl Who Sloshed the Lather (1894), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif Girl Who Thought She Would! (1907), The Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif He Takes Me Up in the Gallery (1895) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
May Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif He Was One of the Dear Old Regiment (1895) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Arthur Reece (perf.)
sm15.gif Hi-Ti-Hiddley-Um (1895) Orlando Powell Charles Wilmott (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Honey, Come An' Listen to Me (1895) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Lily Harold (perf.)
sm15.gif I Counted Forty First! (1896) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Richard George Knowles (perf.)
sm15.gif I Did Laugh! (1891) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif I Never Kiss Any Boys Round Here (1910) Orlando Powell J P Harrington (words)
Lena Verdi (perf.)
sm15.gif I Want to Get Right Home (1910) Orlando Powell Frank Calvert (words)
E W Rogers (words)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Live in Paris All the Time (1912) Orlando Powell Fred W. Leigh (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Keep It There Till Father Comes Home (1896) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Constance Moxon (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm in Love With a London Girl (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif I'm Out Fishing (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Lucy Weston (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Built a Castle in the Air (1907) Orlando Powell Harry Leighton (words)
Charles Hilbury (words)
sm15.gif I've Got the Riding Habit (1907) Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Hadn't Been Lady-Like (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif If I Like It! (1894) Orlando Powell Malcolm Arnold (words)
sm15.gif  If Other Eyes Should Shine on You (1909) Orlando Powell Leonard Cooke (words)
J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif It's Not the Hen That Cackles the Most (1893) Orlando Powell Richard Morton (words)
Minnie Cunningham (perf.)
sm15.gif Johnny's Got the Shutters Up (1891) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Frankie Milton (perf.)
sm15.gif Keep It Up (1890) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Ted Young (words)
sm15.gif Lady-Bird, Fly Away Home! (1906) Orlando Powell Fred Murray (words)
Charles Hilbury (words)
Hamilton Hill (perf.)
sm15.gif Lass Who Loved a Sailor (1908), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Life, Love and Death (1899) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Bit of Girl Inside (1908), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Carrie DeMar (perf.)
sm15.gif Logan's Looking-Glass (1896) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Michael Nolan (perf.)
sm15.gif Love's Bondage (1891) Orlando Powell Lindsay Lennox (words)
sm15.gif Lucia, My Adriatic Queen! (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif Mashing the Band (1893) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Billie Barlow (perf.)
sm15.gif May (1907) Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif May, May, May (1907) Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Meeting of the Clans (1891), The Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Mickey's Trousers (1895) Orlando Powell Wal Pink (words)
Rose Sullivan (perf.)
sm15.gif Miss Marie Lloyd's Tiddley-Om-Pom (1907) Orlando Powell Fred W. Leigh (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Monte Carolo Boys (1893), The Orlando Powell Norton Atkins (words)
George Beauchamp (perf.)
sm15.gif  New Man (1895), The Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Number One, London Town (1909) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Daisy Wood (perf.)
sm15.gif O! Flossie! Pretty Little Flossie! (1893) Orlando Powell Richard Morton (words)
Sam Chip (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, I Wonder What They're Doing Now? (1897) Orlando Powell Malcolm Arnold (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Man's Darling (1895), An Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif On an Orchard Seat For Two (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif On the Scroll of Glory (1894) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif One Thing Leads to Another (1912) Orlando Powell Fred W. Leigh (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Only Girl I Ever Loved (1898), The Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Paddy M'grah (1895) Orlando Powell Wal Pink (words)
Rose Sullivan (perf.)
sm15.gif Patsy, the Billingsgate Porter (1895) Orlando Powell Harry Wright (words)
Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif Pilot (1900), The Orlando Powell James Merrylees (words)
Albert Hall (words)
sm15.gif Poor Old Liza Perkins! (1908) Orlando Powell Fred W. Leigh (words)
Rosie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Puff! Puff! Out Went the Moon! (1910) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Millie Hylton (perf.)
sm15.gif Put It There! (1910) Orlando Powell(w&m)
sm15.gif Reclaimed (1909) Orlando Powell(w&m) Gracie Grahame (perf.)
sm15.gif Reclaimed - Song (1909) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Gracie Grahame (perf.)
sm15.gif Remember the Old Friends at Home (1892) Orlando Powell T L Clay (words)
sm15.gif  Results! (1896) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Richard George Knowles (perf.)
