Daniel Decatur Emmett  (1815-1904)
Last updated: 16.03.25
According to the Internet source given below, Daniel Decatur "Dan" Emmett was an American songwriter, entertainer, and founder of the first troupe of the black-face minstrel tradition, the Virginia Minstrels.
Dan Emmett was born in Mount Vernon, Ohio, where he learned popular tunes from his mother, and taught himself to play the fiddle. He was an apprentice printer at 13 before enlisting in the United States Army and becoming an expert fifer and drummer at Newport Barracks, Newport, Kentucky. He later published his own Fifer's and Drummer's Guide in 1862. On being discharged from the army in 1835, he toured with circuses as a black-face banjoist and singer.
Together with Billy Whitlock, Dick Pelham, and Frank Brower, he formed the Virginia Minstrels making their first paid appearance at the Chatham Theatre, New York City in 1843.Emmett is credited with writing the famous song Dixie(1861)"
He died in Mount Vernon.
url15.gif Dan Emmett Biography by wikipedia.org.  
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
cylinder15.gif Dixie Medley (1911) Fred Van Eps Edison Amberol: 804
cylinder15.gif Dixie Medley (1904-1908) Fred Van Eps Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8339
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif De Boatmen's Dance (1847) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif Dixie - Song (1860) Unknown
audiomidi15.gif I'm Going Home to Dixie (1861) Benjamin R. Tubb
audiomidi15.gif Jim Crack Corn (1846) Werner Tomaschewski
audiomidi15.gif Old Dan Tucker (1843) Werner Tomaschewski
  Title (Release Year) Co-Author(s) Performers Issue
audioextmp315.gif Dixie (1985) Virginia Tech Regimental Band
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
recordmp3.gif Dixie's Land (1903) D.D. Emmett George J. Gaskin Zonophone: 1179
recordmp3.gif Emmett's Cuckoo Song (1920) D.D. Emmett Frank M. Kamplain Columbia: 78969
recordmp3.gif Emmett's Lullaby (1920) D.D. Emmett Frank M. Kamplain Columbia: 78974
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif De Boatmen's Dance (1847) D.D. Emmett (w&m)
Ethiopean Serenaders (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Dixie (1861) D.D. Emmett (music) Piano IMSLP wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Dixie - Song (1860) D.D. Emmett (music)
Albert Pike (words)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Dixie's Land (1860) D.D. Emmett (w&m) Piano, Voice SheetMusic Point wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif I'm Going Home to Dixie (1861) D.D. Emmett (w&m)
Bryant's Minstrels (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer Pub.
pdf15.gif Jim Crack Corn (1846) D.D. Emmett (w&m)
Virginia Minstrels (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Old Dan Tucker (1843) D.D. Emmett (music) Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif  Patrick Speus (?) D.D. Emmett (music) Piano IMSLP
pdf15.gif Striking Ile (1865) D.D. Emmett (w&m) Piano Greer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif Three Cheers For Our Jack Morgan! (1864) D.D. Emmett (music)
J. Hewitt (words)
Eugene Raymond (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP wvicon.gif
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 23 works by Daniel Decatur Emmett (1815-1904). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Old Dan Tucker 1843  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Jim Crack Corn (w&m) 1846 Virginia Minstrels (perf.)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
De Boatmen's Dance (w&m) 1847 Ethiopean Serenaders (perf.)  wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Jordan Am a Hard Road to Trabel 1853 William C. Glynn (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Original Dixie's Land, The 1859
Away Down in Dixie's Land 1860 Hooley & Campbell's Minstrels (perf.)
Dixie - Song 1860 Albert Pike (words)
Arr. by W. S Hobbs
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif 
Dixie's Land (w&m) 1860 Bryant's Minstrels (perf.)
George J. Gaskin (perf.)
Arr. by F. W M.
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif  recordmp3.gif
I Wish I Was in Dixies Land 1860 W H Peters (words)
J C Viereck (words)
Mrs. John Wood (perf.)
Dixie 1861 Virginia Tech Regimental Band (perf.)
arr. Walter A. Phillips
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif  audioextmp315.gif
Dixie For the Union 1861 Sigismond Lasar (words)
Fanny Crosby (perf.)
I'm Going Home to Dixie (w&m) 1861 Bryant's Minstrels (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gif 
Green-Backs (w&m) 1863  wvicon.gif
Here We Are! Here We Are! 1863 M Keller (words)  wvicon.gif
High Daddy (w&m) 1863  Pub.
Three Cheers For Our Jack Morgan! 1864 John Hill Hewitt (words)
Eugene Raymond (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif
Striking Ile (w&m) 1865  Pub. pdf15.gif
In My Hand 1889 Sidney Barnes (words)
W Skerry (words)
Johnny Dwyer (perf.)
Dixie Medley 1904 Fred Van Eps (perf.)   cylinder15.gif cylinder15.gif
I Would! I Would! 1905 Erroll Stanhope (words)
George Arthurs (words)
Whit Cunliffe (perf.)
Emmett's Cuckoo Song 1920 Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Emmett's Lullaby 1920 Frank M. Kamplain (perf.)   recordmp3.gif
Patrick Speus ?  pdf15.gif