Joseph Tabrar 
Last updated: 17.03.25
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow (1893) James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif That's Where the Money Goes (1886) James Pitt-Payne
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
audioextmp315.gif Have a Drop of Gin, Joe! (1912) J. Tabrar H. Champion Favourite 547
This list is derived from information provided by which went down sometime in 2023.
The loss of this valuable resource is very sad and a mystery.
     Title Attribution Remarks
  As Jolly As a Sandboy Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
T.W. Barrett (perf.)
  Bid Me Good-Bye Forever Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
  Bird in the Hand, A Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
  Buy Me Some Almond Rock Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
  Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Vesta Victoria (perf.)
  Dear Kind Doctor, A Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
George Robey (perf.)
  Dear Me, Is That Possible! Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
George Leybourne (perf.)
  Eliza Brown Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Tom Costello (perf.)
  Eva, the Naughty, Naughty Girl Joseph Tabrar (music)
Joseph Tabrar (words)
Fred W. Leigh (words)
  Every Inch a Soldier and a Man Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Clara Wieland (perf.)
  For Months and Months and Months Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Jack Smiles (perf.)
   Friday Afternoon Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Queenie Leighton (perf.)
  Give Me the Girl in the Plain Cotton Dress Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Walter Stockwell (perf.)
  Great March King, The Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Winnie Derson (perf.)
  Have a Drop of Gin, Joe! Joseph Tabrar (music)
Chas. Collins (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
  He's Going to Marry Mary Ann Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Bessie Bellwood (perf.)
  I Am Getting Naughty, I Am Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
George Byford (perf.)
  I Did It to Change My Luck Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
R. W. Bentley (perf.)
  I Haven't For a Long Time Now Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Slade Murray (perf.)
  Like a Girl Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Constance Moxon (perf.)
  My Daddy's Bought Me a Bow-Wow Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Joseph Tabrar (perf.)
  Oh! the Harbour Lights Joseph Tabrar (music)
Fred W Leigh (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
  Oh, You Little Darling Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
Kate Vaughan (perf.)
   One of the Soldiers Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Mark Sheridan (perf.)
  Our 'andy Man Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Lawrence Barclay (perf.)
  Poor Pa Paid Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Harry Randall (perf.)
  Ship Went Down to the Bottom of the Sea, The Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Harry Rickards (perf.)
  Ti Hi Tiddelly Hi Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Harry Rickards (perf.)
  Ting, Ting, That's How the Bell Goes Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
George Leybourne (perf.)
  Waiting! Waiting!! Waiting!!! Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Slade Murray (perf.)
  When Mamma and Pa Have Gone to Bye-Bye Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Maud Franklin (perf.)
  When They Found I Was a Soldier Joseph Tabrar (music)
Harry Wincott (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
  Will You Be Mine Pretty Bird? Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Charles Godfrey (perf.)
  Winkle's Wedding, The Joseph Tabrar (words & music)
Harry Francis (perf.)
  You Can't Stop a Girl From Thinking Joseph Tabrar (music)
J P Harrington (words)
George Le Brunn (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks

Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow (1893) J. Tabrar (w&m)
V. Victoria (perf.)
V. Victoria (perf.)
Piano, Voice
Sheet Music Singer
pdf15.gif For Months and Months and Months (1909) J. Tabrar (w&m)
N. Bayes (perf.)
J. Norworth (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif Oh, You Little Darling (1882) J. Tabrar (w&m) Piano, Voice Lester S. Levy Sheet Music Collection wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif There's Nothing in It (1888) J. Tabrar (w&m)
Sam Torr (perf.)
Charles Gerard (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
pdf15.gif They Cop the English Off at Monte Carlo (1894) J. Tabrar (music)
Henry A Duffy (words)
L. Dryden (perf.)
Piano, Voice IMSLP Pub.
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 182 works by Joseph Tabrar. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: ER pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Dear Me, Is That Possible! 1882 H P Matthews (words)
Robert Reece (words)
J.J. Dallas (perf.)
George Leybourne (perf.)
I Cried ''Copper'' (w&m) 1882 T.W. Barrett (perf.)
Edmund Forman (perf.)
Oh, You Little Darling (w&m) 1882 Nellie L'Estrange (perf.)