sm15.gif Right Behind! (1892) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Rum-Tiddley-Um-Tum-Tay (1908) Orlando Powell Fred W. Leigh (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Sailor's Birthday Presents (1908), The Orlando Powell Percy Carr (words)
J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif Saying Farewell to England (1894) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
George Leyton (perf.)
sm15.gif She Came Over From Germany (1910) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
sm15.gif She Doesn't Know That I Know What I Know (1907) Orlando Powell Fred W. Leigh (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif She's Been a Good Wife to Me (1907) Orlando Powell Worton David (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif Sister Mary Wants to Know (1894) Orlando Powell Walter Gilbert (words)
Marie Loftus (perf.)
sm15.gif That's Where My Love Lies Dreaming (1897) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif They Notice It So (1890) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Arthur Ring (perf.)
sm15.gif They've Both Changed Their Occupations Now (1894) Orlando Powell Charles Williams (words)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
sm15.gif This Is No Place For a Sailor! (1910) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Three Ages of Woman (1907), The Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Till Six O'Clock in the Morning (1894) Orlando Powell(w&m) Millie Hylton (perf.)
Will Godwin (perf.)
sm15.gif Tim Browne's Race (1896) Orlando Powell(w&m)
sm15.gif Tourist and the Maid (1906), The Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Try Another One! (1899) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Tom Fancourt (perf.)
sm15.gif  Two Flats Required! (1908) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Lucy Weston (perf.)
sm15.gif Two-To-Two to Tooting (1903), The Orlando Powell Fred Murray (words)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
sm15.gif Up Came Johnny With His Camera! (1896) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Felix McGlennon (words)
Nellie Wilson (perf.)
Violet Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif We All Went Following On (1899) Orlando Powell J. P. Harrington (words)
Tom Fancourt (perf.)
sm15.gif We Only Miss the Old Folks When They're Gone (1896) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif What Are Your Ten Commandments? (1900) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif What Will They Say in England? (1898) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif When De Golden Sun Went Down (1896) Orlando Powell Charles Wilmott (words)
Eugene Stratton (perf.)
sm15.gif Wise Virgin and the Foolish (1907), The Orlando Powell George Arthurs (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif With the Help of Mccarthy and Magee (1901) Orlando Powell Albert Hall (words)
Pat Carey (perf.)
sm15.gif Three Chapters (1894) Charles E. Pratt Walter De Frece (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Come Back to Erin and Me (1912) Pat Rafferty E W Rogers (words)
sm15.gif Dancing to the Organ in the Mile End Road (1893) Pat Rafferty C W Murphy (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Floor Gave Way (1893), The Pat Rafferty Albert Hall (words)
John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif He Was One of the Old Brigade (1898) Pat Rafferty Tom Conley (words)
sm15.gif He's Very Very Ill Indeed (1890) Pat Rafferty Sam May (words)
John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif I Went Out on Strike This Morning (1891) Pat Rafferty T F Robson (words)
John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif I'll Go to Paddy's Land (1912) Pat Rafferty Albert Voyce (words)
sm15.gif  Irish Guards (1901), The Pat Rafferty Albert Hall (words)
sm15.gif Mcanulty's Garden Party (1890?) Pat Rafferty(w&m)
sm15.gif Molly Riley, O! (1893) Pat Rafferty James Curran (words)
John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif Why Didn't They Send For Me? (1898) Pat Rafferty James Rolmaz (words)
sm15.gif Tommy! (1904) Don Ramsay Tell Taylor (words)
Grace Leonard (perf.)
sm15.gif Boarding House (1904), The Harry Randall J. Bernard Dickson (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Garden Outside In (1907), The Harry Randall Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif He Wore a Worried Look (1893) Harry Randall J. B. Dickson (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif It's a Wonder I'm Alive to Tell the Tale (1898) Harry Randall Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif Man- by One Who Loathes Him (1903) Harry Randall J Bernard Dickson (words)
Henry E. Pether (words)
sm15.gif Mr. Tootle (1907) Harry Randall Tom Wick (words)
sm15.gif Oh, My Tooth (1890) Harry Randall(w&m) Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, the Models (1891) Harry Randall George Lyons (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Happy Little Home (1894) Harry Randall J W Sewell (words)
sm15.gif Same Old Lie (1890), The Harry Randall Joseph Berry (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Shoreditch Handicap (1892), The Harry Randall A R Marshall (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Strike a Blow For Liberty and Freedom! (1906) Harry Randall J Bernard Dickson (words)
sm15.gif That Interfering Marm Downstairs (1895) Harry Randall Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif  There Isn't Many Wives Like Mine (1896) Harry Randall Edgar Bateman (words)
John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif They All Take After Me (1893) Harry Randall T.W. Connor (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Thing You Wouldn't Know Unless You Knew (1900), A Harry Randall Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif Up to Here (1893) Harry Randall J.P. Harrington (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif We've All Got Something to Show (1894) Harry Randall Edgar Bateman (words)
sm15.gif Whistling Wife (1889), The Harry Randall(w&m) A.E. Ellis (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Bow Street (1895) Charles Raynor Charles Merion (words)
Dan Leno (perf.)
