Sing Chinese
Last updated: 16.04.20
Printed: 1996 Author: Cindy Mao & Ma Baolin
Publisher: China Books & Periodicals Inc ISBN: 0835125882
Copyright: Cindy Mao & Ma Baolin    
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif    

Paperback (October 1996), usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks.
Amazon Review
The author, , 23 June, 1999
There are millions of children's songs in China. This book includes 25 of the most popular ones. All songs are translated into English, with the original Chinese lyrics, so one can learn to sing them in both languages. It could be your first step into Chinese music, culture, and language. A must for those who have adopted children from China and do not want their children to grow up knowing nothing about the culture of their birth place.

Personal Remarks
This is a beautifully produced songbook and the real start to my serious study of Chinese folk-music. Cindy Mao's exquisite singing on the accompanying cassette should also be noted. It is my source for:
Clay doll (ní wá wa), Cloth doll (bù wá wa), Going to school (shàng xué xiào), I have a pair of little hands, Learn the numbers, Little baby goes to sleep, Little cowherd (xihtmlauo fàng niú), Little donkey (xihtmlauo máo lhtmlux), Little ducks (xihtmlauo yhtmlad zi), Little duckie (xihtmlado xihtmlado yhtmlad zi), Little rabbit (xihtmlauo tù), Little swallow (xihtmlauo yàn zi), Moon is bright, Please sing a song, Purple bamboo flute (zhtmliu zhú xihtmlado), Song of the shepherd, Throw a handkerchief (dihtmlud shhtmlouu jhtmlidn) and Wa ha ha (wa ha ha)