"Muß i denn zum Städtele hinaus" is an extremely well-known folksong, the melody being a Swabian folk tune and the lyrics from
Friedrich Silcher (1827). One of Elvis Presley's claims to fame was of learning and singing this song whilst doing his time as an American conscript here in Germany. I also have in by possession a wonderful recording of this song by the "Comedian Harmonists". This song is in almost every German songbook that I own but the version that I sing and play is taken from
Hiev Rund. I prefer this version, which is in C, to others on account of the easy chords that lend themselves so readily to my concertina. There is also in decent version in D given is
Lieder, Songs und Gospels 1.
I have very vivid memories of playing this song over Xmas 1993 in Dubai whilst on a short lecturing stint at the Aviation College there. On this occasion, my class of Bahraini airmen on a technical course joined a German language class, all young ladies of assorted Arabian nationalities for a bit of an Xmas singsong. The German language class teacher, a lady whose name I never learned, played guitar. Believe me, an extraordinary multi-cultural experience, dear surfer.