sm15.gif Delusions (1904) Phil Ray(w&m)
sm15.gif He Went on His Way Rejoicing (1907) Phil Ray Josie Mooney (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif If the Missis Wants to Go (1902) Phil Ray(w&m)
sm15.gif Good Bye Polly (1885) John Read H W Fitchett (words)
F Nixon (words)
George Leybourne (perf.)
sm15.gif Undertaker's Man (1891), The Leslie Reed(w&m) Leslie Reed (perf.)
sm15.gif We All Go to Work But Father (1891) Leslie Reed Leslie Reed (perf.)
J. C. Heffron (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Farmer Scroggins (1903) Ernest Rees(w&m) Ernest Rees (perf.)
sm15.gif Ye Baron of Ye Rhine (1886) Ellis Reynolds(w&m) Lionel Brough (perf.)
sm15.gif Confound His Enemies- Long May He Reign (1901) Sam Richards Paul Pelham (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif Daddy Shall Be Your Trainer (1902) Sam Richards Frank Peers (words)
Verno and Voyce (perf.)
Barney Stuart (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Little Girl You Love (1902), The Sam Richards(w&m) Kitty Wager (perf.)
sm15.gif  Do They Want More Men? (1902) Sam Richards Paul Pelham (words)
George Neno (perf.)
sm15.gif George Gray's Good-Night, Nurse (1900) Sam Richards Paul Pelham (words)
George Gray (perf.)
sm15.gif Ha'porth of Gold (1901), A Sam Richards Edgar Bateman (words)
Verno and Voyce (perf.)
Barney Stuart (perf.)
sm15.gif Hand in Hand (1901) Sam Richards(w&m)
sm15.gif I Had a Wife (1901) Sam Richards Paul Pelham (words)
Harry Maynard (words)
sm15.gif I'm an Observationizer (1901) Sam Richards Edgar Bateman (words)
Nell Gwynne (perf.)
sm15.gif I's Not the Bird in the Gilded Cage (1901) Sam Richards Edgar Bateman (words)
Verno and Voyce (perf.)
Barney Stuart (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Not the Bird in the Gilded Cage (1901) Sam Richards Edgar Bateman (words)
Verno and Voyce (perf.)
Barney Stuart (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me As Long As I Live (1901) Sam Richards(w&m) George D'Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif My Hundred-Pound Motor Car (1901) Sam Richards Paul Pelham (words)
William James Churchill (perf.)
sm15.gif My Wife's a Cook (1899) Sam Richards J Bernard Dickson (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Old England, Home and King! (1902) Sam Richards Warwick Williams (words)
sm15.gif Sunshine After Rain (1900) Sam Richards(w&m) Bella Lloyd (perf.)
Rosie Wood (perf.)
sm15.gif Ten Little Nigger Boys From Ohio (1902) Sam Richards(w&m) Edie Gray (perf.)
sm15.gif There's Room in My Heart For You (1902) Sam Richards Paul Pelham (words)
Alice Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif White Heather (1897) Sam Richards(w&m)
sm15.gif You Don't Know, They Don't Know, and I Don't Know (1900) Sam Richards(w&m) Will Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif Parrot and the Parson (1888), The Tom Richards Frank Archer (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif  All Through a Gee-Gee-Gee (1903) Charles Ridgewell(w&m)
sm15.gif Baby Face (1914) Charles Ridgewell George A. Stevens (words)
sm15.gif I Know I Was to Blame (1901) Charles Ridgewell(w&m) Sid Bandon (words)
Sid Bandon (perf.)
sm15.gif I Love to Go Butterfly-Catching (1910) Charles Ridgewell George A. Stevens (words)
Jack Pleasants (perf.)
