Art Gillham  (1895-1961)
Last updated: 10.01.25
url15.gif Art Gillham Biography by  
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
  as Performer      
recordmp3.gif Are You Sorry? (1925) M. Ager A. Gillham Columbia: W140726
recordmp3.gif Broken Hearted Sue (1926) M. Breen A. Gillham Columbia: W142839
recordmp3.gif Can't Your Friend Get a Friend For Me (1925) L. Handman A. Gillham Columbia: 140399
recordmp3.gif I Had Someone Else Before I Had You (1925) J. Stanley A. Gillham Columbia: 140394
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
  As performer        
pdf15.gif Dusky Stevedore (1928) J.C. Johnson (music)
Andy Razaf (words)
A. Gillham (perf.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
The peformer is featured on 7 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Are You Sorry? (1925) Milton Ager Benny Davis (words)
Art Gillham (perf.)
perf15.jpg Broken Hearted Sue (1926) May Singhi Breen Peter de Rose (co-author)
Dailey Paskman (words)
Art Gillham (perf.)
perf15.jpg S'posin' (1929) Paul Denniker Andy Razaf (words)
Art Gillham (perf.)
perf15.jpg Can't Your Friend Get a Friend For Me (1925) Lou Handman(w&m) Herman Ruby (co-author)
Art Gillham (perf.)
perf15.jpg Dusky Stevedore (1928) J.C. Johnson Andy Razaf (words)
Art Gillham (perf.)
perf15.jpg Deacon Told Me I Was Good (1924), The Billy Smythe(w&m) Art Gillham (co-author)
Art Gillham (perf.)
perf15.jpg I Had Someone Else Before I Had You (1924) Jack Stanley Harry Harris (words)
Joe Darcy (words)
Art Gillham (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 4 works by Art Gillham (1895-1961). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
You've Stolen the Key to My Heart 1919 Mort Green (words)  wvicon.gif
You May Be Lonesome 1924 Billy Smythe (co-author)  wvicon.gif
Things That Remind Me of You 1927 Billy Smythe (co-author)
Marion Harris (perf.)
Somewhere There's Someone (w&m) 1929 Lillian Madson (co-author)  wvicon.gif