Vesta Tilley (1864-1952)
Last updated: 17.03.25
p_tilleyv.jpgAccording to the Internet source given below, Matilda Alice Powles was an English music hall performer born in Worcester, England.
Just 11-years old she adopted the stage name Vesta Tilley becoming one of the most famous male impersonators of her era. With a career of over 30 years, she was a star in both Britain and the United States for over thirty years.
Her father, Harry Ball, was a comedy actor, songwriter and music hall chairman managed her career. She first appeared on stage at the age of three and a half and when six-years old she performed her first role in male clothing, billed as "The Pocket Sims Reeves" (a famous opera singer at that time). Under her father's management, she toured extensively in the provinces. When at St George's Hall in Nottingham, her father was also the hall's chairman. She performed in other towns such as Birmingham, Hull, Leicester, Derby and Liverpool often billed most often as 'The Great Little Tilley She was billed as Vesta Tilley for the first time in 1878 when performing at the Royal Music Hall in Holborn, London.
As she grew older she performed songs portraying young men behaving either embarrassingly or badly as well as playing the principal boy in a number of pantomimes. During the First World War she and her husband ran a military recruitment drive, as did a number of other music hall stars. She retired in 1920 and made her final appearance at the Coliseum Theatre, London.
Vesta Tilley died in London.
url15.gif Vesta Tilley Biography by  

Vesta Tilley (1864-1952) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
Half Past Nine
Music by: George Le Brunn.
Words by: Wal Pink
Performed by: Vesta Tilley
Publisher: J. J. Eggers
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1893. Sheet Music.
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Wax Cylinders      
cylinder15.gif The King of the House Is Baby (1906c.) H.S. Clarke Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13581
cylinder15.gif The Royal Artillery (1907c.) G.F. Le Brunn Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13620
cylinder15.gif Following a Fellow With a Face Like Me (1908c.) K.R. Lyle Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13732
cylinder15.gif I'm the Idol of the Girls (1908) K.R. Lyle Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13752
cylinder15.gif Jolly Good Luck to the Girls Who Love the Soldiers! (1907) K.R. Lyle Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13583
cylinder15.gif The Seaside Smile (1907) K.R. Lyle Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13624
cylinder15.gif When the Right Girl Comes Along (1907) K.R. Lyle Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13634
cylinder15.gif The Piccadilly Johnny (1907) H.B. Norris Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13603
cylinder15.gif I'm Following in Father's Footsteps (1906c.) E.W. Rogers Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13571
cylinder15.gif It's Part of a P'liceman's Duty (1907c.) E.W. Rogers Vesta Tilley Edison Gold Moulded Record: 13593
     Title Remarks Supplier
cd15.gif  At The Football Match Last Saturday   flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif  Glory of the Music Hall Vol.1   flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif  The Golden Age of the Music Hall   flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif  Let's All Go To The Music Hall: Vol. 2   CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif 
cd15.gif  Music Hall   flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  Algy Harry B. Norris (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Angels Without Wings George Le Brunn (music)
George Dance (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Annie Body's Rooney Michael Nolan (music)
George Dance (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Army of Today's Alright, The Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Baby E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Bazaar Maids, The George Le Brunn (music)
J P Harringto (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Bit of a Blighty One, A Arthur Wimperis (music)
Herman Darewski (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Boys of the Racketty Club, The George Le Brunn (music)
C. Wilmot (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Burlington Bertie Harry B. Norris (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  By the Sad Sea Waves Leslie Stuart (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Clamber Closer Clara George Le Brunn (music)
John P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
   Come and Be One of the Midnight Sons Kenneth Lyle (music)
Worton David (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Daily Male, The E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Doesn't Anybody Want the Curate? George Le Brunn (music)
John P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Don't It Do Your Eyesight Good! E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  End of the Song, The E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Ere the Lamps Are Lit George Le Brunn (music)
J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Fairly Knocked the Yankees in Chicago James Walsh (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Following in Father's Footsteps E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  For a Day or Two Unknown (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  From Marble Arch to Leicester Square Kenneth Lyle (music)
Charles Knight (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Give It to Father Kenneth Lyle (music)
Worton David (words)
Bert Lee (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Half Past Nine George Le Brunn (music)
Wal Pink (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
   He's Going in For This Dance Now E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  He's Going to Meet His Girl Herbert Rule (music)
Paul Pelman (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Hystory of England, The Unknown (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  I Know My Business Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  I Want to Have a Chinese Honeymoon George Le Brunn (music)
J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  I'm Going to Be a Nut Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  I'm Looking For Trilby George Le Brunn (music)
J.P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  In London F.V St. Clair (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  In the Days of the Cavalier John S. Baker (music)
Charles Wilmott (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  In the Pale Moonlight Nat Clifford (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Introduce Me to the Lady Ralph Penso (music)
Worton David (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  It's Part of a P'liceman's Duty E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
   Jolly Good Luck to the Girls Who Love the Soldiers! Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Latest Chap on Earth, The E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Let's Make a Night of It To-Night! John A. Glover-Kind (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Little Mad'moiselle, The Leslie Stuart (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Man Who Broke the Brokers, The Dave Fitzgibbon (music)
William Jerome (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Midnight Son!, The E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Minding It For Uncle George Le Brunn (music)