sm15.gif I Went to Sleep Again (1906) Charles Ridgewell Worton David (words)
George A. Stevens (words)
sm15.gif I Wonder What Mother Will Say (1911) Charles Ridgewell R Guy Reeve (words)
sm15.gif I Wonder What the Girls Did Then! (1905) Charles Ridgewell George A. Stevens (words)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif I'll Go Where You All Go (1906) Charles Ridgewell George A. Stevens (words)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Billy Muggins (1904) Charles Ridgewell(w&m) Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Dunn - Mister Dunn (1907) Charles Ridgewell Edgar Bateman (words)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Not a Love-Sick Coon (1902) Charles Ridgewell(w&m)
sm15.gif I've Lost All Ambition in Life (1908) Charles Ridgewell(w&m) Jack Pleasants (perf.)
sm15.gif If Those Lips Could Only Speak! (1901) Charles Ridgewell Will Godwin (words)
Will Godwin (perf.)
Dave Derry (perf.)
George Baker (perf.)
sm15.gif Let Me Wait For Daddy (1902) Charles Ridgewell(w&m)
sm15.gif My Girl (1906) Charles Ridgewell Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif Oh, That Good-Night at the Door! (1907) Charles Ridgewell(w&m) Harry Lynn (perf.)
Chas R. Whittle (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, the Poison! (1901) Charles Ridgewell(w&m) Chas. Austin (words)
sm15.gif Our Lodger (1907) Charles Ridgewell
sm15.gif  There's a Flower (1906) Charles Ridgewell Fred W Leigh (words)
sm15.gif There's Life in the Old Dog Yet (1903) Charles Ridgewell(w&m)
sm15.gif We're All Going Home to Bye-Bye (1911) Charles Ridgewell(w&m)
sm15.gif Where Is That Dicky Bird? (1905) Charles Ridgewell Will Driscoll (words)
sm15.gif Why Hasn't Daddy Come Home? (1901) Charles Ridgewell(w&m)
sm15.gif You Can Do a Lot of Things at the Seaside That You Can't Do in Town (1906) Charles Ridgewell George A. Stevens (words)
Mark Sheridan (perf.)
sm15.gif What Are You Going to Have, My Friends? (1880c) Arthur Roberts Oswald Allen (words)
W Williams (words)
sm15.gif Because I Look a Fool (1899) R.A. Roberts(w&m) R.A. Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif Change Will Do You Good (1896), A R.A. Roberts(w&m) R.A. Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif It Pleased the Children So (1896) R.A. Roberts(w&m) R.A. Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Johnny Porter (1896) R.A. Roberts(w&m) R.A. Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif Three Nice Girls (1899) R.A. Roberts(w&m) R.A. Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif It's a Lie (1909) George Robey Sax Rohmer (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif All Sorts of Boys (1905) T.F. Robson(w&m)
sm15.gif Cobbler Got the Wax (1890), The T.F. Robson Frederick Eplett (words)
Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif Come to My Swiss Mountain Home! (1908) T.F. Robson(w&m)
sm15.gif Do Me the Favour, Harry (1901) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Kitty Wager (perf.)
sm15.gif Dolly, My Darling, I Love You! (1897) T.F. Robson(w&m) Alfred Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif  Down by the River (1906) T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
Ernest Lester (perf.)
Walton (perf.)
sm15.gif E's a Bloke As I'd Like to Go Out Wiv (1900) T.F. Robson J E Wildash (words)
Kittee Rayburn (perf.)
sm15.gif Farewell, Almond-Eyes! (1905) T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif Golden Ball (1912), The T.F. Robson(w&m) Lillian French (perf.)
sm15.gif Honeymoon Among the Stars (1906), A T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
Bijou Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif I Do Love Myself, Don't I! (1900) T.F. Robson Percival Langley (words)
Will Evans (perf.)
sm15.gif I Thought My Luck Was In (1898) T.F. Robson Nat Clifford (words)
sm15.gif In My Little Hut of Snow (1908) T.F. Robson Archer Gibbon (words)
sm15.gif Indian (1906), The T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Josh Dixon (perf.)
sm15.gif It's No Use You A-Knockin' at the Door (1906) T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
Bijou Russell (perf.)
sm15.gif Julia (1904) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Gladys Mavius (perf.)
sm15.gif Lelia, My Quadroon Maid! (1905) T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
Herbert Lamartine (perf.)
sm15.gif Man From Lancashire (1904), The T.F. Robson William Hyde (words)
sm15.gif Mary's Mishaps (1903) T.F. Robson(w&m) Jessie Preston (perf.)
sm15.gif Moth and the Star (1905), The T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
Alice Hollander (perf.)
sm15.gif Mountain Home I've Built For You (1908), The T.F. Robson J E Sutton (words)
sm15.gif My Lady Belvedera (1907) T.F. Robson(w&m) Alma Obrey (perf.)
sm15.gif My Lily of Fair Dalmatia (1907) T.F. Robson Fred Warwick (words)
sm15.gif  My Sunny Egypyian Home (1907) T.F. Robson(w&m) Ethel Ra-Leslie (perf.)
sm15.gif My Sweet Italian Maiden (1907) T.F. Robson(w&m) Marie Blythe (perf.)
