Harold Rossiter Music Co.
Last updated: 24.05.24
Address: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Harold Rossiter Music Co. has 84 publications posted in these webpages. They include 3 items of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 81 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Just As the Ship Went Down B. Adler flag15us.gif
sm15.gif At the Million Dollar Tango Ball J. White flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
sm15.gif My Precious Baby J. White flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15es.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Just As the Ship Went Down (1912) Bernard Adler Sidney Gibson (co-author)
Edith Maida Lessing (words)
sm15.gif Smile and Be Happy (1912) Roy Barton Wm. A Downs (words)
sm15.gif That Charlie Chaplin Walk (1915) Roy Barton William A. Downs (words)
sm15.gif Tipperary Mary (1912) Roy Barton Wm. A. Downs (words)
sm15.gif I Could Waltz on Forever (1927) Billy Baskette(w&m) Rube Bennett (co-author)
sm15.gif Let Us Waltz As We Say Goodbye (1925) Art L. Beiner Rose Vanderbosch (perf.)
Lee Sims (perf.)
sm15.gif When Jack Came Sailing Home Again (1911) Grace le Boy Gus Kahn (words)
Louise Dresser (perf.)
sm15.gif Judge He's-A-Irish Too! (1912), The Albert William Brown J. Brandon Walsh (words)
sm15.gif Let Me Spend My Vacation With You (1911) Albert William Brown J. Brandon Walsh (words)
sm15.gif Modulation Waltz (1914) Charles B. Brown
sm15.gif All For A Girl (1920) Ernie Burnett(w&m)
sm15.gif Dry Those Tears (1919) Ernie Burnett(w&m)
sm15.gif Lotus Club Rag (1919) Ernie Burnett(w&m)
sm15.gif Jaxon Rag (1908) Edward G. Byers Lucius C. Dunn (co-author)
sm15.gif Good-Bye Blues (1920) Carleton L. Colby William Andrew Downs (words)
sm15.gif There's a Mother Old and Gray Who Needs Me Now (1911) Geo H. Diamond(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm Going Back to Carolina (1913) William Andrew Downs(w&m) Ernie Erdman (co-author)
Janet Adair (perf.)
Sophie Tucker (perf.)
Hartman Sisters (perf.)
Summers & Morris (perf.)
sm15.gif  Sailing on the Old Excursion Boat (1913) William Andrew Downs(w&m) Ernie Erdman (co-author)
sm15.gif Jaxon Rag (1912) Lucius C. Dunn
sm15.gif I'm Going Back to Carolina (1913) Ernie Erdman(w&m) William Andrew Downs (co-author)
Janet Adair (perf.)
sm15.gif Now I'll Raise an Army of My Own (1914) Ernie Erdman Roger Lewis (words)
sm15.gif Oh, You Girl! (1912) Ernie Erdman(w&m)
sm15.gif Sail on Silv'ry Moon (1912) Ernie Erdman Wm. A Downs (words)
sm15.gif Corona March (1911) Abbie A. Ford
sm15.gif Juno Waltz (1911) Abbie A. Ford
sm15.gif Lily of the Valley (1903) Abbie A. Ford
sm15.gif Speckled Spider Rag (1910) Harry French
sm15.gif In the Valley of Broken Hearts (1913) Leo Friedman Ed. Rose (words)
sm15.gif Let Me Call You Sweetheart (1910) Leo Friedman Beth Slater Whitson (words)
Lipman & Lewis (perf.)
George Wilton Ballard (perf.)
Maude Galbraith (perf.)
sm15.gif Tell Me that You Love Me (1912) Leo Friedman Beth Slater Whitson (words)
sm15.gif Where the Roses Sway (1916) Leo Friedman Herman Kahn (words)
sm15.gif Years, Years Ago (1911) Leo Friedman Herman Kahn (words)
Dixie Girls (perf.)
Monte Howard (perf.)
sm15.gif You're the Best Little Mother of All (1914) Leo Friedman Ed Rose (words)
sm15.gif I-R-E-L-A-N-D (The Land I'll Always Love) (1915c) T. Mayo Geary
sm15.gif Trinity Chimes (1912) R.G. Grady
sm15.gif  Doll Rags (1906) Homer A. Hall
sm15.gif At the End of the Sunset Trail (1924) Ethwell Idair Hanson Ralph Waldo Emerson (words)
Grace Wilson (perf.)
sm15.gif Just Like the Dawn (1924) Ethwell Idair Hanson(w&m)
sm15.gif Only a Weaver of Dreams (1924) Ethwell Idair Hanson(w&m) Charlie Schultz (perf.)
