Paul Denniker 
Last updated: 08.09.24
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
  Historic Records      
recordmp3.gif S'posin' (1929) P. Denniker G. Rowell
Ford Rush
Columbia: W148686
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 9 works by Paul Denniker. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Never 1913 Ben Pollack (perf.)  wvicon.gif
Beside an Open Fireplace 1929 Will Osborne (co-author)
Vaughn de Leath (perf.)
Will Osborne (perf.)
Perhaps 1929 Andy Razaf (words)  wvicon.gif
S'posin' 1929 Andy Razaf (words)
Art Gillham (perf.)
Glenn Rowell (perf.)
Ford Rush (perf.)
Rudy Vallée (perf.)
 wvicon.gif  recordmp3.gif
World's Greatest Sweetheart Is You 1929 Andy Razaf (words)
Dave Bernie (perf.)
F'r Instance 1930 Paul Denniker (co-author)
Ozzie Nelson (perf.)
Will Osborne (perf.)
It's You (w&m) 1932 Pickens Sisters (perf.)  Pub.
Make Believe Balkoom 1936 Andy Razaf (words)
You're Everything Sweet 1936 Charles A. Bayha (words)
Andy Razaf (words)