Fanny Robina (perf.)
sm15.gif Nell of Old Drury (1901) T.F. Robson(w&m) Marie Blythe (perf.)
sm15.gif Never, Oh! Never Get Married (1908) T.F. Robson William Hyde (words)
sm15.gif Norah, My Village Queen (1891) T.F. Robson John S. Baker (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, Dolly! (1908) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Kitty Colyer (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Home Across the Sea (1907), The T.F. Robson(w&m)
sm15.gif Oo-Ziggie-Packie-Wackie-Wig-Wag-Wo! (1907) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Millie Payne (perf.)
sm15.gif Push Off, Mister Johnson, Please! (1906) T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
Gladys Archbutt (perf.)
sm15.gif Real Good Boys (1893) T.F. Robson John S. Baker (words)
sm15.gif Sculler's Song (1894), The T.F. Robson(w&m) Marie Tyler (perf.)
sm15.gif She Must Be Witty, She Must Be Pretty (1896) T.F. Robson(w&m) Charles Chaplin Sr. (perf.)
sm15.gif Silliest Coon in Town (1905), The T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Joseph Thomas (words)
sm15.gif Soldier Like Daddy (1900), A T.F. Robson(w&m) Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Tale of a Fish, a Girl and a Dish (1906), The T.F. Robson Percy Edgar (words)
sm15.gif There's Only One Queen Victoria (1896) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Ernest Ball (words)
sm15.gif There's Room For You in My Canoe (1907) T.F. Robson Fred Warwick (words)
sm15.gif Three Mothers-In-Law (1891), The T.F. Robson John S. Baker (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif  Three Musketeers (1899), The T.F. Robson J E Wildash (words)
W W Bright (words)
George Leyton (perf.)
sm15.gif Three Old Flats in Town (1897) T.F. Robson(w&m) Ben Nevis (perf.)
sm15.gif What Is the Use of a Penny? (1906) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
Charles Deane (perf.)
Alma Obrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Who-A! Alice, Where Art Thou? (1891) T.F. Robson(w&m) Edwin Boyde (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Did Mary Milk the Cow? (1908) T.F. Robson Ted E Box (words)
sm15.gif Your Husband and My Daddy (1902) T.F. Robson(w&m)
sm15.gif All Doing Something For Baby (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif All One Price (1899) E.W. Rogers T. E. Dunville (words)
T. E. Dunville (perf.)
sm15.gif Are You Looking For a Girl Like Me? (1910) E.W. Rogers Orlando Powell (words)
sm15.gif As You Were Before (1890) E.W. Rogers Frederick Eplett (words)
Arthur Tinsley (perf.)
sm15.gif Baby (1893) E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Baby's Father (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Alf Chester (perf.)
sm15.gif Barmaid (1894), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Best Man (1894), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Biddy, My Irish Queen (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Boy and the Eagle (1907), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Boys of the Thin Red Line (1897), The E.W. Rogers Ernest D'Almaine (words)
sm15.gif Brown Wings (1909) E.W. Rogers Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif  Bus Conductor (1889), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Fred W. Stephens (perf.)
sm15.gif Catchemaliveograph (1896), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Cuckoo (1899), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Ethel Haydon (perf.)
sm15.gif Daily Male (1899), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Daisy, What ''Daisy Roots''! (1912) E.W. Rogers Fred Murray (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
sm15.gif Dear Hearts Are Waiting (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't It Do Your Eyesight Good! (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif England's the Land For Me (1903) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Famous in Love, Famous in War (1893) E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Flower and the Weed (1903), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Following in Father's Footsteps (1902) E.W. Rogers Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Four-P'ny-A'p'ny Banquet (1900), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Harry Freeman (perf.)
sm15.gif French Lady's-Maid (1897), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif G'arn Away (1892) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Galtimore Banshee (1894), The E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Giddy Little Curate (1891), The E.W. Rogers Augustus E. Durandeau (words)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
sm15.gif Girls, Beware of the Serpentine! (1907) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Gordon Highlanders (1898), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif  He's Going in For This Dance Now (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Only a Little 'un (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Hennessy's Fancy Ball (1896) E.W. Rogers Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif His Whiskers! (1894) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Albert Ben (perf.)
