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Vater Unser
Last updated: 12.01.25
I sang Vater Unser as a member of Die Zeitlupe during a memorable "Tischabendmahl" on Maundy Thursday in 2006 in Michaelskirche Bremen-Grohn. It is the Germqn equivalent of The Lord's Prayer and was composed by Christian Heinrich Rinck. Sung slowly and deliberately - no church service should be conducted without it.
Vater Unser can be found in the Evangelisches Gesangbuch (blau) page 46.
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Vater Unser (1738) C.H. Rinck (music) S/A/T/B voices Ev. Kirchenchor Guntersblum
     Title Performer Composer
youtube15.jpg Vater unser - Rinck (1840-1893) (2:26) Kirchenchor Steinheim an der Murr C.H. Rinck