The Paanshop Bleezin is a fine Geordie song that was probably first recorded in 1911 by that old time musical performer
Charles Ernest Catcheside-Warrington who also published the song in his
Tyneside Songs Volume 1. A version of his is given on
The Keel Row - Songs of the Urban Tyne listed below. The song, written by
John Philip Robson, relates in the finest Geordie the lamentations of all those poor folk who lost their pawned possessions in the complete destruction by fire of Mrs. Potter's pawnshop, located on The Side, Newcastle, in 1849. The song concludes in a highly moral tone with:
The world was better far a'am sure when paanshops had nee name, man
When poor folks could their breed procure without this deed o' shame, man.
There boxes look like cuddie's stalls; there's hellfire in them three brass balls
Just like the plague of Egypt sent they banish peace and calm content
An' aa wish they aal wor bleezin.
This song may be found in the Tyneside Maritime Chorus songbook