Ben Albert (perf.)
sm15.gif How He Recieved the News (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif How to Manage a Husband (1900) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif How Would You Like to Be a Baby? (1910) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Hurry Up, There! (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Daisy Wood (perf.)
sm15.gif I Went Like This to the Lady (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Alf Chester (perf.)
sm15.gif I Woo-Oo (1894) E.W. Rogers Frederick Eplett (words)
Alf Chester (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm the Plumber (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
Leonard Mackay (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Throwing Myself Away (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif I've Got to Get the Nine-Train Back (1913) E.W. Rogers William Hargreaves (words)
sm15.gif I've Only One Little Flower (1907) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif In Your Hy-Hy-Hy-Hy-Hydroplane (1910) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Isn't It Hard to Find? (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif It Suddenly Dawned Upon Me (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif It's Hard to Say Good-Bye (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif  It's Part of a P'liceman's Duty (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Jack and Jill (1903) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Jo'burg Joe (1907) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif Kerbstone Millionaire (1902), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Lambeth Walk (1899), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif Language of London Town (1898), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Latest Chap on Earth (1899), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Lazing in Lazy-Land (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Let Me Call You Daddy! (1904) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Let's Go Home Together! (1912) E.W. Rogers Fred Murray (words)
Mark Sheridan (perf.)
Gladys Mavius (perf.)
sm15.gif Let's Have a Ha'porth of England! (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Little Golden Hair (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Little Thing Like This Is Very Handy (1894), A E.W. Rogers Frederick Eplett (words)
Alf Chester (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Has No Need For Words (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Maidie (1912) E.W. Rogers Fred Murray (words)
sm15.gif Man at the Door (1896), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) James Fawn (perf.)
sm15.gif Man Without a Woman (1901) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Manager of the Splitz Hotel (1912), The E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif  Mary Anne Maginty (1893) E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Maggie Duggan (perf.)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Mary Llewellyn (1906) E.W. Rogers Lovedon Plass (words)
sm15.gif Mary Llewellyn (1906) E.W. Rogers Lovedon Plass (words)
sm15.gif Miss Marie Lloyd's Not For Bill! (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Moon, Moon, Moon! (1901) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Mother-Bird (1911), The E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif My Fireside Ornament (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif My Friend the Major (1894) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif My Heart Is Your Heart (1898) E.W. Rogers Ernest D'Almaine (words)
Ethel Haydon (perf.)
Milner Verren (perf.)
sm15.gif Nancy Brown (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Nelson, Off His Column (1894) E.W. Rogers Harry Pleon (words)
sm15.gif New Photographee (1896), The E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif New Policeman (1896), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Nobody's Little Daughter (1910) E.W. Rogers Orlando Powell (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif Noise of the Girls and Boys (1909), The E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Not For Bill! (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Now the Young Folks Are Away (1894) E.W. Rogers Walter Munroe (perf.)
Olympian Quintette (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh! For a Night in the West (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif  Oh, How Rude! (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, the Pallis! (1902) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif Old Harmonium-Yum-Yum (1896), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif One Man, One Vote (1893) E.W. Rogers Charles Deane (words)
F. W. Venton (words)
Charles Deane (perf.)
sm15.gif One of the Brave Old Guards (1895) E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Only a Broken Toy (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Only a Month Ago (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Only a Pair of Shoes (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Only a Voice From Dreamland (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Only Mother and I (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Tom White's Arabs (perf.)
sm15.gif Our Happy, Happy Evenings For the Poor (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif Overcoats (1893) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif Pardners! (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Pass Along, Please! (1910) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Pomona Green (1907) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Put Away (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) J.J. Dallas (perf.)
sm15.gif Red and the White and the Blue (1900), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Rivals (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif  Same Two Birds in the Same Old Cage (1904), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Send Me a Record of Mother's Voice (1912) E.W. Rogers Charles Collins (words)
sm15.gif She's Beautiful to Me (1902) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif She's His Mother (1903) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif She's My Wife (1901) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Shillelagh (1903), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Showing Aunt Matilda Round the Town (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Simple Pimple (1895), The E.W. Rogers Alfred Lamont (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif Skylark! Skylark! (1902) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Somebody Else's Baby (1909) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
Florrie Gallimore (perf.)