J P Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  New Policeman, The E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Nice, Quiet Week, A George Le Brunn (music)
J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Only a Pair of Shoes E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Oofless Duke, The Harry B. Norris (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Parrot and the Parson, The Tom Richards (music)
Frank Archer (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
   Piccadilly Johnny Harry B. Norris (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Please Sir, I've Lost My Way Unknown (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Pretty Little Maidens' Sea-Trip, The George Le Brunn (music)
John P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Scotch and Polly E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Seaside Girls Harry B. Norris (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Seaside Sultan, The C.W. Murphy (music)
William Hargreaves (words)
Henry E Pether (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Seaside Walks Ralph Penso (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Showing Aunt Matilda Round the Town E.W. Rogers (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Sidney's in Civvies, Again Robert P. Weston (music)
Bert Lee (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Smile, The George Le Brunn (music)
Alfred J. Morris (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Some Danced the Lancers Leslie Stuart (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  S-U-N-D-A-Y Unknown (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
   Sunshine and Shadow George Le Brunn (music)
Alfred J Morris (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Sweetheart May Leslie Stuart (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Sydney's Holidays Are in September Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred Murray (words)
Charles Hilbury (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Their Heads Nestle Closer Together George Le Brunn (music)
Wal Pink (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  There's a Good Time Coming For the Ladies Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  There's Only One London Town James W. Tate (music)
J.P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Three Chapters Charles E. Pratt (music)
Walter De Frece (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Three Young Ladies Unknown (words & music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  To See if It Was Fit For Father Henry E. Pether (music)
Edgar Bateman (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Uncle Joe's Spree George Le Brunn (music)
E.W. Rogers (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  Wedding Day, The John S. Baker (music)
C. Wilmot (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
  What Would the Seaside Be Without the Ladies? Kenneth Lyle (music)
Kenneth Lyle (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
   Where Are the Girls of the Old Brigade? Kenneth Lyle (music)
Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Piccadilly Johnny (1895), The H.B. Norris (music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Following in Father's Footsteps (1902) E.W. Rogers (music)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif

By the Sad Sea Waves (1894) L. Stuart (w&m)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Piano, Voice
pdf15.gif Little Mad'moiselle (1895), The L. Stuart (w&m)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Piano, Voice Indiana wvicon.gif

On Furlough (1900) W. Tilbury (music)
Sam Richards (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
Piano, Voice

     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg Vesta Tilley (2:55) Vesta Tilley
youtube15.jpg K.R. Lyle Jolly Good Luck To The Girl Who Loves A Soldier (1906) (2:59) Vesta Tilley
youtube15.jpg H.B. Norris Algy (1904) (0:59) Vesta Tilley
youtube15.jpg E.W. Rogers I'm Following In Father's Footsteps (2:13) Vesta Tilley
youtube15.jpg E.W. Rogers It's Part of a Policeman's Duty (2:19) Vesta Tilley
youtube15.jpg A. Wimperis I've a Bit of a Blighty One (4:48) Vesta Tilley
The peformer is featured on 107 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Wedding Day (1894), The John S. Baker Charles Wilmott (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg In the Days of the Cavalier (1897) John S. Baker Charles Wilmott (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg King of the House Is Baby (1906), The H. Savile Clarke Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg In the Pale Moonlight (1898) Nat Clifford(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg May Queen Victoria Reign (1887) George Dance J M Harrison (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Daughters (1888) George Dance Peter Conroy (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Order For the Play (1870), An T. Vincent Davies E V Page (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Man Who Broke the Brokers (1894), The Dave Fitzgibbon William Jerome (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Friend, My Flag (1892) Fred Gilbert Ezra Read (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg First She Would and Then She Wouldn't (1894) Fred Gilbert Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Let's Make a Night of It To-Night! (1911) John A. Glover-Kind Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Love's Language (1896) Tom Graham A E Perrini (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Angels Without Wings (1887) George Le Brunn George Dance (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Ere the Lamps Are Lit (1890) George Le Brunn J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Minding It For Uncle (1890) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Uncle Joe's Spree (1891) George Le Brunn E.W. Rogers (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Smile (1892), The George Le Brunn Alfred J. Morris (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Half Past Nine (1893) George Le Brunn Wal Pink (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Nice, Quiet Week (1893), A George Le Brunn J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Pretty Little Maidens' Sea-Trip (1893), The George Le Brunn J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Boys of the Racketty Club (1894), The George Le Brunn Charles Wilmott (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Clamber Closer Clara (1894) George Le Brunn J. P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sunshine and Shadow (1894) George Le Brunn Alfred J Morris (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Their Heads Nestle Closer Together (1894) George Le Brunn Wal Pink (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'm Looking For Trilby (1895) George Le Brunn J.P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Bazaar Maids (1896), The George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Want to Have a Chinese Honeymoon (1904) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Doesn't Anybody Want the Curate? (1905) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg In the Royal Artillery (1905) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Royal Artillery (1905), The George Le Brunn Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Piccadilly Crawl (1901), The Frank Leo(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Come and Be One of the Midnight Sons (1897) Kenneth Lyle Worton David (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  I Know My Business (1907) Kenneth Lyle Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Jolly Good Luck to the Girls Who Love the Soldiers! (1907) Kenneth Lyle Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Seaside Smile (1907), The Kenneth Lyle Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg When the Right Girl Comes Along (1907) Kenneth Lyle Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Following a Fellow With a Face Like Me (1908) Kenneth Lyle Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'm the Idol of the Girls (1908) Kenneth Lyle Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sydney's Holidays Are in September (1908) Kenneth Lyle Fred Murray (words)
