Miller Music Corp.
Last updated: 10.01.25
Address: New York, USA

Miller Music Corp. has 48 publications posted in these webpages. They include 48 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif When Honey Sings an Old-Time Song (1919) Joseph B. Carey(w&m)
sm15.gif Homing Waltz (1952), The Tommie Connor Johnny Reine (words)
sm15.gif Thank You For the Evening (1932) Charles Neil Daniels Gordon Clifford (words)
Joe L. Sanders (perf.)
sm15.gif What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry? (1926) Walter Donaldson(w&m) Abe Lynman (co-author)
Peggy English as Jane Gray (perf.)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
Bee Palmer (perf.)
sm15.gif Cabin in the Sky (1940) Vernon Duke John Latouche (words)
Ethel Waters (perf.)
Todd Duncan (perf.)
Rex Ingram (perf.)
Dooley Wilson (perf.)
Katherine Dunham (perf.)
sm15.gif Love Me Tomorrow (1940) Vernon Duke John La Touche (words)
Ethel Waters (perf.)
Todd Duncan (perf.)
Rex Ingram (perf.)
Dooley Wilson (perf.)
Katherine Dunham and her Dancers (perf.)
sm15.gif Certain Smile (1958), A Sammy Fain Paul Francis Webster (words)
Rossano Brazzi (perf.)
Joan Fontaine (perf.)
Bradford Dillman (perf.)
sm15.gif Gonna Build a Big Fence Around Texas (1944) Cliff Friend(w&m) George Olsen (co-author)
Kate Phillips (co-author)
George Olsen (perf.)
sm15.gif Swinging Along the Blue Ridge Trail (1931) Billy Frisch(w&m) Otto Motzan (co-author)
sm15.gif Afraid to Dream (1937) Mack Gordon(w&m) Harry Revel (co-author)
Don Ameche (perf.)
Joan Brooks (perf.)
Alice Faye (perf.)
Tony Martin (perf.)
Ritz Brothers (perf.)
Rubinoff (perf.)
Charles Winninger (perf.)
sm15.gif Danger, Love at Work (1937) Mack Gordon(w&m) Harry Revel (co-author)
Alice Faye (perf.)
Louis Prima (perf.)
sm15.gif Help Yourself to Happiness (1931) Mack Gordon(w&m) Harry Richman (co-author)
sm15.gif Loveliness of You (1937), The Mack Gordon(w&m) Harry Revel (co-author)
Joan Brooks (perf.)
Tony Martin (perf.)
sm15.gif You Can't Have Ev'rything (1937) Mack Gordon(w&m) Harry Revel (co-author)
Alice Faye (perf.)
Charles Winninger (perf.)
Don Ameche (perf.)
Ritz Brothers (perf.)
Rubinoff (perf.)
sm15.gif Make-Believe Island (1940) Wilhelm Grosz Nick Kenny (words)
Chas Kenny (words)
Ed East (perf.)
Glen Gray (perf.)
Dick Jurgens (perf.)
Mary Ann Mercer (perf.)
Glenn Miller (perf.)
Gwen Williams (perf.)
sm15.gif Never Felt Better Never Had Less (1938) Cliff Hess(w&m) Abel Baer (co-author)
Doris Rhodes (perf.)
sm15.gif Second Time Around (1960) Jimmy van Heusen Sammy Cahn (words)
Bing Crosby (perf.)
Fabian (perf.)
Nicole Maurey (perf.)
Tuesday Weld (perf.)
Debbie Reynolds (perf.)
sm15.gif  Dixieland Blues (1922) Art Hiller
sm15.gif Love Song (1962), The Bronislaw Kaper Paul Francis Webster (words)
sm15.gif Harbor of Dreams (1941) Nick Kenny Joe Burke (co-author)
Charles F. Kenny (co-author)
Harry James (perf.)
sm15.gif Mairzy Doats (1943) Jerry Livingston(w&m) Milton Drake (co-author)
Al Hoffman (co-author)
Lawrence Welk (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
Victory Twins (perf.)
Jesters (perf.)