sm15.gif Something I Shall Never See Again (1900) E.W. Rogers George Maurice (words)
Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif Song From the Heart (1898), A E.W. Rogers(w&m) Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Spanish Señora (1894) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Marie Lloyd (perf.)
sm15.gif Swallow (1909) E.W. Rogers Leonard Cooke (words)
sm15.gif Tatcho (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Tell Me, Daddie, Do Dreams Come True? (1910) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif That Old Garden-Seat (1907) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif That's Work! (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif  Then We All Said Good-Bye Again (1912) E.W. Rogers Fred Murray (words)
sm15.gif There's a Lump in Your Throat and a Tear in Your Eye (1904) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif Therein Lurks Unseen Danger (1904) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif They Never Do That to Me! (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif Thick-Headed Danny (1893) E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif Three Bunches of Flowers (1903) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Two Little Lovers Hand-In-Hand (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Two Orphans (1895), The E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
sm15.gif Two Short Speeches (1903) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif We Tossed Up Who Should Kill Him (1894) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif What I Have I'll Hold (1900) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif What Is One Amongst So Many? (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif What They Showed Me in Paree (1898) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur W. Rigby (perf.)
sm15.gif When the Boys Come Home Again (1900) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Get a Bit of Something in Your Eye (1900) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif When You Have Lots of Feathers (1907) E.W. Rogers(w&m) George Lashwood (perf.)
sm15.gif When You're a Married Man (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif Where Have You Left the Girls? (1912) E.W. Rogers Charles Collins (words)
Fred Murray (words)
Mark Sheridan (perf.)
sm15.gif  Which Would You Like to Spare? (1910) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif Will the Stars Come Nearer? (1912) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif With a Rake Upon Your Shoulder (1912) E.W. Rogers(w&m)
sm15.gif You're at Your Old Game (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Arthur Lennard (perf.)
sm15.gif You're Still One of the Boys (1909) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Tom Costello (perf.)
sm15.gif You, and I, and All of Us (1891) E.W. Rogers Augustus E. Durandeau (words)
Walter Munroe (perf.)
sm15.gif Bang Went the Chance of a Lifetime (1908) Sax Rohmer George Robey (words)
George Robey (perf.)
sm15.gif May, Love (1899) George Rollit Elaine D Ravensburg (words)
sm15.gif She'd Never Been in Pantomine Before (1899) George Rollit(w&m) Arthur Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif Terah-rah-Hool-ey-ay! (1898) George Rollit Henry J Sayer (words)
Julie Mackey (perf.)
sm15.gif Topsy Turvy (1900) George Rollit Arthur Roberts (perf.)
sm15.gif In the Silence of the Night (1899) James Rolmaz(w&m) Lizzie Valrose (perf.)
sm15.gif Where Did You Get That Hat? (1890) James Rolmaz(w&m) J. C. Heffron (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Didn't They Send For Me (1898) James Rolmaz Pat Rafferty (words)
Pat Rafferty (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Grow Too Old to Dream (1935) Sigmund Romberg Oscar Hammerstein II (words)
Boswell Sisters (perf.)
Nelson Eddy (perf.)
Evelyn Laye (perf.)
Ramon Novarro (perf.)
Riley Puckett (perf.)
Sonny Schuyler (perf.)
sm15.gif Beautiful and Best (1903) Monroe H. Rosenfeld
sm15.gif My Little Candy Kid (1906) Monroe H. Rosenfeld(w&m)
sm15.gif What the Phonograph Said (1906) Monroe H. Rosenfeld(w&m)
sm15.gif  Old Chap (1915) Martin Rosse Ada Leonora Harris (words)
Margaret Cooper (perf.)
sm15.gif She's Changed My Boots For a Set of Jugs (1888) Kate Royle Joseph S Long (words)
John S Baker (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
sm15.gif Austin Rudd's Music-Hall Chant (1894) Austin Rudd(w&m)
sm15.gif I Didn't Know (1893) Austin Rudd(w&m)
sm15.gif Old Man Laughed With a Ha! Ha! Ha! (1891), The Austin Rudd Frederick Eplett (words)
George Fairburn (perf.)
sm15.gif She Was a Clergyman's Daughter (1893) Austin Rudd John S. Baker (words)
Ada Reeve (perf.)
sm15.gif This Is the Way They Go (1901) Austin Rudd(w&m)
sm15.gif Barney, Are You Leaving Killarney? (1909) Herbert Rule Harry Castling (words)
Paul Pelman (words)
sm15.gif Cheer Up, Mother! Cheer Up, Dad! (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Harry Anderson (perf.)