sm15.gif Boogie Man Moon (1911) Minnie D. Harris Will J. Harris (words)
sm15.gif Moonlight Makes Me Dream of You (1911) Minnie D. Harris Will J. Harris (words)
sm15.gif That Haunting Rag-Time Strain (1912) Minnie D. Harris
sm15.gif Dixie Sandman (1924) George Hill Cambridge Sisters (perf.)
sm15.gif You Made Life Worth While (1916) Roy Ingraham William A. Downs (words)
sm15.gif Barnyard Rag (1911) Billy Johnson Bob Cole (words)
sm15.gif Fairy Kisses (1908) Chas. L. Johnson Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Fairy's Dream (1909) Chas. L. Johnson
sm15.gif Lady Slippers (1910) Chas. L. Johnson Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Hurricane Rag (1911) Frederick G. Johnson Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif That Baseball Rag (1913) Clarence M. Jones David Wolff (words)
Shelton & Price (perf.)
Janet Adair (perf.)
sm15.gif Delirium Tremens Rag (1912) Frank Henri Klickmann
sm15.gif Sing to Me, Mother, Sing Me to Sleep (1913) Frank Henri Klickmann J. Will Callahan (words)
sm15.gif Sweet Dreams (1912) Frank Henri Klickmann
sm15.gif  Cozy Nest (1928), A George A. Little Fred Rose (co-author)
Jesse Crawford (perf.)
sm15.gif Kiki (1928) George A. Little Paul Hosang (co-author)
Art Sizemore (co-author)
sm15.gif Little Gray Mother O' Mine (1924) Evans Lloyd Evans Lloyd (words)
sm15.gif That Pleasin' Rag (1911) J. Fred O'Connor
sm15.gif Just a Little West of West Virginia (1928) Harry Pease Ed G. Nelson (co-author)
Jesse Crawford (perf.)
sm15.gif Strenuosity (1910) Lewis Reiterman
sm15.gif London Bridge Is Falling Down on the Isle of Childhood Dreams (1923) Harry I. Robinson Louis Robinson (words)
Grace Ingram (perf.)
Edith Carpenter (perf.)
sm15.gif Polka Dots (1912) Bessie E. Rudisill
sm15.gif If You Leave Me I'll Never Cry (1925) Erwin R. Schmidt(w&m) Evans Lloyd (co-author)
Lew Ferris (words)
sm15.gif Undertaker Man (1911), The Philip Schwartz
sm15.gif Somebody Else May Be Telling Her Something (1928) Larry Shay Larry Shay (co-author)
Joe Goodwin (words)
Little Peggy Eames (perf.)
sm15.gif That Old Sweetheart of Mine (1928) Larry Shay Larry Shay (co-author)
Joe Goodwin (words)
Fauntleroy & Van (perf.)
sm15.gif Who Wouldn't Be Jealous of You? (1928) Larry Shay Haven Gillespie (co-author)
George Frommel (co-author)
Brooke Johns (perf.)
Emil Velazco (perf.)
sm15.gif Live Wires Rag (1910) Adaline Shepherd Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Fleurette (1911) Lou Sievers
sm15.gif Mr. Ragtime Whipoorwill (1912) Lou Sievers William A. Downs (words)
sm15.gif Twilight Memories (1911) Lou Sievers
sm15.gif So Tired (1927) Arthur Lynn Sizemore George A Little (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
sm15.gif  Rubber-Necking Moon (1910) Chris Smith(w&m) Abbie Mitchell Cook (perf.)
sm15.gif Undertaker Man (1911), The Chris Smith(w&m) Happy Benway (perf.)
sm15.gif Deacon Told Me I Was Good (1924), The Billy Smythe(w&m) Art Gillham (co-author)
Art Gillham (perf.)
sm15.gif In Old Ireland, Meet Me There (1912) Alfred Solman WM. H Clifford (words)
Bert Morphy (perf.)
sm15.gif You Won My Heart (1914) Fred Strasser Ray Hibbeler (words)
sm15.gif Remember Me to My Old Gal (1911) J. Brandon Walsh Albert William Brown (co-author)
Team, George Moriarity Captain of the Detroit Base-Ball (words)
sm15.gif At the Five and Ten Cent Store (1915) Jean Walz Marvin Lee (words)
sm15.gif Foolishness Rag (1911) Mort. Weinstein
sm15.gif At the Million Dollar Tango Ball (1914) James White(w&m)
sm15.gif My Precious Baby (1916) James White(w&m)