Eddy Howard (perf.)
Merry Macs (perf.)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Bing Crosby (perf.)
sm15.gif They Just Chopped Down the Old Apple Tree (1943) James Francis McHugh Harold Adamson (words)
Georgia Carroll (perf.)
Joan Davis (perf.)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Marcy McGuire (perf.)
Mischa Auer (perf.)
sm15.gif Through a Long and Sleepless Night (1949) Alfred Newman Mack Gordon (words)
Celeste Holm (perf.)
Elsa Lanchester (perf.)
Hugh Marlowe (perf.)
Loretta Young (perf.)
Thomas Gomez (perf.)
sm15.gif Do the New York (1931) Ben Oakland(w&m) J. P. Murray (co-author)
Barry Trivers (co-author)
sm15.gif Take It From There (1942) Ralph Rainger Leo Robin (words)
sm15.gif Thirty-Two Feet and Eight Little Rails (1951) John Redmond James Cavanaugh (co-author)
Frank Weldon (co-author)
Gene Autry (perf.)
sm15.gif And So to Bed (1932) Harry Revel Mack Gordon (words)
Ethel Shutta (perf.)
sm15.gif Cigarettes, Cigars! (1931) Harry Revel Mack Gordon (words)
sm15.gif Let's K'nock K'nees (1931) Harry Revel Mack Gordon (words)
sm15.gif Listen to the German Band (1932) Harry Revel Mack Gordon (words)
sm15.gif Walkin' on Air (1931) Harry Revel Mack Gordon (words)
sm15.gif Your Sunny Southern Smile (1931) Harry Revel Mack Gordon (words)
sm15.gif Ol' Debbil Microphone (1933) Willard Robison(w&m)
sm15.gif Ruby (1953) Heinz Roemheld Mitchell Parish (words)
sm15.gif Candy Parade (1931), The Ann Ronell(w&m)
sm15.gif  Orange Blossom Lane (1941) Peter de Rose(w&m) Mitchell Parish (co-author)
Nick Kenny (co-author)
sm15.gif Orchids For Remembrance (1940) Peter de Rose Mitchell Parish (words)
Matt Malneck (perf.)
sm15.gif Two Loves Have I (1930) Vincent Scotto Geo. Koger (words)
H. Varna (words)
J.P. Murray (words)
Barry Trivers (words)
Frankie Carle (perf.)
Buddy Clark (perf.)
sm15.gif Gonna Get a Girl (1927) Howard Simon Al Lewis (words)
Tony Pastor (perf.)
sm15.gif Kiss Goodnight (1945), A Freddie Slack Floyd Victor (co-author)
R. N. Herman (co-author)
Woody Herman (perf.)
Dinah Shore (perf.)
Connie Haines (perf.)
sm15.gif Broadway Reverie (1931) Dave Stamper Gene Buck (words)
sm15.gif Picture Bride (1931), The Dave Stamper Hugo Riesenfeld (co-author)
Gene Buck (words)
sm15.gif And Then You Kissed Me (1944) Jule Styne Sammy Cahn (words)
Frank Sinatra (perf.)
George Murphy (perf.)
sm15.gif As Years Go By (1947) Charles Tobias(w&m) Peter De Rose (co-author)
Katharine Hepburn (perf.)
Paul Henreid (perf.)
Robert Walker (perf.)
sm15.gif Dig-Dig-Dig Dig For Your Dinner (1950) Harry Warren Mack Gordon (words)
Judy Garland (perf.)
Gene Kelly (perf.)
sm15.gif You Wonderful You (1950) Harry Warren Jack Brooks (words)
Saul Chaplin (words)
Gene Kelly (perf.)
Judy Garland (perf.)
sm15.gif Franklin D. Roosevelt March (1933) William Woodin John Mercer (words)
sm15.gif Spring Is in My Heart Again (1932) William Woodin John Mercer (words)
Paul Whiteman (perf.)
Gladys Swarthout (perf.)
sm15.gif Through the Years (1932) Vincent Millie Youmans Ed Heyman (co-author)
Gladys Swarthout (perf.)