Charles Hilbury (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Give It to Father (1909) Kenneth Lyle Worton David (words)
Bert Lee (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg What Would the Seaside Be Without the Ladies? (1913) Kenneth Lyle Kenneth Lyle (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Army of Today's Alright (1914), The Kenneth Lyle Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg From Marble Arch to Leicester Square (1914) Kenneth Lyle Charles Knight (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  I'll Show You Around Paree! (1914) Kenneth Lyle Andrew Allen (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg I'm Going to Be a Nut (1915) Kenneth Lyle Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg There's a Good Time Coming For the Ladies (1915) Kenneth Lyle Fred W Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Fortnight in July (1917), A Kenneth Lyle Leonard Pounds (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Where Are the Girls of the Old Brigade? (1917) Kenneth Lyle Fred W. Leigh (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg If the Girl Doesn't Mind (1906) Scott Mackenzie(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg For the Sake of the Dear Little Girls (1886) Felix McGlennon H Masseder (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Are We to Have Conscription? (1904) Tom Mellor J F Lambe (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Seaside Sultan (1903), The C.W. Murphy William Hargreaves (words)
Henry E Pether (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Annie Body's Rooney (1891) Michael Nolan George Dance (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Algy (1894) Harry B. Norris(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Piccadilly Johnny (1894), The Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Bold Militiaman (1896), The Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Afternoon Parade (1897), The Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg For the Week End (1897) Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Oofless Duke (1897), The Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Happy Hampton (1898) Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Only a Brave Little Drummer Boy (1898) Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Seaside Girls (1899) Harry B. Norris M Hanhart (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Burlington Bertie (1900) Harry B. Norris(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Evening Star (1900), The Harry B. Norris Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Introduce Me to the Lady (1911) Ralph Penso Worton David (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Seaside Walks (1912) Ralph Penso(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg To See if It Was Fit For Father (1909) Henry E. Pether Edgar Bateman (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Oh, You Girls! (1885) W.H. Phillips(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Three Chapters (1894) Charles E. Pratt Walter De Frece (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Parrot and the Parson (1888), The Tom Richards Frank Archer (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Baby (1893) E.W. Rogers John S Baker (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg End of the Song (1894), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Friend the Major (1894) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Don't It Do Your Eyesight Good! (1895) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg He's Going in For This Dance Now (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg New Policeman (1896), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Only a Pair of Shoes (1896) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Midnight Son! (1897), The E.W. Rogers Charles E Pratt (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Showing Aunt Matilda Round the Town (1897) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Vesta Tilley's Great Eton Boy (1898) E.W. Rogers Leander Richardson (words)
Andrew Mack (words)
George F McCann (words)
Joseph E Howard (words)
Lew Bloom (words)
Fay Templeton (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Daily Male (1899), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Latest Chap on Earth (1899), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg When You're a Married Man (1899) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Love or Gold (1900) E.W. Rogers Lee Orean Smith (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Scotch and Polly (1900) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Moonlight Blossoms (1901), The E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Following in Father's Footsteps (1902) E.W. Rogers Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  I'm Following in Father's Footsteps (1906) E.W. Rogers Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg It's Part of a P'liceman's Duty (1906) E.W. Rogers(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg He's Going to Meet His Girl (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
Paul Pelham (perf.)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Boys That Mind the Shop (1899), The Bennett Scott Edgar Bateman (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg In London (?) F.V St. Clair(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sweetheart May (1891) Leslie Stuart(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg By the Sad Sea Waves (1894) Leslie Stuart(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Ga-Ga-Good Bye (1894) Leslie Stuart P Sweeney (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Little Mad'moiselle (1895), The Leslie Stuart(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Some Danced the Lancers (1895) Leslie Stuart(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg There's Only One London Town (1906) James W. Tate J.P. Harrington (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg  On Furlough (1900) Walter Tilbury Sam Richards (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Three Young Ladies (1874c) Unknown Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg For a Day or Two (?) Unknown Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Hystory of England (?), The Unknown Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Please Sir, I've Lost My Way (?) Unknown Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg S-U-N-D-A-Y (?) Unknown Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Fairly Knocked the Yankees in Chicago (1893) James Walsh(w&m) Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Sidney's in Civvies, Again (1919) Robert P. Weston Bert Lee (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Bit of a Blighty One (1918), A Arthur Wimperis Herman Darewski (words)
Vesta Tilley (perf.)