Gladys Mavius (1884-1969)
Last updated: 26.04.24
p_maviusg.jpgAccording to information provided by web-surfer Georgina Short (of Victoria, BC, Canada), Gladys Mavius was an English-Canadian singer, dancer and music hall actress born in Lewisham, London.
Her father, Arthur, a tenor performing in comic opera died in 1887 aged just 27. It is said that Mavius ran away to perform on the stage sometime in 1898-1899. Various newspaper cuttings and playbills reveal that she travelled widely to England, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Australian and New Zealand press described her as a music-hall comedienne and glamorous blonde. Of the 19 items of sheet music featuring Mavius published between 1903 and 1912, the music was composed by 13 different composers. She is credited as the lyricist of She's his Sunday Girl (1904 - music: Hermann E. Darewski) which featured one completely obscure Miss Nellie Lewis. The daughter-in-law of Kate Carney, in 1908 it was reported that she was a committee member of the prestigious Music Hall Ladies' Guild chaired by Marie Lloyd. She toured South Africa in 1916. Mavius went to Canada in June 1919 as a War Bride having married Canadian serviceman Eric Weston. They lived in and around Vancouver. She continued performing in Canada and made a final tour of England in 1935 together with her daughter.
She died in Victoria, BC.
My appreciation goes to Ms. Short for all the information that she provided. I look forward to a much larger biography on a Wiki webpage - there is so much more to tell.
Thanks a million Georgi!
Gladys Mavius (1884-1969) has at least 2 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
Julia I Want Yer For My Wife
Music by: T.F. Robson.
Words by: Will Hyde
Performed by: Gladys Mavius
Publisher: Francis, Day & Hunter
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
Printed: 1904. Sheet Music.
b0000cuvb1_m.jpgShe's his Sunday Girl
Music by: Hermann E. Darewski.
Words by: Gladys Mavius
Performed by: Nellie Lewis
Publisher: B. Feldman & Co.
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1904. Sheet Music 3 pages.
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  I Never Reply Herbert Rule (music)
Paul Pelman (words)
Gladys Mavius (perf.)
The peformer is featured on 20 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Items
perf15.jpg Won't They Be Glad to See Me! (1906) T.W. Connor
perf15.jpg She's his Sunday Girl (1904) Hermann E. Darewski Gladys Mavius1 (words)
perf15.jpg Another Little Girl in Your Eye (1906) Alfred Glover(w&m)
perf15.jpg My London Gal (1904) J. P. Harrington Sam Mayo (words)
Stanley Stella (words)
perf15.jpg Will You Be My Eskimo? (1905) Alfred J. Lawrance Tom Mellor (words)
perf15.jpg What's the Use of an Old Log-Cabin to Me? (1912) Alfred J. Lawrance Tom Mellor (words)
Sisters Chester. (words)
perf15.jpg Coon Ambassador (1903), The George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
perf15.jpg My Little Prairie Flower! (1903) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
perf15.jpg Why Shouldn't I Love My Little Girl? (1903) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
perf15.jpg When the Leaves Are Falling (1904) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
perf15.jpg  Why Should We Wait Till We're Old? (1904) George Le Brunn J P Harrington (words)
perf15.jpg It's No Use You Hanging Up Yer Hat Round Here! (1906) Tom Mellor Alf J Lawrance (words)
Harry Gifford (words)
perf15.jpg Oh! Mr. Kaiser (1914) Arthur W. Parry Bert H. Delmar (words)
perf15.jpg Go Through 'Welcome Avenue' (1910) Paul Pelham John P Long (words)
perf15.jpg Julia (1904) T.F. Robson Will Hyde (words)
perf15.jpg Let's Go Home Together! (1912) E.W. Rogers Fred Murray (words)
perf15.jpg Rose, With Her Sunday Smile (1907) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
perf15.jpg I Never Reply (1908) Herbert Rule Paul Pelman (words)
perf15.jpg Mr. No-One From No-Where (1907) George A. Stevens(w&m)
perf15.jpg Kiss Your Own Scotch Laddie! (1907) James W. Tate J P Harrington (words)