I had never heard or heard of "Der Edelmann im Habersack" until coming across it in
Lieder, Songs und Gospels 3. According to the footnotes the lyrics go back to a certain Johann Heck (1697) and its melody was published by Erk-Irmer in 1838. I find this to be a very amusing account of an aristocrat trying to get it off with a rich miller's daughter. Our aristocrat is a bit of a devious old devil in that he gets his servant to smuggle him in a sack into the bedroom of miller's daughter. On the stroke of midnight he jumps out of the sack and tries his best with the daughter who strenuously refuses him and she cries out that there is a robber in the house. On being told that the supposed thief is an aristocrat she stoutly declares that she will not have an aristocrat at any price and all she wants is a common labourer even if she has to dig him out of the earth herself.
It's indeed a great song. The chorus is very demanding as it is quite a tongue-twister:
"Lauf, Müller, lauf, wie die Katz nach der Maus, potz
Himmeldonnerwetter, Müller, lauf, lauf, lauf und
tu dein Schnappermaul auf, und tu dein Schnappermaul auf!"