sm15.gif Darling Mill, or, Will's Mill Still (1911) Herbert Rule Ted Elgar (words)
sm15.gif Dear Old Mother and Dad (1917) Herbert Rule Elvin Hedges (words)
sm15.gif Do As You Like With Me (1905) Herbert Rule Harry Luck (words)
Dan Crawley (perf.)
sm15.gif Don't Forget to Call Me in the Morning! (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Ev'ryone Must Have a Start in Life (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Kitty Wager (perf.)
sm15.gif Good Morning Mr. Postman (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelham (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Has Anybody Seen My Poodle Dog? (1907) Herbert Rule Nat Clifford (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif He's Going to Meet His Girl (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
sm15.gif I Do Like Cheap Sea-Trips! (1910) Herbert Rule Thomas McGhee (words)
sm15.gif  I Never Meet a Pal Going My Way (1910) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (co-author)
Flora Cromer (perf.)
sm15.gif I Never Reply (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Gladys Mavius (perf.)
Billie Burford (perf.)
sm15.gif I Was Standing on the Quay (1910) Herbert Rule James McGhee (words)
sm15.gif I Won't Come That Way Any More (1912) Herbert Rule Thomas McGhee (words)
Alec Kennedy (perf.)
sm15.gif I'd Like to Be an Actress (1911) Herbert Rule(w&m)
sm15.gif I'll Sell the Flowers (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm Going to Catch the First Boat in the Morning (1909) Herbert Rule Harry Castling (words)
James McGhee (words)
sm15.gif I'm Having the Time of My Life (1918) Herbert Rule Terry Sullivan (words)
Morny Cash (perf.)
sm15.gif I'm the Biggest Guy on Broadway (1919) Herbert Rule Thomas McGhee (words)
J W Rickaby (words)
Paul Pelman (words)
sm15.gif I'm Thinking Always of You (1907) Herbert Rule Thomas J Quigley (words)
Paul Pelman (words)
sm15.gif If I Could Meet You (1908) Herbert Rule Marie Wilton (words)
Paul Pelman (words)
Marie Effie Wilton (perf.)
sm15.gif Jenny Jenkins From Jenkins Town (1913) Herbert Rule James McGhee (words)
sm15.gif La- La- Sing This Chorus With Me (1910) Herbert Rule Thomas McGhee (words)
George d' Albert (words)
sm15.gif Love-Light Has Gone From Your Eyes (1907), The Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
sm15.gif Ma Lucy Anna From Alabama (1909) Herbert Rule T E Finglas (words)
Paul Pelman (words)
sm15.gif Millie the Miller's Daughter (1913) Herbert Rule James McGhee (words)
sm15.gif My Baby (1910) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
sm15.gif My Pretty Little Bunch of Flowers (1912) Herbert Rule Thomas McGhee (words)
Orlando Powell (words)
Alec Hurley (perf.)
sm15.gif  My Rachel Myer From Hawaii (1917) Herbert Rule Thomas McGhee (words)
Sam Stern (words)
sm15.gif Only One Girl at a Time (1910) Herbert Rule James MacGhee (words)
sm15.gif Other Yacht (1909), The Herbert Rule Harry Castling (words)
sm15.gif Play a Heiland [Sic] Melody (1913) Herbert Rule Harry Castling (words)
Daisy Taylor (perf.)
sm15.gif There Are Millions of People (1922) Herbert Rule Fred Holt (words)
Ernie Mayne (perf.)
sm15.gif What's the Good of Worrying, Father? (1905) Herbert Rule James McGhee (words)
Rose Elliott (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Can't I Be a Pal of Yours? (1906) Herbert Rule Newton Butts (words)
Katie Lawrence (perf.)
sm15.gif Why Can't You Love Me, Daisy? (1908) Herbert Rule Sam Richards (words)
sm15.gif You Toast the Muffins and Crumpets (1909) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Kate Carney (perf.)
sm15.gif Walking Home With Angeline (1902) John E. Rundbach G. Totten Smith (words)
Stanley Kirkby (perf.)
Eily Hélène (perf.)
sm15.gif Homeland of Your Heart Is Calling (1914), The Malcolm Rutt
sm15.gif Love, I Have Crowned You (1914) Malcolm Rutt(w&m)
sm15.gif When You Are Twenty-One, My Lad (1913) Malcolm Rutt(w&m) Betty Barclay (perf.)
George Glover (perf.)