Kate Vaughan (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Take Me in Your Arms Love 1882 John T Masi (words)
George Leybourne (perf.)
Belle of Eaton Square, The 1883 Verdnon Green (words)
A B Court (words)
Alfred G. Vance (perf.)
I Haven't For a Long Time Now (w&m) 1884 Slade Murray (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Let Go the Anchor Boys (w&m) 1884 Henri Clark (perf.)
Edmund Forman (perf.)
She Was Fat, Fair and Forty (w&m) 1884 George English (perf.)  Pub.
Ship Went Down to the Bottom of the Sea, The 1884 A B (words)
Harry Rickards (perf.)
As Jolly As a Sandboy (w&m) 1885 T.W. Barrett (perf.)  Pub.
He's Going to Marry Mary Ann (w&m) 1885 Bessie Bellwood (perf.)  Pub.
Oh! Love, Will You Be Mine (w&m) 1885 Slade Murray (perf.)  Pub.
When You Come Home in the Morning (w&m) 1885 Slade Murray (perf.)  Pub.
But- No More (w&m) 1886 Slade Murray (perf.)  Pub.
Good Bye! Good Bye!! Good Bye!!! (w&m) 1886 Slade Murray (perf.)  Pub.
I Am Getting Naughty, I Am (w&m) 1886 George Byford (perf.)
Edmund Forman (perf.)
Only a Ha'penny (w&m) 1886 George Byford (perf.)  Pub.
Poor Poet, The 1886 Slade Murray (perf.)  Pub.
Slade Murray's Too Late 1886 G H Macdermott (words)
T F Robson (words)
Slade Murray (perf.)
That's Where the Money Goes 1886 Peter Conroy (words)
Annie Dunbar (perf.)
Waiting! Waiting!! Waiting!!! (w&m) 1886 Slade Murray (perf.)  Pub.
Young Man Who Used to Live Over the Way, The (w&m) 1886 Charles Coborn (perf.)  Pub.
All Bad! Very Very Bad! (w&m) 1887 Harry Braham (perf.)  Pub.
Have You Seen Her! (w&m) 1887 Alfred G. Vance (perf.)  Pub.
Hundreds and Thousands (w&m) 1887 Harry Braham (perf.)  Pub.
It's All Over Now With the Ladies (w&m) 1887 Charles Godfrey (perf.)  Pub.
Will You Be Mine Pretty Bird? (w&m) 1887 Charles Godfrey (perf.)  Pub.
Hard Times Come Again No More (w&m) 1888 Nellie Richards (perf.)
Harry Rickards (perf.)
There's Nothing in It (w&m) 1888 Charles Gerard (perf.)
Sam Torr (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Ti Hi Tiddelly Hi (w&m) 1888 Harry Rickards (perf.)  Pub.
Just a Little (w&m) 1889  wvicon.gif
Rather More (w&m) 1889 Charles Coborn (perf.)  Pub.
I Say Cabby! (w&m) 1890 George Leybourne (perf.)  Pub.
Lady, the Gent and the Other One, The (w&m) 1890 Charles Bignell (perf.)  Pub.
Carriage Waits, M'lord 1891 J. P. Harrington (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Arthur Combes (perf.)
He's Sailing on the Briny Ocean (w&m) 1891 Alice Leamar (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
They're All Good 1891 John S. Baker (words)
J. W. Rowley (perf.)
And Still I Love You (w&m) 1892  wvicon.gif
Simple Maiden Tell Me Why (w&m) 1892 Kate James (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Whistling Yaller Girl , The (w&m) 1892 Eugene Stratton (perf.)  Pub.
All the Boys in Our Choir (w&m) 1893 Fanny Robina (perf.)  Pub.
Bow Wow on the Brain 1893 Albert E. Ellis (words)
W. P. Dempsey (perf.)
Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow (w&m) 1893 Vesta Victoria (perf.)  Pub. pdf15.gifpdf15.gif youtube15.jpg 
Do Dear, Do (w&m) 1893 Amy Lyster (perf.)  Pub.
Her Daddy's Been and Bought Her a Bow-Wow (Bull-Dog) 1893 Norton Atkins (words)
Joe Lawrence (perf.)
