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Morpeth Olympics
Last updated: 11.10.23
I was introduced to Morpeth Olympics as a member of the Tyneside Maritime Chorus in the spring of 2012, the year of the London Olympics. That Morpeth had been holding Olympic Games before 1896 when the modern era started was news to me. The Morpeth Olympic Games, a professional event consisting mainly of athletics and wrestling, were staged from the early 1870s until 1958, barring interruptions for the two world wars. The song is the work of Jez Lowe. A few of the verses are a bit contrived and awkward, for my personal taste I hasten to add, but humorously reflect the attitudes of those latter day Geordie Olympians as can be seen in the film-clip below.
This song may be found in the Tyneside Maritime Chorus songbook
     Title Performer Composer
youtube15.jpg Morpeth, Northumberland Olympics (7:27) Morpeth Olympians