Keep Your Feet Still Geordie Hinnie
Last updated: 22.11.22
- Keep Your Feet Still Geordie Hinny
- The Paanshop Bleezin
- The Lambton Worm
- Come Geordie ha'd the bairn
- Geordie Black,
- Adam Buckham
- Cushie Butterfield
- The Neighbours doon belaa
- Wor Nannie's a mazor
- The Weshin Day
- Last Neet
- The Blaydon Races
Songs sung by Johnny Handle and Tommy Waugh, and the orchestra at Balmbra's consisted of Forster Charlton and Colin Ross (fiddles), Alistair Anderson (concertina), Colin Beal (clarinet and saxophone), Clem Avery (trumpet), Ronald McLean(trombone), Albert Gelson (percussion), Tommy Waugh (bass), and Johnny Handle (piano).