Little Goody Two-Shoes (w&m) 1893 Millie Hylton (perf.)  Pub.
My Daddy's Bought Me a Bow-Wow (w&m) 1893 Joseph Tabrar (perf.)  Pub.
She's a Real Good Mother (w&m) 1893 Lizzie B. Raymond (perf.)  Pub.
There Is Nothing So Lovely As Woman (w&m) 1893 Millie Hylton (perf.)  Pub.
All the Time! (w&m) 1894 G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)  Pub.
Bird in the Hand, A (w&m) 1894 Marie Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Buy Me Some Almond Rock (w&m) 1894 Marie Lloyd (perf.)  Pub.
Charley's Aunt (w&m) 1894 Amy Lyster (perf.)  Pub.
Dear Old Ned 1894 Alfred J Morris (words)
John S. Baker (words)
Jenny Hill (perf.)
Peggie Pryde (perf.)
Good-Bye, Mother! Good-Bye, Dad! (w&m) 1894 George Leyton (perf.)  Pub.
It Ain't All Lavender (w&m) 1894 Harry Randall (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Judge, The (w&m) 1894 Harry Randall (perf.)  Pub.
Lardi-Doody-Day (w&m) 1894 Lily Morris (perf.)  Pub.
Lose 'im, Liza, Lose 'im 1894 A R Marshall (words)
Alice Leamar (perf.)
My Baby Boy 1894 Alfred J Morris (words)  Pub.
Naughty Little Heads Next Morning (w&m) 1894  Pub.
Oh What Times They Must Have Been (w&m) 1894  wvicon.gif
Oh! I Say (w&m) 1894 Marie Le Blanc (perf.)  Pub.
On the Nod (w&m) 1894  Pub.
She Tells You the Tale So Nicely (w&m) 1894 Katie Lawrence (perf.)  Pub.
Still I Am Ready (w&m) 1894 George Leyton (perf.)  Pub.
They Cop the English Off at Monte Carlo 1894 Henry A Duffy (words)
Leo Dryden (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
Winkle's Wedding, The (w&m) 1894. Harry Francis (perf.)  Pub.
Dear Kind Doctor, A (w&m) 1895 George Robey (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Do! Do! Be Always on the Do! (w&m) 1895 Fred Earle (perf.)  Pub.
For the Sake of the Little Ones at Home (w&m) 1895 Harry Randall (perf.)  Pub.
He Was Born to Be a Gentleman (w&m) 1895 Constance Moxon (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Just a Score of 'em (w&m) 1895  wvicon.gif
Major!, The (w&m) 1895 Herbert Campbell (perf.)  Pub.
Man of the World, A 1895 Fred Murray (words)
Harry Lester (perf.)
Poor Old Jones! (w&m) 1895 Charles Godfrey (perf.)  Pub.
Slim Jim (w&m) 1895 Flo Barnes (perf.)  Pub.
They're All in Mourning 1895 Arthur Port (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
Trilby's Rival 1895 Fred W. Leigh (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
We Put Him in a Cab and Sent Him Home 1895 Harry Wincott (words)
Florrie Robina (perf.)
When They Found I Was a Soldier 1895 Harry Wincott (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
E's a Reg'lar Barney Tomato (w&m) 1896 Gus Elen (perf.)  Pub.
Fireside Companions 1896 John T Masí (words)  Pub.
Je-Hos-So-Phat! (w&m) 1896 G.H. Chirgwin (perf.)  Pub.
Jones, You're Wanted (w&m) 1896 Fred Earle (perf.)  Pub.
Just the Same As Dolly Does 1896 F. Osmond Carr (words)
Lily Morris (perf.)
Arthur Roberts (perf.)
Like a Girl (w&m) 1896 Constance Moxon (perf.)  Pub.
Oh! the Harbour Lights 1896 Fred W. Leigh (words)
Fred Earle (perf.)
Our 'andy Man (w&m) 1896 Lawrence Barclay (perf.)  Pub.
Ro-Me-O and Juliet (w&m) 1896 Lily Morris (perf.)  Pub.
There's 99 of Us 1896 Ralph Pringle (words)  Pub.
