Title (Release Year) | Composer | Performers | Issue |
Historic Records | ||||
as Performer | ||||
Are You Sorry? (1925) | M. Ager | A. Gillham | Columbia: W140726 |
Title | Composer | Attribution | Remarks |
Are You Sorry? (1925) | Milton Ager | Benny Davis (words)
Art Gillham (perf.) |
S'posin' (1929) | Paul Denniker | Andy Razaf (words)
Art Gillham (perf.) |
Deacon Told Me I Was Good (1924), The | Billy Smythe(w&m) | Art Gillham (co-author)
Art Gillham (perf.) |
Title | Year | Attribution | Remarks |
You've Stolen the Key to My Heart | 1919 | Mort Green (words) | |
You May Be Lonesome | 1924 | Billy Smythe (co-author) | |
Things That Remind Me of You | 1927 | Billy Smythe (co-author) Marion Harris (perf.) |
Somewhere There's Someone (w&m) | 1929 | Lillian Madson (co-author) |