Will Hyde 
Last updated: 04.10.24
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
  MP3 Files from Various Sources      
audioextmp315.gif Since Poor Father Joined the Territorials (1909) B. Williams Zonophone 1683
This list is derived from information provided by Monologues.co.uk which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Here Comes Old Beaver Will Hyde (music)
George Crump (words)
Neil McKay (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
  I Lifted the Latch and Walked In Will Hyde (music)
George Formby Sr. (words)
George Formby Sr. (perf.)
  In My Old White Spats Will Hyde (words & music)
Harry Champion (perf.)
  New Taximeter Car, The Will Hyde (music)
Harry Heath (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
  Since Poor Father Joined the Territorials Will Hyde (music)
Harry Heath (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 52 works by Will Hyde. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Fighting For Liberty 1897 J Sutton Pateman (words)
Ernest Roland Ball (words)
Love Me the Same (w&m) 1900  wvicon.gif
Bill From Klondyke 1902 Harry Goodson (words)
Nat Travers (words)
Retired Coaley, The 1902 T F Robson (words)  Pub.
Sitting in His Old Arm-Chair 1902 Harry Coates (words)  Pub.
Rastus Brown 1903 Terry Williams (words)
G. H. Elliott (perf.)
Why Can't a Coon Wed a Young White Gal? 1903 T F Robson (words)
G. H. Elliott (perf.)
Day at the Zoo , A (w&m) 1905 Jack Lane (perf.)  Pub.
My Seaside Queen 1905 Charles Cardow (words)  wvicon.gif
Thre Jolly Scotchmen 1905 T F Robson (words)
Jack Lorimer (perf.)
Why Sing About a Yellow Gal? 1905 T F Robson (words)
Charles Cardow (words)
Winifred Ward (perf.)
Only a Baby's Rattle 1906 Sam Aarons (words)
Tots Davis (perf.)
You Won't Always 'ave It 1906 Nat Travers (words)
Brothers Ralston (perf.)
New Taximeter Car, The 1907 Harry Heath (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
Since Father Started Gardening 1907 Harry Heath (words)
Little Laddie Cliff (perf.)
Who Wants a Husband? (w&m) 1907 Ernie Mayne (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Sweet Western Belle 1908 Sam Aarons (words)  wvicon.gif
I Lifted the Latch and Walked In 1909 George Formby Sr. (words)
George Formby Sr. (perf.)
Since Poor Father Joined the Territorials 1909 Harry Heath (words)
Billy Williams (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  audioextmp315.gif
With My Little Pail and Shovel in My Hand (w&m) 1910  Pub.
Ev'rybody Shouted, 'goal!' (w&m) 1911  Pub.
In the Broad Daylight 1912 Frank Armstrong (words)  Pub.
Nosey Parker 1913 John L St John (words)
Tom Parker (perf.)
Bird Was Sweetly Singing, The (w&m) 1914  wvicon.gif
When Mother Hung the Washing on the Line 1915 Prince Elsie. (words)  Pub.
It's Summer All the While (w&m) 1919  Pub.
Bertie Oh (w&m) 1920
I'm Going Down to the River (w&m) 1920
By the Old Fireside (w&m) 1921
Here Comes the Fellow With the Eye-Glass (w&m) 1921
Why Can't I Do the Same As Mother Used to Do? (w&m) 1921
Down on the Palm Beach (w&m) 1922
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Glider, The (w&m) 1922
Here Comes Old Beaver 1922 Neil McKay (words)
George Crump (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
Meet Me Tonight by the Mill (w&m) 1922
My Dear Little Farm House Home (w&m) 1922
She Asked Him to Buy a Side Car (w&m) 1922
Egyptian, The (w&m) 1923
How Yer Coming Up, Old Tortoise? (w&m) 1923
If I Thought Your Heart Was Mine (w&m) 1923
My Little Ukelele (w&m) 1923
In My Old White Spats (w&m) 1924 Harry Champion (perf.)
My Old White Spats (w&m) 1924
When the Nightingale Sings in the Trees (w&m) 1924
Oxford Trousers (w&m) 1925
Bobbed Haired Family, The (w&m) 1926
Crazy Band, The (w&m) 1927
You Can Tell by My Manners I'm a Lady (w&m) 1927
Title Year Attribution Remarks
He Told Me to Think of a Number (w&m) 1928
Bargain Hunter, The 1931 Pat Aza (words)
Mouth Organ Band, The (w&m) 1935
Rastus Is Coming Home Again 92-) Vincent Exley (words)  wvicon.gif