There's a Shelter For All Who Like to Come (w&m) 1896  wvicon.gif
Willie Wallie Winkham (w&m) 1896 Vesta Victoria (perf.)  Pub.
But I Can't Remember Now (w&m) 1897 Fred Earle (perf.)  Pub.
I'm a Poor Litle Beggar in England (w&m) 1897 Lily Morris (perf.)  Pub.
I'm the Little Bird That Murmur'd Sweet! (w&m) 1897  Pub.
Little Wosie Posie (w&m) 1897 Lily Morris (perf.)  Pub.
Poor Pa Paid (w&m) 1897 Harry Randall (perf.)  Pub.
Sweet Little Liza May (w&m) 1897 Alec Hurley (perf.)  Pub.
You Can't Stop a Girl From Thinking 1897 J. P. Harrington (words)
George Le Brunn (words)
Marie Lloyd (perf.)
Bid Me Good-Bye Forever 1898 Vesta Victoria (perf.)
Little May-Queen Darling (w&m) 1898 James Norrie (perf.)  Pub.
Mary Had a Little Lamb (w&m) 1898  wvicon.gif
One of the Racing Boys (w&m) 1898 Tom Costello (perf.)  Pub.
Ting, Ting, That's How the Bell Goes (w&m) 1898 George Leybourne (perf.)  Pub.
Wiv 'is Eyes Shut 1898 Richard Morton (words)  Pub.
Baby Soldier, The (w&m) 1899  Pub.
My Own Nigger Boy (w&m) 1899 Minnie Cunningham (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
One of the Soldiers (w&m) 1899 Mark Sheridan (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Only a Simple Message From the Dear Homeland (w&m) 1899 Tom Costello (perf.)  Pub.
Take a Cake Home For the Baby (w&m) 1899 Vesta Victoria (perf.)  Pub.
When Mamma and Pa Have Gone to Bye-Bye (w&m) 1899 Maud Franklin (perf.)  Pub.
Years and Years Ago 1899 T C Callaghan (words)  Pub.
Daisy Mayflower 1900 Elaine D Ravensburg (words)  Pub.
Every Inch a Soldier and a Man (w&m) 1900 Clara Wieland (perf.)  Pub.
Friday Afternoon (w&m) 1900 Queenie Lawrence (perf.)
Queenie Leighton (perf.)
Good-Night, Mamma 1900 Elaine D Ravensburg (words)  Pub.
Just in a Motherly Way 1900 Edgar Bateman (words)
Harry Randall (perf.)
Just One Redeeming Feature 1900 Arthur Wylie (words)
Fred Harrington (words)
Harry Clifford (perf.)
Last Christmas Day (w&m) 1900 Maud Mortimer (perf.)  Pub.
My Little May Queen (w&m) 1900 Ruby Bijou (perf.)  Pub.
Peculiar Julia (w&m) 1900 George D'Albert (perf.)  Pub.
So and So and Such and Such (w&m) 1900 Herbert Campbell (perf.)
Dan Leno (perf.)
Try, Try Again (w&m) 1900 Maud Franklin (perf.)  Pub.
Don't Ask Me Why I'm Sad and Lonely (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Ground He Walks Upon, The (w&m) 1901 Lottie Lennox (perf.)  Pub.
I Only Know I Love You! 1901 J. P. Harrington (words)  Pub.
I'll Buy a Mangle, Polly (w&m) 1901 Lily Morris (perf.)  Pub.
In the Air (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Just a Little Ray of Sunshine 1901 Ted Cowan (words)  Pub.
Mary Married a Marquis (w&m) 1901 Lottie Lennox (perf.)  Pub.
Only Just Because You're You 1901 Edgar Bateman (words)
Julie Mackey (perf.)
She's a Lady Without Education (w&m) 1901 Connie Ediss (perf.)  Pub.
There Is Only One Way to Go (w&m) 1901  Pub.
Walter! Walter! Don't Let Your True Love Falter (w&m) 1901  Pub.
You're De Only Coon I Fancy (w&m) 1901 Gypsy Woolf (perf.)  Pub.
Good-Bye, Baby (w&m) 1902 Dora Lyric (perf.)  Pub.
