Glory, glory hallelujah!
German audiences are well into their gospels and spirituals and
Steffi Lubrich, a young lady who I used to occasionally accompany, has a wide repertoire of them. The
Pinökel gang are not slow when it comes to belting out
He's got the whole world in his hands or
Kum ba yah, my Lord.
I've always enjoyed gospels and admired gospel singers such as the great Mahalia Jackson but my own interest was very much deepened on acquiring
The Story of the Jubilee Singers.This book contains 112 gospels that they sung on their tours of America and Great Britain in 1871 and 1875. This book is the oldest song book in my collection and one of pride and joy. I regard it as the ultimate gospel reference work and I dip it often.
Geoff Grainger, Bremen-Vegesack, January 2001