Let's All Go To The Music Hall: Vol. 2
Last updated: 22.11.22
MP3 Album(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif ]
  1. Rule Britannia, Creswell Colliery Band
  2. The Boys Of The Old Brigade, Raymond Newell
  3. Captain Ginjah, George Bastow
  4. Wait 'Till The Work Comes Round, Gus Elen
  5. Burlington Bertie From Bow, Ella Shields
  6. I Love You In Velvet, Maurice Farkoa
  7. The Nearer The Bone The Sweeter The Meat, Alice Lloyd
  8. When I Take My Morning Promenade, Rosie Lloyd
  9. Toodle - I - Oodle - I - Oo, George Formby
  10. The Cleaner, Wilkie Bard
  11. Mrs Kelly, Dan Leno
  12. Watching The Trains Come In, The Ridgeway Parade
  13. Twice Nightly, George Formby
  14. It's So Simple, Charles Coborn
  15. Every Little Movement Has A Meaning Of It's Own, Marie Lloyd
  16. The Jocular Joker, G.H. Chirgwin
  17. One Of The Deathless Army, Little Tich
  18. It's The First Time I've Ever Seen That, George Robey
  19. Jolly Good Luck To The Girl Who Loves A Soldier, Vesta Tilley
  20. Give Me A Cosy Little Corner / Put On Your Ta-Ta Little Girlio, Clarice Mayne
  21. Let's All Go To The Music Hall, Harry Claff
  22. Auld Lang Syne, Robb Currie