I Love Him With All My Heart 1902 Elaine D Ravensburg (words)  Pub.
I Want No Fair-Weather Girl 1902 Charles Collins (words)
Fred Jester Barnes (perf.)
I'd Clean 'is Boots For Nuffin'! [Sic] (w&m) 1902  Pub.
Parson and a Man, A 1902 Brian Daly (words)
Frank Celli (words)
There's a Moth-Eaten Rag 1902 Charles Windust (words)  Pub.
Give Me the Girl in the Plain Cotton Dress 1903 Bert Bijou (words)
Bella and Bijou. (words)
Walter Stockwell (perf.)
Great March King, The (w&m) 1903 Winnie Derson (perf.)  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
I Did It to Change My Luck (w&m) 1903 R. W. Bentley (perf.)  wvicon.gif
My Aunt's Will 1903 Harry Boden (words)
Harry Ford (perf.)
That's What I Want to Know 1903 Lionel Monckton (words)
Ivan Caryll (words)
Connie Ediss (perf.)
That's Why I Love Her (w&m) 1903  Pub.
Two Little Baby Sweethearts (w&m) 1903  Pub.
Don't! (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Eva, the Naughty, Naughty Girl (w&m) 1904 Fred W. Leigh (words)  Pub.
Her Eyes Are the Break O' Day! 1904 J. P. Harrington (words)  Pub.
Leave Me Where You Met Me 1904 Harry Adams (words)  Pub.
Little Love-Bird! (w&m) 1904 Bensons (perf.)  Pub.
Pollie, the Ordinary Girl 1904 Charles Collins (words)
Fred Jester Barnes (perf.)
You Be Daddy, and I'll Be You (w&m) 1904  Pub.
Flower Sale, The (w&m) 1905  Pub.
Little Billie Taylor (w&m) 1905 Ethel Ra-Leslie (perf.)  Pub.
That's Smart! (w&m) 1905  Pub.
Winds and the Waves and the Weather, The (w&m) 1905  Pub.
I Want to Whisper Something to You, Baby (w&m) 1906  Pub.
My Venice Girl (w&m) 1906 G. H. Elliott (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Seaside Johnny, The (w&m) 1906  Pub.
Eliza Brown (w&m) 1908 Tom Costello (perf.)  Pub.
Make Haste! and Send Me on a Girl 1908 J. P. Harrington (words)
Orlando Powell (words)
Mina Greene (perf.)
Pack Your Trunk To-Night 1908 J. P. Harrington (words)
Bijou Russell (perf.)
Poor Old Short Was Short (w&m) 1908 Walter Stanley (perf.)  Pub.
Waiting For Me 1908 Harry G Banks (words)  Pub.
For Months and Months and Months (w&m) 1909 Nora Bayes (perf.)
Jack Norworth (perf.)
Jack Smiles (perf.)
 Pub. pdf15.gif
I Never Hear From Them (w&m) 1909 Tom E. Leamore (perf.)  Pub.
Ten a Penny, Walnuts! (w&m) 1909  Pub.
For Nights and Nights and Nights (w&m) 1910 Syd Walker (perf.)  Pub.
Jack Smiles' Popular Laughing-Song (w&m) 1910 Jack Smiles (perf.)  Pub.
When the Bells Ring Oot [Sic] For Rosie (w&m) 1910 Bertha Stuart (perf.)  Pub.
He's Done It Again (w&m) 1911 Jack Smiles (perf.)  Pub.
Have a Drop of Gin, Joe! 1912 Charles Collins (words)
Harry Champion (perf.)
 Pub.  audioextmp315.gif
On the Banks of the Silvery Dee 1912 Dan Fraser (words)  Pub.
I Must Have Gone and Left It in My Overcoat (w&m) 1913  Pub.
Oh! Yes, My Mother Did (w&m) 1913  Pub.
From Berlin to Leicester Square (w&m) 1914  Pub.
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Tom! Tom! Tom! (w&m) 1914 Mark Sheridan (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Tell My Daddy to Come Home Again (w&m) 1915  Pub.
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg J. Tabrar Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Bow Wow (3:30) Fred Feild